Eternal Existence

Chapter 308 Return to Black Origin City

Seeing the three begging for mercy, Chen Feng snorted coldly and stopped urging the soul-soothing spell.

"Haha, come to think of it, I still don't know what you call me?" Chen Feng suddenly laughed at the three people.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, the three Demon Sword Knights couldn't help but want to vomit blood. They secretly sighed in their hearts that if they had known this would happen, they would never agree to He Tian's invitation. If they were subdued by the senior masters, they wouldn't feel so uncomfortable. But now they have fallen into the hands of a little brat in the secret realm period. What's even more uncomfortable is that they can't resist.

"I am the master of the Soul-soothing Cave of the Seventy-two Caves, and the one who used poison is the master of the Poison Gang Cave." The master of the Soul-soothing Cave spoke first.

Among the three who survived, the master of the Soul-soothing Cave was the most seriously injured. First, he used the mind illusion to be broken away by Chen Feng, and his soul was seriously injured. Later, he was planted with Chen Feng's soul-soothing spell.

There are 72 cave masters in the 72 caves. It is rumored in the cultivation world that they are all extremely vicious. These people are cruel and different from ordinary immortal cultivators. Once there is danger, they will do everything they can to protect themselves. As long as they can save their lives, they will even sell everything.

Although the master of the soul-stirring cave is a female cultivator, she sees the situation in front of her more realistically and thoroughly than the other two. Since she can't resist for the time being, it's better to obey, at least she can avoid some suffering.

"Everyone calls me the Demon Sword Knight."

"The Beast Master."

The two Demon Sword Knights gritted their teeth and said.

"The Demon Sword Knight, the Beast Master, tut tut, we are old acquaintances." Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"What do you mean by this?" The Demon Sword Knight asked coldly.

"Hehe, do you remember the tree spirit in the Black Source Mountains at that time?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Tree spirit!" The Demon Sword Knight thought about it, and then his eyes lit up, remembering the situation of snatching the essence of the tree spirit at that time.

"Yes, it did happen, but what does it have to do with you?" The Demon Sword Knight sneered.

"It's normal that you don't know me. At that time, I was just a small cultivator who was not in the mainstream. I was still a long way from the secret realm. At that time, you rode this black tiger, and I was hiding in the book. Haha, at that time, this black tiger almost killed me with just a glance. I should thank you for letting me go at that time. But you were still a long way from the heavenly realm back then. It seems that you must have had some adventures in these years." Chen Feng smiled.

The Demon Sword Knight did not speak after hearing this. Although he remembered the situation in the Black Source Mountains at that time, he could not remember Chen Feng at all.

"Haha, what surprised me the most was this beast driving master." Chen Feng looked at the beast driving master.

"Haha!" The beast driving master just smiled faintly, not knowing what Chen Feng would say next.

"Do you still remember the battle between Black Source City and Jinshi City that year?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I remember." The beast driving master nodded.

"You were injured by the supervisor of the Chongming Empire at that time?" Chen Feng smiled.

"Yes, it happened." The beast driving master nodded again.

"Hehe, I was just a soldier down there. You are all cultivators who can fly and hide. Naturally, you won't pay attention to a small person like me. If you had such strength back then, it would be the inspector who would be driven away. Tsk tsk, in a few years, you have been promoted to several realms in a row. I wonder what kind of immortal fate has Master Driving Beasts encountered?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"You were just a soldier back then, but now you are more powerful than us." Master Driving Beasts retorted.

"It seems that you two still don't see the situation clearly. I say it again. Your souls are now under my control. I can even directly spy on all the secrets in your souls, and I can also completely refine your souls and become my own power." Chen Feng sneered, and then released a trace of soul pressure. Master Driving Beasts and Demon Sword Knight kneeled on the ground involuntarily.

Feeling great humiliation, the two roared in a low voice, but they could only roar, because the will deep in their souls made them unable to resist Chen Feng.

"Roar!" The suppressed monsters Black Tiger and Hissing Wind Howl roared when they saw their masters being humiliated.

"Two good big monsters, if you make any more noise, I will peel off your skin and dig out your monster core." Chen Feng sneered.

"Chen Feng, what do you want to do to let us go." The Demon Sword Knight shouted.

"Don't worry, since I have spared your lives, I will not kill you again. All you have to do is submit to me. You will have a better future with me than before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You want us to be your slaves, it's impossible, you'd better kill me." The Demon Sword Knight shouted.

"Yes, you will be my slaves in the future. You will not be able to die even if you are hit by my soul-soothing spell. If you don't obey, I will directly turn you into a puppet through the soul shackles technique." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Meet the master." At this time, the owner of the Soul-confining Cave suddenly bowed to the ground, his head lowered, and was extremely respectful.

