Eternal Existence

Chapter 332 Sword Roars to the Sky

Three flying swords came at Chen Feng from three directions, three fourth-grade magic weapons.

When the other party took action against him, Chen Feng found that some of the monks were already looking at him.

Among these looks were those who had just made a move against him but were afraid of not taking action.

Chen Feng shook his head. In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, it seemed that he had to be more ruthless.

Facing the three flying swords flying over, Chen Feng simply stretched out his palm and quickly grabbed them, and the three flying swords fell into Chen Feng's hands at the same time.

Powerful infuriating energy surged, and the mental restraints in the three flying swords were immediately destroyed. Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and the three flying swords returned faster than before.

Everyone only saw three bright lights flashing past in the air. The three monks who attacked Chen Feng were pierced through the chests by flying swords, and fell heavily to the ground. After struggling for two times, they stopped moving, and the vitality in their bodies had also dissipated. .

This hand instantly silenced the monks around him.

Did you see it wrong, or were you dazzled? I actually caught the flying sword with my bare hands. What kind of cultivation is this? Could it be that this young man who looks a little unremarkable is a monk in the heavenly realm.

"Phew! Fortunately, I didn't take action just now." Several of the monks who took action against Chen Feng immediately had cold sweat covering their backs.

When Chen Feng saw that these three people were not looking at them, he walked directly forward without even glancing at the space bags on their bodies.

In Chen Feng's mind, what good things could a monk of this level possess?

After Chen Feng disappeared, seven or eight monks immediately rushed towards the three monks who fell on the ground, and another fight broke out.

"Boy, you are now very clean in your attacks, and you are cruel enough," Ta said.

"I'm afraid there will be trouble ahead. If I'm soft-hearted, some people will think I'm easy to bully." Chen Feng sneered.

"I came here just to find Jumai Grass to complete my mission. I don't want to get into any trouble with these monks." Chen Feng said.

Next, Chen Feng accelerated his pace and met some monks on the road, men and women, old and young. Although most of them were casual cultivators, there were also some immortal disciples from famous sects.

Chen Feng knew that the more dangerous the place, the greater the harvest. Although the Seven Kills Jedi were so dangerous that even immortals could not enter and exit at will, it was also a paradise for many monks to take risks.

Especially for some casual cultivators, if they can get a few of them, if they can get a few of them, they can sell them at a good price outside, if nothing else.

According to the information Chen Feng received, there were a lot of Absolute Vein Grasses in the outer areas of the Seven Kills at the beginning, but later they were all picked by the monks. Now the only way to get the Absolute Vein Grasses is to go deeper.

The grassland area outside the Seven Kills Jedi is thousands of miles long, and the grass is extremely lush. Soon, the various lush weeds around it reached Chen Feng's height.

At first, there were roads used by monks on the ground, but later, as the grassland deepened, the roads gradually disappeared, and all that came into view were endless wild grasses.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Chen Feng fired several sword energy in succession, and all the weeds dozens of feet around were cleared away.

"There are no monsters or poisonous insects so far?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

Although most of the grassland area outside Seven Kill Jedi is filled with various weeds, there are still some sporadic herbs scattered among the grass.

Chen Feng released the power of his soul and quickly swept around. He soon discovered that most of these herbs were ordinary herbs. Although there were some rare herbs, the age of the herbs was too short. Not to mention Chen Feng, they were just ordinary herbs. Even the cultivators in the secret realm looked down upon it, and there was not even a single Juvenile Grass that Chen Feng was looking for.

Then Chen Feng rose directly into the sky, not wasting time on the ground, but quickly flew forward from the sky.

After reaching a high altitude, Chen Feng's field of vision suddenly widened. With Chen Feng's current eyesight, it is not a problem to see hundreds of miles in the high altitude. But now in Chen Feng's eyes, apart from the grass on the ground that is constantly blowing in the wind, there is no Unable to see the situation further away, Chen Feng felt that his sight could only see dozens of miles away, and any further away would be blurry.

"The power of space here is a bit chaotic, and there are other power restrictions. It is normal for you to be unable to see far with your current strength." Ta said.

"Forget it, there is really nothing good in the outer area, so let's go directly to the Seven Kills Jedi. Anyway, I only need to find the Juemai Grass. As for the depths of the Seven Kills Jedi, I don't have the strength or time to take risks now." Chen Feng thought to himself.

After making up his mind, Chen Feng began to speed up and soon flew nearly a thousand miles. However, what surprised Chen Feng was that the weeds on the ground grew even more vigorously.

Chen Feng landed quickly and discovered that the various weeds here were over a foot tall, and some thick weeds were even as tall as trees.

