Eternal Existence

Chapter 306: Soul-Calming Curse

Facing the siege of everyone, Chen Feng knew that the result of his hard resistance would be to be beaten away. Although there was a body armor to protect Chen Feng from being injured, Chen Feng did not want this result. Besides, who could know this? What moves will the person have next? After all, Chen Feng just suffered from the mental illusion of the master of the Lost Soul Cave.

"The power of the soul is weak, but now we have to use soul spells. Oh! How ironic." Seeing that the attack was about to come, Chen Feng was not nervous at all, nor did he think of a way to dodge.

"Soul-suppressing spell, soul-soothing spell!" Chen Feng shouted lowly, and the soul-suppressing spell just now was activated, and the talismans condensed with the power of the soul turned into streams of light and disappeared into He Tian and others like lightning. in the soul.

Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop!

Except for the master of the Lost Soul Cave, who was already paralyzed on the ground, the other six people all stared blankly, and then fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was also shocked. He didn't expect that the power of the soul-suppressing curse was so powerful and the effect was so good. You must know that although his fighting power is quite strong, his soul has not survived the thunder disaster after all. In terms of soul power alone, it is far away. Far less than one of these people.

But now, as soon as the soul-suppressing curse was activated, all the thunder calamity monks in front of him were knocked down.

"Boy, what are you doing standing still? We are just suppressing these people temporarily, and they will recover soon." Ta suddenly reminded him at this time.

"Yes, the soul-suppressing spell includes soul-suppressing, soul-locking, soul-condensing, and soul-refining. Now He Tian and his souls are only temporarily suppressed by me, but the suppression time will not last long. Just now He Tian wanted to use the pulse-locking needle to lock them My meridians, now I will lock their souls." Chen Feng understood immediately after hearing Ta's words.

"Soul-locking curse!"

Chen Feng let out a light drink, and the soul-locking secret method in the soul-suppressing curse was activated. A soul-locking talisman flew out from Chen Feng's soul and penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of the demon sword knight. Originally, the demon sword knight's soul power After being hit by Chen Feng's soul-suppressing spell, he was still struggling, but after the soul-locking talisman came in, the entire sea of ​​​​consciousness calmed down, as if a hill suppressed the soul power of the demon sword knight.


Chen Feng let out a long breath, only to feel that his soul was exhausted, his whole body was limp, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hey, you think the Soul-Suppressing Curse is so easy to cast. You are not at a good level now. I helped you practice it forcefully. The Soul-Suppressing Curse you just used has already consumed 77% of your soul power. Just now You used another soul-locking talisman, and the power of your soul was consumed even more. That's not all. As your soul power weakens, even your physical body will gradually weaken. Don't forget, your spirit is now The energy and spirit have become one," Ta said with a smile.

"So, if my soul is weakened, my energy and blood can also replenish the weak soul?" Chen Feng said with a roll of his eyes.

"Haha, yes, this is the only advantage." Ta smiled.

"Looks like I have to hurry up." Chen Feng said as he condensed a soul-locking talisman again and submerged it into the sea of ​​consciousness of the beast-expelling master.

Just when Chen Feng was about to condense the third soul-locking talisman, He Tian stood up fiercely, yelled and waved his hand at Chen Feng, blowing out a stream of thick black smoke, and then quickly fell back. After flying out, the first thing He Tian did after waking up was to think about escaping instead of fighting Chen Feng.

"It's not that easy to leave. None of you can leave today." Chen Feng sneered.

Feeling his increasingly weak soul, Chen Feng knew that he had to resolve the matter in front of him as soon as possible, otherwise when the others recovered, he would be the unlucky one.


The blood soul turned into a streak of blood light, piercing He Tian's body and pinning He Tian to the ground. At the same time, Chen Feng stepped forward and stepped on Ma Jun's chest with a heavy kick.

Bang bang bang bang!

There was a crisp sound, and half of Ma Jun's body was crushed. However, under the severe pain, Ma Jun also woke up from the trance state. Upon seeing this, he immediately shouted: "Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender."

"It's too late." Chen Feng slapped Ma Jun's head heavily with his palm. Under the tyrannical force of the palm, Ma Jun's sea of ​​​​consciousness was exploded, and the source of his soul conflicted everywhere. Before it could dissipate, Chen Feng was Feng directly used the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique to absorb it completely, and then stored it in the sea of ​​consciousness, waiting to be slowly refined later.

"You kid, you still have the intention to devour other people's souls." Ta scolded, you must know that Chen Feng's soul power will only become weaker and weaker now. If the soul stored in the sea of ​​consciousness backfires, then Chen Feng will become The soul is in a state of disbelief.

"Hey, this is the best way to restore the power of the soul." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Nie Zhan, what kind of magic skills are you practicing?" At this time, Jin Guangzhen also woke up and clearly saw Chen Feng killing He Tian and Ma Jun in succession. Although he was nervous in his heart, it did not show on his face, and he looked There was no intention of escaping.

