Eternal Existence

Chapter 223 Thunder Eagle Attacks

Hearing Liu Tian's invitation, Chen Feng's heart moved, and then he smiled: "As long as you are not afraid of being dragged down by me, it's fine."

"You also know that you will drag us down?" The annoying Ling Fei muttered.

"Hehe, Junior Brother Chen can venture here alone, even if he has no strength, he has the corresponding luck. What we need most here is luck." Liu Tian smiled faintly.

So the team of six people became seven people. Chen Feng was willing to act with the other party and had some plans of his own. After all, he was alone in this unfamiliar space and might encounter some irresistible dangers. Now everyone is a disciple of the immortal sect, and it will be better to gather together to encounter some things.

"I don't know how big this forest is. I have flown thousands of miles in it during this period of time, and I still haven't found the end." Chen Feng said casually while looking at the endless towering trees in the distance.

"We flew from the opposite direction of you and flew thousands of miles. It seems that we have to change our route." Liu Xihua said with a smile.

"It's really a bit strange. Before coming in, I never thought that the fairy mountain would be like this, but it's good to practice here." Xu Ziping smiled.

"I thought I could meet immortals when I came in, or I should find one or two immortal artifacts, so that I can live up to the name of Shangliuyun Immortal Mountain." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Immortal artifacts, you are really bold to think about it. I just want to get out alive, as for immortal artifacts, forget it." Shangguan Yun was amused by Chen Feng's words.

"The space here is really too big, and I don't know where the other cultivators who came in went. I dare not think about immortal artifacts, but I will be satisfied if I can get one or two treasures." Liu said.

"In addition to the abundant spiritual energy here, there is nothing surprising to me. I didn't even meet two powerful demons and monsters." Tie Changkong said lightly.

"We are all small people, so it's better to be safe. Let alone powerful monsters, even a slightly more powerful big demon can kill us all. Have you forgotten what happened some time ago?" Liu said.

Chen Feng was a little strange and didn't understand what Liu meant. After Chen Feng's inquiry, he realized that this group of people was not only six people at the beginning, but twenty people. Among these twenty people, in addition to the disciples of these immortal sects, there were also some casual cultivators.

It was not easy for these people to gather together. They were originally planning to venture into the fairy mountain, but they did not expect to encounter a big monster, and it was a flying monster. As a result, the big monster killed most of them, and only Liu Tian and six people survived.

After the six people escaped, they found a safe place and waited until their injuries recovered before they came out. Not long after they came out, they met Chen Feng.

After hearing this, Chen Feng was stunned. He did not expect that these six people had such an experience. What surprised Chen Feng even more was the big monster of the bird. This big monster must be much more powerful than the violent ape he encountered.

Apart from other things, in Chen Feng's perception, this Liu Tian is not simple. There is a treasure on him. He is at the ninth level of the secret realm. With another treasure, he should be able to fight with the violent ape for a while.

"So, I always feel a little scared when I fly in the air now." Liu Xihua smiled bitterly.

"What kind of big monster did you encounter?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"It's a Thunder Eagle, and it's a Thunder Eagle that has survived the second thunder tribulation." Liu Xihua said in a deep voice.

"It's actually a Thunder Eagle." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Chen Feng remembered that there was a Thunder Eagle claw in his collection, and he cut it off with his own hands.

"Oh no, it's coming again." At this time, Liu Tian's face suddenly became solemn.

Hearing Liu Tian's words, the faces of the other five people also changed, only Chen Feng didn't understand what happened.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The six people quickly got into the dense jungle below, and only Chen Feng was floating in the air.

"Junior Brother Chen, come down quickly." At this time, Tie Changkong's voice sounded in Chen Feng's ears.

A black dot was getting closer and closer from a distance, and a strong pressure was pressing towards Chen Feng like a mountain. Just when Chen Feng wanted to see clearly what it was, a blue lightning broke through the air and arrived in front of Chen Feng in the blink of an eye.


Chen Feng did not retreat or dodge, but took out the blood soul and quickly stabbed the lightning.

"He's really courting death." The people below saw Chen Feng's actions clearly, and this thought flashed through their minds at the same time, but what happened next surprised them even more.

Pah pah pah!

A burst of electricity flashed, and Chen Feng floated away like a kite with a short line, and the lightning dissipated.

"This guy actually blocked the attack of the Thunder Eagle?" All six people showed incredible looks in their eyes.

At this time, Chen Feng also understood what was coming. After quickly stabilizing his body in the air, he immediately passed through the dense branches and leaves to the ground.

At this time, Liu Tian and the other six had already started running around. Looking at their movements, they were obviously very skilled.

