Eternal Existence

Chapter 333 Silver Winged Wind Wolf

While Chen Feng was chatting with Jian Xiaotian, he was also secretly communicating with Ta.

"What kind of physique did you say Jian Xiaotian had just now?" Chen Feng asked.

"Da Luo Battle Body, hey, this kind of physique is very rare even in the fairy world. Monks with Da Luo Battle Body have strong blood, strong body, condensed soul, strong natural fighting spirit, and unparalleled momentum. They are in every big world. Everyone with this kind of physique is superior, and when it comes to cultivation talent, the opponent is much better than you," Ta said with a smile.

"Is he that strong?" Chen Feng didn't believe what Ta said. It was definitely not easy for a monk to be praised by Ta.

"Hehe, of course he is very strong. The opponent has only survived a thunder tribulation. You will find out how strong his combat power is later." Ta smiled proudly.

"Is there really any danger nearby?" Chen Feng was suddenly startled.

"Hehehehe." Ta just laughed, but didn't say much.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, Chen Feng's ears moved and he heard something approaching quickly in the distance, and there were more than one.

"Just as I said, these guys actually came to the outer area and brought them here." Jian Xiaotian said with a smile.

"What is it?" Chen Feng waved his hand and took the Haoran Zhengang Sword in his hand.

"What beast is the most abundant on the grassland?" Jian Xiaotian asked with a smile.

"Is it a wolf-like beast?" Before Chen Feng could say anything, he saw several rays of silver light clashing out of the grass, killing him and Jian Xiaotian.

"Silver-white wolf." Chen Feng's eyes were like lightning. Although the person coming was as fast as the wind, Chen Feng could still see him clearly with his eyes.

"Well done." Before Chen Feng made a move, Jian Xiaotian on the other side had already made a move. A thick sword light shot out from Jian Xiaotian's fingers, and the silver light suddenly dissipated.

Chen Feng opened his palm and pushed hard. The huge virtual palm print directly knocked the silver giant wolf flying in front of him.

Tsk tsk tsk!

On the other side, Jian Xiaotian kept snapping his fingers, and the remaining silver wolves were killed.

Only then did Chen Feng have time to clearly see the appearance of these silver wolves that suddenly appeared.

He is ten feet long, silver, and looks like an ordinary prairie wolf, but with a pair of thick silver wings on his back. The silver light shines when he waves, and there is wind speed flowing around him.

"Silver Winged Wind Wolf." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Although Chen Feng has never seen this kind of monster, he has read information about the other party. Silver-winged wind wolves usually live in groups in huge grasslands. They have two wings on their backs, their movements are very fast, and they are powerful individually. Needless to say, the most troublesome thing is that there is a group of them as soon as they appear. Often, once a cultivator is surrounded by such monsters, it is difficult to escape.

Let's just say that although the palm struck by Chen Feng just now was not at full strength, it would be difficult for ordinary monks in the secret realm to resist. The silver-winged wind wolf in front of him flipped a few times in mid-air before pounced on Chen Feng again.


Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked the Haoran Zhengang Sword in his hand. A sword energy flashed past, and a bloody hole appeared on the forehead of the silver-winged wind wolf.

After Chen Feng killed the monster in front of him, he discovered that there were already more than a dozen corpses of silver-winged wind wolves around him.

They were all killed by Jian Xiaotian.

"Get out of here quickly, this is just a small group of silver-winged wind wolves." Jian Xiao said, then he flashed and quickly ran towards the grass.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and quickly followed.

Jian Xiaotian's route turned out to be among the Seven Killing Jedi. Although Chen Feng was a little surprised, he quickly caught up with Jian Xiaotian.

Seeing Chen Feng quickly catching up, a look of surprise flashed in Jian Xiaotian's eyes.

Jian Xiaotian's cultivation talent has been astonishing since he was a child, and his cultivation speed has never been matched by his peers. Although he has only survived one thunder tribulation, the monks who have survived two thunder tribulations are not his opponents, and he has not even been able to defeat him. Can compete with monks who have survived three or four thunder tribulations.

When he first met Chen Feng, Jian Xiaotian didn't take it seriously. He was just a young monk in the secret realm, and he couldn't attract his attention at all.

But then Jian Xiaotian took one more look at Chen Feng and felt the surging power in Chen Feng's body. Jian Xiaotian was secretly surprised by the majestic power. At least in Jian Xiaotian's knowledge and knowledge, he had never seen it before. Such a powerful monk in the secret realm.

So Jian Xiaotian appeared and faced Chen Feng at close range. He could feel the powerful power brewing in Chen Feng even more. Different from his own momentum, Chen Feng was more like a volcano about to erupt.

Jian Xiaotian was surprised that a monk in the secret realm could bring him such a feeling, and he began to guess Chen Feng's origin.

After killing the Silver Winged Wind Wolf just now, he deliberately increased his speed just to see if Chen Feng could catch up. However, he didn't expect that Chen Feng was in front of him before a single thought crossed his mind.

"Hey, these silver-winged wind wolves usually don't go to the outer areas of the Seven Kills Jedi. Once they go to the outer areas, those ordinary monks will be unlucky." Jian Xiao said.

