Eternal Existence

Chapter 383 Search

During the cultivation process, Chen Feng felt that as soon as he moved his mind, the surrounding immortal energy rolled in and drilled into his body.

After the immortal qi circulated for eight weeks, a trace of mucus began to flow out of Chen Feng's sweat pores. These were all impurities discharged from Chen Feng's body.

In fact, these impurities are not considered impurities for a cultivator of Chen Feng's realm. If it were not for the reason of absorbing immortal energy, Chen Feng would not be able to discharge these impurities even if he absorbed and refined 10,000 pieces of precious crystals.

This is just a high-level promotion and replacement, absorbing high-grade immortal energy. The spiritual energy absorbed and refined in the past is naturally ordinary waste gas.

During the cultivation process, Chen Feng felt that with the continuous absorption of immortal energy, the immortal qi became more active, and the speed of operation was constantly increasing. Chen Feng also felt that his body became purer and purer, and his flesh and blood became more and more compact and solid.

The cultivation speed was several times higher than before.

"If I had been practicing in this environment since I was a child, I would have survived the thunder tribulation by now, right?" Chen Feng said in his heart.

Feeling his cultivation becoming stronger and stronger, Chen Feng began to be distracted, and began to continue to cultivate quietly without caring whether there would be danger around him.

Time passed day by day, and Chen Feng and the other two had been cultivating desperately, and the flow of immortal energy around them had never stopped.

Soon, a month had passed.

Chen Feng and the other two were cultivating quietly in Taoshan, but they didn't know that the cultivation world outside had been in turmoil.

The biggest thing in Beiyuan during this period of time, apart from Liuyun Xianshan, was Chen Feng's killing of the core disciples of Jiuxiao Palace.

Jiuxiao Palace sent people to search for the traces of Chen Feng and the other two, and issued a reward in the cultivation world. As long as someone could catch or kill Chen Feng and the other two, no matter who it was, they would get a heavy reward from Jiuxiao Palace.

So the scattered cultivators in Beiyuan were alarmed. Sacred artifacts, heavenly-level techniques, and millions of precious crystals made most of the scattered cultivators jealous. Even some cultivators from major sects began to act secretly. A sacred artifact, what is this concept? Most small and medium-sized sects probably can't take it out.

Of course, some people secretly felt relieved and satisfied, thinking that Chen Feng was really bold and did a good job. After all, Jiuxiao Palace usually acted too arrogantly, and no one knew how many people he had offended. However, due to the power of Jiuxiao Palace, no one dared to say anything. Now seeing Jiuxiao Palace suffer losses, some people were naturally secretly happy.

However, in the next period of time, some people found that Taiyi Sect did not make any movement, and almost did not express anything about Chen Feng's matter. Most cultivators were surprised and despised at the same time. Their disciples were hunted down, and one of the ten major immortal sects in Beiyuan did not react at all. Just based on this point, many cultivators looked down on Taiyi Sect.

At first, everyone thought that Chen Feng and the other two would definitely be doomed after offending Jiuxiao Palace, but as time passed, news continued to spread in the cultivation world.

Soon, someone found Chen Feng and the other two, but the result was that cultivators were constantly killed, while Chen Feng and the other two escaped all the way. More scattered cultivators rushed to the place where Chen Feng and the other two appeared, and disciples from Jiuxiao Palace also began to come.

But the result was that a large number of independent cultivators were killed, while Chen Feng and the other two were still safe and sound. What was even more surprising was that Chen Feng and the other two suddenly disappeared without a trace. Even though these cultivators turned the place where Chen Feng and the other two disappeared upside down, they could not find any trace of the three.

"What, disappeared out of thin air?" At this time, in a station outside the Jiuxiao Palace, a middle-aged cultivator frowned and said. This person was an elder sent by the Jiuxiao Palace to hunt down Chen Feng.

"Yes, it has disappeared for a while. Now there are more than a thousand independent cultivators chasing Chen Feng and the other two. They are all cultivators who have survived the thunder tribulation, but they have not found any trace of Chen Feng and the other two, not even a trace." The person who spoke was Lei Sha, the core disciple of the Jiuxiao Palace.

"Where did they disappear?" asked the elder.

"In Taoshan!" Lei Sha said respectfully.

"Taoshan, this seems to be an ordinary place, right?" The elder was a little surprised.

"Since Chen Feng and his two companions were able to use the teleportation array to travel through space from Taiyi Sect, they should be able to do so now. If Chen Feng and his two companions used the teleportation array to escape, or directly escape from Beiyuan, then it would be a bit tricky." Fenglang interrupted at this time.

"Escape from Beiyuan, how can it be so easy? Beiyuan is so big that even if you use a high-level flying magic weapon, it will take a long time to fly, not to mention the teleportation array that consumes more spirit stones." The elder said.

"Reporting to the elder, the recent news is that someone saw Chen Feng and his two companions riding a flying shuttle to break out of the siege!" At this time, a core disciple walked in from outside and said.

"What level of flying shuttle?" The elder's eyes flashed with brilliance.

