Eternal Existence

Chapter 309 Shocked to the point of vomiting blood

"Do you know why it was demolished?" Chen Feng asked again.

"I don't know about that. I haven't been in Tiejianmen for long." The boy said honestly.

"Do you know Ye Tian?" Chen Feng paused and asked.

"You mean Brother Ye? I know him." The boy said.

"Oh, where is he?" Chen Feng asked hurriedly. When he entered Tiejianmen, Chen Feng's soul power had searched the entire sect, and he didn't miss Ye Tian's breath.

"Brother Ye has been missing for half a year." The boy looked at Chen Feng's expression and said carefully.

"What, missing, what's going on?" Chen Feng was shocked. He didn't expect to encounter such a result after returning.

"I don't know the details. I only know that Brother Ye went to the Black Source Mountains and never came back." The boy said.

Chen Feng's soul is now strong, so he can naturally see that the boy in front of him is not lying.

Chen Feng waved his hand to let the other party leave, and then his figure flashed quickly, and soon he wandered around the entire Tiejianmen.

During this period, Chen Feng asked several old disciples and confirmed the disappearance of Ye Tian. At that time, several disciples were sent to the Black Source Mountains with Ye Tian to capture fierce beasts. In the end, no one came back. Later, the sect also sent people to look for them, but there was no trace of them. Everyone guessed that they were in danger.

There was another piece of news that surprised Chen Feng. That was that the eldest brother Tie Yun did not know where he went. According to the disciples of Tiejian Sect, Tie Yun left Black Source City a few years ago and traveled outside. He has not returned since then.

"Things have changed in a few years. It seems that I have to go to the Black Source Mountains to take a look." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Speaking of which, although Chen Feng often went to the Black Source Mountains before, he only wandered around the edge and did not go deep into it.

Compared with other mountains in the world, the Black Source Mountains should be considered extremely small, but the surrounding cultivators, including the secret realm cultivators, have almost never gone deep into it, because there are some dangers in the Black Source Mountains. It is not that no cultivators have entered in the past, but after some secret realm cultivators could not get out, no one dared to enter casually.

In Chen Feng's mind, Ye Tian might have entered the depths of the mountains, but no matter what, Chen Feng had to go in to find out.

Just when Chen Feng was about to leave, he suddenly raised his head, because Chen Feng sensed the breath of a secret realm cultivator.


Tie Jianmen, the leader of the Iron Sword Sect, descended from the sky and appeared in front of Chen Feng. After seeing Chen Feng clearly, he immediately showed a trace of vigilance.

"Haha, meet the Sect Master." Chen Feng smiled.

"Chen Feng, it's you." Tie Jianmen stared at Chen Feng with his eyes, trying to see Chen Feng's cultivation, but was soon disappointed. In Tie Jianfeng's eyes, Chen Feng was ordinary and could not see a trace of reality.

"Why, you seem surprised to see my Sect Master." Chen Feng smiled.

"What is your purpose for coming back this time?" Tie Jianfeng dared not relax in front of Chen Feng. After several years, Chen Feng suddenly came back. I am afraid that he could not deal with him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to come back and see my friends, but I am very disappointed." The smile on Chen Feng's face suddenly disappeared.

"Are you talking about Ye Tian?" Tie Jianfeng frowned.

"Yes, I wonder if the master knows where Ye Tian is?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"This!" Tie Jianfeng opened his mouth but did not say it.

"Where is the little thief Chen Feng?" At this time, a roar almost spread throughout the entire Black Source City.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Then, a secret realm cultivator quickly fell from the sky, scattered around and surrounded Chen Feng.

"Tsk tsk, the four major families, four major sects, and the City Lord's Mansion of Black Source City have all come with cultivators. It seems that they value me, Chen Feng." Although surrounded, Chen Feng was not nervous at all.

"Everyone, what are you doing?" Tie Jianfeng shouted coldly.

"What? Of course, we are going to kill this official. Don't forget that Chen Feng killed many of us at that time." Hu Lie, the leader of the Tiger Gate, stepped forward and said coldly.

"Lord City Lord, this is the territory of our Iron Sword Gate. I'm afraid it's not a place for you to run wild." Tie Jianfeng sneered, and he didn't seem to worry too much in front of everyone.

"Hehe, after all of us discussed just now, we decided to kill Chen Feng. If the Iron Gate Lord doesn't want to take action, you can just watch from the side." Mo Yuan, the Lord of Black Source City, said with a smile.

"Hehe, what if I have to intervene." Tie Jianfeng sneered.

"Then I'll kill you too, and then divide up your Iron Sword Gate's territory." Hu Lie shouted.

"With just you guys, you can indeed kill me, but I'm afraid you will also lose three or four people. I'll see who makes the first move, and I'll kill whoever makes the first move first." Tie Jianfeng said that the whole person seemed to have turned into a sword that soared into the sky, ready to launch a thunderous attack at any time.

