Eternal Existence

Chapter 341: Chasing

This time, Liu Mu suddenly met Chen Feng, which made him burst into anger. Liu Mu was a genius in cultivation and had a broad mind. However, since he was fooled by Chen Feng in the magic crystal mine last time, he thought that he could find Chen Feng one day to turn the tables.

Now that he had met Chen Feng, he would not let him go, even if Chen Feng was a disciple of Taiyi Sect. In the Beiyuan area, Jiuxiao Palace had never been afraid of anyone.

After the eight people started the battle, they launched the battle formation at the same time. Although these disciples of Jiuxiao Palace were arrogant, they were not rivals in love. They used the strongest killing move, Bagua Sword Formation.

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian understood that if they really waited for the other party's sword formation to form, they would really have to fight. The moment the other party launched the sword formation, the two of them attacked at the same time, and they used the strongest attack right away.

The powerful sword energy roared out with the Xiaotian Divine Sword, as if to cut through everything in front of them.

All the power in Chen Feng's body was also stimulated, and the speed of the true qi was several times faster than before. Various acupoints opened at the same time, constantly gushing out, and waves of powerful power collided in Chen Feng's body.

The blood soul was like a blood dragon, roaring and colliding, and the tip of the spear was vibrating violently, breaking a layer of space in front of it with each vibration.

This was Chen Feng's move using the Longevity Spear with the help of the blood soul. The power of the blood soul, which was promoted to a third-grade treasure, doubled compared to before.

This attack seemed to be able to pierce the sky.

Bang bang bang bang!

Jian Xiaotian's sword directly swept away three people, and the surrounding Bagua sword formation could no longer be used.


And Chen Feng was even more ruthless, and he actually pierced a person with a spear.

"What a strong sword energy, are you from the Sword Pavilion?" One of them pointed at Jian Xiaotian and shouted in panic.

"Kill them all." Chen Feng stabbed another person to death while the man was shouting.

The remaining monks began to flee in all directions. These people reacted quickly enough. When they saw that things were not going well, they immediately started to flee.


Jian Xiaotian quickly cut a fleeing monk in half with a sword.

At this time, these proud sons of the Jiuxiao Palace were panicked, thinking only of how to escape quickly, and did not fight back at all.

The final result was that Chen Feng killed three people, Jian Xiaotian killed two people, and finally three people escaped, including Liu Mu.

"Separately chase, we must kill all these guys, otherwise there will be troubles." Chen Feng said and quickly chased in the direction where one of them fled.

Jian Xiaotian did not waste words, knowing that he could not let these people go, otherwise it would bring him endless trouble.

Half an hour later, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian met again.

"The other party ran away. The space here is very strange. The breath I locked on the other party disappeared." Chen Feng shook his head, a little depressed. During the tracking process just now, the Qianxun Mirror actually lost its function. It seemed that there was a magical power affecting it.

"Me too, but I'm even more unlucky than you. I was attacked by a monster and almost got hurt." Jian Xiao said.

"I killed five core disciples of Jiuxiao Palace this time, but I'm in big trouble. I'm afraid the sect may not be able to protect me." Chen Feng shook his head and laughed.

"It seems that Brother Chen doesn't seem to be worried?" Jian Xiaotian asked with a smile.

"Haha, worrying can't change what's going to happen. If the sect can't protect me, then I can only leave and die. If Jiuxiao Palace wants to make trouble for me, I won't surrender." Chen Feng laughed freely.

"Okay, Brother Chen is really open-minded. He can take it or leave it. He has a bright future. If Brother Chen is willing, he can go to our Tianjian Sect. Jiuxiao Palace can only be arrogant in the northern plains. When it comes to the Central Plains, it should be ours." Jian Xiaotian laughed.

"Zhongyuan, I will go, but not now. But Brother Jian, you can't be careless. No matter what, we killed the people of Jiuxiao Palace. I still have the identity of Taiyi Sect to block them. Although your Tianjian Sect is powerful, it can only be regarded as an outsider here. Jiuxiao Palace will definitely not let it go." Chen Feng said.

"Haha, there is nothing to worry about. At worst, I will leave Beiyuan and return to Zhongyuan. Besides, this is the Seven Killings Jedi. Those three people may not be able to escape. Even if they can't fall into our hands, they may be killed by the monsters here." Jian Xiaotian smiled and didn't look very worried.

Although Chen Feng said casually, he was secretly worried in his heart. In the Beiyuan area, the three major sects of Jiuxiao, Lingxiao, and Zixiao were too domineering. If Liu Mu and others escaped back to the sect, then the other party would definitely not let it go. He was just a small cultivator in the secret realm period. Chen Feng didn't believe that Taiyi Sect would turn against the other party for his little disciple.

Liu Mu and the others were not ordinary disciples, but core disciples who had survived the thunder tribulation. I'm afraid that Jiuxiao Palace had already known about it when they were killed by the two of them.

