Eternal Existence

Chapter 367: Betting

Chen Feng ignored the tower's nagging, but concentrated on experiencing the various wonders in the Changsheng Sword Art. As the Changsheng Sword Art unfolded, Chen Feng slightly recovered some disadvantages. Although he still couldn't catch Liu Feifei's body movements and couldn't completely defend Liu Feifei's swordsmanship, he was much stronger than when they first fought.

"It seems that Chen Feng is really going to lose this game. I didn't expect Liu Feifei to be so powerful?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Chen Feng is the disciple of Xuanhuo Zhenren. He must have some powerful means."

"What powerful means can he have? Even the holy weapon was taken out, but he was still no match for Liu Feifei. He must lose this game."

"It's just that he is temporarily at a disadvantage."

The two people fought fiercely in the field, and there were also people outside the field discussing and arguing. Some people were optimistic about Chen Feng, but more people were optimistic about Liu Feifei.

"Brother Chen's situation is a bit bad?" Luo Kong frowned and said.

In everyone's mind, Chen Feng's biggest trump card is the holy weapon on his body. Now that the holy weapon has been used, he is still at a disadvantage. Not to mention other cultivators, even Luo Kong and others would think so.

"It is worthy of being a big sect, with many talents. Even a woman is so powerful?" Lin Shaokun, who has always been quiet, said.

"Hahaha." Jian Xiaotian and others laughed after hearing Lin Shaokun's words.

"Although this female cultivator is powerful, I still believe that Brother Chen can win." Jian Xiao said.

"Why?" Luo Kong asked curiously.

"Feeling." Jian Xiaotian smiled.

Liu Feifei's speed is getting faster and faster, and her body movements are getting more and more weird. Chen Feng is surrounded by Liu Feifei's figure, and he doesn't know which one is real and which one is fake.

Chen Feng passively defends, but can only rely on feeling to fight the enemy. In just a moment, Chen Feng has three more wounds on his body.

The Great Freedom Body Movement and the Nine-Turn Phantom Body Movement are the unique skills of Taiyi Sect. Not all cultivators can practice them. Even core disciples must make enough contributions to practice them.

The two body techniques are actually not much different, but Chi Lianfeng's cultivation level is far inferior to Liu Feifei's, otherwise Chen Feng would not have been able to solve Chi Lianfeng so easily at that time.

Facing Liu Feifei's strange attack at this time, Chen Feng felt for the first time that his speed was too slow.

"Catching chestnuts from the fire!" Chen Feng suddenly took a sword and stabbed Liu Feifei with a sword. This sword was ordinary and not fast, but Liu Feifei suddenly retreated, and all the figures suddenly disappeared, and then changed into one person.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?" Liu Feifei stared at Chen Feng with surprise in her eyes.

"Junior Sister Liu is worthy of being an outstanding disciple of the Liu family. Not only is her body technique unpredictable, but her swordsmanship is also exquisite." Chen Feng smiled.

"Oh, you call me Junior Sister, do you think you can win?" Liu Feifei said with a smile.

"Since you call me Senior Brother, I naturally have to call you Junior Sister. Besides, I will definitely win this game." Chen Feng smiled.

"Oh, are you so confident?" Liu Feifei said with a smile.

"Of course." Chen Feng nodded.

"How about this, how about we make a bet?" Liu Feifei said suddenly with a look.

"Bet, what bet?" Chen Feng was a little curious, not understanding what Liu Feifei was thinking.

"What's so simple? If you lose, join our Liu family. What do you think?" Liu Fei said with a smile.

"Join your Liu family?" Chen Feng showed a strange smile on his face. He didn't expect Liu Feifei to start to win him over directly.

"Yes, you won't suffer if you join our Liu family. Our Liu family is at least a little powerful in our sect, and there are immortals sitting in front of us. After joining our Liu family, you can get better training conditions and more resources. Besides, you have offended the Zhao family. Although you have Senior Xuanhuo as your backer, there are many people in the Zhao family who will take revenge for any slight, and they will definitely cause trouble for you in the future." Liu Feifei said quickly.

"Do you mean that if you join your Liu family, the Zhao family will not dare to cause trouble for me?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, there are only benefits to joining our Liu family. You won't refuse, right?" Liu Feifei said with a smile.

"Haha, what if you lose?" Chen Feng changed the subject and laughed.

"If I lose, I will give you a heaven-level pill." Liu Feifei said.

"Heaven-level pill, tut tut, Sister Liu, you are generous. According to you, no matter whether I win or lose this game, I will not suffer in the end, right?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Yes, how about it, do you agree? If you agree, do it now." Liu Feifei said.

"Okay, let me see your true strength." Chen Feng smiled and nodded.


As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, he felt a flash in front of his eyes. Liu Feifei was already in front of him. At the same time, hundreds of sword shadows fell from the sky, forming a dome, covering Chen Feng in the middle.

"Faster." Chen Feng was shocked, and the magic sword in his hand quickly emitted a barrier power.


