Eternal Existence

Chapter 343 Seven Deadly Snakes

This time, the three of them flew more than 800 miles in one breath before stopping.

"Huh, this time it was really dangerous, I almost lost my life, I didn't expect such a big guy to suddenly appear." Jian Xiaotian said with lingering fear.

Facing the Earth Bear, Jian Xiaotian's strongest attack could not break the opponent's method. He couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and even his fighting spirit was discounted, but fortunately he escaped.

"Thank you for your help." Chen Feng thanked the young cultivator.

"Even if I didn't take action, the Earth Bear couldn't stop you. No wonder you dared to go deep into the Seven Killings Jedi to take risks. It turned out that you had a top-grade magic weapon to protect yourself." The young cultivator said.

"It's just relying on the advantage of external weapons. It's not as deep as Brother Dao's cultivation. I'm Chen Feng, a disciple of Taiyi Sect, and this is Jian Xiaotian." Chen Feng smiled and put away the Fire Dragon Sword.

In fact, according to Chen Feng's current strength, he could not exert such a strong power of the Fire Dragon Sword, let alone pierce the Earth Bear. This was all because the tower input a force into the Fire Dragon Sword at the critical moment, temporarily activating the Fire Dragon Sword.

"Lin Shaokun! Just a casual cultivator." The young cultivator said, and put the gilded long stick in his hand on the ground. Chen Feng immediately felt the ground vibrate slightly, and couldn't help but secretly guess the weight of the stick.

"Hehe, Brother Lin also came to the Seven Killings Jedi for training." Jian Xiao said.

"I'm not here for training, I just need some monster cores." When he said this, Lin Shaokun's eyes darkened.

"Monster cores, I have some on me." Chen Feng said, taking out three monster cores, one of which was obtained from the hunted wolf king.

"Brother Chen is polite, I will hunt the monster cores myself." Lin Shaokun declined.

"Brother Lin, don't refuse. These things are dispensable to me, but I think Brother Lin really needs them." Chen Feng said as he put the demon core in Lin Shaokun's hand.

"Since that's the case, I won't be polite. To be honest, I do need a lot of demon cores, so I chose to come to the Seven Killings Jedi." Lin Shaokun smiled.

"You are quite generous, kid." Ta couldn't help but say in the dark.

"This man is worth making friends with." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't know why you two came here. If you need help, please feel free to ask. I am very familiar with the Seven Killings Jedi." Lin Shaokun said with a smile.

"Oh, really? I came here to look for Juemai grass. I wonder if Brother Lin knows where it is?" Chen Feng asked with some surprise.

"Juemai grass, this kind of spiritual medicine can be found in many places in the Seven Killings Jedi. Going two thousand miles further, Juemai grass, seven poison grass, seven dead grass, hemolytic flowers and other spiritual medicines are simply everywhere in the mountains." Lin Shaokun said.

"There are so many?" Chen Feng was surprised and happy.

"But that place is too dangerous. I don't recommend you two to go there. I ventured deep into it once and almost couldn't come back. According to my guess and feeling, there should be a demon king there." Lin Shaokun said.

"Demon King!" Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"I heard that there are seven demon kings in the Seven Killings Jedi. I wonder if it's true?" Chen Feng said.

"It should be true." Lin Shaokun said.

"In that case, it's better not to go there. If you go, you may lose your life. It's not worth it." Chen Feng said.

"Brother Chen, don't worry. I know there are other places where there are Juemai grass, but they are guarded by a group of poisonous snakes. I went there several times and didn't get the upper hand. Now there are two more people, I will definitely succeed." Lin Shaokun said.

"Poisonous snake, what poisonous snake?" Jian Xiaotian asked curiously.

"Seven Killing Snakes." Lin Shaokun said in a deep voice.

"It's the Seven Killing Snakes?" Jian Xiaotian exclaimed.

"Oh, Brother Jian, do you know this kind of poisonous snake?" Chen Feng asked beside him.

"This kind of venomous snake is very powerful and highly toxic. It can spray out its venom from its mouth. Each kind of venom is very precious in the cultivation world. The demon beast-level Seven Absolute Snake can poison a cultivator in the Heavenly Man Realm. More importantly, this highly toxic creature also lives in groups. I have seen some books record that someone has seen the largest Seven Absolute Snake nest with a full 1 billion Seven Absolute Snakes." Jian Xiaotian recalled.

"10 billion, is it true? This is not just a legend, right?" Chen Feng was a little unconvinced.

"Hehe, the book records that there is indeed such a place, but I have never been there. It is the famous Snake Island in the Central Plains, and it is also a dangerous place. Hehe, it is even more dangerous than the Seven Killings." Jian Xiaotian laughed.

"Snake Island, it turns out to be in the Central Plains." Chen Feng nodded.

"I have heard of this place. I heard that there are countless kinds of venomous snakes on the Snake Island. It is said that there are venomous snakes that have cultivated into demon immortals. I don't know if it is true or not." At this time, Lin Shaokun said.

