Eternal Existence

Chapter 342 Earth Bear

A huge earth-yellow bear as big as a hill suddenly appeared in front of the two. Although it did not attack, the strong sense of oppression emanating from its body constantly impacted the nerves of Chen Feng and the others.

"Earth Bear." Jian Xiaotian exclaimed.

"No opponent." Chen Feng also uttered four words from his teeth.


Jian Xiaotian was even more straightforward, so Chen Feng and the others fled to both sides at the same time.


The ground where the two stood just now suddenly exploded, and at the same time, cracks continued to spread around.

"Hiss! This guy is much more powerful than the wolf king." Chen Feng flew into the sky.

"Not on the same level." Jian Xiao said.

The Earth Bear that suddenly appeared in front of them was ten feet high, like a small mountain that could be moved. Just a stomp of its foot just now caused a slight earthquake. If Chen Feng and the others had not dodged as soon as possible, they would have turned into meat paste now.

The head alone was enough to shock Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian, not to mention the chilling breath that made the two feel from the bottom of their hearts.

However, as soon as Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian rushed up to the sky, they felt a strong suction force coming from the ground, which made their rising figures suddenly pause, and then fell rapidly to the ground.

Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian fell heavily to the ground, leaving two circular pits on the ground.

Then the ground continued to shake, and large pieces of soil churned out from the ground and continued to accumulate in the sky, and soon formed a huge bowl-shaped earth cover, like a giant mud bowl handle, covering Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian in the middle.

"The suction force just now was the gravity of the eternal world. I didn't expect this monster to be able to use it at will. It seems that it is impossible for us to escape from the sky." Jian Xiao said.

"Hey, this big guy trapped the two of us in the middle, and it seems that he wants to play a cat and mouse game." Chen Feng said that the magnetic pole point on the bottom of his feet surged rapidly, and a suspended magnetic force enveloped Chen Feng's whole body. Immediately, Chen Feng floated up and got rid of the gravity of the ground.

"Hey, you have also cultivated the power of the earth." At this time, the huge earth bear suddenly disappeared, and a three-meter-tall sturdy man walked towards Chen Feng and the others.

The two knew that this was the human form of the earth bear just now.

As the other party continued to approach, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian felt that the gravity of the ground began to become stronger. Finally, Chen Feng fell to the ground again, and Jian Xiaotian's feet sank into the mud.

"How many times did you say this bear has survived the thunder tribulation?" Chen Feng asked in a deep voice.

"At least five thunder tribulations." Jian Xiao said.

"I guess six times." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the thunder sword turned into a lightning and stabbed at the khaki mud wall that blocked the two of them.


Chen Feng felt that the thunder sword he sent out seemed to hit a steel plate, but this mud wall was hundreds of times stronger than the steel plate, because Chen Feng's thunder sword could easily cut the steel plate.

"It's useless. My earth confinement power cannot be broken even by cultivators who have survived five thunder tribulations." The earth bear said with a smile.

"Really? I don't believe it." Jian Xiao's sword energy surged, holding the sword with both hands, and he slashed at the mud wall with a move of combining man and sword.


The whole mud cover shook, and large pieces of mud fell to the ground, and a round pit appeared on the mud wall.

Jian Xiaotian kept roaring, and the sword energy in his body had been exerted to the extreme. But he couldn't break through the mud wall.

"I've said it just now, you two can't rush out with your strength." The Earth Bear said and waved his hand, and the pit that was pierced by Jian Xiaotian's long sword just now was quickly restored to its original state, smooth as before.

"This." Jian Xiaotian was stunned, and the pit that he had just hit with all his strength was restored like this.

"Brother Chen, it seems that we are in danger this time." Jian Xiaotian smiled bitterly.

"Not necessarily, Brother Jian, don't be discouraged." Chen Feng said in a deep voice. At this time, Chen Feng was secretly operating the power of the earth, trying to resist the gravity of the earth here, but it could only have a little effect. After all, he was far inferior to the Earth Bear in terms of his attainments in the power of the earth.


The Earth Bear suddenly raised his foot and stepped on the ground. Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian swayed and almost fell to the ground.

"Do it!" Jian Xiaotian shouted and used the trick of combining man and sword again, but this time he attacked the Earth Bear.

Facing Jian Xiaotian's attack, the Earth Bear just raised his palm easily and blocked Jian Xiaotian's attack.

As a Daluo battle body, Jian Xiaotian could fight against a cultivator who had survived four thunder tribulations, but now his powerful sword felt like it was stabbed on a mountain, and this mountain was made entirely of fine iron.

"And me." Chen Feng came behind the Earth Bear when Jian Xiaotian made his move, and stabbed the Earth Bear's back with the Blood Soul in his hand.


A strong rebound force was transmitted to Chen Feng along the Blood Soul, causing Chen Feng to retreat repeatedly involuntarily.

