Eternal Existence

Chapter 395: Alchemy

"It turns out that this is a high-ranking human immortal, but it seems to be a little weaker." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Hmph, what do you know? This guy's cultivation has been controlled by me. Otherwise, I can kill you with just one look from him. Human beings and immortals, although they are not immortals, have a trace of immortality. Compared to the gods, The human realm monk has gained another level of life characteristics," Ta said.

Soon, the monk in white clothes woke up. After waking up, the monk in white clothes opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood. This mouthful of blood was not caused by Chen Feng, but was made alive.

"Little bastard!" The monk in white still stared at Chen Feng with a look that could kill, and his pupils turned blood red.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that one day I would be able to deal with a human immortal, but it seems like your bones are very hard. In this case, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Feng said, stretching out his palms and tying them to the monk in white. The longevity chain on his body immediately extended and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"Swallow it for me." Chen Feng used the sky-swallowing absorption technique and began to devour and plunder the vitality essence in this human immortal's body.

Sure enough, an extremely powerful force was pulled out of the white-clothed monk's body and passed into Chen Feng's body along the chain of immortality.

"Such a powerful force, worthy of being an immortal." After just absorbing a little bit, Chen Feng felt that his whole body was bulging. If he absorbed more, he would definitely burst.

Chen Feng sighed in his heart, knowing that there was a huge gap between himself and the human immortal. It would probably be a huge project to completely refine a human immortal.

"What, you are actually absorbing my power. You are seeking death. You are not afraid of bursting yourself." The monk in white roared.

"Yes, if you continue to absorb it, your power can indeed burst me, but I have other methods." Chen Feng said and stretched out his palm, and a ball of energy began to condense in his palm.

This is the energy that Chen Feng extracted from the human immortal's body.


The Tower of Eternal Life began to shake, and then the space in front of Chen Feng shook, and a simple and elegant alchemy furnace gradually appeared in front of Chen Feng.

This alchemy furnace is full of light, with various patterns of heaven and earth constantly appearing, and magical talismans are looming on the alchemy furnace.

This is the longevity furnace that Chen Feng condensed with the help of the power of the Eternal Life Tower. Although Chen Feng can still condense the longevity furnace with his cultivation level, it is not so magical, let alone used to refine the human immortal in front of him.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the ball of energy in his hand was immediately thrown into the longevity furnace.


The Immortality Furnace began to be refined independently, and Chen Feng did not stop and continued to extract the power from the human immortal in front of him.

As the strength continued to decrease, the white-clothed monk finally became frightened.

"Stop, stop quickly." The white-clothed monk roared, with a trace of panic flashing in his eyes.

Chen Feng ignored the other party and continued to extract the power from the white-clothed monk's body. Finally, the elixir in the longevity furnace was refined.

A crystal-clear elixir exuding luster fell into Chen Feng's hand. He carefully felt the strong medicinal power in the elixir. Chen Feng smiled and said: "It's just an earth-level elixir. I thought it would be a heaven-level elixir. Look. You, a human being, are not that good."

Then Chen Feng took out some elixirs and threw them into the longevity furnace, and began to mix them with human and immortal essence to refine them.

Sure enough, not long after, another elixir was refined. Sure enough, the quality of this elixir was better than the previous one, but it was still an earth-level elixir.

Whoosh whoosh!

As pills fell into Chen Feng's hands one after another, the white-clothed monk's face became more and more decadent. After all, these pills were refined with his own power.

"What a cruel little guy." The white-clothed monk looked at Chen Feng and said through gritted teeth.

"Haha, believe it or not, I will fuck you." Chen Feng said, speeding up the absorption again.

Soon, several more pills fell into Chen Feng's hands.

Chen Feng took out a vial. Put these newly refined elixirs in. Although these elixirs are not at the heaven level, they have reached the ninth level of the earth level. This is a good thing for Chen Feng, even if he wants to take it. Refining also takes a while.

"Okay, boy, stop it. What do you want to do?" At this time, the white-clothed monk finally compromised. Only the murderous intent was hidden deep in his eyes. There was no way. Although the power lost just now was not much, if If you continue like this, you will definitely be able to suck yourself into a human being. Think about it, you are a human being. If you are finally sucked into a human being by a young monk in the secret realm, you will definitely be laughed out of your mouth, and you will be on the ground. The government will not be reconciled.

"Now that you are honest, it doesn't matter. I will spare you for the time being and deal with you when I have time." Chen Feng said and disappeared in a flash. The next moment, Chen Feng had already arrived in the outside world.

It turned out that the Eternal Life Tower had stopped traveling and landed on a hilltop. Chen Feng was holding the Eternal Life Tower in his hands, his eyes were like lightning, and he was constantly observing his surroundings.