"Oh." Chen Feng's heart moved. This Jian Xiaotian seemed to have some understanding of the situation of the Seven Kills Jedi.

"Has Brother Jian ever entered the Seven Killings?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"Haha, to be honest, I fought against the king of these wolves, but I was injured. One of them was hiding in the outer area to recover from his injuries, but I didn't expect these wolf cubs to catch up so quickly." Jian Xiao Tian smiled.

"Is that so?" Chen Feng thought to himself, but did not speak.

"But now it seems that I have caused trouble for Brother Chen." Jian Xiaotian spoke again.

"Haha, I have to enter the Seven Killings Jedi anyway. If I hadn't met you, I would have met these hungry wolves long ago." Chen Feng smiled, but he was not too worried. Although the few silver-winged swift wolves he had just killed were strong enough to kill the cultivators of the eighth level of the secret realm, they were not very dangerous to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng just felt a little troublesome. This kind of monster not only lives in groups, but more importantly, it is extremely fast and very difficult to deal with. This is why Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian have been unwilling to fly into the sky. If they were in the sky, the silver-winged swift wolves would be able to show their flying talent even more.


A wolf howl sounded in the distance, and the sound waves rose and fell, spreading out in waves. After this wolf howl, more wolf howls sounded everywhere around.

"It's not good. This place is not conducive to our movement. If we are surrounded, although we are not afraid of these silver-winged wind wolves, we will definitely use up most of our physical strength after a fight. If we meet other monks who take advantage of us, we may die here." Jian Xiao said.

"That is to rush out of the encirclement of the silver-winged wind wolves as soon as possible." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"It's not that easy, but there is no other way. Brother Chen, follow me closely, let's fight together." Jian Xiao stretched out his hand and pulled out the giant sword behind him.

Chen Feng only saw an arc of sword light blasting out from the giant sword, and all kinds of weeds and vines around were shattered in the sword energy.

When the sword light disappeared, the weeds hundreds of feet in front of Jian Xiaotian turned into ashes, and eight silver-winged wind wolves were cut in half.

"What a great power." Chen Feng was a little surprised and followed quickly on the streamer shield.

Jian Xiaotian led the way with a giant sword in his hand, and sword lights shot out continuously. No matter what was in front of him, they all turned into ashes under the sword light emitted by Jian Xiaotian. Chen Feng was just behind him, and it was not his turn to take action.

Awoo! Awoo! Awoo!

The wolf howls became more and more urgent, and they were getting closer and closer to Chen Feng and the others. Wolf howls came from all directions. Chen Feng only heard the dense sound of breaking through the air, and knew that a large number of silver-winged swift wolves were besieging him and the others.

"I don't care about these wolf cubs at all." Jian Xiaotian swung the giant sword in his hand and killed dozens of silver-winged swift wolves.

"These wolf cubs are easy to deal with, and the most difficult one is the wolf king."

"Wolf king, what level of wolf king?" Chen Feng asked.

"A very powerful monster, it should have survived four thunder tribulations." Jian Xiao said.

"Four thunder tribulations, and it's still a monster." Chen Feng also frowned secretly. It was indeed not easy to deal with, and it was a monster with a large number of younger brothers.

"If it was a cultivator who had survived four thunder tribulations, I wouldn't be afraid, but this is a big monster, and it's a speed and power monster. More importantly, it has a strong wind-attribute attack method, so it's hard to deal with." Jian Xiao said.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As soon as the voice fell, countless circular wind blades spun rapidly from all directions and shot towards Chen Feng and the others. Wherever they passed, the weeds and bushes on the ground turned into fragments.

"Long-range attack is a bit troublesome." Chen Feng's Haoran Zhen Gang Sword swept out quickly, and these circular wind blades disappeared under Chen Feng's sword energy.

More and more silver-winged wind wolves appeared in the sky and in the weeds, and sent out wind blades from afar to attack Chen Feng and the others.

Under the command of the wolf king, these silver-winged wind wolves no longer went forward to fight hard, but all attacked from a distance. After one wave of attacks, another wave quickly made up for it. In an instant, hundreds of wind blades continued to drown Chen Feng and the others.

Chi Chi Chi!

Although the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword in Chen Feng's hand was extremely fast, it still failed to block all the attacks. In a moment of carelessness, his clothes were cut by the wind blades that broke through, leaving three holes.

"Brother Jian, forget it, don't rush, stop, just kill all these wolf cubs." Chen Feng was a little annoyed, feeling that the two of them couldn't rush out even if they tried their best. In terms of speed, these Silver Winged Wind Wolves were not much slower than the two of them. More importantly, Chen Feng didn't know how many Silver Winged Wind Wolves there were around, and how many were rushing over continuously.

"Okay, let's fight." Jian Xiaotian suddenly stopped, and the sword energy in his body kept crisscrossing, wrapping himself tightly, and there was also lightning power flashing continuously. No matter how many wind blades there were, they would turn into nothingness as soon as they touched the sword energy on Jian Xiaotian's body, just like snowflakes encountering a raging fire.

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