Eternal Existence

Chapter 335: Fighting the Wolf King

When Chen Feng made up his mind to use the Soul-Calming Mantra, Jian Xiaotian had already rushed up again, waving his giant sword.

Although Jian Xiaotian was a Daluo battle body, he was still a flesh and blood body after all, and he did not have the top-grade armor like Chen Feng. In addition, there was still some gap between him and the wolf king. He had been seriously injured in this fight, but the only thing that remained unchanged was his surging fighting spirit.

"Although he was injured, he still had a strong fighting spirit and unparalleled momentum. He is worthy of being a Daluo battle body." Chen Feng exclaimed.

"Little human, you really don't know how to live or die. You are just hitting a rock with an egg." At this time, the wolf king finally spoke.

"Hahaha, if you have the guts, you should jump out and fight us alone at the beginning, and let the little wolf cubs below come out to die. Do you think you can consume some of our strength? Look at how I cut you into pieces today." Jian Xiaotian laughed wildly.

"I let you escape last time, but you brought another person to die. It just so happens that I haven't devoured the cultivators of the Heavenly Man Realm in recent times, so today I can have a big feast." The wolf king said, and the broad wings on his back flapped sharply, and the surrounding space was shaking. The air currents were constantly stirring in chaos, and soon a thick tornado that penetrated the sky and the earth appeared in front of Chen Feng and the others.

Chen Feng had never seen such a huge tornado. It was taller and thicker than the ones he had seen before, and more importantly, it was faster. Chen Feng even had a feeling that this powerful tornado could even crush a mountain.

"Not good." Jian Xiaotian's face changed immediately. He was caught in the tornado before he rushed to the wolf king, and Chen Feng was thinking about avoiding it. Who knew that the tornado tilted quickly and swept horizontally, and suddenly caught Chen Feng in it.

As soon as he entered the tornado, Chen Feng could not help but turn around. In less than a breath, he felt stars in his eyes and dizzy. Countless chaotic forces were constantly tearing him apart, trying to tear him into pieces.

"What a powerful tornado." Chen Feng said secretly, and kept waving his palms to send out waves of palm power, trying to fix his body.

But all this was in vain. The wind around him was too strong. A little bit of wind was like a knife cutting his body. Even if Chen Feng's body was strong, other secret realm cultivators would have been torn into pieces long ago.

"I wonder how Jian Xiaotian is doing?" Chen Feng said secretly.

In fact, Chen Feng has another way, that is, to hide directly in the Changsheng Tower, or to use the power of the Changsheng Tower directly. With just a slight shake, he can deal with the big tornado in front of him.

But Chen Feng didn't want to rely on the Changsheng Tower for everything, and Chen Feng didn't want to expose the Changsheng Tower casually. This is why Chen Feng didn't use the Changsheng Tower even though he was in trouble.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chains of immortality shot out from Chen Feng's body, extending in all directions, wrapping Chen Feng in them. The chains of immortality not only have the function of binding, but also the means of cutting. Chen Feng's mind surged, and the chains of immortality extending from his body instantly cut the surrounding wind power into pieces. Then, these chains of immortality began to rotate rapidly under Chen Feng's control, and soon made a passage in the tornado.


Chen Feng's palm power shook, and he got out of the tornado directly. Just when Chen Feng wanted to go forward with the Haoran Zhengang Sword to cut the tornado into eight pieces, a series of lightning flashes split from the tornado like a spider web. When these lightning forces extended to the extreme, this tornado that reached the sky suddenly exploded and turned into fragments of nothingness.

Jian Xiaotian held a giant sword in his hand, like a god of war descending from the sky. Not only on the giant sword, but also on Jian Xiaotian himself, there was lightning power flashing.

This is not ordinary thunder and lightning power, but the power of heavenly thunder. Only cultivators who have survived the thunder tribulation can condense and refine the power of heavenly thunder.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Jian Xiaotian said in a deep voice. At this time, Jian Xiaotian's face was firm. It took a lot of effort to break free from the shackles of the tornado just now.

"No problem!" Chen Feng nodded and put away the immortal chain in his body.

"It seems that we can't kill this wolf king this time. If I survive another thunder tribulation, I will be sure. The wind attribute of this wolf king is too strong, and it can't take advantage of close or long distance." Jian Xiao said.

"I will perform a secret method, which should cause this wolf king to hesitate for a short time. I wonder if Brother Jian can grasp it?" Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Is there such a secret method?" Jian Xiaotian said in surprise.

"I am not sure either, but I want to try it." Chen Feng said.

"Well, if Brother Chen can restrain the opponent, I am sure to give it a fatal blow." Two sword lights flashed in Jian Xiaotian's eyes.

"Well, let's do it. First, find a way to get close to this wolf king." Chen Feng said, and the light under his feet flashed, and he quickly rushed towards the wolf king.

