Eternal Existence

Chapter 368: Beginning of Promotion

"Void swordsmanship, Liu Feifei can actually practice to the point of traveling through the void, this time Chen Feng is going to lose, right?" Fu Yue couldn't help but say.

"Haha!" Mu Lingfeng just smiled and didn't say much.

Facing this torrential attack, Chen Feng did not dodge, but let the sword energy from the sky shoot at him.

Snap Snap Snap Snap!

Chen Feng was covered by gorgeous sword flowers.


A thunder force rushed up to the sky, but it hit nothing, Liu Feifei had already disappeared into the void again.

"Good guy, in this short time, I have consumed 30% of the true energy in my body." Chen Feng was secretly shocked. If it weren't for the large amount of energy stored in the acupoints in his body, it might not be enough for the Demon Sealing Sword to consume.

But Chen Feng also knew that he couldn't drag it on any longer, it was time to end the battle.

"Void Sword Technique, Nine-Turn Phantom Body Technique, humph, you are worthy of being a member of the Liu family, you can actually practice these two secret techniques, and it seems that you have been practicing for a long time." Luo Kong said with some dissatisfaction.

"So what, who let us have no backers." Zhou You said coldly.

No matter where you are, there is no fairness, especially in a place like Taiyi Sect where competition is fierce. Even if you really have talent but no backers, you may not get the training resources used for training.

"I hope Brother Chen can defeat the other party, and it can also make us relieve our anger." Luo Kong said.

Luo Kong and the other two are also considered to be upper-middle figures among the core disciples, but the merit points of the three people combined are not enough to practice these two secret techniques, no wonder Luo Kong is in a bad mood.

Next, Liu Feifei's attack appeared in the void again behind Chen Feng. Chen Feng gritted his teeth and used all his strength to activate the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand.

The power of the barrier that has never been seen before spread from Chen Feng's hands, and the space of ten feet in radius was covered by this layer of barrier, and Liu Feifei naturally did not dodge.

Liu Feifei's attack was dispersed by a powerful force before it reached Chen Feng. After feeling the fluctuations in the surrounding space, Liu Feifei's face changed and she was about to escape into the void again, but this time she failed.

"It's useless. I set up this barrier, and I have the final say." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The power of the barrier, your holy weapon is quite good." Liu Feifei said in a deep voice.

"It's just so-so, not as good as Sister Liu who can fully exert the power of the holy weapon." Chen Feng smiled and stretched out his finger to flick the sword, and a series of thunder and lightning forces shot towards Liu Feifei.

"Do you think you can defeat me by trapping me in the barrier?" Liu Feifei drew a circle with the long sword in her hand, and Chen Feng's attacks were broken one after another.


Another thunder and lightning force, although Liu Feifei blocked it this time, her whole body was like a lightning strike, and she couldn't help but retreat again and again, and finally hit the barrier heavily.


Chen Feng suddenly smiled at this time, and a force suddenly shot out from the barrier where Liu Feifei hit, hitting Liu Feifei directly.

Liu Feifei's whole body shook, and there was a momentary pause immediately, which gave Chen Feng a chance. When Liu Feifei recovered, the Demon Sealing Sword in Chen Feng's hand was already on Liu Feifei's neck.

Just now, Chen Feng used some means to hide a sealing force in the barrier, otherwise it would not be so easy to succeed.

Originally, Liu Feifei wanted to use the Void Sword to dodge, but feeling the palpitating breath transmitted from the Demon Sealing Sword in front of her, Liu Feifei did not dare to move.

"How is it?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"You won." Liu Feifei blinked, her expression was normal, and she did not seem to feel depressed because of losing the game.

After hearing this, Chen Feng directly put away the Demon Sealing Sword, and the surrounding barrier also disappeared immediately.

"The pills I lost to you will be given to you later. Of course, if you choose to join our Liu family, you will get more than one heaven-level pill." Liu Feifei smiled, and she was still thinking about winning over Chen Feng.

"Haha, I will consider this matter." Chen Feng smiled.

This match was still won by Chen Feng, which was beyond many people's expectations. From the beginning of the fight, everyone thought that Liu Feifei would win, but at the last moment, Chen Feng suddenly turned the tables and won, which made many people feel unacceptable.

Especially Fu Yue, his eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe what he saw, but after all, Fu Yue's mind was strong and he quickly returned to normal.

"I didn't expect that I was still wrong, or Senior Brother Mu had a clear vision." Fu Yue sighed.

"Haha, I said at the beginning that it was just a feeling. I didn't expect this guy to actually win." Mu Lingfeng smiled.

In fact, the monks watching felt that Chen Feng's victory was a bit abrupt. After all, Chen Feng was at a disadvantage from the beginning, and the final ending was not as hot as the fights of other people.

"Brother Chen, this is enough to make it into the top 50. I'm afraid you will need a heavenly-grade pill." Shui Yan said with a smile.

