Eternal Existence

Chapter 393: Brutal

There were thirteen cultivators who had just rushed into Taoshan. After entering, they immediately showed a look of surprise on their faces as they felt the immortal energy around them.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I entered the immortal mountain, and there was immortal energy all around. If I could continue to cultivate here, I would have a chance to be promoted to a human immortal." The one who laughed was the cultivator from Jian Ge.

"No, no, don't be happy so early, I feel that something is wrong here." A cultivator from Tianchi Sect said cautiously.

"I don't think there is anything wrong. There is immortal energy all around here. It's a good time to practice." Then a cultivator actually opened his arms and began to absorb the immortal energy around him to practice.

This is an extremely powerful casual cultivator. He just rushed to the front and broke in. He was very proud of himself.

"The immortal energy here is rapidly dissipating and seems to be gathering in one place." Another cultivator said. This cultivator was from Xingluo Sect.

"Let's go and see what happened in front of us?"

"Humph, it's really a damaged immortal weapon." Ta snorted coldly. Just now, during the process of refining Taoshan, Taoshan had a gap, causing immortal energy to leak out. Although it was successfully repaired in the end, Ta still felt very unhappy.

"Someone came in." At this time, Chen Feng heard Ta's voice.

"Why did someone come in again? Who is it?" Chen Feng frowned.

"Thirteen Tianren realm cultivators, the lowest of whom have survived six thunder tribulations." Ta said.

"What, so many masters." Chen Feng was surprised.

"What's so surprising? It must be caused by the change in Taoshan." Ta said.

"It actually attracted so many masters, trouble, it's really troublesome." Chen Feng said.

"What's the trouble, just kill them directly." Ta said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng felt that the Changsheng Tower shook violently, and then began to travel quickly in space, and the next moment it arrived in front of this group of cultivators.

Chen Feng could clearly see the situation outside through the Changsheng Tower, and sure enough, he saw twelve cultivators flying quickly in the air.

"These people should be the elders of the major sects, right?" Chen Feng guessed.

"Why bother so much, just kill them directly." After the tower said this, the Longevity Tower suppressed these monks.

"Not good, retreat quickly." The twelve monks immediately felt the danger, but it was too late, because a powerful force enveloped the surrounding space, making these people unable to move at all.


The Longevity Tower just shook in the air, and the twelve monks immediately turned into blood dances. Then the Longevity Tower emitted a powerful suction force, absorbing these blood dances completely.

Not long after, Chen Feng saw pills floating in front of him. Chen Feng saw at a glance that these were essence pills, and the grade was earth level.

In addition to these pills, there were various magic weapons floating in the Longevity Tower. Without asking, you know that they were left by these monks.

"You refined these cultivators into essence pills?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, then took out a medicine bottle and put these pills in. There were a total of twelve essence pills. Chen Feng could feel the surging power in each pill. Chen Feng knew that each pill was the essence of a cultivator's body.

"Not bad, not bad. My strength is constantly increasing now. It is still very simple to refine some pills." The tower was a little proud.

"There is another one in front." Soon the Longevity Tower came to the casual cultivator again. At this time, the casual cultivator was greedily absorbing the fairy energy around him. When he felt the danger, the Longevity Tower was already above his head.


The casual cultivator only had time to scream before he was shaken into a blood mist by the Longevity Tower, and then transformed into an essence pill and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"Tower, it should be almost done, right?" Chen Feng asked.

"One stick of incense time." The tower answered very straightforwardly.

After the tower spoke, Chen Feng immediately felt that the Changsheng Tower was shaking violently, and at the same time, there were dull sounds roaring from all parts of the Changsheng Tower, which made Chen Feng feel confused and dizzy.

Looking at the others, nothing happened, and Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a little curious.


What surprised Chen Feng happened next. The rich fairy air in the Changsheng Tower disappeared completely within a breath, and even the various spiritual medicines planted by Chen Feng began to wither, and the spiritual energy and medicinal energy in them were constantly consumed.

"Tower, what happened?" Chen Feng couldn't help asking.

"Hahahahaha, I finally recovered to the level of a holy weapon, hahahaha, I didn't expect that I finally saw hope after being silent for so many years." The tower laughed wildly, and the sound kept echoing in the first floor of the tower, and Jian Xiaotian and others who were practicing were awakened.

"Hey, who is talking, strange, why is the fairy air around gone?" Jian Xiaotian looked around strangely.

"Maybe it's the spirit of the weapon?" Lin Shaokun whispered at this time.

"What, weapon spirit!" Jian Xiaotian opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Ta, are you okay?" Chen Feng asked worriedly after hearing Ta's wild laughter.

