Eternal Existence

Chapter 334 Wolf King

At this time, Jian Xiaotian was like a god descending from heaven. He was tall and mighty, and now his whole body was full of sword energy. With the giant sword in his hand, he looked even more powerful.

"Last time, I was besieged by these silver-winged wind wolves alone, and was injured by the wolf king. Now with the help of Brother Chen, I will definitely kill the wolf king this time." Jian Xiao let out a long howl, and his figure left a series of welcomes in the air. The next moment, he was in the wolf pack, waving the giant sword in his hand and began to slaughter.

While Chen Feng was resisting the wind blades around him, he fired poison needles and vein-locking needles. As the two cold lights kept flashing, the silver-winged wind wolves in the distance fell to the ground and died.

Chen Feng was not as majestic as Jian Xiaotian, but his speed in killing the silver-winged wind wolves was not slow at all. In the end, Chen Feng stepped on the streamer shield and began to change positions rapidly. Every time he changed positions, several silver-winged wind wolves were killed.

Suddenly, the wind blade disappeared suddenly. The wolves seemed to have received some kind of order, stopped the wind blade attack, and began to pounce directly at Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian.

"Come on." Jian Xiaotian swung the giant sword in his hand fiercely, and the sword light exploded, turning into dozens of sword qi, each sword qi killed a silver-winged wind wolf.

Chen Feng did not look so domineering, but just controlled the poison needle and the lock vein needle to circle around him. Once a silver-winged wind wolf pounced on him, there would be a flash of cold light in the air, and then the silver-winged wind wolf would fall to the ground and die. If you look closely, you will find that the silver-winged wind wolf killed by Chen Feng has a small pinhole on its head.

In the time of an incense stick, there were hundreds of bodies of silver-winged wind wolves around, but the wolf king hidden in the dark had not appeared. At the same time, the number of silver-winged wind wolves around was even greater. The whole sky was constantly flying, and the silver light was shining, wrapping Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian in a circular space.

"Why aren't these guys afraid of death?" Chen Feng couldn't help shouting.

"The Wolf King's orders are supreme. These Silver Winged Gale Wolves will not retreat even if they die." Jian Xiao said.

"Then kill them all." Chen Feng shouted.

"Boy, the blood soul has evolved successfully and is now a third-grade treasure." At this time, the voice of the tower suddenly sounded.

"Just right, just in time." Chen Feng was overjoyed. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the blood soul. A familiar feeling surged into his mind.

Chen Feng felt that with the advancement of the blood soul, the degree of fusion between himself and the blood soul was raised to another level. Although it has not yet reached the level of complete refining and fusion, the power that can be exerted is several times greater than before.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Blood flashed in the blood soul in Chen Feng's hand, and the silver-winged swift wolves that pounced on him were killed one after another. Not only that, the blood soul's bloodthirsty function was also activated. As long as the silver-winged swift wolves killed by Chen Feng fell to the ground, they turned into mummies.

The bloodthirsty aura of killing continued to spread around, and the blood in Chen Feng's body also surged like the Yangtze River.

Jian Xiaotian also noticed Chen Feng's abnormality, took a look at it, and was surprised again. First, he was surprised by the weapon in Chen Feng's hand, and second, he was surprised by Chen Feng's strength and means. He thought he had killed enough, but he didn't expect Chen Feng to kill no less than himself.

After killing more than 300 silver-winged swift wolves, Chen Feng's protective robes were already tattered. Compared with Jian Xiaotian, Chen Feng looked very embarrassed, but Chen Feng had no scars on his body. First, Chen Feng's physical body was strong, and of course the most important thing was the protective armor on his body.

Although there were no injuries on his body, Chen Feng felt a little impatient. Slaughtering this level of silver-winged swift wolves made Chen Feng feel no sense of accomplishment, and even a little tired.

"It seems that we still have to deal with the wolf king first." Jian Xiao said at this time.

"I'll think of a way." Chen Feng began to operate the Qianxun Mirror secretly.

At this time, Chen Feng had suppressed the Qianxun Mirror in the Tianming Cave. The Tianming Cave originally contained the power of destiny. At this time, it merged with the Qianxun Mirror, making the Qianxun Mirror even more powerful.

With the urging of Chen Feng's magic power, it didn't take long for the Qianxun Mirror to fluctuate. Chen Feng even sensed a powerful force from the mirror.

"Found it." Chen Feng said in surprise.

"What?" Jian Xiaotian was a little curious.

"I found the location of the wolf king. Follow me." Chen Feng quickly stabbed the several silver-winged wind wolves in front of him to death, and then he rushed forward quickly.

Sure enough, the number of silver-winged wind wolves in the direction of Chen Feng's attack increased, and their strength became stronger and stronger.

"Sure enough, it's here." At this time, Jian Xiaotian also rushed over, and a sword aura more than ten meters long flashed, and the silver-winged wind wolves in front of him were knocked away one after another.