In addition to various weeds, there are other plants, including shrubs, rattans, various strange small trees, thorny thorns, and huge leaves covered with sharp saws. Chen Feng looked at the plants that he could recognize. There are only a few varieties.

"The vegetation here is really lush." ​​Chen Feng whispered, and then his eyes suddenly lit up after carefully sensing it for a while.

"So that's what happened. The earth here is rich and heavy, which is very suitable for the growth of plants and trees, and is more suitable for cultivators who practice the power of earth and wood. If I wasn't in a hurry to complete the task, it would be a good choice to practice here for a while." Chen Feng couldn't help but said with a smile.

Chen Feng's current situation can almost absorb the power of various attributes, especially the Changsheng Zhenjing, which is more inclined to the wood-based exercises. In addition, the five-element acupoints have been opened up, so no matter what kind of spiritual energy, it can be quickly absorbed and refined.

"Practice here, haha, this little brother is really brave." At this time, a rough voice came from the bushes next to him.

Chen Feng was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that there were people around, and the most important thing was that he didn't notice it. However, Chen Feng didn't change on the surface. He just smiled and said: "Which friend is talking, please come out and see."

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, a burly man strode out of the bushes. Wherever he passed, he was full of wind, and the surrounding bushes covered with spikes turned into debris and scattered all over the ground.

"Huh!" Chen Feng didn't say anything, but the tower was secretly surprised.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with this guy?" Chen Feng secretly asked Ta while looking at the big man who suddenly appeared.

Simple black clothes, two meters tall, broad shoulders, thick limbs, long hair tied casually, eyes piercing, as if they would emit a blade at any time, and thick beard like steel needles added some vicissitudes but heroic atmosphere to this man.

Mighty, domineering, and generous.

These are the words that flashed quickly in Chen Feng's mind, but what caught Chen Feng's attention the most was not these, but the big sword behind this man.

It's not true to say that it's a big sword, it should be said to be a giant sword.

According to Chen Feng's visual estimation, the giant sword behind this man is one foot wide, but nearly ten feet high. It feels like carrying a door panel on his back, but fortunately this big man is tall enough. If it were replaced by someone as tall as Chen Feng, it would look even more uncoordinated.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to meet a good physique here, hehehehe." Ta suddenly laughed.

"Haha, it turns out that you are a little guy in the secret realm period, and you are alone. How come you come here to take risks at such a young age? Aren't you afraid that you can't go back?" The burly man looked at Chen Feng and smiled. His voice was rough and deep, but it didn't make people feel bored.

"Haha, meet you, fellow Taoist." Chen Feng smiled, and then he noticed that there was some blood on this person's body, but he didn't know whether it was his or someone else's.

"Little brother, your cultivation is not bad. It seems that I have made a mistake." At this time, the burly man suddenly stared at Chen Feng and said.

"Oh, what do you mean." Chen Feng was a little curious about what the big man said.

"Ordinary physique, but the flesh is extremely strong, with thick blood and sufficient true qi. Wow, it's amazing. I don't know what to call you, little brother." The big man circled around Chen Feng, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he revealed all the details of Chen Feng.

"Haha, I am Chen Feng, just a little cultivator in the secret realm period, and I don't deserve the praise of this senior brother." Chen Feng smiled and arched his hands.

"You look young, but you can actually cultivate such strength. You should be a core disciple of the Beiyuan Xiandao sect, right?" the big man asked with a smile.

Before Chen Feng could answer, the man slapped his forehead and said, "Look at me, my name is Jian Xiaotian, and I'm from Zhongyuan."

"Zhongyuan!" Chen Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that the burly man in front of him who naturally showed his momentum was actually from Zhongyuan.

When Chen Feng heard the word Zhongyuan, the first person he thought of was Ye Ziming, who was from Zhongyuan.

"I wonder how Ye Ziming is doing now, maybe he has returned to Zhongyuan?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Oh, Brother Chen has been to Zhongyuan?" Jian Xiaotian asked with a smile.

"No, it's just that I had a friend from Zhongyuan before, and now I suddenly remembered it, haha, but I am a native of Beiyuan." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Just now I heard that Brother Chen is going to practice here, haha, it seems that Brother Chen should be entering the Seven Killings Jedi for the first time, right?" Jian Xiaotian said, changing the subject.

"Yes." Chen Feng nodded.

"Haven't you heard about the dangers of the Seven Killings?" Jian Xiaotian asked.

"Haha, I know the dangers of the Seven Killings, but this is a peripheral area, so there shouldn't be any danger, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, it seems that Brother Chen hasn't encountered any danger along the way, but it's not certain if he goes further." Jian Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Oh, what do you mean? Is there danger ahead?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

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