Five core disciples were killed in one breath, which was a big deal in the immortal sects in Beiyuan, not to mention that they were people from Jiuxiao Palace.

Then Jiuxiao Palace would definitely take revenge in the shortest time, and the first to bear the brunt would be Jian Xiaotian. If Jian Xiaotian could not leave Beiyuan in a short time and dared to go to Zhongyuan, then the result would be death.

At least Chen Feng thought so.

Then Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian joined forces and continued to track and search for Liu Mu and the other two according to the little feeling they had left.

"There is a roar in front. It should be the monster I encountered just now. I was almost injured by the sneak attack just now. It's just right that we can join forces to kill the opponent this time." Jian Xiao said.

"What monster is it?" Chen Feng asked.

"A Tumang."

Sure enough, not long after Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian saw a ten-foot-long earth-yellow python fighting with a cultivator. Various plants around were constantly being flattened, and the ground was even more destroyed. It looked like a shocking scene.

"It was this Tumang. It almost swallowed me just now. I wonder if the guy who escaped from Jiuxiao Palace was eaten?" Jian Xiao said.

"I hope it was eaten. This guy is so powerful. What's lacking is that he is a casual cultivator or from some other sect?" Chen Feng looked at the cultivator who beat the Tumang and made him run around with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He was not tall and his physique was not strong, but the gilded long stick in his hand was very powerful. Every time he hit it, he could even break a small mountain. At this time, this Tumang, who looked more powerful than the wolf king that Chen Feng and the others encountered, was actually beaten dizzy.

Although there are countless kinds of magic weapons in the cultivation world, the number of cultivators using flying swords is the largest. According to Chen Feng's understanding, cultivators who generally use weapons such as long sticks are almost all mighty men with strong bodies and domineering skills, such as Ruta.

However, the figure of the cultivator who used the long stick before was beyond Chen Feng's expectations.

"Awesome, this person has at least survived three thunder tribulations. Hasn't Chen Feng heard of such a powerful cultivator?" Jian Xiaotian said in surprise.

"No, Beiyuan is too big. I don't even know a few cultivators in my sect, let alone other cultivators outside." Chen Feng smiled.

"I originally wanted to join forces to kill this big snake, but it seems that it won't be used." Jian Xiao said.

"Hey, things have changed." Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

It turned out that the earth snake actually took a gap and rushed out, and the direction was just facing Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian.

Chen Feng only felt the ground shake violently, and the earth beast was in front of him. When Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian were about to attack, the earth beast shrank quickly and drilled into the ground.

"Want to escape." Chen Feng said as he paused with his feet. The ground shook violently, and the huge earth beast was knocked out by the power of the earth rising from the ground.


Jian Xiaotian quickly stepped forward and knocked the earth beast down again with a heavy punch.

At this time, the young monk with the gilded long stick rushed over and hit the earth beast's head heavily with the long stick in his hand.


The head of the earth beast exploded like a watermelon. The young monk waved his hand, and a fist-sized demon core fell into his hand.

"Thank you for your help." Just when Chen Feng and the others were stunned, the monk came in front of them, and the gilded long stick was carried on his shoulder.

Only then did Chen Feng see the other person's appearance clearly.

Judging from his appearance, he is about 20 years old. Of course, in the cultivation world, one cannot judge a person's age by his appearance.

His face is thin, his facial lines are firm, his eyes occasionally emit a sharp light, and when he opens his mouth, he reveals a mouthful of neat and white teeth. Chen Feng felt that he should be young after just one look.

"It's nothing, just a little effort." Jian Xiao said.

"I only want the demon core of this python, and the rest belongs to you." The young man waved his hand and turned away.

"This." Chen Feng saw that the other party had disappeared when he was talking to Jian Xiao.

"This Tu Mang has survived the thunder tribulation, and his whole body is full of treasures. It's really strange to think that he just threw it away like this." Jian Xiaotian laughed.

"This man is very powerful, but he walked too fast. I wanted to ask his name." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Come and see, what is here?" Jian Xiaotian's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he stretched out his hand, and a long sword flew out of the bushes not far away and fell into Jian Xiaotian's hand.

"This seems to be a weapon from the Jiuxiao Palace." Chen Feng took the long sword in his hand, looked it up and down, and then penetrated the soul power into the long sword.

"The soul imprint inside has also been eliminated. It seems that the owner of this sword should have been swallowed by this earth monster." Chen Feng said.

"It seems that we are lucky. We have solved one more person. So there are two more people. I hope the luck will remain the same next time." Jian Xiaotian smiled.

"There is luck, but it is not good luck. It seems to be bad luck." The smile on Chen Feng's face immediately turned into a bitter smile.

When Chen Feng said this, the smile on Jian Xiaotian's face also disappeared, and the giant sword behind him turned into a stream of light and fell into his hand.

And Chen Feng also took out the blood soul at the first time.

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