"Demon immortal." A trace of curiosity flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Tower, what level is a demon immortal?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Above the demon king is the demon fairy, which has surpassed the human fairy and reached the level of the earth fairy." Ta said simply.

"It is unimaginable that there are beings higher than the human fairy." Chen Feng was a little emotional. After all, his current realm is too low. He has not even cultivated to the heavenly realm. That level of existence is too far away from him.

"If it is the Seven Deadly Snake, it will be difficult to deal with it. By the way, Brother Lin, I wonder how many Seven Deadly Snakes there are in that place, and what realm they are in?" Jian Xiaotian asked.

"There is indeed a snake cave. I don't know the exact number, but there are several Seven Deadly Snakes that have cultivated to the level of great demons. I went for the ground root grass growing near the snake cave, but I didn't expect that a group of poisonous snakes would come out when I was almost there. I was not fully prepared at the time and inhaled some snake venom. In the end, I fought with three Seven Deadly Snakes of the great demon level. I killed one of them before leaving." Lin Shaokun described in detail the situation of his battle with the Seven Deadly Snakes.

"Ground root grass, this is a good thing?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"Of course it is a good thing. This is what cultivators who practice earth-based magic formulas dream of." Jian Xiaotian said with a smile.

"In this case, let's do it. Even if there is no Juemai grass, we have to fight for this ground root grass." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and said.

"I have no problem. Even if I don't need it, I can sell it for a good price." Jian Xiao said.

After the three of them discussed it, they started to act.

The place Lin Shaokun mentioned is more than 500 miles away from where they are now. The three of them kept moving forward while discussing the steps to take next.

This time, the three people's goal is the ground root grass and the dead vein grass. Chen Feng has made up his mind. If he gets the dead vein grass, he will return to the sect immediately. After being promoted to a core disciple, he will prepare for the battle with peace of mind.

"What a pity, if we can kill the Earth Bear, the number this time will be almost enough." Lin Shaokun suddenly said.

"Oh, Brother Lin, don't blame me for asking too much. I don't know what Brother Lin needs so many demon cores for. Is it to make pills?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It can be considered as making pills, right?" Lin Shaokun said lightly, with a trace of embarrassment in his eyes.

Seeing Lin Shaokun's expression, Chen Feng knew that the other party had something to hide, so he stopped asking and changed the subject.

"It's in the hills ahead." Lin Shaokun stopped soon.

"There is indeed a faint poison gas in the air." Jian Xiaotian frowned.

"This kind of poison gas is enough to easily poison ordinary people." Chen Feng took out three anti-poison pills and the three of them took them respectively.

"Although this level of poison is useless to us, we should still be careful." Chen Feng smiled.

"Brother Chen can make pills?" Lin Shaokun asked curiously.

"I don't know anything, but I have prepared many kinds of pills on me in case of emergency." Chen Feng smiled.

"Tower, how many poisonous snakes are there ahead?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"I don't know, why don't you go and see for yourself?" Tower said lazily.

"Hehe." Chen Feng smiled and stopped asking.

I don't know since when Chen Feng suddenly felt that he seemed to be somewhat dependent on the Longevity Tower. This is not a good sign. Magical weapons are important, but the most important thing is his own strength.

The hill is not very big. From a distance, it can only be regarded as a high slope slightly higher than the ground. As the three people approached, a fishy smell gradually came over.

Chen Feng tried to inhale a little, and immediately felt dizzy, and then immediately circulated his true energy to dissolve the poison.

"What a strong poison." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Without the poison-proof pill, it is difficult for cultivators below the Heavenly Man Realm to come here, and even cultivators at the Heavenly Man Realm cannot stay here for a long time." Jian Xiao said.

Lin Shaokun reached out and picked a few herbs on the ground.

"The herbs that can grow in this environment are not ordinary. These are cold spirit grasses. Growing under poisonous gas, they have the effect of detoxification and anti-poisoning." Lin Shaokun said.

"There are also a few poison-proof fruits here. These are all good things." Jian Xiaotian also picked a few round fruits the size of fingernails.

"I was attracted to continue moving forward because I saw these spiritual medicines." Lin Shaokun smiled.

"A poisonous snake appeared so soon." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand fiercely. A two-foot-long colorful snake was caught by Chen Feng in mid-air and fixed in mid-air, unable to move.

"This is the Seven Absolute Snake." Lin Shaokun said.

"Too weak, not even a demon beast." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand, and the Seven Absolute Snake fell to the ground, motionless, because the vitality in its body had been shaken away by the power emitted by Chen Feng.

"As agreed before, I will lead away several Seven Deadly Snakes that have cultivated to the level of great demons. You can take this opportunity to pick various spiritual medicines. As I said before, don't fight hard. If you really can't do it, retreat immediately. There is no need to fight to the death with these poisonous creatures." Lin Shaokun nodded to Chen Feng and the others, then his figure jumped and disappeared into the mound after a few jumps.

"I hope we can get some gains this time. Otherwise, I will catch some Seven Deadly Snakes and raise them. It is also a good choice to guard the cave in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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