"Get up, you won't suffer if you follow me. You stay here first. I will let you out when the time is up." Chen Feng said.

Next, Chen Feng began to deal with the bodies of the other people. Although they were enemies, the dead should be buried in peace. Chen Feng waved his palm and made a deep pit on the ground, and threw the bodies of He Tian and others into it. Of course, the weapons and storage space on these people all fell into Chen Feng's hands.

"It's just when I'm short of treasures, I have gained something this time." Chen Feng said in his heart.

You should know that Chen Feng has opened up 21 acupoints now, but has only fused seven treasures. Although Chen Feng still has some high-level treasures, these treasures are too high-level and are not suitable for Chen Feng to refine and fuse now.

This time, killing He Tian and others is also a big gain.

After dealing with these things, Chen Feng flew towards Heiyuan City. When he flew to the edge of a small valley, Chen Feng suddenly stopped and floated in the air motionless.

It was in this place that the power of thunder and lightning activated the Longevity Tower. Chen Feng's road took a turn, allowing him to bid farewell to his identity as a waste and walk until now.

After stopping for a full two incense sticks, Chen Feng's mind was full of thoughts, constantly ups and downs, and finally sighed, and then turned into a stream of light and left this place.

There was no change in Heiyuan City. It was almost exactly the same as when Chen Feng left. Chen Feng landed directly in Heiyuan City, and the cultivators on the street were all alarmed.

"He can fly, he is a master of the secret realm." Everyone dodged to a distance, fearing that they would offend this master who suddenly appeared.

"This person should not be a cultivator from our Black Source City. I remember that there is no such young secret realm master in our Black Source City."

"Hey, why do I look familiar?"

"Forget it, you still want to get close to such a master."

Chen Feng ignored the discussions of the people around him, but walked slowly on the street, recalling the scenes of his life here in the past.

But soon Chen Feng found that he was bullied and bullied in the past, and there was no happy scene at all.

"It's Chen Feng, I recognize him, the man just now is Chen Feng." At this time, someone finally recognized Chen Feng.

"Are you talking about the loser from that year?"

"Shh, keep your voice down. When Chen Feng left, he was no longer a loser. It seems that he was hunted down by the four major families and four major sects."

"He is so powerful, so Chen Feng suddenly came back now, isn't he coming back for revenge?"

"It's possible. It's bad. Since Chen Feng has the ability to come back, he must be able to compete with the entire Black Source City. Now Black Source City is not peaceful again."

"Who cares? Let's just watch the fun. Anyway, Chen Feng and I didn't have any grudges back then. No, I remember that you seemed to have bullied Chen Feng back then."

"No, I have to leave here quickly and hide outside for a while. If Chen Feng sees me, I'm afraid he will remember the past."

It didn't take long for Chen Feng to arrive at Tiejianmen. At this time, all the disciples of Tiejianmen were facing a great enemy, and some elders were even more anxious. At the critical moment, the leader of the sect was nowhere to be found. Now Chen Feng suddenly came to the door, and he must have come to ask for punishment.

Looking at the dozens of disciples standing in front of him, Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. In fact, Chen Feng had no ill intentions when he came back this time. He just wanted to take a look and see how Ye Tian was doing. If possible, Chen Feng planned to take Ye Tian to Taiyi Gate. After all, Ye Tian was Chen Feng's only friend in Tiejian Gate.

"All of you, get out of the way." Chen Feng said lightly.

Everyone looked at each other, no one spoke and no one retreated.

Chen Feng frowned and glanced at them. Everyone felt cold all over, and a fearful thought arose in the depths of their souls, so they retreated involuntarily. When these people came back to their senses, Chen Feng had disappeared.

After entering Tiejian Gate, Chen Feng was very fast and went straight to the place where he used to live. Unfortunately, when Chen Feng arrived, he found that there was nothing in front of him. The small courtyard in the past no longer existed.

Chen Feng glanced around and waved his hand. A young man who was looking around suddenly took off in the air not far away. Before he could exclaim, he found that he was in front of Chen Feng.

This method frightened the young man so much that his soul flew away and his heart and courage broke. He wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound.

"Haha, don't be afraid, I have no ill intentions, I just have some questions to ask you." Chen Feng said with a smile, and waved his hand, and a magic crystal fell into the young man's hand.

"Is this a spirit stone?" The young man was a little dazed when he looked at the spirit stone in his hand, but he quickly came back to his senses, and then said calmly: "I don't know what you want to ask?"

"Senior." Chen Feng smiled in his heart, he didn't expect that he would become a senior.

"I want to ask why the house here is gone?" Chen Feng pointed to the empty space in front of him and asked.

"There was indeed a yard here before, but it was demolished two years ago." The young man answered carefully.

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