The further they went forward, the more silver-winged wind wolves there were. Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian encountered a strong obstruction, and their speed quickly slowed down.

"Be careful!" At this time, Chen Feng heard Jian Xiaotian's call, and then he felt a flash of silver light in front of his eyes, which stimulated him so much that he couldn't open his eyes.

"The Wolf King is coming." Chen Feng closed his eyes and stabbed forward quickly with the blood soul in his hand. Chen Feng felt that he had never used such a fast speed before.

But this time Chen Feng stabbed in the air, and then he felt a burst of powerful force in his chest, and spread throughout his body, as if he was hit by a flying hill, and as if he was hit by the palm of a god.

In short, the final result was that Chen Feng was beaten out.

However, at the moment when this powerful force hit him, Chen Feng felt the power of ice and fire emanating from the armor, quickly circling around his body and wrapping himself tightly.

This change happened in a flash, and at the critical moment, the armor on Chen Feng blocked this powerful attack.

There is no need to worry about the defense of the ninth-grade treasure. Although Chen Feng was hit far away and seemed to be dead, even Jian Xiaotian screamed out, thinking that Chen Feng must be finished. Then Jian Xiaotian's sword intent soared into the sky, and he released a strong fighting spirit and went forward to fight with the wolf king who attacked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng rolled repeatedly in the air, and when he stopped, he found that he was a little dizzy, but except for a little suffocation, he didn't seem to be seriously injured.

"It's okay, it's okay." Chen Feng felt a little scared. If it weren't for the armor on his body, Chen Feng would be miserable.

"Hehe, let you be careless." At this time, the tower said gloatingly.

"Humph, the opponent is stronger than me, it is normal for this to happen." Chen Feng smiled, stretched out his hand, and the blood soul that was thrown out in the attack just now appeared in Chen Feng's hand again.

The one fighting with Jian Xiaotian was a larger silver-winged swift wolf. The wide wings waved and drove the airflow of thousands of feet in radius. The whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of silver, and it was dazzling when it flashed.

Chen Feng knew that it was this wolf king who attacked him just now.

"This wolf king is really powerful. If I meet it myself, I must avoid it, or directly use the Longevity Tower to suppress it. Fight alone, hehe, I don't have that confidence yet." Chen Feng laughed in a low voice.

The silver-winged swift wolf itself is an extremely fast monster, not to mention the king among them, whose speed is faster than lightning. Chen Feng secretly estimated that it was much faster than his full-strength activating the streamer shield.

Although Jian Xiaotian seemed to be fighting on equal terms with the other party, Chen Feng knew that Jian Xiaotian would definitely suffer a loss if the battle lasted for a long time. Once he was injured, it would be difficult for him to escape. He didn't know how Jian Xiaotian escaped last time.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng knew that he couldn't delay. He shook his arm, and a flash of blood appeared in the air. The blood soul had already arrived in front of the wolf king.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the wolf king just flashed his wings, and two tornadoes swept out. One tornado blocked the attack of the blood soul, and the other tornado quickly rushed towards Chen Feng.

While fighting with Jian Xiaotian, he could still attack Chen Feng, which showed that the wolf king was at ease in the current situation.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Jian Xiaotian shouted loudly, surprised and happy.

"Hahaha, it seems that this wolf king didn't have enough food today, and the attack on me didn't have much strength at all." Chen Feng laughed, took out the Thunder Sword, and quickly cut a few times at the tornado in front of him. The tornado quickly dissipated and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, today the two of us will join forces to kill this big guy, and then roast it and eat meat." Jian Xiao's whole body suddenly continued to rotate, and countless sword energy rushed towards the wolf king like a heavy rain.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the blood soul that was knocked away by the tornado returned to his side again. He raised his blood spear and stabbed the wolf king.

After a breath, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian were slapped away by the wolf king one after another. Chen Feng quickly came back to kill again, and Jian Xiaotian's face became a little red. Although he was a Daluo battle body, this wolf king was much stronger than Jian Xiaotian. Being able to fight to this extent already showed that Jian Xiaotian was very abnormal.

Chen Feng also used all his means at this time. All kinds of treasures were deployed one after another, and all kinds of spells he cultivated were also used one after another, but they did not play much of a role.

In terms of physical body, the wolf king in front of him has surpassed himself. In terms of speed, he is not as fast as this natural flying monster. These two points alone directly suppressed Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng and the others were beaten again and almost dismembered by countless silver-winged swift wolves on the ground, Chen Feng knew that it was not a solution to continue like this, and in the end, they would suffer the loss.

"Do you want me to use the soul-soothing spell? But once I use the soul-soothing spell, I will become extremely weak. Although this Jian Xiaotian looks good, the time of contact is still too short." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

"But in the current situation, I can only try to use the soul-soothing spell. This wolf king is too powerful, far from being comparable to human cultivators of the same realm." Chen Feng made up his mind.

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