"What can happen to me? I'm fine now. Fortunately, I have these immortal energy. Otherwise, I don't know when I can recover to the level of a holy weapon?" Ta's voice still didn't calm down.

"But you have drained all the immortal energy in the tower. How can I practice?" Chen Feng said with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, the immortal energy is enough for you to practice." As the tower said this, Chen Feng immediately saw a stream of rich immortal energy falling from the top of his head, drowning everyone in it in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on? What should we do with this piece? We can't get in."

"Everyone join forces and forcefully break open Taoshan."

"It's not that simple. This is really a bargain for those guys. The good things inside must have been snatched away by them first."

"Hey! Look, Taoshan is shrinking." At this time, a cultivator shouted.

"It's really shrinking, Taoshan is shrinking, what's going on?" Everyone exclaimed.

Taoshan just shrank slowly at first, and finally began to speed up. In less than an incense stick of time, a mountain peak actually became only the size of a palm, and it was surrounded by a group of flowing light, and it was unclear what was going on.

"Oh no, Taoshan is about to disappear."

"My junior brother is still inside, what should we do with this piece?"

"What happened, why did it become like this?"


The last group of Taoshan suddenly exploded, and a strong wave rushed out in all directions. The monks in the front rolled back under this shock wave.

A simple nine-story small tower suddenly appeared in the air, and the Taoshan that was standing here just now disappeared.

"A pagoda." Someone exclaimed,

"Immortal weapon, this must be an immortal weapon."

"Mine, this immortal weapon is mine." Everyone was stunned when they saw the Changsheng Tower, and then they all showed greed in their eyes. They all rushed towards the Changsheng Tower with their teeth and claws. This is an immortal weapon. If they can refine it, they will be able to travel across the eternal world in the future, and it is not impossible to break through the air and ascend to the immortal world in the future.

"Get out!"

At this time, a strong, domineering, majestic, and ethereal voice broke out from the Changsheng Tower. Just this one word, dozens of monks in the front were all shaken to pieces, and then a suction force enveloped them, absorbing the floating corpses in the air.

"Leave it to me!" At this time, Sun Wenxuan shouted loudly, and the Blood Luo Knife in his hand turned into a blood shadow in the sky and slashed towards the Longevity Tower.

"This weapon is good." Chen Feng said in the Longevity Tower.

"In this case, then take it." The tower laughed.

The blood shadow in the sky suddenly disappeared before it hit the Longevity Tower, and even the Blood Luo Knife disappeared.

"Where is my Blood Luo Knife, where is my Blood Luo Knife?" At this time, Sun Wenxuan was already screaming in fear, because Sun Wenxuan could no longer feel the breath of the Blood Luo Knife.


The Longevity Tower hit Sun Wenxuan, and with a bang, Sun Wenxuan, who had survived eight thunder tribulations, turned directly into a blood mist.

Then the Longevity Tower suddenly became larger, becoming hundreds of feet long, like a mountain rushing towards the crowd.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the impact of the Longevity Tower, there were constantly cultivators exploding and turning into blood mist, and then their essence was completely absorbed by the Longevity Tower.

No matter how powerful the cultivators were, they all became ants in front of the Longevity Tower, and resistance and struggle were useless.


It was really too cruel!

"Quickly retreat, quick retreat!" Hua Zhuliu and Lei Batian all changed color, and kept shouting and flying away. At the same time, they were glad that they were far away and did not get close, otherwise they would be smashed into pieces after a contact.

At this time, Chen Feng was playing with the Blood Luo Knife in the Longevity Tower. The whole long knife was blood red, as if it was condensed from blood, and it constantly exuded a bloodthirsty and violent breath. Even Chen Feng's firm mind felt a little shaken.

"It turned out to be a holy weapon, no wonder it is so powerful." Chen Feng exclaimed.

One by one, the essence pills and blood pills filled with powerful medicinal power kept rolling in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng was surprised and secretly shocked. He didn't expect the tower to be so murderous. You know, almost all the elders and elites of the major sects are outside. The collision of the Changsheng Tower has killed many people. If the major sects know that it was done by him, then he will really have no way to escape in the future. At that time, he will not only face the pursuit of Jiuxiao Palace, but also the pursuit of the entire Beiyuan.

"Tower, it's almost done, we should go." Chen Feng said loudly.

"Hahaha, let's go now. I haven't killed so happily for a long time, hahaha." The tower laughed.

"Didn't you say that you don't even care about immortal weapons? Why do you still care about these little cultivators? Isn't it too embarrassing?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Humph, you ungrateful kid, I'm doing this for your own good, forget it. It's almost done, it's time to go." The tower said dissatisfiedly.

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