Eternal Existence

Chapter 222: Violent Ape

Faced with the attack of the black shadow, Chen Feng threw Mo Lie in his hand towards the black shadow with great force, while he himself quickly floated back.


With a crisp sound, blood splashed everywhere, and Mo Lie was bitten to death by the black shadow without even a scream.

A giant ape appeared in front of Chen Feng. The ape was about ten feet tall, with gray hair like steel needles all over its body, thick limbs, nails as sharp as swords, fangs as sharp as knives, and bulging muscles all over its body full of explosive power.

Half of Mo Lie's body was still in the hands of the giant ape, and the rest of his body had been swallowed into its stomach.

This was the first time Chen Feng had seen such a ferocious ape, and more importantly, this ape turned out to be a big monster, so Chen Feng was only briefly surprised and then burst out with powerful sword energy all over his body, kicked his feet, and quickly rushed towards the sky.

Since he knew that the other party was a big monster, Chen Feng had no intention of fighting. With his current cultivation, he was not a match for a big monster, even the most ordinary big monster. Besides, where was this place? This was in the fairy mountain. Moreover, Chen Feng saw at first glance that this violent ape was not simple. For the sake of safety, it was better to avoid it.

Chen Feng had a quick sense and a fast speed, but this violent ape was even faster. When Chen Feng jumped up, it also jumped up, and flew directly above Chen Feng, slapping Chen Feng with a slap.


Chen Feng fell from mid-air very cleanly, smashing a large piece of dense leaves, and fell heavily to the ground.

The sword light on Chen Feng's body was easily shattered just now, but Chen Feng quickly bounced up from the ground, smiled, and rushed forward like a cheetah.


The violent ape fell heavily to the ground, and wounds appeared on its huge palm. Although they were shallow, traces of blood had spread out.

It turned out that the sword light on Chen Feng's body just now was actually shot out by the Haoran Zhengang Sword. Although he was knocked down from the sky by the violent ape, the demon monkey also suffered some injuries.

However, Chen Feng soon found that he could not get rid of the opponent's pursuit on the ground. This violent ape was born to live in this environment. Its huge body caught up with Chen Feng in a few jumps in the jungle.

"I can't run away." Chen Feng turned quickly, and the blood soul rotated rapidly and stabbed at the big demon.

Facing the attack of this magic weapon, the big demon did not dare to be careless. He stepped on the ground with both feet and jumped up to avoid Chen Feng's attack. Then a crackling sound came, and thick branches turned into spears and attacked Chen Feng.

Pah pah pah!

Chen Feng swung the spear in his hand quickly, and the branches that fell from the sky were shattered one after another.


The violent monkey swung a thick tree trunk and hit Chen Feng hard. Chen Feng held the spear with both hands to block it, and felt a strong force like a mountain pressing on him, so Chen Feng rolled over and over, rolling into deep pits on the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.


The violent monkey swung the tree trunk in his hand again and hit Chen Feng hard. Under the strong pressure, the surrounding trees shook.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and two chains flew out of his body quickly, one wrapped around the violent monkey behind him, and the other quickly wrapped around the tree trunk in the distance.

Chen Feng hit the longevity chain. The last time Chen Feng broke through the realm, these condensed weapons were all condensed by the longevity spirit, and the grade was greatly improved. They were no longer the shallow weapons that Chen Feng condensed before.


The longevity chain flying towards the violent monkey was like a spirit snake, circling quickly, and soon wrapped around the violent monkey in circles.

The longevity chain on the other side quickly contracted and threw Chen Feng up. When Chen Feng flew up, he waved his hand and the longevity chain once again wrapped around the tree trunk in front of him. In this way, Chen Feng moved forward quickly in the jungle like a swing.

Originally, this was the monkey's method, but now Chen Feng used it to escape the monkey's pursuit.


A dull roar, followed by a crisp snap, Chen Feng knew that the longevity chain wrapped around the violent monkey was broken, but Chen Feng had already escaped thousands of meters at this time, so he was naturally not afraid of the violent monkey behind him catching up.


Chen Feng stepped on the Haoran Zhengang Sword and rushed into the sky quickly. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, leaving only the violent monkey roaring on the ground.

In the sky, Chen Feng flew thousands of miles before slowly landing. If it weren't for the fact that the purple lightning silver light dragon had not recovered from his injuries, Chen Feng really wanted to suppress this violent monkey.

But now the tower is silent, and the Purple Lightning Silver Light Flood Dragon has not recovered from his injury, so Chen Feng can only rely on his own strength to venture into the fairy mountain.

After hiding in a big tree and practicing for two days, Chen Feng set out again. Just like this, Chen Feng walked and stopped. On the tenth day, Chen Feng finally met other cultivators who came in again.

"This fellow Taoist."

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether to go forward to communicate, the other party actually greeted Chen Feng first.

