Eternal Existence

Chapter 384: Cultivation

"Taoshan, Taoshan, what is the origin of this mountain?" The white-robed elder said, floating in the air and looking at Taoshan below.

"It should not have any origin, it's just an ordinary mountain." The black-robed elder shook his head. The two of them had used their soul power to search Taoshan carefully, and naturally they didn't see any strange places.

"Should we dig this mountain open? Maybe there is a cave in the mountain." The white-robed elder suggested.

"Let's wait a little longer. In this way, I will contact the sect now and let the sect's seniors calculate it again." The black-robed elder said.

"That's the only way. Let's wait a few days. No one in the Beiyuan area has offended our Jiuxiao Palace and can escape." The white-robed elder said.

"By the way, Taiyi Sect seems to have no reaction yet. I wonder how the head of Taiyi Sect will deal with this matter after he comes out of retreat?" The black-robed elder said.

"Hmph, does Taiyi Sect dare to offend our Jiuxiao Palace? If Jiuxiao Palace doesn't give us a reasonable explanation, we will just go to war, but I don't think Taiyi Sect has the courage to do that." The white-robed elder said.

"It's hard to say. The head of Taiyi Sect is not easy to mess with." The black-robed elder shook his head.

"The head of Taiyi Sect, Wanjiecheng, is indeed powerful, but he is the head of a sect. He must think about the sect before doing anything. He will definitely not come here impulsively to offend our Jiuxiao Palace." The white-robed elder laughed.

"According to reliable information, the one named Jian Xiaotian is from the Tianjian Sect in the Central Plains. The Tianjian Sect is a famous sect in the Central Plains. In terms of strength, it is even stronger than our Jiuxiao Palace. If we kill Jian Xiaotian, will it cause trouble for our Jiuxiao Palace?" The black-robed elder frowned and said.

"If the Tianjian Sect had the ability, it would have dealt with the Jian Pavilion long ago. It has been dragging on until now. Well, this matter is not something we can worry about. At most, we can capture Jian Xiaotian and let the sect deal with him." The white-robed elder thought for a while and said.

While some cultivators from the Jiuxiao Palace and other places outside were searching, Chen Feng and the other two were still practicing peacefully in Taoshan.

Lin Shaokun was the first of the three to react. After a few months, Lin Shaokun stood up suddenly, and the long stick in his hand began to grow. With a single wave of his hand, pieces of stick shadows filled the sky. Then Lin Shaokun's figure floated quickly, and in the blink of an eye he was thousands of feet away.

During this period of practice, Lin Shaokun felt that he had benefited a lot, and there were signs of a breakthrough, but he was afraid of affecting Chen Feng and the others, so he practiced in the distance.

Then Jian Xiaotian also stood up, exhaled a long breath, and couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect that my realm would be stable in such a short time."

Generally speaking, it takes some time to stabilize the cultivation after surviving the thunder tribulation, but now because of the absorption of immortal energy, Jian Xiaotian's cultivation time has been greatly shortened.

Moreover, there are many benefits to practicing in the immortal energy. The most important point is that the whole person feels like being reborn.

Jian Xiaotian felt this way at this time. He felt that his whole body became light and agile, but the strength in his body was constantly increasing. Feeling the surging power in his body, Jian Xiaotian was so excited that he wanted to roar loudly.

But looking at Chen Feng not far away, Jian Xiaotian held back again. Then he waved his hand, and the giant sword behind him turned into a stream of light hovering in front of him. Jian Xiaotian flew up and stepped on the giant sword to fly far away quickly. Only a bright light flashed in the air and disappeared.

At this time, only Chen Feng was left practicing quietly. Although he seemed quiet on the surface, Chen Feng's body had undergone a sea of ​​changes.

The acupoints opened up by Chen Feng, including the Yiyuan acupoint, the magnetic pole acupoint, the Sanxing acupoint, the Siji acupoint, the Wuxing acupoint, the Liuhe acupoint, the Qiqiao acupoint, and the Bagua acupoint, all started to operate. One vortex seemed to be connected to a bottomless pit, and the endless immortal energy was absorbed into these acupoints.

After Lin Shaokun and Jian Xiaotian left, Chen Feng continued to absorb and refine the immortal energy from the outside world.


Chen Feng's mind moved, and the Longevity Tower, hundreds of miles away, shook slightly, and a turquoise light came out, streaking a green light in the space and flying towards Chen Feng. In just a few breaths, this green light traveled hundreds of miles to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a turquoise cane. This was a magic weapon that Chen Feng had snatched from the Poison Gang Cave Master before. It was called the Green Poison Light Cane, and it was a first-grade treasure.

Chen Feng moved his palm, and a stream of true energy spread out. The Green Poison Light Cane immediately drilled into Chen Feng's body, and then quickly moved, and recently entered the North Pole Point among the Four Extreme Points.

The method of acupuncture was activated. At first, the green poisonous staff was still beating, and it had to get out of Chen Feng's body first. However, as the North Pole acupoint continued to beat, it soon became quiet, and finally it kept circling in the North Pole acupoint. The treasure and the acupoint began to echo and merge with each other, and the power of Chen Feng began to increase significantly.

