Eternal Existence

Chapter 336 Tracking

"Heavenly Wheel Blasting Sword Technique!" Jian Xiaotian, who was flying quickly, shouted loudly, and the giant sword inserted into the wolf king's body suddenly exploded. Although the wolf king did not disintegrate, there was a shocking blood hole on his body.


The wolf king roared angrily, and a wind ball spun out of his mouth quickly, hitting Jian Xiaotian heavily. When Chen Feng got out of the ground, he saw Jian Xiaotian turning into a meteor and sliding away.

"Are you okay?" When Chen Feng blocked the wolf king, the wolf king immediately roared, and his voice was full of disbelief.

Even a cultivator who had survived four or five thunder tribulations could not withstand his full-strength attack. How could this little cultivator be okay?

In his rage, the blood on the wolf king's body flowed faster.

"Demon Art of Devouring the Sky." Chen Feng opened his hands violently, and two black vortices immediately appeared in the center of his palms.

This kind of scene is more suitable to use the mighty and domineering Heaven Devouring Demonic Art. As Chen Feng's magic art was activated, two blood columns spurted out from the wolf king's wound, and all were sucked into Chen Feng's body.


Another tornado suddenly appeared, sweeping Chen Feng away. Before Chen Feng landed, a group of silver-winged wind wolves attacked Chen Feng from all directions.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several sword energies bloomed from Chen Feng, and the surrounding silver-winged wind wolves were killed one after another.

Chen Feng was a little strange, wondering why the wolf king didn't take the opportunity to attack. Although the injury was serious, it shouldn't be impossible to attack.

After Chen Feng stabilized his body, he understood that the wolf king had turned into a silver light and fled far away.

"He actually ran away." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he soon understood that the wolf king must have stopped fighting with him because of his serious injuries and felt the threat to his life, and his invulnerability also made the other party feel scared.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to catch up, Jian Xiaotian's burly figure also flew over from a distance, and killed several Silver Winged Gale Wolves who came forward to block him along the way.

"This guy is fine, it seems that he is not only physically strong." Chen Feng was also a little surprised.

Jian Xiaotian stretched out his hand and grabbed the void fiercely, and the space flashed with brilliant light. The fragments of the sword body that had just exploded gathered together and condensed into a huge long sword again.

"Chase, this wolf king is injured, this is a good opportunity." Jian Xiaotian stepped on the giant sword and chased him quickly.

Chen Feng did not hesitate, and the light flashed under his feet, following Jian Xiaotian closely.

Chen Feng was not worried. In Chen Feng's mind, this wolf king could not escape. Besides, Chen Feng also locked the opponent's breath with the Qianxun Mirror. Unless this wolf king could escape thousands of miles in a short time, he would not be able to get rid of Chen Feng's pursuit.

Silver-winged Swift Wolf is naturally fast, not to mention the king among them. Although it was injured, it stimulated its potential under the threat of death, and its speed was even faster than before.

When Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian finally broke out of the siege, the wolf king had already disappeared.

"Isn't it said that once the wolf king is killed, the remaining wolves will flee? I don't think this is the case?" Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"You are talking about ordinary wolves. This is a spiritual monster, especially the wolf king who has survived several thunder tribulations." Jian Xiao did not slow down, but instead increased his speed.

Chen Feng saw that Jian Xiaotian's flight route was exactly the direction in which the wolf king fled, and he knew that the other party had his own tracking method.

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian chased all the way, and finally stopped after thousands of miles.

Thinking that the breath of the wolf king suddenly disappeared not far ahead, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian began to descend from the sky at this time.

Just now, the two of them relied on tracking methods to fly, and their vision could not penetrate far, and they didn't even know what was happening on the ground.

However, after the two landed, they found that there were still dense weeds growing on the ground, and they looked even more lush, but in addition to the weeds, there were some other plants.

As soon as Chen Feng landed, several thorny vines entangled Chen Feng, and the speed was as fast as a poisonous snake.

Chen Feng did not move, allowing these vines to entangle him tightly, and then Chen Feng felt that these vines began to tighten and the spikes on them began to pierce all over his body.

Chen Feng's whole body shook, and the air flow surged, and the thorny vines that entangled Chen Feng broke into pieces.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He thought that he would shake these vines into pieces with his magic power, but now they were just broken.

"What a tough plant. Although I don't know what this vine is called, it seems that once it entangles people, it should suck people dry." Jian Xiao said.

Jian Xiao had released the sword energy while he was talking, and the weeds and vines around him were all cut into pieces.

