Eternal Existence

Chapter 337 Fire Bee

"What a cunning poisonous snake." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

If he hadn't seen it with his sharp eyes just now, these poisonous snakes would have been mixed in the vines and attacked him.

Although Chen Feng cut off large pieces of the surrounding vines, more vines were densely piled up towards Chen Feng.

There was darkness in all directions, like a frenzy, drowning Chen Feng in it.

The sword light flashed continuously, and Chen Feng cleaned up the vines and the poisonous snakes hidden in them. However, Chen Feng was not here to weed. In desperation, he finally released a fire, and in Chen Feng's palm Under the wind, the surrounding vegetation and vines soon turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Using fire to overcome wood, the fire became stronger and stronger, and soon all the vines and poisonous snakes around it retreated.

"Not only Chen Feng, but even Jian Xiaotian also thought of this method, and the billowing fire waves continued to ripple around, and the intense firepower made Chen Feng feel his face burning.

"The wolf king should be able to be forced out under this kind of fire, right?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

Chen Feng waved his palm, and under the tyrannical force of the palm, a passage immediately appeared in the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him. Chen Feng walked in casually, and at the same time released the power of his soul to carefully observe the surrounding situation.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Waves of vibrations passed into Chen Feng's ears, and then dense red dots appeared in Qianxun's mirror.

"What is this? Could it be some mosquitoes? This is a sea of ​​fire." Chen Feng said secretly.

"Hehehe." Hearing Chen Feng's underestimated Ta, he smiled.

The buzzing sound became louder and louder, and finally fist-sized fireballs appeared in Chen Feng's sight.

"It's really a mosquito, it's a fire bee." Chen Feng's eyes were like lightning, and he had already seen the fire bees in the fire ball with their teeth and claws.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't know the specific names of these creatures. The fire bee was just a broad generalization, and the one that appeared now was a species of the fire bee.

Seeing these fire bees, Chen Feng couldn't help but frown. Chen Feng would rather fight against a powerful monster than get entangled with such a thing.

Chen Feng has always been disgusted by creatures that live in groups. This is true for wolves, and even more so for fire bees.

"No wonder the surrounding flames are getting stronger and stronger. It turns out to be because of these fire bees. The last time I got the Golden Light Shadowless Knife, I also collected a huge hive, and there were still many Golden Light Shadowless Bees that had not hatched out. Moreover, there is a large amount of fire nectar in the hive. Speaking of which, the Golden Shadowless Bees encountered before can be regarded as a type of fire bees, otherwise it would not be possible to breed a fire attribute weapon like the Golden Shadowless Knife. "

"Since there are fire bees here, there should be a hive nearby. Anyway, since these fire bees are looking for death, then kill them and collect some fire nectar." Chen Feng was a little depressed when he didn't find the Wolf King. Now I have no choice but to vent my anger on these fire bees that appeared.

Whoosh whoosh!

Just when Chen Feng was thinking, the rushing fire bees had already launched an attack. Several of the fire bees vibrated rapidly, and streams of flames came out of their bodies, turning into rockets and shooting towards Chen Feng. .

"Tsk, tsk, these fire bees are not simple, they can actually make flames attack from the body." Chen Feng was a little surprised. He stretched out his palm and opened and closed it fiercely. Four different forces came out of his palm, entangled with each other and kept spinning.

"The four elephants rotate!"

This is exactly the technique Chen Feng practiced when he opened the Siji acupoint.

The rockets coming towards Chen Feng began to swing around before they reached Chen Feng, losing their accuracy. Then Chen Feng opened his fingers again. The rockets all collided with each other and turned into clusters of sparks. Finally, they scattered and turned into A trace of ordinary flames dissipated around.

"The light of the Five Elements Capture."

Then there was a phantom movement in Chen Feng's palm, transforming from the four elements into the five elements. In an instant, all the five elements acupoints in Chen Feng's body began to operate. The power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth continued to merge in Chen Feng's palm, and finally formed a A huge palm composed of colorful lights and shadows.

This is the Five Elements Palm that Chen Feng used to condense the power of the Five Elements. Although he does not fully understand the power of the Five Elements, there is still no problem in using it to deal with these fire bees.

With just a slight grasp of the huge five-element palm, a huge and rapidly rotating vortex appeared in the palm. All these fire bees were caught in the palm and could not break free.

Chen Feng didn't know when there was a palm-sized gourd carved from spiritual stone in his palm. It was light, translucent, moist and shiny, with densely packed restrictions carved on it.


As Chen Feng shouted, a powerful suction force came from the gourd mouth. As soon as the suction force came out, it turned into countless strands, and each strand enveloped a fire bee.

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish!

As the restrictions on the gourd glowed, these fire bees were absorbed into the gourd one after another. With just one breath, the fire bees surrounding Chen Feng were all wiped out.

