Eternal Existence

Chapter 307 Weakness


As the spear was pulled out, a blood hole appeared on He Tian's body, and then a large amount of blood gushed out of the blood hole rapidly, and then was absorbed by the blood soul.

"The blood soul should be able to advance soon." Chen Feng whispered.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." He Tian finally became frightened and screamed in horror.

"From the moment you plotted against me, your destruction was doomed. You are dead today. No one will come to save you, and I will not let you go." Chen Feng said as the blood soul in his hand shook like lightning. There were several more blood holes on He Tian's body. He Tian was still trying to struggle, but he immediately felt that all his strength disappeared.

At first, He Tian could still beg for mercy and roar loudly, but later, as the amount of blood and essence in his body increased, he gradually lost his strength.

This time, Chen Feng himself did not absorb He Tian's power. The blood and soul power in He Tian's body were all swallowed up by the blood soul. Chen Feng felt that the blood soul had reached a critical point and might soon break through to the third-grade treasure.

Finally, He Tian swallowed his last breath unwillingly. Chen Feng looked at the people lying on the ground, waved his hand and put them all into the Longevity Tower, then stretched out his body and chased after the Poison Gang Cave Master.

Chen Feng was not afraid that the other party would escape. The Poison Gang Cave Master was first hit by his soul-soothing spell, and then pierced by his Haoran Zhen Gang Sword. It was impossible for him to escape from his pursuit.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't have much time now, because Chen Feng's soul power was consumed too much and he couldn't hold on for too long.

Chen Feng stepped on the Flowing Light Shield, sensing the breath of his magic weapon, and chased after the Poison Gang Cave Master for two incense sticks, and finally caught up with the Poison Gang Cave Master in the Black Source Mountains.

It's funny to say that the Poison Gang Cave Master was bleeding profusely, and wherever he passed, the flowers, plants and trees withered and died. Chen Feng could quickly find the other party without using his mind to sense the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword.

"What a poisonous creature." Chen Feng exclaimed in his heart.

"Hehe, you are really good at escaping." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword that was inserted into the Poison Gang Cave Master turned into a stream of light and returned to his hand. Chen Feng also sneered. This guy was busy escaping and didn't know to pull out the long sword and throw it away.

"Little brother, when you are a man, you should always leave a way out. Why kill everyone?" The Poison Gang Cave Master knew that he couldn't run away, so he simply stopped.

"Okay, surrender to me, and I will spare your life." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Okay, as long as you can spare my life, I am willing to surrender." The Poison Gang Cave Master answered very straightforwardly.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, but soon said: "Okay, open your mind, I will leave a mark in your soul."

The Poison Gang Cave Lord's eyes flickered a few times and said: "No problem."

Chen Feng separated a soul force and drilled into the Poison Gang Cave Lord's sea of ​​consciousness. As soon as he entered the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, he felt a group of soul fires surrounding his soul force, and there were lightning flashes in it. Chen Feng knew that this was the power of heavenly thunder condensed by the thunder tribulation.

"Hahaha, kid, you've been fooled. You want me to surrender? Dream on." The Poison Gang Cave Lord laughed loudly, and at the same time urged the soul fire to burn Chen Feng's soul force.

"Humph, I knew you had bad intentions a long time ago. Look at my soul-soothing spell." Chen Feng sneered, and this soul force suddenly changed and turned into a series of soul-soothing talismans. After shooting out, the Poison Gang Cave Lord's soul fire immediately subsided, and even the power of heavenly thunder stopped.

"Go to hell." Chen Feng swung the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword in his hand quickly, directly cutting the Poison Gang Cave Master into two pieces. After Chen Feng's soul power emerged from the opponent's mind, another sword energy pierced through the Poison Gang Cave Master's forehead and shattered the other party's consciousness.

"Huh!" Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief and lay directly on the ground. Only then did he clearly feel that the soul power was rapidly weakening, and the true qi and blood in his body were also rapidly consumed. The feeling of fatigue invaded him in waves, making Chen Feng feel like sleeping for ten days and ten nights.

"No, I can't lie down now, let alone fall asleep." Chen Feng struggled to stand up, but felt weak all over, and he didn't get up.

Chen Feng was extremely surprised. He didn't expect the consequences of using the soul-soothing spell to be so serious.

"Don't worry, it's just a little sequelae." Ta said with a smile.

"When can I recover?" Chen Feng panted and stuffed a few human-level essence pills into his mouth.

"It's hard to say. It depends on your recovery ability. But I estimate that it will take at least a month to recover to the strongest state and make your soul full." Ta said slowly.

"What, it will take so long." Chen Feng was surprised.

"Hehe, from now on, your strength will become weaker and weaker. If it weren't for the hidden power in the acupoints opened up in your body, it would take you some time to get up." Ta said.

