Eternal Existence

Chapter 382 Taoshan is a fairy weapon

"Are you okay?" Chen Feng asked.

"Nothing! I just feel a little dizzy." Lin Shaokun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Jian Xiaotian wanted to attack the stone tablet, but he gave up the idea immediately after seeing Lin Shaokun's appearance.

The three of them surrounded the stone tablet, with a thoughtful look in their eyes. No one took action. After a long time, Lin Shaokun sighed, and the discomfort on his body disappeared completely.

"It feels similar to Liuyun Fairy Mountain." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"You mean Liuyun Fairy Light?" Jian Xiaotian immediately understood what Chen Feng meant.

Once Liuyun Fairy Mountain is attacked by humans, the Liuyun Fairy Light in the fairy mountain will rebound immediately. The stronger the attack, the greater the rebound force. If there is no attack, Liuyun Fairy Mountain will not move, and the stone tablet in front of him seems to be the same.

"It should not be Liuyun Fairy Light. I think it should be something similar." Chen Feng said.

"What should we do now?" Jian Xiaotian had circled the stone tablet for dozens of times, and finally reached out to touch the stone tablet. Sure enough, the stone tablet did not respond.

"It seems that Taoshan is really strange. No matter what, I have to find the Tao brothers." Chen Feng said.

"Maybe they have left Taoshan?" Jian Xiaotian retorted.

"No, I have a feeling that they definitely have not left Taoshan. Maybe something happened." Chen Feng said.

The three of them stayed in Taoshan for a while. Soon, the three of them studied every part of Taoshan. In the end, they found nothing. This is just an ordinary mountain, of course, except for the strange stone tablet.

"It seems that the problem is still on this stone tablet." The three of them gathered together to talk.

During this period of time, the three of them also used various means on this stone tablet, but they did not find anything. In the end, Jian Xiaotian did not believe in evil and could not help punching the stone tablet. As a result, he was knocked out and paralyzed all over. He was still helped up by Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian.

"Tower, do you know what's going on?" Chen Feng had no choice but to ask the tower.

"Of course I know." The tower said lightly.

"Oh, then what's going on?" Chen Feng was stunned. He didn't expect the tower to really know.

"It's very simple. This Tao Mountain is actually a magic weapon." The tower said shockingly.

"What, magic weapon." Chen Feng couldn't help but speak out.

"Brother Chen, what did you say?" Jian Xiaotian asked curiously.

"Nothing, I just thought of something." Chen Feng smiled.

Next, Chen Feng continued to communicate with the Changsheng Tower: "You said this mountain is a magic weapon?"

"Not only this mountain, but also the Liuyun Fairy Mountain you entered before is also a magic weapon." The tower said shockingly again.

"Liuyun Fairy Mountain is also a magic weapon, why didn't you say it before?" Although this news was a little unbelievable, Chen Feng still chose to believe the tower unconditionally.

"Before, my strength was not enough, and my memory was not restored. Some things were placed in front of me and I couldn't understand them. Recently, I have restored some memories, so I can realize that the mountain in front of me is a magic weapon." The tower said with a smile.

"So what level of magic weapon do you say?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's just a broken immortal weapon." Ta said with a smile.

"Immortal weapon." Chen Feng was surprised.

"Yes, the treasure weapon is a holy weapon, the holy weapon is a Taoist weapon, and the Taoist weapon is an immortal weapon. This is a magic weapon used by real immortals, which cannot exist in the ordinary secular world." Ta said with a smile.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Ta, aren't you going to heal your injuries? There is an immortal weapon in front of you, which should be helpful to you, right?"

"Of course it will help. If I don't, I still need to study it carefully. If I act rashly, it may not be appropriate. I have to see how damaged this immortal weapon is. Otherwise, I will be the unlucky one if I capsize in the gutter." Ta said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng began to circle around Tao Shan, over and over again, and this behavior made Jian Xiaotian and the others very strange.

"What's wrong with Chen Feng? Did he see something?" Jian Xiaotian was a little surprised.

"Maybe." Lin Shaokun said lightly.

Since the pursuers from Jiuxiao Palace did not appear, the two of them could finally relax. Of course, Chen Feng and the other two knew in their hearts that the current peace was only temporary. With the power of Jiuxiao Palace, it was only a matter of time before they found the three of them.

After two days, Chen Feng finally stopped and stood in front of the stone tablet again. He stared at the stone tablet in front of him with his eyes, and his palms kept changing, forming hand seals one after another.

"Brother Chen, what are you doing?" Jian Xiaotian was a little curious.

"Come to my side." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

Although Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun did not understand, they still came to Chen Feng as he said.

Chen Feng did not know how many times his hands changed hand seals, and finally pushed his hands out suddenly and hit the stone tablet in front of him.


