Eternal Existence

Chapter 385: Discovery of clues

Not to mention how the three demon sword knights practiced, Chen Feng had already reached a thousand miles away after a rapid flight in the air.

"Is this really the interior of the immortal weapon? How can there be such a large space? This is simply a world." Chen Feng couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Humph, what's the big deal? The immortal weapon can be a world of its own." At this time, the voice of the tower suddenly sounded in Chen Feng's mind.

Chen Feng naturally didn't feel strange to hear the voice of the tower. Although Chen Feng didn't completely refine the immortal tower, the immortal tower was Chen Feng's real life magic weapon. When he was very young, the immortal tower was hung on Chen Feng's chest. This was Chen Feng's only and most important thing, and it could no longer be represented by a magic weapon.

"Then can you form a world of your own?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Hahaha." The tower suddenly laughed, and Chen Feng could feel that the immortal tower was shaking slightly.

"Don't say a world, even a hundred big worlds in the immortal tower is a piece of cake." The tower laughed.

"The premise is to restore the strength." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hahaha, kid, hurry up and practice as soon as possible. You can't stay here forever." At this time, Ta suddenly said.

"Why?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"Did you forget that I want to use this broken fairy weapon to restore my strength." Ta said with a smile.

"Can you really do it?" Chen Feng was a little surprised and excited.

"Of course." Ta said.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring Luta and the others this time. Otherwise, if I practiced here, I might be able to break through a few levels." Chen Feng shook his head and continued to fly forward, because Chen Feng had already felt Lin Shaokun's breath.

"Brother Lin." Chen Feng soon found Lin Shaokun.

At this time, Lin Shaokun's breath continued to flourish, and any cultivator could feel the powerful power contained in Lin Shaokun's body.

Seeing Chen Feng, Lin Shaokun's eyes immediately shone with brilliance, and then he waved his hand, and a stick shadow simply and directly hit Chen Feng.

"Take my stick!"

Facing Lin Shaokun's attack, Chen Feng did not retreat, but stretched out one hand, and the force point in his body began to surge, and he was actually going to take Lin Shaokun's long stick with his bare hands.


The long stick hit Chen Feng's palm heavily, and a strong force went into Chen Feng's body along his arm.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Chen Feng was fine, but huge cracks began to appear on the ground under his feet. Then the earth suddenly exploded, and the soil kept rolling and flying, as if a giant dragon drilled out from the ground. Then, with Chen Feng as the center, waves of power rushed to the surroundings, and Chen Feng's figure kept falling, and finally fell below the ground level.

Dengdengdengdeng! .

Lin Shaokun retreated repeatedly, looking at the huge deep pit in front of him that he had smashed out, and couldn't help but be a little dazed, and Chen Feng stood in the center of the deep pit.

"What happened?" At this time, Jian Xiaotian also flew over, and was also stunned when he saw the situation in front of him.

"Nothing, just sparring with each other." Chen Feng flew out and landed in front of the two people, and he didn't seem to be hurt.

"Chen Feng is really a monster." Lin Shaokun finally spoke.

"It seems that everyone has gained a lot this time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, if I continue to practice here, I'm afraid I can continue to pass the tribulation in no time, but I don't know if there is a thunder tribulation here." Jian Xiao said.

"Yes, if I can continue to practice in this environment, I can also pass the thunder tribulation in a short time and make my cultivation further. But Brother Chen, your internal power is very strong now, but why haven't you advanced?" Lin Shaokun looked at Chen Feng and asked curiously.

"Hehe, this is because of my practice method." Chen Feng smiled, and naturally couldn't tell the existence of the Changsheng Zhenjing.

"Brother Chen can kill a thunder tribulation cultivator only in the eighth level of the secret realm. If he passes the thunder tribulation, I don't know how powerful he will be." Jian Xiaotian praised.

"Hehe, by the way, have you found anything else?" Chen Feng changed the subject.

"Except for the spiritual energy around, other places seem to be no different from the outside world, but the strange thing is that except for some plants, there is no living creature." Jian Xiao said.

"Yes, it is indeed a bit strange. I haven't seen a spirit beast so far." Lin Shaokun said.

"I heard from the tower that this immortal weapon is damaged, so it must have been caused by the fight. Maybe the creatures in the immortal weapon were affected by the fight?" Chen Feng guessed secretly.

"Let's take a look around. Since it is an immortal weapon, there must be some good things." Chen Feng said.

Outside Taoshan, the two elders of Jiuxiao Palace received news from the sect again.

"It's still in Taoshan. What's going on? Could it be that the sect's news is wrong?" The black-robed elder couldn't help but say.

"It's definitely not. The old guys who use the calculation technique are much more powerful than us. It's just calculating three young monks. How could they make mistakes?" The white-robed elder shook his head and said.