The pressure became stronger, and Chen Feng even felt that a mountain was about to reach his head. The wind blew, the sky turned dark, and the surrounding giant trees began to shake constantly.

Boom! Boom!

The ground shook dullly, and two giant trees like hills were uprooted. Large chunks of soil flew up, and thick criss-crossing tree roots rose up from the ground. Chen Feng felt as if an earthquake was coming. Just thinking about it As soon as he left here, he felt the sky light up, and the two giant trees in front of him immediately rose into the sky, and then crashed towards him.

"Damn it."

Chen Feng couldn't help but cursed, then turned around and ran away. With a flick of his hands, the long chain of immortality quickly flew out and was directly wrapped around the tree trunk a hundred feet away. Then Chen Feng's speed immediately increased.

Boom! Boom!

Two giant trees fell heavily, and immediately caused the other giant trees to sway this way and that. Chen Feng felt that the entire forest was shaking.

Chen Feng just ran a thousand feet when he saw a giant tree not far ahead being uprooted, and a thick root hit him directly. In a hurry to dodge, Chen Feng saw the huge condor deep in the sky. Its thick sharp claws were lifting two giant trees.

"It is indeed Thunder Eagle." Chen Feng was shocked.

Chen Feng had seen a thunder eagle once before in Demon Soul Valley, but the thunder eagle in front of him was obviously better than the ones he had seen before. Its broad wings seemed to be able to smash mountains into pieces, and its sharp claws were even more powerful. Tearing the sky apart, Chen Feng instantly concluded that this Thunder Eagle was much more powerful than what he had seen before.

"But I am not as good as before, and this Thunder Eagle may not be able to do anything to me?" Chen Feng thought to himself, speeding up and starting to shuttle through the jungle.

"Although this Thunder Eagle is powerful, it is only in the sky. It should be able to escape by running in the jungle, right?"

However, Chen Feng soon discovered that his idea was wrong. He saw the huge thunder eagle in the sky spread its wide wings and flapped violently, and hurricane winds blew from its wings towards the forest below.

Click! Hurrah! Click! Click!

Under the powerful hurricane, more than a dozen large trees were blown up into the sky in an instant, and Chen Feng was caught in a stream of air and fell heavily to the ground.

"Good guy, I can pull up a giant tree without even trying my best, but how come this Thunder Eagle recognized me? I didn't offend you." Chen Feng was a little confused.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was an exclamation from the front, and a figure was pulled up into the sky by a tornado. Chen Feng didn't have time to think about it. He waved his hand and the chain of immortality flew out, directly entangled the opponent, and then he shook it hard. Then he pulled the other party back.

"Thank you."

"It's you, are you okay?" Only then did Chen Feng realize that the person he saved was actually Liu Xihua.

"I'm fine. Let's get out of here quickly. This Thunder Eagle is really powerful." Liu Xihua said.

call! call! call! call!

Another powerful hurricane blew towards the ground, and Chen Feng and the two of them had no time to think and started running away again.

After a stick of incense, Chen Feng and the two finally got rid of Thunder Eagle's attack. It seemed that the other party should have gone after several other people.

Listening to the constant roaring in the distance, Chen Feng couldn't help but look at Liu Xihua and asked, "What on earth is going on?"

"It's a long story. We have been being hunted by this thunder eagle for a while." Liu Xihua shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Now both of them were disgraced and looked very embarrassed.

"Hey, I don't think this Thunder Eagle will hunt you down for no reason. There must be some reasons, right?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Well, we inadvertently broke into this Thunder Eagle's territory, and then this Thunder Eagle stared at us. Many of our friends along the way were torn apart by this Thunder Eagle." Liu Xihua said this His face turned a little pale at the time.

Half an hour later, the distant roar gradually disappeared. Liu Xihua took out a jade talisman, looked at it, and then said: "Let's go, let's quickly join the others?"

Not long after, everyone gathered together again. There were seven people in total, no one was missing, but Liu Tian and Tie Changkong had a few more wounds on their bodies. It seemed that they had fought with the Thunder Eagle.

"Let's get out of here quickly." At this time, Liu Tian suddenly said in a deep voice.

"That Thunder Eagle?" Liu Xihua stepped forward and asked.

"I don't know what happened, but the Thunder Eagle suddenly disappeared from the sky." Ling Fei interjected.

"Hmph, this thunder eagle has survived at least two thunder tribulations. Don't forget, the great demons that can survive the thunder tribulation can usually turn into human form. Maybe this thunder eagle has already entered the forest." Liu Dao .

"If we turn into human form, so many of us should be able to fight each other." Tie Changkong said coldly.

"Even if the opponent turns into a human, he is still a big demon. If we really fight head-on, none of the seven of us will survive." Liu Tian said solemnly.

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