"It's useless, you two are too weak." The Earth Bear said and stomped his feet lightly. Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian were both shaken by the power that came out from the ground and turned over several times. They only felt that their blood was boiling and their internal organs were displaced, which was extremely uncomfortable.

What was even more uncomfortable was the feeling of powerlessness in their hearts. The current situation was very obvious. The gap between the two and the big bear in front of them was too big.

"How many thunder tribulations have you survived?" Chen Feng couldn't help asking.

"Seven thunder tribulations." The Earth Bear said lightly.

"You are so powerful, aren't you a bit too bullying?" Chen Feng shouted again.

"This is not bullying, you are just my food." The Earth Bear said, stretching out his palm to grab Chen Feng and the other person.

Ropes made of mud emerged from the ground and quickly tied up Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian.

"Hehe, now we don't have to worry about being hunted down by the Jiuxiao Palace. We are going to die here now." Jian Xiaotian smiled bitterly.

"Seven thunder tribulations, the difference is really too big. I didn't expect that after entering the Seven Killings, I didn't even see the killing formation, poisonous things and other specialties, and was eaten by a monster." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Humph, you two still want to see the killing formation, hehe, you really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is." The Earth Bear sneered.

"I haven't eaten anything these days, but I didn't expect two fresh humans to come to my door. Let me see which one I should eat first." The Earth Bear's eyes kept sweeping over Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian.

"Brother Chen, do you have any tricks to get out?" Jian Xiaotian asked in a voice transmission.

"Not yet." Chen Feng replied.

"Get ready. I'll use a secret method to increase my strength tenfold. I hope I can break through this mud cover and rush out." Jian Xiaotian gritted his teeth and transmitted in a voice transmission.

"What, it can increase my strength tenfold." Chen Feng was surprised.

"What are the consequences?" Then Chen Feng realized that this secret method should be the same as the soul-soothing spell he practiced, and it would definitely cause damage to himself afterwards.

"My meridians are all broken and my internal organs are all rotten." Jian Xiaotian said in a deep voice.

"What, so serious." Chen Feng was surprised.

"How is it, have you two discussed it? Have you come up with any way to escape? If not, I will not be polite." While the two were talking, the Earth Bear had already walked in front of Chen Feng.

"Haha, Brother Jian, it seems that you can't use the secret method to fight to the death." Chen Feng laughed.

"What, are you going to use that trick again, but the current situation seems a little inappropriate." Jian Xiaotian thought that Chen Feng was going to use the soul-soothing spell.

"Boy, I'll use you to beat the toothpick first." The Earth Bear said and stretched out his hand to grab Chen Feng.


Seeing that the huge palm of the Earth Bear was about to grab Chen Feng, at this time, a powerful force of ice and fire suddenly broke free from Chen Feng, and the rope tied to Chen Feng immediately turned into pieces.

Then a red light flashed and pierced the body of the Earth Bear directly. The Earth Bear screamed in fear and retreated repeatedly, and suddenly there was a transparent hole the size of a human head on his stomach.

A fiery red long sword appeared in Chen Feng's hand. It was the Fire Dragon Sword made from the teeth of the Ice and Fire Double-Headed Dragon.

A long sword of the ninth-grade treasure level.

In fact, Chen Feng was secretly regretful now. If he had taken out the Demon Sealing Sword this time, this sword would not only pierce through the opponent, but the Demon Sealing Sword of the holy weapon level was enough to kill this Earth Bear.

Swish, swish, swish!

The long sword in Chen Feng's hand kept flashing, and the ropes on Jian Xiaotian's body broke inch by inch.


Chen Feng soared into the sky, and the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand directly pierced a big hole in the mud cover above his head, and then Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian flew out one after another.

"Roar! Where are you going to escape, human?" With the roar of the Earth Bear, the mud cover exploded one after another, turning into countless fragments and shooting towards Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian. At the same time, the powerful gravity of the earth suddenly became stronger again, causing Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian's soaring figures to shake violently and fall down again.

Chen Feng grabbed Jian Xiaotian, and at this time the protective armor on his body played a role again, and the power of ice and fire continued to flow, helping Chen Feng resist the gravity of the outside world.

At the same time, Chen Feng swung the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand into a ball, covering himself and Jian Xiaotian, blocking the pieces of mud fragments that shot up from the ground.

"Take my stick!"

Just as Chen Feng was waving the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand and pulling Jian Xiaotian back, suddenly a golden light shone brightly not far away, and a thick golden long stick hit the angry Earth Bear with a loud shout.


The ground within a radius of hundreds of feet shook, and the strong body of the Earth Bear was smashed directly into the mud and disappeared, leaving only a huge deep pit.

At this time, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian only felt that their bodies were loosened, and the gravity of the earth that enveloped them suddenly disappeared.


At this time, the young cultivator that Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian had just met appeared in front of the two with a gilded long stick in his hand.

"Go!" Chen Feng nodded, and flew away with Jian Xiaotian.

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