"But this Taoshan has been turned upside down by us, and there is nothing strange about it." The black-robed elder said strangely.

"Yes, upside down, it should be upside down." The white-robed elder's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

Then the two elders began to work together to cast spells. They floated on both ends of the mountain, one on the left and one on the right. Then they stretched out their hands and grabbed the mountainside with four huge palms.

Both elders had survived seven thunder tribulations. Not to mention the Tao Mountain in front of them, even a thousand-foot mountain that was higher could be uprooted.

"Get out of the way quickly, the elders are going to pull up Tao Mountain." Seeing the actions of the two elders, the core disciples of Jiuxiao Palace all scattered far away.

But the result made everyone open their eyes wide.

Tao Mountain did not move at all. The two elders felt a little embarrassed, so they used their magic power again. Finally, the two of them made a series of roaring sounds in their bodies, like a volcano erupting. This was a phenomenon caused by the use of magic power, but the result was that Tao Mountain in front of them remained motionless.

"What's going on?" This is when the two finally realized that Tao Mountain was not that simple.

Even if this mountain was ten times higher, even if it could not be pulled up, it could not remain motionless, so the two determined that there must be some unknown problems with this mountain.

The gathering of the people of Jiuxiao Palace at Taoshan had already attracted the attention of other cultivators. Naturally, everyone would think that Chen Feng and the other two were hiding in Taoshan, so many scattered cultivators gathered around and watched the disciples of Jiuxiao Palace constantly turning around Taoshan, thinking that they could find Chen Feng and the other two soon. However, as time passed, these scattered cultivators felt a little bored. Now they saw that the two elders of Jiuxiao Palace wanted to pull up Taoshan, and everyone was even more curious.

But when they saw that the two couldn't even pull up Taoshan in the end, everyone was more secretly laughing.

Taoshan didn't move at all, and the people of Jiuxiao Palace also felt a little embarrassed, feeling that there seemed to be a lot of mocking eyes looking at themselves and others around.

"What are the two elders doing?" A group of core disciples were a little confused.

The two elders were also bitter. They had clearly used up all their strength, but they couldn't shake the hill in front of them. So the white-robed elder was depressed, and waved his hand, and a thunderous handprint bombarded Taoshan in front of him.


A dull sound was heard, followed by a stream of light shooting out from Tao Mountain, so fast that it was almost faster than lightning, and even the white-robed elder could not dodge it.

Bang! "

The stream of light hit the white-robed elder heavily, just like a meteorite hitting an ordinary person. The white-robed elder immediately spit out blood and flew backwards.

"Not good!"

The black-robed elder's face changed drastically, and he quickly stepped forward and reached out to catch the white-robed elder. Feeling the injury on the white-robed elder's body, the black-robed elder became even more surprised.

"The elder is in trouble."

The core disciples of Jiuxiao Palace exclaimed, stepped forward one after another, and surrounded the two elders.

"Notify the sect immediately. "The elder in white robe said, and immediately took out a pill and put it in his mouth.

The elder in black robe nodded, and immediately used the special communication method of Jiuxiao Palace to simply convey the situation here.

After a long time, the elder in white robe struggled to stand up, looking at Taoshan in front of him, but his eyes showed a look of surprise, and he didn't care about the injury just now.

"Two elders!"

At this time, a core disciple stepped forward.

"You all disperse immediately and surround Taoshan. Don't let anyone get close. If anyone dares to get close, kill them immediately." The elder in white robe said in a deep voice.


Although they didn't understand what happened, everyone looked at the serious expressions of the two Zhang Lai and instinctively carried out the task.

"What happened just now?" The elder in black robe whispered.

"The attack power of the flowing light just now was stronger than the attack I launched, and the speed was extremely fast. I think it should be the same as Liuyun Xianshan. "Although the white-robed elder's face was still pale, his injuries were constantly recovering. For cultivators like them who had survived seven thunder tribulations, not only were they powerful, but their bodies were also tempered. If they had not suffered fatal injuries, they would have recovered quickly.

"So, we have found a treasure land." The black-robed elder's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Nine out of ten are true. Think about the flowing cloud fairy light of the flowing cloud fairy mountain, and think about the situation just now. We really encountered the fairy fate this time." The white-robed elder said excitedly.

"Not bad, not bad. I'm afraid that Chen Feng and the other two have entered Taoshan. I hope the sect will send people to arrive as soon as possible. If they attract other people, it will be a bit troublesome." The black-robed elder said.

"Hmph, is there any sect in Beiyuan that dares to challenge our Jiuxiao Palace. "The white-robed elder sneered.

Many monks who were watching from a distance or in the dark also saw what happened just now. They were not fools and could naturally see some clues. In addition, the people from Jiuxiao Palace surrounded Taoshan later, so everyone immediately understood that something was going to happen.

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