"Flowing light shield." Jian Xiaotian recognized the treasure under Chen Feng's feet at a glance.

"Two little ants do have some tricks, but that's all." The wolf king said, opening his mouth, and a whistling sound of wind immediately came out of his mouth, followed by a series of arc-shaped wind blades whistling towards Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian.

This is not the wind blade emitted by an ordinary silver-winged swift wolf. This is emitted by a wolf king who has survived several thunder tribulations. Each wind blade can kill a cultivator in the heavenly realm.

"This guy's attack is too fast." Chen Feng was hit after dodging twice, and a trace of blood flowed out from the wound on his skin.

Chen Feng's muscles trembled twice, and these small wounds closed and healed one after another. Chen Feng's skin was restored to its original state, smooth as if he had never been injured.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Wind blades hit Jian Xiaotian's giant sword, making crisp collision sounds, as if these wind blades were made of gold and stone.

At this time, Jian Xiaotian also showed greater strength than before, rushing towards the wolf king facing the wind blades.

"Hey, this wolf king is really powerful. My skin was cut even though I was wearing the ninth-grade treasure clothes. It seems that my cultivation is still not enough. If I can further master this protective armor, I won't have this kind of injury. This also shows that the attack speed of this wolf king is very fast." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"It's not easy to get close to this guy. Since this is the case, I can only force it." Thinking of this, Chen Feng sped up again. He ignored the wind blades that were beheading him, leaving blood marks on his body.

Chen Feng thought that the attack could only cut his skin anyway. With the protective armor, he couldn't hurt his roots at all. Now he could only use this method to get close to the wolf king and use the ultimate move.

In an instant, more than a hundred wind blades were ejected from the wolf king's mouth, and it seemed that the momentum was not decreasing. It seemed that the wolf king's mouth was connected to a bottomless pit full of wind blades.

Chen Feng's plan was good, but it was a bit difficult to implement. Facing the continuous impact of the wind blades, Chen Feng was constantly hit and rolled over. Soon, Chen Feng turned into a bloody man with wounds all over his body, which was shocking.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Jian Xiaotian shouted.

"It's okay, just a flesh wound." Chen Feng said and quickly dodged two wind blades.

Although the wound was not big, it was scratched on his body after all, and the feeling was still very uncomfortable.

Two forces, one cold and one hot, emanated from Chen Feng's flesh and blood, and circulated rapidly. The wound on Chen Feng's body immediately disappeared, and even the blood on Chen Feng's body disappeared in his skin.

A light red armor appeared on the surface of Chen Feng's skin. It was the armor made of the scales of the ice and fire double-headed dragon.

After Chen Feng was attacked dozens of times, the armor that was integrated into his flesh finally took effect.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the wind blade hitting Chen Feng would not have much effect. The indestructible wind blade fell on the armor on Chen Feng's body and was immediately dissipated by the rebound force of the water and fire power.

"Good opportunity." Chen Feng was surprised and happy. He didn't expect that at this moment, the degree of integration between himself and the armor hidden in his body would be improved again.


Chen Feng stepped on the Streamer Shield, like a turning wind, and reached the top of the wolf king's head in an instant.

At this time, the wolf king was a little stunned by Chen Feng's performance just now. After all, he knew the power of the wind blade. He didn't expect that a small human in the Secret Realm could use his physical body to deal with it. In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng arrived in front of him.

"Brother Jian, prepare for the big move." Chen Feng shouted and launched the Soul-Calming Spell.

When using the Soul-Calming Spell, Chen Feng was also a little helpless and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect to use it in succession not long after practicing the Soul-Calming Spell. More importantly, he didn't have the strength to use this secret method at will, and more importantly, this secret method was not successfully practiced by himself.

This time Chen Feng used all his strength. Looking at a huge soul-calming talisman that drilled into the wolf king's head, Chen Feng still didn't have a trace of confidence. After all, this wolf king was too strong. Chen Feng now only hoped that the soul power of this wolf king was not very strong.

"What?" Feeling a stream of light entering his mind, the wolf king was immediately startled, and then he felt his soul shaken, as if a mountain was suppressing his sea of ​​consciousness.

So the wolf king hesitated for a moment, only hesitated for two blinks of an eye. This time is nothing for ordinary people, but Jian Xiaotian is different.

A huge long sword cut through the space, the sword intent was burning, and the sword energy was constantly raging. This was the strongest sword that Jian Xiaotian could send out.


The giant sword was heavily inserted into the body of the wolf king, and a sad roar came. The sound waves shook Chen Feng and rolled over and over. The wolf king woke up the moment the long sword entered his body, but he was too late to dodge.


The broad wings swung violently and hit Chen Feng heavily, making Chen Feng fall from the sky like a meteorite and fall to the ground, leaving only a dark pit on the ground.

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