Then Chen Feng shook his hand, and Jian Xiaotian and others flew out of the Tower of Eternal Life and landed in front of Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen!" Looking at the Eternal Life Tower in Chen Feng's hand, everyone's eyes showed shock.

Chen Feng nodded, then put the Eternal Life Tower away, and then said: "Now let's discuss the journey below."

"What level of existence is this nine-story tower? It shouldn't be a holy weapon. Could it be a Taoist weapon, or really an immortal weapon?" The white-robed monk immediately took a breath of cold air when he thought of the immortal weapon.

"If it is really an immortal weapon, I will definitely not be able to get out now. It's all my fault for being greedy and tempted by the treasure. I'm afraid I will be trapped here to death." The white-robed monk felt even more unwilling when he thought of this.

He had experienced countless hardships and encountered countless battles before finally cultivating to the realm of human immortals. He only thought that he could ascend to the immortal world with great progress in his cultivation in the future, but he didn't expect that he would be trapped in it just by a casual move today.

"What is the way to escape?" The white-robed monk began to think constantly.

At this time, Chen Feng and others had arrived at a small town. In the largest restaurant in the town, Chen Feng and his people sat together.

Originally, Chen Feng and his three people faced the pursuit of the crowd at the beginning, but now there are five brothers of the Tao family and three demon sword knights, a total of eleven people, which makes Chen Feng's team stronger.

"I am being hunted down now, it is not appropriate for you to follow me." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"We will follow you till death." The Tao brothers said in a deep voice, with a resolute look on their faces.

The three demon sword knights looked at each other and said; "Yes, if someone comes to kill us, the worst that can happen is that we fight to the death with the other party."

"Hehe, it's not that simple. You should know that our crime this time is Jiuxiao Palace. Needless to say, you all know the power of Jiuxiao Palace. Unless we can leave Beiyuan, we will definitely face many dangers next.

"Master, let us follow you. Besides, Taoshan is gone now, and we brothers have nowhere to go. "Tao Lao Da suddenly said.

Chen Feng also frowned. In fact, it was not impossible for Chen Feng to take everyone with him in his current situation. After all, the Changsheng Tower was a world, which was enough for these people to stay in. However, Chen Feng had a hunch that his road would not be smooth. Even if these people hid in the Changsheng Tower, they would not be safe.

At this time, a group of cultivators walked into the restaurant and came directly to the floor where Chen Feng and others were. You should know that Chen Feng and others were on the top floor of the restaurant. The windows were spacious and bright, and they could see the scenery outside very well.

There were eighteen cultivators in this group, and a suave young man was surrounded by a group of cultivators.

"Today, my son has booked this restaurant. The wine is being made. Please make room quickly." A loud voice roared.

The whole restaurant suddenly became lively with a bang. Some people were dissatisfied, but more people left quickly, obviously recognizing the origin of this group of cultivators.

"Who are you? So arrogant. What can I do if I don't let you? ”

There are all kinds of people in the restaurant, and naturally there are those who are not afraid of trouble.

“Hey, there are still people here who dare to go against our Iron Hand Sect. I think they don’t want to live anymore.” The loud voice standing next to the young master continued to shout.

When the cultivator who had just expressed dissatisfaction heard about the Iron Hand Sect, he immediately shut up. Not long after, the entire restaurant had three floors, and everyone except the table where Chen Feng was sitting had left.

“Hey! There are still people here? Why don’t you leave quickly? Are you tired of living?” A cultivator in green came to Chen Feng and others and slammed the table and shouted.

“Get out! "

Tao Lao San shouted coldly, and the green-clothed cultivator retreated again and again, and finally sat on the ground, his face pale, and blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth.

Before these people came to the restaurant, Chen Feng already knew the cultivators of these people. Except for the young man in the middle who was a cultivator of the first level of the heavenly man, the others were cultivators of the secret realm. The green-clothed cultivator who was repelled by Tao Lao San's voice just now had just condensed the soul fire.

However, Chen Feng still felt a little strange: "This small place actually has so many secret realm cultivators, and there is also a cultivator of the heavenly man realm. It's a bit strange, right? "

You should know that when Chen Feng was in Black Source City, it was rare to see a cultivator in the Secret Realm.

Hua La La!

Seeing their own people being injured, the cultivators surrounding the young master all rushed up and surrounded Chen Feng and others. Killing intent flashed in their eyes, waiting for the young master's order to kill all these people.

Chen Feng and others certainly did not take these people seriously. After all, these people were too weak. Any one person from Chen Feng's side could kill them all.

"Return to me." At this time, the young master finally spoke. Although his voice was flat, Chen Feng still heard a trace of panic from it.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, it was my fault. Please forgive me." The young master stepped forward and saluted Chen Feng and others.

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