Mo Yuan and the others' faces changed. After all, Tie Jianfeng was the best master in Black Origin City, and he was also a pure swordsman. If they really fought, although they were outnumbered and the outcome was certain, if Tie Jianfeng fought desperately, they would also suffer some damage.

Chen Feng had not spoken a word, but just watched what was happening in front of him with a smile.

"Master Tie, why do you have to be an enemy of the entire Black Origin City for a defected disciple?"

"That's right, Tie Jianfeng, you have to think about it carefully. If you take action, your Tie Jianmen will not be able to exist."

"Everyone, just take action. I already feel guilty for not protecting my disciples last time. Now I won't let you do it in front of me." Tie Jianfeng said coldly.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Iron Sect Master actually had such a side. It seemed that he didn't understand him in the past.

With Chen Feng's current vision, he could easily see through the cultivation levels of everyone in front of him.

Tie Jianfeng is a monk on the third level of the secret realm. The strongest among the others are on the second level of the secret realm. These people are at the level of the outer disciples of the Taiyi Sect. Of course, given their age, they must be even the outer disciples. It can't be done.

While Chen Feng was surprised, he also understood one thing, that is, if the monks in front of him had a higher level of cultivation, I am afraid they would not stay in this ungrateful place like Black Source City, and would most likely go out and make a living. Fan.

After all, the stronger a person's cultivation level, the greater his ambition.

"In this case, don't blame us for being cruel. Let's all work together. After killing Tie Jianfeng, we will divide the Tie Jianmen's territory." Mo Yuan made up his mind.

"Haha, everyone, you seem to have ignored me." Chen Feng suddenly spoke at this time.

"Chen Feng, wait until we deal with Tie Jianfeng before we deal with you." Hu Lie sneered.

"Really, you want to kill me?" Chen Feng suddenly laughed, and then a powerful aura broke free from his body. Chen Feng did not intend to fight these people, because the monks in front of him were too weak.

So Chen Feng just released his strongest aura.

Then, as if being struck by lightning, the faces of everyone around them changed drastically, and they retreated continuously. Then their chests heaved up and down, and blood spurted out from their mouths.

Only Tie Jianfeng was safe and sound, but he was also shocked by what he saw.

Just relying on his aura can seriously injure everyone, so what kind of cultivation level does Chen Feng have?

Tie Jianfeng felt that everything he saw in front of him was so unreal. Thinking about Chen Feng, he had always been a waste in Tie Jianmen before. Even when he was chased and left, his cultivation level was not strong, and he was far away from the secret realm. Some distance away, but now there is no action. The strong men in Black Source City are all seriously injured and vomiting blood.

"You, you, how is this possible?" Mo Yuan stood up unsteadily, unable to believe what was happening to him.

"Hey, it's too weak." Chen Feng shook his head and sighed.

No longer paying attention to everyone, Chen Feng felt that he had lost interest. He thought that these people were all superior figures in his eyes, but now they all looked at him in horror. Chen Feng felt some indescribable feelings in his heart.

If he had had this kind of cultivation before, the old monk who adopted him would not have died.

After walking for more than ten steps, Chen Feng suddenly stopped and said to Tie Jianfeng: "Anyway, I have also stayed in Tie Jianmen for a while, so I have some feelings for him. If I have anything to do in the future, I can go to Taiyi Sect. Look for me, Black Source City is still too small after all.”

After saying these words, Chen Feng said no more, turned around and left, flashing a few times before disappearing from everyone's sight.

"Taiyimen." Tie Jianfeng's eyes gradually lit up.

Seeing Chen Feng disappear, Mo Yuan and others also breathed a sigh of relief. After hearing Chen Feng's words, everyone was surprised again.

"It turns out that Chen Feng actually entered Taiyi Sect, no wonder he became so powerful."

"Taiyi Sect, one of the top ten immortal sects."

Everyone is envious and sighing. You must know that in the eyes of these people, a sect like Taiyi Sect is truly aloof and exists that everyone can only look up to.

Knowing that Chen Feng had joined the Taiyi Sect, everyone's frustration at being injured gradually disappeared. I have to say that people's emotions and minds are very strange.

"Forget it, let's leave. We shouldn't have shown up today. We are really humiliating ourselves." Mo Yuan sighed and walked away. He was the city lord in Black Source City. It can be said that he can cover the sky with one hand, but outside Mo Yuan also knew that he could only be regarded as the lowest level existence.

Chen Feng did not pause, and left after walking around the city. There was nothing left in Heiyuan City that he could miss.

Target, Black Source Mountain Range.

Chen Feng was very fast. It only took him a few breaths to come out of Black Source City and enter the Black Source Mountains. The monks below could only see a streak of light in the sky.

Entering the Black Source Mountain Range this time is different from before. In the past, he was running for his life, and due to his insufficient cultivation, Chen Feng's understanding of the Black Source Mountain Range was very superficial, but it is different now. After entering the mountain range, Chen Feng's soul power unfolded. , and soon discovered something different.

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