A few days later, Chen Feng's mind moved again, and the Longevity Tower in the distance shook again. A stream of light flew out of the tower, and soon a long sword flashing with spiritual light appeared in Chen Feng's hand.

This long sword was the Flowing Light Sword that Chen Feng lent to Luo Bo during the competition. It was a second-grade treasure and a long sword of good quality.

As Chen Feng's power was running, the Flowing Light Sword began to shrink slowly, and finally turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's body, and then entered the Jing acupoint in the Six Harmonies Gate.

Chen Feng's power surged again, and the speed of absorbing immortal energy became faster and faster.

"This guy, other things are not so good, but he has good luck." At this time, the Longevity Tower was hovering in a group of mountains hundreds of miles away, looking like it was looking for something.

It took Chen Feng nearly ten days to refine the Flowing Light Sword. He was immersed in the practice and didn't feel the passage of time at all. Sometimes, in order to enjoy the process of practice, Chen Feng even felt that time passed too fast.

After refining the Flowing Light Sword, Chen Feng felt that the power in his body had increased to a peak, and he knew that he couldn't keep absorbing it, so he began to stop and slowly stood up.

Then, the Zhoutian domain suddenly unfolded, with Chen Feng as the origin, and continued to expand and spread to the surroundings, until it expanded to a thousand meters away before stopping.

"This period of cultivation is equivalent to several years in the outside world. The difference caused by the different spiritual energy quality is too big. It's like two cultivators, one has been cultivating in the fairyland since childhood, and the other has been cultivating in the ordinary world with scarce spiritual energy. Then the achievements of these two people are simply incomparable. No wonder so many people's ultimate goal is to ascend to the fairyland. The fairyland is the ultimate stage for all cultivation." Chen Feng's mind was full of thoughts.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng communicated with the Longevity Tower again. This time, it was not a magic weapon that flew out of the Longevity Tower, but three cultivators who were previously subdued by Chen Feng.

These three people are the Demon Sword Knight, the Beast Driving Master, and the Soul-Bewitching Cave Master. Although they were subdued, in fact, these three people were subdued by Chen Feng using coercive means. In order to avoid causing some unnecessary trouble, they have been locked up in the Longevity Tower. In fact, Chen Feng just remembered it, otherwise he would have released these three people as soon as he came in.

"I forgot about the three of them." Chen Feng shook his head.

"What is this place?" The Demon Sword Knight rode on the black tiger and looked around in confusion.

"Such a strong spiritual energy, no, this is not ordinary spiritual energy." Master Qushou took a deep breath and almost became intoxicated.

"Look, this tower." The master of Mihun Cave looked at the floating Longevity Tower in front of him with doubts in his eyes.

"You three, come here!" At this time, Chen Feng's voice came from the minds of the three people, so the three of them were shocked at the same time, looked at each other quickly, and flew in the direction of Chen Feng.

Not long after, the three of them arrived in front of Chen Feng.

"Hello, young master!" The three of them saluted Chen Feng at the same time. There was no way, Chen Feng controlled the lives of these three people. If Chen Feng was unhappy, Chen Feng could destroy these three people with just one thought.

"Well, you can sense the situation around you, right?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"Yes, the spiritual energy here is very special." Master Qushou said.

"This is not ordinary spiritual energy, what you sense is fairy energy." Chen Feng said.

"Fairy energy!" Master Qushou and the three looked at each other, with surprise and a hint of excitement in their eyes.

"Is this the fairyland?" The Demon Sword Knight guessed.

"This is not the fairyland, but the fairy energy here is genuine. Okay, don't ask too much. This is a rare opportunity. If you practice here, one day is equivalent to a year outside. You should practice quickly." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he ignored the three people and flew away.

"It's really fairy energy." After Chen Feng left, the three people of the Demon Sword Knight were so excited that they almost jumped up.

"Luck, it's really great luck." The Demon Sword Knight's face was red with excitement.

"Yes, I didn't expect it to be fairy energy. This is the fairyland spiritual energy that only human immortals can absorb." The Lord of the Soul-Bending Cave also had bright eyes.

"Hey, although it is an opportunity, don't forget that we are controlled by others." The Beast-Driver shook his head and sighed.

Hearing this, the happy expressions of the Lord of the Soul-Bending Cave and the Demon Sword Knight immediately disappeared and turned into a bitter smile.

"Why, Master Driven Beast, do you have other thoughts?" The Lord of the Soul-Bending Cave rolled his eyes and said.

"Of course not, how dare I have other thoughts." The Beast-Driver smiled with emotion.

"Although I don't know what restrictions Chen Feng has placed on us, I know that everything we have is subject to Chen Feng. Even if Chen Feng only has a thought, he can make us die. So I advise you two not to have any other thoughts." The Soul-Seizing Cave Lord said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, maybe following the young master is an opportunity. Look, isn't it a great fortune now?" The Demon Sword Knight laughed loudly, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Not bad, not bad, don't waste time, the opportunity is rare, it's better to practice quickly." The Beast-Driver also laughed.

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