"Hey, if you keep lying like this, what should you do if you really get into trouble? It's better to recover your strength as soon as possible." Chen Feng said and took out an eighth-grade earth-level essence pill made with ice and fire double-headed dragon and stuffed it into his mouth.

As the power of the medicine spread, Chen Feng felt that the power in his body began to increase continuously. After half an hour, Chen Feng slowly sat up. After an hour, Chen Feng stood up and began to walk slowly.

The strength of the body is slowly recovering, but it takes some time for the soul power to recover.

Chen Feng walked slowly while feeling the situation in his body, and at the same time began to think about some consequences that might be brought about by this incident.

In any case, killing He Tian and Ma Jun this time will definitely cause some shock in Taiyi Sect. He Tian and Ma Jun are cultivators of the second level of heaven and man. Even in a large sect like Taiyi Sect, they are considered important personnel. This time, I killed two of them. The sect will definitely send experts to investigate the matter.

If the sect really finds out that I did it, how should I be punished? Will I be dismembered or refined?

The others are all casual cultivators, so Chen Feng is not worried at all. At most, he will suppress the few living ones in the Longevity Tower so that Taiyi Sect cannot verify this matter.

"Strength, or strength. If I survive the thunder tribulation, show my strong strength, and do some time to contribute to the sect, then even if I find out that I did it, it should be a big deal, and a small matter will be forgotten." Chen Feng kept thinking wildly in his heart.

When he felt that his strength had recovered to the third level, Chen Feng simply found a smooth rock to lie on, and at the same time took out some pills and kept stuffing them into his mouth, just like eating snacks.

"It's a pity that there are no pills that can increase soul power. Some spiritual medicines can be used, but it would be a waste to take them directly." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Let's refine the soul power stored in the sea of ​​consciousness first." Thinking of this, Chen Feng immediately found Ma Jun's soul power and began to burn it with soul fire.

"Chen Feng, if you kill me, I will die with you." Ma Jun's soul began to roar and actually rushed towards Chen Feng's soul.

"Refine the soul!" Chen Feng used the soul refining technique in the soul-suppressing spell as soon as he came up, and began to quickly refine Ma Jun's soul.

Sure enough, with the activation of the soul refining technique, Chen Feng felt that the speed of refining the other party's soul was several times faster than before. Feeling the gradually restored soul power, Chen Feng had a plan in his mind.

After Ma Jun roared for a while, he began to weaken slowly, and finally was completely refined by Chen Feng, and his body and soul were truly destroyed. From then on, there was no such person in the world, and even the immortals could not revive him.

Three days later, Chen Feng took another earth-level essence pill, and the blood in his body began to surge from vigorous to agitated, and the three points of spirit, energy and spirit were connected as one, and the power of the soul was also recovering rapidly.

Ten days later, Chen Feng began to absorb magic crystals for cultivation. After absorbing 10,000 magic crystals in one breath, Chen Feng felt that his strength had recovered to its peak.

"I am consuming spirit stones faster and faster now. If I wait until I am promoted to the heavenly realm, I wonder what level I will reach?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"It's time to go to Black Source City to take a look, but before entering Black Source City, I should deal with the few people in the Longevity Tower first." Chen Feng said this and went directly into the Longevity Tower.

The seven heavenly realm cultivators who ambushed Chen Feng, He Tian, ​​Ma Jun, Jin Guang Zhenren, and Du Gang Cave Master, had been killed by Chen Feng, and the remaining Mihun Cave Master, Driving Beast Zhenren, and Demon Sword Knight were captured by Chen Feng and taken to the Longevity Tower.

But now, including Mihun Cave Master, the three have woken up.

Seeing Chen Feng coming in, the Beast Master and the Demon Sword Knight looked ashen, and a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Soul-Locking Cave Master, who had obviously recovered some vitality.

"Soul-Locking Spell!" Chen Feng cast the Soul-Locking Spell on the Soul-Locking Cave Master as soon as he came up, and the Soul-Locking Cave Master was restrained by Chen Feng again without even struggling.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

At this time, a huge black tiger and an ugly flying bird suddenly appeared in the Longevity Tower, roaring and rushing towards Chen Feng.

It was the mount of the Demon Sword Knight and the Beast Master.

Boom! Boom!

Two stone tablets suddenly descended and directly suppressed the two monsters, causing them to roar continuously but unable to move.

"Don't forget, this is my territory, and you have been restrained by my Soul-Locking Spell. Your life depends on my thought. You must understand your situation." Chen Feng said, and his mind moved. All three of them covered their heads and screamed, especially the Soul-Locking Cave Master, who rolled on the ground.

"Stop." The Demon Sword Knight screamed miserably.

"Haha, let me stop, the mind of a cultivator in the Heaven Realm is firm." Chen Feng sneered and continued to use the Soul Calming Mantra.

"Spare my life, spare my life."

"Please stop, spare us, we are willing to surrender." After a long time, the three could no longer endure the torture from the depths of their souls. This was simply worse than death, so they began to beg for mercy.

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