"It seems that Brother Jian is not injured?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Brother Chen, you are joking. I was indeed injured just now. In fact, it is a bit risky for us to catch up like this. If other big monsters appear again, I can't deal with them." Jian Xiaotian said with a wry smile.

Chen Feng was about to speak, but he felt a sudden shock of weakness all over his body, and his body shook involuntarily.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?" Jian Xiaotian asked hurriedly.

"Why did the feeling of weakness come so late this time?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Stupid, didn't you swallow the opponent's blood and essence just now? Otherwise, how could you have the strength to continue chasing." At this time, Ta couldn't help but say.

"So that's how it is. I forgot about it." Chen Feng secretly felt a little ashamed.

"I just used the secret technique, and now I have almost exhausted all the strength in my body." Chen Feng said as he sat on the ground and took out the Essence Pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

Ever since taking the Essence Pill made from the flesh and blood of the Ice and Fire Double-Headed Dragon, Chen Feng no longer had an appetite for ordinary pills. Now he was taking this Essence Pill, an eighth-grade low-level pill, which was enough for Chen Feng to recover his strength, but the premise was that it would take time.

Chen Feng sat on the ground and teased without any defense, just to see if Jian Xiaotian would attack him. If Jian Xiaoyun really attacked him, then he would directly summon the Longevity Tower to shock him to death.

"I hope Jian Xiaotian is not that kind of person." Chen Feng said in his heart. Although he and Jian Xiaotian had just met, he had a good impression of him. Jian Xiaotian was generous, calm, generous, enthusiastic, and talented. He was the kind of person that everyone wanted to be friends with.

"Well, brother Chen, you can practice with peace of mind. I will protect you." Jian Xiao walked to the side and directly inserted the giant sword into the ground, carefully alerting the situation around him.

"It seems that this guy is fine." Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, this little guy's injuries are not light, but he is also a Daluo battle body, and his recovery ability is very strong." The tower said with a smile.

Chen Feng took a Jingyuan pill and swallowed some treasure crystals. He stood up after an hour.

The spiritual energy in the treasure crystal far exceeds that of the magic crystal, and more importantly, the grade of the spiritual energy contained in it. After absorbing some treasure crystals, Chen Feng immediately felt unwilling to absorb the magic crystal.

At the same time, Chen Feng also understood why the Changsheng Tower did not absorb the external spiritual energy to restore its strength. Let alone whether the amount of spiritual energy in this world can satisfy the Changsheng Tower, the quality of the spiritual energy will not be favored by the Changsheng Tower.

Seeing Chen Feng stand up, Jian Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief and lay directly on the ground. His chest rose and fell violently, and his breath became stronger and stronger. Soon, the spiritual energy around him gathered and then entered Jian Xiaotian's body.

"Hey, this guy actually trusts me so much?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Humph, do you think others are as careful as you?" Ta said sarcastically.

"Hey, it's better to be careful, after all, I only have one life." Chen Feng smiled indifferently.

Another hour later, Jian Xiaotian also stood up. At this time, Chen Feng's strength in his body had recovered, but his soul power was still a little weak.

"Will the wolf king escape?" Jian Xiaotian carefully sensed the surroundings and said.

"It's a bit strange. The wolf king should be nearby, but I can't find his existence." Chen Feng was also a little strange. He couldn't find the other party's breath even when he used all his strength to activate the Qianxun Mirror.

"Could this be the wolf king's lair?" Jian Xiaotian guessed.

"Maybe there is something here, and this wolf king escaped here, firstly to avoid danger, and secondly to heal his wounds." Chen Feng also guessed.

"Look around, it's not easy to hurt a top-grade monster, we can't just let it go." Jian Xiao began to use the search technique to search around.

According to Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian's speculation, this should be regarded as the real Seven Killings Jedi, because the power of space here is very strange. Although there is no fog or other things, the two people's vision cannot extend too far. Once you look far away, you will feel that the space is blurred, giving people a strange feeling.

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian acted separately, and Chen Feng simply took out the Qianxun mirror and put it in his hand to activate it, but Chen Feng's soul power has not yet fully recovered, and the power of the Qianxun mirror is also greatly reduced.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng didn't go far, and a bunch of thorny vines blocked Chen Feng's way, and these vines attacked Chen Feng like a group of snakes.

Chen Feng originally wanted to use the same move again, and then use his strength when the vines entangled him, but his eyes suddenly flashed, and Chen Feng immediately changed his mind.

He spread his palms, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword immediately circled and shot out. After a few circles, Chen Feng was surrounded by sword light, and the vines attacking Chen Feng were cut into pieces and scattered all over the ground.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and several broken snakes of the same color as the vines floated up, and a foul smell emanated from these snakes.

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