"Hahaha, Master Jinguang, do you still remember me?" Chen Feng laughed and waved his hand, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword came out of his body and fired at the Poisonous Gang Cave Master on the side.


The Haoran Zhengang Sword easily pierced the Du Gang Cave Master, but after the Du Gang Cave Master let out a scream, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of black air that enveloped Chen Feng. At the same time, the Du Gang Cave Master ignored the long sword on his body. , the whole person soared into the sky, and while flying, dozens of poisonous smoke shot out from the whole body, turning into poisonous snakes and attacking Chen Feng.

"Do it!" Master Jin Guang saw the opportunity coming, and waved his hand to cover Chen Feng with the Golden Light Divine Thread Net. Master Jin Guang was very confident in his magic weapon. This treasure helped him capture countless powerful enemies. .

Seeing the death and injuries of everyone around him, Jin Guangzhen's heart was filled with fear and excitement. As long as he captured and killed Chen Feng, all the good things on Chen Feng's body would be his own.

Holy weapon, thinking of this, Jin Guangzhen's eyes turned red.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the golden shadowless knife burst into intense flames, cutting all the poisonous snakes that rushed towards him into pieces. At this time, Chen Feng only felt his whole body tightening, and was actually enveloped by the golden light divine thread net, and this face was silky. The net was still tightening rapidly, tightly binding Chen Feng.

"Hahaha, you didn't get the advantage of me in the end." Jin Guangzhen couldn't help laughing when he saw Chen Feng being captured.

Chen Feng struggled a few times but did not break away. Seeing this scene, Jin Guangzhen became even more proud.

"This silk screen of mine is made of fire silk and innate gold essence. Just because you, a little monk in the secret realm, still want to break free, hahaha, kid, please obediently hand over all the magic weapons on your body. Maybe I will It can make your death easier." Jin Guangzhen walked up to Chen Feng and said.

"Why, are you here for the holy weapon too?" Although he was restrained, Chen Feng did not panic and seemed to be confident.

"By the way, boy, what you said just now seems like you know me. Also, you look familiar to me." Jin Guangzhen looked at Chen Feng and said.

"Haha, you really forget things, do you remember that blue-eyed golden cicada beast?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Blue-eyed golden cicada beast?" Jin Guangzhen was stunned at first, and soon his eyes lit up.

"You were the little guy who took away the Demonic Soul Fruit." Master Jingguang said coldly.

"Hahaha, it seems that I discovered the spiritual fruit first." Chen Feng sneered.

Master Jingguang's eyes flashed with a fierce light. At that time, he could have captured and killed the kid in front of him, but he didn't expect that something would happen. Bai Ziyan suddenly appeared and interfered. In the end, he pushed him away in embarrassment, but he didn't expect that he had just been here a few years ago. Time, the little guy who was like an ant at that time turned out to be so powerful.

"Sure enough, it's you. What a coincidence. I didn't expect you to fall into my hands in the end." Jin Guangzhen sneered.

"Okay, I don't have time to delay with you anymore. I just told you so much because of what happened back then. Now I'll let you know it." Chen Feng suddenly smiled.

"What?" Seeing Chen Feng suddenly reveal a strange smile, Jin Guangzhen suddenly instinctively felt something bad.

"If you wanted to escape at first, there was still a chance of survival, but now, you can't leave even if you want to." Chen Feng said, his whole body was shaken, and under the powerful impact, the golden light web tied to his body fiercely It expanded, and then Chen Feng urged the Eternal Life Tower to directly put away the silk mesh on his body.


Seeing that the Eternal Life Tower suddenly disappeared from Chen Feng's body, and that he could not sense his breath, Jin Guangzhen immediately began to panic.

"Soul-Suppressing Curse!" Chen Feng's eyes flashed, Jin Guangzhen fell into a daze again, and a look of struggle began to appear in his pupils.


Chen Feng directly punched out, smashing Jinguang Zhenren into pieces. In Chen Feng's current situation, he had no intention of swallowing up the opponent's essence, blood and energy.


Chen Feng took a long breath and felt dizzy for a while, and the energy of blood and blood in his body began to be consumed rapidly. If it weren't for the large amount of energy stored in the acupoints opened by Chen Feng, Chen Feng would have been weak and passed out. It's over.

"Ah! Chen Feng, you are simply a devil. Ma Jun and I are monks in the celestial realm in the sect. If you kill us, the sect will find out sooner or later." At this time, He Tian, ​​who was nailed to the ground, screamed miserably.

"Really? Then you said I shouldn't kill you." Chen Feng walked up to He Tian with a smile.

"Chen Feng, as long as you don't kill me, I will help you cover up what happened today." He Tian rolled his eyes and said.

"Haha, it turns out that you are also afraid of death, so why do you bother me again and again? By the way, there is something you don't know yet. I hate leaving potential threats. Just like today, if I killed you in the sect at that time, and I'm afraid there won't be an ambush like today. However, today's capture and killing of seven Heavenly Realm monks is a big gain." Chen Feng stepped forward and pulled it up. He saw the bloody spear inserted into He Tian's body.

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