Chen Feng thought about it, and flew towards the other party without changing his body shape. During the flight, Chen Feng quickly observed these cultivators.

These cultivators were all floating above the treetops. There were a total of six people, five men and one woman, all of whom looked young. Just by quickly scanning them with his eyes, Chen Feng determined that these six people should be disciples sent by the big sect.

"These people have good cultivation. The one with the highest cultivation has actually cultivated to the ninth level of the secret realm. It's amazing. The weakest one has also condensed the soul fire. In this case, my cultivation is the weakest in front of these people, isn't it?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Hello, everyone." Chen Feng stepped forward and bowed with a smile.

When Chen Feng found the other party, these people also looked at Chen Feng with their eyes. Chen Feng noticed that the six people looked at him with surprise, contempt and doubt. Chen Feng knew that the six people saw his cultivation of the fourth level of the secret realm.

"Which sect are you from?" One of the monks in white said to Chen Feng lightly, with a proud look on his face.

This man looked at Chen Feng with a trace of disdain in his eyes, obviously not taking Chen Feng seriously.

"I am Chen Feng, an inner disciple of Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng smiled lightly, his face did not change. This white monk was only at the sixth level of the secret realm, and his soul fire was far from comparable to his own.

"So you are from Taiyi Sect." The six people nodded, and then retracted their gazes on Chen Feng.

"How long have you been here? Have you seen other monks?" The monk in white continued to ask proudly, and it seemed that he really regarded Chen Feng as a small figure.

Seeing the other party's expression, Chen Feng felt disgusted and wanted to knock him down with a punch, and then step on him heavily. Although he thought so in his heart, Chen Feng still had a smile on his face.

Chen Feng also felt that he was becoming more and more hypocritical about this.

"I have been here for a while and have been staying in this jungle. The cultivation environment here is not bad." Chen Feng smiled.

"You are lucky." The monk in white said indifferently.

"Haha, may I ask what your names are." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Huh." The monk in white snorted coldly and did not answer Chen Feng's words.

"I am Liu Tian, ​​a disciple of Jiuxiao Palace." At this time, a monk wearing a light golden robe among the six people spoke.

When this person spoke, the other five were stunned for a moment, because this cultivator named Liu Tian was the strongest among the six. He was a cultivator at the ninth level of the secret realm, and the next step was the heavenly realm. Unexpectedly, this person actually took the initiative to communicate with Chen Feng, and it was Liu Tian who took the initiative to greet Chen Feng at the beginning.

"Liu Tian, ​​a person from Jiuxiao Palace." Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a strange color, because Chen Feng remembered the incident in a magic crystal mine under the power of Ziyun Dongtian, a disciple of Jiuxiao Palace named Liu Mu.

"Liu Tian, ​​Liu Mu, are these two people related?" Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

"I have had a feud with Jiuxiao Palace, and I killed four disciples of Jiuxiao Palace a few days ago. If this Liu Tian knew about it, I am afraid he would immediately attack me?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Tie Changkong, Jiange." A cultivator carrying a long sword said lightly.

"Ah! It turns out to be a senior brother from Jiange. I am an old friend of Mo Xigui from your sect." Chen Feng's face immediately showed a surprised expression.

"So it's Junior Brother Mo's friend." Tie Changkong nodded, with a smile on his cold face.

"Why didn't I see Brother Mo this time?" Chen Feng approached him.

"Junior Brother Mo is in seclusion, refining the power of the Zhou Tian." Tie Changkong said with a smile.

Chen Feng was also surprised when he heard this. Last time in the Demon Soul Valley, Mo Xigui only condensed the soul fire. Unexpectedly, he began to condense the power of the Zhou Tian in such a short time. This cultivation speed is amazing.

"Shangguan Yun from Liuyun Pavilion." The only female cultivator among the six smiled faintly.

"So it's someone from Liuyun Pavilion?" Chen Feng noticed this female cultivator at the beginning. She was wearing a light blue robe, with a graceful figure, an elegant and dignified expression, and a faint smile on her face, which made people feel comfortable when they looked at her.

"Xu Ziping, from Central Plains." A cultivator with a smile on his face said, a very contagious smile.

"Central Plains." Chen Feng was surprised again. He didn't expect that the few people he met this time had some background.

"Liu Xihua, Xingluo Sect." A monk with stars on his robes nodded and said.

In the end, only the monk in white was left. Seeing that everyone else had spoken, his face suddenly stiffened, but he still said with a stiff face: "Ling Fei, Lingxiao Palace."

"So he is from Lingxiao Palace, no wonder he looks so arrogant, but this man's monk is the weakest among them. If it weren't for Liu Tian taking care of him, it would be too easy to kill him." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

"Since Junior Brother Chen is from Taiyi Sect, we all belong to the immortal lineage. I wonder if you are interested in joining us. There is strength in numbers, so that everyone can survive better in this unfamiliar environment." At this time, Liu Tian spoke lightly.

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