Eternal Existence

Chapter 366: Nine-turn Phantom Body Technique

"Luck! Brother Chen, you have to be careful. This is Liu Feifei from the Liu family. Although she is only at the second level of the heaven and man realm, she has a high level of cultivation and is not an ordinary cultivator. If you are careless, be careful of a capsize in the ditch?" Shui Yan said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded. In the previous rounds of the competition, he had been careful of these powerful disciples. This Liu Feifei was one of them.

Speaking of it, the power of the Liu family in Taiyi Sect is not inferior to that of the Zhao family, and Liu Feifei is the leader of the younger generation of the Liu family. In the previous rounds of competition, Liu Feifei did not show her true strength and solved the opponent, so Chen Feng did not know how strong Liu Feifei was.

After entering the venue, Liu Feifei was already waiting first. I saw that this woman had a slender figure, crystal skin, graceful and charming, and willow eyebrows and beautiful face. She was indeed a peerless beauty. The moment Chen Feng saw this woman, he was also in a trance for a moment, but he quickly calmed down and returned to normal.

"Hey, if it were a cultivator with insufficient concentration, he would probably lose without fighting." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Hello, Senior Brother Chen." When Chen Feng was looking at Liu Feifei, the other party was also looking at Chen Feng, and his voice was soft and pleasant, which made people feel comfortable after hearing it.

"I don't deserve it, just call me Junior Brother?" Chen Feng smiled.

In terms of realm, Chen Feng is only the seventh level of the secret realm, while Liu Feifei has survived two thunder tribulations. For ordinary cultivators, the gap between them is simply difficult to make up.

"Haha, Senior Brother Chen is too modest. In our cultivation world, strength is the key to success. Our sect does not look at whether you entered the sect early or late, but also looks at strength." Liu Feifei said with a smile.

"Do you think you are going to lose this game?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I have this feeling, but I still have to fight to know." Liu Feifei took out a long sword. This long sword looked no different from an ordinary long sword, but Chen Feng could see the extraordinaryness of this long sword at a glance.

"Sacred weapon?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

"Yes, it is the holy weapon. I didn't take out this sword in the previous few games. Now it seems that I have to take it out." Liu Feifei said with a smile.

"I didn't expect Chen Feng to fight Liu Feifei." Fu Yue smiled.

"Liu Feifei has a good relationship with you. You should know the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent, right?" Mu Lingfeng said with a smile.

"I know a little." Fu Yue nodded.

"So who do you think will win this game?" Mu Lingfeng asked.

"This." Fu Yue hesitated.

"Why, is it difficult to judge?" Mu Lingfeng smiled.

"Although Liu Feifei has only survived two thunder tribulations, her real strength is very strong. In addition, the holy weapon in her hand is enough to kill people above her level. Her realm is far superior to Chen Feng. Logically, she should be able to defeat Chen Feng." Fu Yue analyzed.

"Oh, really? So you think Liu Feifei can win?" Mu Lingfeng smiled.

"Yes." Fu Yue nodded, thinking that her good sister should win this game.

"I think Chen Feng can win." Mu Lingfeng suddenly said.

"Why do you say that? Did Senior Brother Mu see something?" Fu Yue was a little surprised.

"No, I just have this feeling." Mu Lingfeng said with a smile.

Seeing Liu Feifei take out the holy weapon, Chen Feng knew that he had met a real master this time, so he did not dare to be careless and took out the Demon Sealing Sword directly.

While taking out the Demon Sealing Sword, Chen Feng also sighed secretly. He did not expect that he would still rely on the Demon Sealing Sword to win this competition instead of his real strength.

"Boy, don't be careless. Even if you use the Demon Sealing Sword, you may not be the opponent of this little girl." Ta's voice sounded in Chen Feng's mind.

"Oh, really?" Chen Feng was surprised and immediately began to keep his mind.

"Although the grade of the holy weapon in the opponent's hand is not as good as the Demon Sealing Sword in your hand, you cannot exert the full power of the Demon Sealing Sword." Ta said.

"Do you mean that Liu Feifei can exert the full power of the holy weapon in her hand?" Chen Feng was even more surprised.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Ta said with a smile.

"How is this possible?" Chen Feng almost exclaimed.

"Nothing is impossible, kid, you better be careful in this fight." There was a hint of gloating in Ta's voice, and it seemed that he was going to watch Chen Feng's excitement.

"Brother Chen, are you ready? I'm going to start." Liu Feifei smiled like a flower, raised the long sword in her hand, and pointed it at Chen Feng from a distance.

The moment the long sword was pointed at him, Chen Feng immediately felt an invisible force locking him firmly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng unfolded his body skills and constantly changed his position, but he could not cut off the opponent's strong lock.

"Awesome!" Chen Feng secretly exclaimed, just from this point Chen Feng knew that Liu Feifei was not easy to deal with.


The Demon Sealing Sword quickly passed by, and Chen Feng immediately felt the sharp sword edge cut off a very weak thin line in front of him.

The breath that locked him was immediately eliminated, but then Liu Feifei's attack was launched.