"Be careful!"

Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun exclaimed at the same time, not understanding why Chen Feng did this.

But strangely, after the energy in Chen Feng's hand hit the stone tablet, a faint light bloomed on the stone tablet, and it did not emit a strong rebound force like at the beginning.

"Hey, it's okay, what's going on?" Jian Xiaotian was a little curious.

As soon as he finished speaking, the stone tablet suddenly lit up, and then a strong suction force enveloped Chen Feng and the other two.

"Not good!" Jian Xiaotian screamed nervously, trying to struggle but unable to break free from this powerful sticky force.

"Brother Jian, don't be nervous." Chen Feng said calmly.

Then the three of them felt that they entered a passage composed entirely of light.

When Chen Feng and the other two disappeared, dense lines began to appear on this ordinary-looking stone tablet, and soon these lines covered the entire stone tablet. If there were an expert again, he would definitely recognize that these lines were a very ancient and difficult to recognize text.

However, these words disappeared again not long after they appeared, and the stone tablet returned to its original appearance.

The three of them didn't see what was going on, and they felt that the passages around them suddenly disappeared. When the three of them stood firm, they found that they were standing on the ground, the sky was blue, and there was a breeze blowing in their faces.

"Brother Chen, where is this place?" Jian Xiaotian asked in confusion.

The three of them looked up and saw an endless plain, but when they turned around, they saw endless mountains.

"We are in Taoshan." Chen Feng said while observing the situation around him.

"What does this mean in Tao Mountain?" Jian Xiaotian was a little confused.

"Such a strong spiritual energy, something is wrong, this is not the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that we usually absorb." At this time, Lin Shaokun spoke.

"This is fairy energy." Chen Feng said.

"What, this is fairy energy, it's impossible." Jian Xiao began to practice the skills and began to absorb the spiritual energy around him, and then a strange look appeared on his face.

"The concentration is about the same as the outside world, but the grade is too high. The skills I practiced just now only ran one cycle, and it felt like a day of practice in the outside world. In this way, if you practice here for a day, it is equivalent to practicing outside for a year." Jian Xiaotian said in surprise.

"It should be fairy energy." Although Lin Shaokun's face was strange, he still nodded.

"Brother Chen, what's going on? We are not in the fairyland, are we?" Jian Xiaotian asked in confusion.

"Of course it's not the fairyland. I just said that we are in Tao Mountain. This Tao Mountain is not an ordinary mountain, but a fairy weapon." Chen Feng said.

"Immortal weapon!" Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun looked at each other, both of them were shocked.

"You mean we are in the immortal weapon?" Jian Xiaotian's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

"Yes." Chen Feng nodded.

"We are actually in the immortal weapon. Immortal weapon, the weapon of immortals, is not comparable to that of human immortals. No wonder there is immortal energy. If we can absorb immortal energy and practice here all the time, it makes people excited just thinking about it." Jian Xiaotian and Lin Shaokun simply observed the situation around them, and then began to sit cross-legged on the ground to practice, ignoring whether there was any danger around.

Looking at the two people who were practicing hard, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile. Indeed, most of the cultivators who could come here would probably think of practicing first. After all, the space here does not contain ordinary spiritual energy, but immortal energy.

What is immortal energy? It is the spiritual energy of the immortal world. For example, if an ordinary person in the mortal world who has no talent for cultivation enters the immortal world, he can enter the realm of human immortals by practicing casually. However, there are countless talented people in the mortal world who cannot practice to the realm of human immortals even if they spend their entire lives. This is the gap between the two.

"Tower, how do you feel?" Chen Feng asked.

"Not bad. I'll go out for a walk. You can practice when you have time." Along with the voice of the tower, a spiritual light flew out from Chen Feng's eyebrows and quickly disappeared in the air.

Chen Feng shook his head, knowing that the tower might have felt something, so he didn't say anything more, but slowly flew up.

Chen Feng didn't stop until he flew to a height of a thousand meters, just floating in the air.

"Sure enough, the laws here are different from the outside world, but there is not as strong suppression as imagined. It is indeed a good place to practice. If you can continue to practice here, it would be a good choice. I think Jiuxiao Palace should not be able to find this place. Even if you can find Taoshan, you can't get in." Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

If there was no tower, Chen Feng would not be able to get in, and could only stay outside helplessly.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng felt that the pressure on his body immediately became much lighter, so he slowly floated down, and after landing on the ground, he found a place to practice like Jian Xiaotian and the others.

When Chen Feng was in the air just now, he had already observed that everything was normal within a radius of hundreds of miles, and there was no sign of danger. This was also the reason why Chen Feng could practice with peace of mind.

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