"Brother Chen, I saw you talking to Liu Feifei for a while. What's going on? Could it be that Liu Feifei is interested in you?" Luo Kong said with a deliberate smile.

"Brother Luo, you are joking. Liu Feifei just wants to win me over to join the Liu family." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You won't agree to join the Liu family, but it's not bad to agree. The Liu family is still very powerful, not inferior to the Sun family, and there are immortals sitting in the gate. Besides, Sister Liu is a recognized beauty in the sect. If a beauty invites me, I will definitely agree." Luo Kong said with a smile.

"Of course I didn't agree. I still have some troubles. I'm afraid I can't stay in Taiyi Sect for a long time." Chen Feng frowned and said.

"Trouble, what trouble, brother Chen, you are joking, in our Beiyuan, there are very few troubles that our Taiyi Sect can't solve." Luo Kong said with a smile.

"Yes, brother Chen, if there is really any trouble, just say it, and we will all find a way together." Shui Yan also said.

"Haha, everyone will know in the future. Now the most important thing is the next game. There are more and more masters below. I wonder how many rounds I can last?" Chen Feng smiled and changed the subject.

In the next battle, someone will be eliminated in almost every battle. Looking at the core disciples showing their strength one by one, Luo Kong and others also looked serious.

"It seems that we have been too arrogant in the past. I didn't expect that there are so many powerful people hidden in our sect?" Zhou You said in a deep voice.

"These are not all. There are many people who are practicing in seclusion or traveling. These people don't take this kind of sect competition seriously at all." Shui Yan said.

"There are such people?" Chen Feng said.

"Of course, our Taiyi Sect is a relatively old sect in the Eternal World. It has existed for countless tens of thousands of years. There are countless disciples under the sect. Almost every year, there are peerless geniuses. Generally, true genius masters will not participate in this kind of sect competition." Shui Yan said.

"Yes, in fact, the sect competition is just a small fight in the eyes of some people, which is far less intense than going out for adventure." Zhou You also said.

The next game was extremely hot. Chen Feng felt that he benefited a lot from watching it, and he could get some inspiration from time to time.


Chen Feng suddenly spread his body and flew up, flying up to a height of hundreds of feet. The acupoints opened up in his body moved from time to time, and a stream of various characteristics of power continued to conflict in his body.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong?" Luo Kong was a little surprised.

"It should be some insights." Shui Yan said.

"Good guy, it seems that Chen Feng is going to break through?" Jian Xiaotian was a little surprised.

"I don't know if I can break through, but my cultivation will definitely be enhanced." Lin Shaokun said.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Starting from the Tianyuan acupoint that was first opened up, followed by the Liangyi acupoint, the Sanxing acupoint, and finally the Qixing acupoint, the acupoints in Chen Feng's body kept running, and all kinds of mysterious texture traces, breath energy kept interweaving in the body.

That's not all. After the Qixing acupoint was running, this momentum did not stop, but began to move towards the Bagua acupoint.

The Fire Acupoint in the Bagua acupoint has been opened up, and the remaining seven acupoints are also constantly beating. Chen Feng has a strong feeling that this time he will break through to the eighth level of the secret realm.

"I didn't expect to break through at this time." Chen Feng laughed and cried.

"Little guy, you are lucky. You can understand something after watching so many fights." Ta laughed and laughed, obviously happy for Chen Feng's progress.

"This is not luck, but the result of my practice." Chen Feng said with full confidence.

"Water and fire complement each other, and water and fire don't want to shoot." Feeling the various situations in his body, Chen Feng suddenly realized something and immediately mobilized the fire trigram point to attack the water trigram point.

Water and fire are mutually generated and restrained, the power of the five elements is like this, and the power of the eight trigrams is also like this.

Without absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world, the water trigram point in the body was opened like this. The opening of the water trigram point made the power in Chen Feng's body more complicated and powerful.

Chen Feng couldn't help but fly high again. The riot of the water trigram point seemed to cause a chain reaction. The wind and thunder trigram points were also connected to each other. The power of wind and thunder seemed to be easier to merge. Soon, a strong force of wind and thunder began to surge in Chen Feng's body.

"Hey! What's wrong with this guy?"

Chen Feng's unusual movement immediately attracted the attention of some interested cultivators. The first to notice were Ming Tianfeng and Jian Kongming who had been floating in the air and chatting.

"Hehe, good guy, it seems that this kid is going to break through?" Ming Tianfeng said with a smile.

"As expected of Xuanhuo Zhenren's disciple, he seems to have some talent. He was able to enter the top 50 at the seventh level of the secret realm. Now he has been promoted to the eighth level of the secret realm. His Zhoutian realm is truly condensed, and his cultivation will increase several times. Wow, it seems that a dark horse has really emerged this time." Jian Kongming stared at Chen Feng from a distance, with a gleam in his eyes.

"Why, you don't regard this kid as an opponent, do you?" Ming Tianfeng asked with a smile.

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