Liu Feifei's steps were light, and her figure was like a ghost. She was in front of him in just a flash, and the sharp sword edge made Chen Feng's goose bumps swell up.


The Demon Sealing Sword quickly blocked the opponent's long sword attack. At the moment when the two long swords collided, Chen Feng felt a powerful force bursting out from the Demon Sealing Sword. This force exceeded the power it had ever displayed before.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Liu Feifei's whole body trembled, and then she quickly retreated, leaving a series of figures in the air.

Although he beat Liu Feifei back, Chen Feng felt a suction force coming from the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand, swallowing up part of his true energy.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hehe, do you think that the holy weapon is so easy to master? The holy weapon is not comparable to the treasure weapon. Of course, you need to pay something to activate the holy weapon. Fortunately, it's you. If it were any other secret realm cultivator who rashly activated the holy weapon, the result would be sucked dry." Ta said with a smile.

"If that's the case, it would be troublesome. It seems that Liu Feifei should not have this problem." Chen Feng looked at Liu Feifei who had already stood firmly on the ground and thought to himself.

"What grade of holy weapon is the long sword in your hand?" Liu Feifei looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

"Hehe, I don't know what grade it is, but it must be higher than the holy weapon in your hand. In this case, am I bullying people too much?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's not bullying. Even if you can take out the immortal weapon, it's your own strength." Liu Feifei said, and used her body skills to attack Chen Feng again.

This time, Chen Feng has fully mobilized the power of his soul. The soul fire in his sea of ​​consciousness is constantly burning. His eyes are like lightning, but he still can't catch Liu Feifei's body skills. He can only rely on an instinctive feeling to determine Liu Feifei's position.


This time, Chen Feng didn't block Liu Feifei's attack. A subtle sword light flashed, and Chen Feng had a small wound on his body.

"Too fast, what kind of body skills is this? It's even faster than Chi Lianfeng's great freedom body skills." Chen Feng was surprised and quickly laid a thick layer of aura shield around him.


But then this layer of aura shield was easily cut open, and Chen Feng had another wound on his body.

Firstly, Chen Feng dodged quickly, and secondly, he was wearing protective armor, so the wound on his body did not expand. However, Chen Feng still felt the rotating sword energy invading his body and constantly destroying it.

Fortunately, the armor on his body blocked 99% of the sword energy, which allowed Chen Feng to use his own power to refine the sword energy that invaded his body.

"Boundary." Chen Feng shouted softly, and a layer of barrier quickly enveloped him. ,

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

A series of beating sounds rang out on Chen Feng's body, blooming with a group of brilliance.

"Being able to practice the Nine-Turn Phantom Body Skill to this level, Junior Sister Liu's cultivation is even more advanced. It seems that she is not far from the third thunder tribulation." Fu Yue smiled, and a hint of pride flashed in Fu Yue's eyes when she saw Chen Feng falling behind.

"Not only the Nine-Turn Phantom Body Skill, but also the Void Sword Skill has been practiced to the realm of small success. It really deserves to be the first person of the young generation of the Liu family." Mu Lingfeng smiled.

"Brother Mu, do you still think Chen Feng will win?" Fu Yue said with a smile.

"Haha, this is just the beginning. It's too early to talk about the outcome. Besides, the holy weapon in Chen Feng's hand is not simple. It is several levels higher than the holy weapon in Liu Feifei's hand." Mu Lingfeng said with a smile.

"What's the use? It's still not completely mastered." Fu Yue said with a smile.

"This woman's body movement is too fast. If it weren't for the Demon Sealing Sword in my hand, I would have been torn into pieces long ago." Chen Feng was secretly surprised by Liu Feifei's strength.

Seeing that the barrier on his body was about to break under Liu Feifei's continuous attacks, Chen Feng waved the long sword in his hand and unfolded the longevity sword technique.

At this time, the longevity sword technique that Chen Feng displayed was much higher than before, and as Chen Feng's cultivation increased day by day, the sword moves in the longevity sword technique were constantly improving.

"The longevity sword ignites vitality." Chen Feng waved the long sword in his hand. As this sword technique unfolded, Chen Feng realized that this sword technique was so powerful.

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

A sword shadow suddenly spread out, and finally connected into one, and then a series of explosions broke out in the space.

"Huh!" Liu Feifei was surprised. She didn't expect Chen Feng to be able to block her attack.

"Well, the Changsheng sword technique is really magical. It seems that I underestimated the Changsheng Sutra before." Chen Feng was surprised. The power of the long sword in his hand continued to increase. The sword light wrapped himself up, and the sword energy swirled around. While protecting himself, he fought back against Liu Feifei.

"Humph." Feeling Chen Feng's thoughts, Ta couldn't help but snorted coldly. Ta had always been very angry about Chen Feng's usual laziness, and now he almost laughed at this kid again.

"I told you a long time ago that the Changsheng Sutra is the supreme method. I haven't heard of any secret method that can surpass the Changsheng Sutra. But you don't know the goods and always practice some unorthodox methods. Now you know how powerful it is?" Ta said proudly.

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