During this period, Chen Feng counted and found that more than three hundred fire bees were absorbed into the gourd.

"Each of these fire bees has the strength of a monster. Although they are very weak, they are better in numbers. If they are cultivated well and promoted to several levels, they can be considered a good killing weapon." Chen Feng said with a smile. .

At this time, Chen Feng had already felt the sword energy coming continuously from the distance, and knew that it was Jian Xiaotian who was taking action.

"I wonder if Jian Xiaotian has also encountered such fire bees." Chen Feng said as he continued to move forward, thinking that Chen Feng felt that there were still a large number of fire bees waiting for him.

These things are deadly to other cultivators, but in Chen Feng's hands, they can only be raised as pets.

Sure enough, not long after walking, Chen Feng encountered overwhelming fire bees again. Groups of flames gathered together, and the surrounding grass and trees burned more fiercely. The space of unknown miles turned red.

"There are so many fire bees here. The wolf king should not escape here." Chen Feng thought secretly.

Next, Chen Feng continued to use the gourd in his hand to capture and absorb the fire bees he could encounter.

More and more fire bees were absorbed into the gourd. Chen Feng felt that the gourd in his hand was getting heavier and heavier, and at the same time, a stream of hot air was transmitted from it.

"I wonder if this gourd can hold up?" Chen Feng was a little worried. After all, although the gourd in his hand was good, it was not even a treasure.

"Don't worry, there is my power on it. Even if there are ten or eight times more fire bees, it will be no problem." Ta said at this time.

When Chen Feng captured tens of thousands of fire bees, several fireballs larger than a person's head rushed towards Chen Feng rapidly.

"Good fellow, this size is close to that of a big demon." Chen Feng was a little surprised, watching the huge fire bee in the fireball constantly baring its fangs and claws at him.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi!

A stream of tiny fire lines quickly emanated from these poisonous bees, crisscrossing in the air, and in the blink of an eye, a silk net was formed to cover Chen Feng.

"It can even weave a silk net?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Five Elements Fist!"

Chen Feng punched in the air, and the power of the five elements condensed into a huge fist, which hit the fire wire net heavily, and then the fist exploded violently, and the powerful energy generated cut the silk net into pieces.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his palm and absorbed the fire power that had not yet dissipated.

"It seems that I have to catch this level of fire bee myself." Chen Feng put away the gourd in his hand, and then his hands changed for a while, and then he pushed hard, and the huge longevity furnace suddenly flew out of his palm, covering the fire bee not far away.

Among the weapons condensed by Chen Feng's practice of the Changsheng Zhenjing, the Changsheng Knife and Changsheng Sword are the most proficient, but the Changsheng Furnace is the highest level. As long as Chen Feng practices to the Heavenly Man Realm, he can use the Changsheng Furnace to refine various high-level elixirs.

The Changsheng Furnace suddenly appeared and immediately put several fire bees into it. When these fire bees entered the Changsheng Furnace, they were about to struggle, and they felt that fine longevity chains flew out of the Changsheng Furnace, binding these fire bees tightly.

Other fire bees that were not captured by the Changsheng Furnace attacked Chen Feng. They saw these fire bees waving small spears condensed from flames and stabbing Chen Feng.

"Hey, these fire bees are really powerful. They can even use weapons." Chen Feng said in surprise.

When these fire bees attacked in front of him, Chen Feng waved his hands, and his ten fingers kept moving. Wherever his fingers passed, there was a constant vitality of Changsheng Zhenqi.

The last silk net condensed by the immortal qi appeared in front of Chen Feng, and quickly covered it. All the fire bees that killed Chen Feng were gathered together and captured.

"Haha, it's impolite not to return the favor. You used the silk net just now, and now I will use the silk net too." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Such a powerful fire bee appeared. It seems that the hive is not far away." Chen Feng laughed.

He strode forward, and the surrounding flames kept making way for a path. At the same time, Chen Feng also collected the captured fire bees.

"It's just in front." Chen Feng had already felt a powerful and unparalleled hot force, as if there was a sun hidden in front.

After Chen Feng cleared the obstacles in front, he saw a huge round sun, and the rolling heat waves continued to radiate around.

At this time, there were no weeds and plants here. The ground was bare, cracked, and flames were rolling. There were also scorched rocks, which made Chen Feng feel like he had come to the Flame Mountain.

"It turns out that this big fireball is a beehive. It is many times larger than the beehive of the golden shadowless bee I collected before. It is almost like a palace.

The huge beehive constantly emits strong flames in all directions, and the beehive is covered with dense fireballs, each of which represents a fire bee.

"Tsk tsk, the world is full of wonders. This is the first time I have seen such a big hornet's nest. If this big fireball is moved to Black Source City, I am afraid that the city will be reduced to scorched earth in an instant." Chen Feng said with emotion.

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