"It's very fast, it should be a top-grade treasure." The disciple said.

"Top-grade treasure, the speed is indeed fast enough, but the spirit stones consumed are also extremely high. So they should not have gone far, they must be hiding somewhere." The elder said.

"Elder, what should we do now? Do we really want those independent cultivators to kill Chen Feng and the other two? Even if Chen Feng and the other two can be killed, our Jiuxiao Palace will have lost face." Lei Sha said.

"What's the point of face? Don't forget that in the cultivation world, strength is everything. Besides, it's for the sake of face that our Jiuxiao Palace didn't send out experts this time. Otherwise, no matter how powerful Chen Feng is, he would have been caught long ago. But I didn't expect that Chen Feng and the other two really have some tricks. Especially Chen Feng has a holy weapon on him. It's still difficult for these casual cultivators to capture and kill Chen Feng. But in order to prevent accidents, we should set off." The elder said.

"Yes!" Hearing the elder's words, Lei Sha and others smiled. Obviously, everyone has been holding back for a while.

"By the way, what's going on at Taiyi Sect?" The elder asked again.

"The head of Taiyi Sect has been in seclusion. Now everything is decided by the elders. But obviously Chen Feng has many enemies in Taiyi Sect. Now some forces headed by the Zhao family have secretly sent some cultivators to capture Chen Feng." This time it was Fenglang who spoke.

"Hmph, the Zhao family is probably eyeing the holy weapon on Chen Feng. This Chen Feng has a holy weapon, so he must have some background. I think even Xuanhuo Zhenren can't take out a holy weapon, let alone give it to his apprentice." The elder said.

"According to our investigation, Chen Feng came from the Iron Sword Gate in the Black Source City of the Chongming Empire, a remote place. The most powerful one is a cultivator in the Secret Realm Period. However, according to some rumors, Chen Feng has entered the Flowing Cloud Fairy Mountain. Maybe the holy weapon was obtained by Chen Feng from the Flowing Cloud Fairy Mountain?" Fenglang said.

"Flowing Cloud Fairy Mountain." The elder was a little moved.

"To be able to come out of the Flowing Cloud Fairy Mountain, this Chen Feng has some opportunities. Okay, let's set off without hesitation. I want to see this little cultivator." The elder said.

Jiuxiao Palace dispatched a total of two flying magic weapons this time, all in the shape of dragon boats, called flying warships. Although the two flying warships are not holy weapons, they are also high-level treasures.

The flying warship was hung with the symbol of Jiuxiao Palace. Wherever it passed, some cultivators in front of it made way for it. It was arrogant and unstoppable.

Jiuxiao Palace sent out two elders and twenty core disciples this time. Although the number was not large, the lowest-level disciples had survived three thunder tribulations, and the two elders had survived seven thunder tribulations, which was considered the elite among the elites.

The people of Jiuxiao Palace were very fast and soon arrived at Taoshan. After arriving at Taoshan, everyone began to search around. In the end, Taoshan was searched almost inch by inch within a thousand miles, but there was no trace of Chen Feng and the other two.

"Did Chen Feng and the others really escape to another place?" Lei Sha couldn't help but say.

"But even if they escaped to another place, as long as they haven't left Beiyuan, we in Jiuxiao Palace can find them, but now it seems to have evaporated out of thin air, which is really strange." Fenglang said.

Not to mention these core disciples, even the two elders looked unhappy.

"What should we do?"

"Search again carefully."

This time, the scope of the crowd began to expand. Three days passed quickly, but there were still no clues, and other casual cultivators did not get any news about Chen Feng and the other two.

"Two elders, there is no news about Chen Feng, what should we do next?" Feng Lang asked.

"Don't worry, the sect will send news soon." said the elder in white robe.

As soon as the voice fell, a bright light appeared in the sky. This light was extremely fast, and it was like a meteor passing through the sky.

Soon, the light stopped in front of the two elders. It turned out to be a white bird with a bright light all over its body.

"The news is coming." The elder in black robe smiled and then stretched out his palm. The white bird immediately changed after falling into the hands of the black-robed elder, and turned into a square jade stone.


The jade stone exploded and turned into dots of starlight. These stars quickly combined and finally condensed into five shining words.

"Chen Feng is in Taoshan!" The two elders whispered.


Then the five characters exploded again, and the spots of light disappeared in the space.

"In Taoshan, how is this possible? This Taoshan is clearly an ordinary mountain, and now it is almost turned over."

"Hmph, keep looking, even if you turn the entire Taoshan upside down, you must find these three people."

The two elders gave the order, and the disciples below had no choice but to continue searching. Even the two elders released their soul power to search carefully.

Half a day later, these core disciples began to report one after another.

"Reporting to the elders, there is nothing?"

"Everything is normal, it's just an ordinary mountain."

"There is no trace of Chen Feng and the other two."

The faces of the two elders became even uglier. They had no doubts about the news from the sect, thinking that the news they knew must be correct, but now they have not found Chen Feng and the other two, which can only mean that there is still a problem somewhere, and the problem is on this Taoshan.

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