It was like a thunderbolt falling from the sky, making Chen Feng dizzy and dazed. The power of the barrier around him was actually dispersed. The powerful impact made Chen Feng's whole body sway constantly, and it seemed that he would fall to the ground at any time.

Powerful sword energy drilled into Chen Feng's body like a spirit snake.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The protective armor on Chen Feng's body played a role, and the power of ice and fire continued to flow, trying to block the powerful sword energy that was rushing up.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi!

A series of sounds came, and Chen Feng's body armor was completely exposed. At the same time, it was covered with crisscross scratches, and Chen Feng felt countless sword energy drilling into his body. go.

As soon as the sword energy entered his body, it began to destroy crazily everywhere. Chen Feng felt that hundreds of flesh and blood tissues in his body were destroyed before he could even take a breath.

"Swallowing Heaven Absorption Technique!" Chen Feng shouted in his heart, and the acupoints opened in his body immediately emitted powerful suction. The sword energy that poured into Chen Feng's body was completely swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

"Hey! It's been refined." Liu Feifei was even more surprised. Every trace of the sword energy emitted was within her senses, but the current situation was clearly refined by Chen Feng.

"Bahuang Liuhe, I am in control!"

Although Chen Feng still had the Demon-Sealing Sword in his hand at this time, he was actually using the move of the Eternal Life Sword. When the sword suddenly flashed, it was extremely domineering and unstoppable. An unstoppable aura exuded from Chen Feng. At this time, Chen Feng could not only feel the fighting power While improving, a feeling of contempt for everything arose in my heart, as if I could control the world and be invincible.

Kick, kick, kick!

Feeling Chen Feng's aura, Liu Feifei felt her heart tremble, and she involuntarily took a few steps back.

Swish, swish, swish!

The sword light in Chen Feng's hand unfolded. As Chen Feng's aura continued to increase, the power in the Demon-Sealing Sword was also stimulated, and powerful forces continued to break free from the sword body.

This was the power of Thunder Gang contained in the Demon-Sealing Sword. Even Chen Feng could not control it. A total of eight strands of Thunder Gang power were shot out. Only two of them attacked Liu Feifei, and the rest were spread around randomly.


There was an explosion, and the barrier arranged around the competition venue suddenly exploded. Powerful force continued to sweep around, and the monks who were close to them immediately fell on their backs.

"Deploy the barrier quickly." The expression of the elder in charge outside the venue changed drastically, and he immediately shouted.

Immediately, eight elders in charge quickly stepped forward and stood in eight directions. They shot out streaks of light from their hands and quickly rearranged the barrier.

"Good guy, the barrier in the competition venue was set up by immortals. I didn't expect it to be broken. This competition was really exciting. It seems that we are in danger." A monk in white clothes was flying in the air and laughed. said.

"Hey, it's just that the magic weapon is powerful. It's nothing to be afraid of. Why, are you afraid of the wind tomorrow?" There was also a handsome monk in blue floating next to this man.

One of these two people is Jian Kongming and the other is Tomorrow Feng. They are both among the top figures among the younger generation of Taiyi Sect.

"I'm scared. It's really a joke. In my eyes, there is only one opponent in this competition, and that's you, Jian Kongming." Tomorrow Feng said proudly.

"Don't you take Zhao Yizhan and others into consideration?" Jian Kongming had a smile on his face.

"It's just a group of defeated generals. The four major groups of Taiyi Hall were a little careless this time and did not rank out the real masters." Tomorrow Feng shook his head and said.

"I can't say they are careless. The main reason is that we are too bullying." Jian Kongming said with a smile.

"Yes, it's the two of us who are bullying others. We haven't had a good fight for a long time. You must try your best this time." Mingdao.

"If I try my best, you won't get the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart this time." Jian Kongming said with a smile.

"Hey, you think I care about this kind of thing. I am willing to participate in the competition this time just because I want to see if there are any powerful people. Unexpectedly, I am still so disappointed." Tomorrow Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, with your wealth, you really don't need to care about the reward this time. In this case, I will get the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart so that I can use it in something else." Jian Kongming nodded.

"Don't talk nonsense yet. Maybe you will be defeated by me this time. If you need anything, just ask me for it, and you still do so many vain things." Tomorrow Feng was a little dissatisfied.

I'm afraid that many disciples of Taiyi Sect don't know that these two extremely proud core disciples are actually very good friends.

The two thunderous forces that were fired at Liu Feifei, one was chopped into pieces by Liu Feifei's sword, and the other knocked Liu Feifei away with her sword.


Just when Chen Feng wanted to pursue the victory, Liu Feifei disappeared in mid-air.

"Disappeared in the void, is this the real void swordsmanship, right?" Chen Feng thought to himself, while secretly alerting himself to the movements around him.

Quietly, a bit of cold light pierced the void and appeared above Chen Feng. Then Liu Feifei appeared above Chen Feng with a long sword in hand. The sword light shone in all directions and enveloped Chen Feng again.

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