Eternal Existence

Chapter 221: They are all seeking death

Chen Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the other party. The other party also squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Feng. Neither of them spoke.

"The one with the highest cultivation among the four is the guy who stole my treasure. He is actually a cultivator of the eighth level of the secret realm and has cultivated the power of Zhou Tian. If he has another treasure, I am afraid I will suffer today. The remaining three people have good cultivation. They are also at the seventh level of the secret realm, but they have not cultivated the power of Zhou Tian. They are easier to deal with. But what are the origins of these four people?" Chen Feng thought in his heart.

The four people were actually communicating secretly while sizing Chen Feng.

"Who is this kid?"

"No matter who he is, just kill him."

"No, this guy is not simple. Don't forget that the fire bees here made us all suffer a little."

"But we have snatched this treasure, and the other party will definitely not give up."

"Hey, if this kid doesn't know what's good for him, just kill him, no matter who he is, there is no one else here anyway."

"That's right, not to mention in the fairy mountain, even in the outside world, there are not many people who dare to go against our Jiuxiao Palace."

When the four people were communicating secretly, Chen Feng finally spoke: "Leave the things, I won't kill you."

Hearing Chen Feng's calm voice, the four people were stunned, looked at each other and laughed immediately, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Hahahaha, did I hear it wrong? What did this kid just say? Hahaha."

"You heard it right. This kid said he won't kill us. Hahaha, I don't think there should be such arrogant cultivators in our Beiyuan area?"

"Not bad, not bad. I think this guy should be from somewhere else, or he is a fool. He dared to say such things to us. Hahaha, it really made me laugh to death."

"Boy, do you know who we are?" The four laughed for a long time before one of them smiled at Chen Feng, holding his stomach.

Chen Feng frowned and thought to himself: "I don't care who you are. Even if you are disciples of this sect, it is a capital crime to rob my magic weapon."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng stopped talking nonsense with the other party. He thought that since this was in the fairy mountain, there would be no cultivators within a radius of hundreds of miles. Since these people provoked him, he would just kill them.

So Chen Feng slapped the four people with his left palm, and the four extreme points were violently vibrating. The powerful palm force enveloped the four people. At the same time as he slapped this palm, Chen Feng quickly stepped forward, and the blood soul in his hand turned into a snow light and inserted into the chest of one of the monks.


With a light sound, the monk was sucked into a dry corpse, and the other three retreated under Chen Feng's palm power.

"You." The monk who snatched the long sword did not expect Chen Feng to act so quickly, and killed one of his junior brothers right away. He couldn't help but open his eyes wide, and the Zhoutian force spread around his body to protect the other two.

Since he had started, Chen Feng no longer hesitated. After killing one person with one blow, Chen Feng did not stop. The blood spear in his hand turned into a series of afterimages again and killed the remaining three people. At the same time, the Haoran Zhengang Sword that had been floating above his head had also reached the top of the three people's heads.

"Oh, no, it's a treasure, or two treasures."

"Run away."

"You can't kill me, we are disciples of Jiuxiao Palace."

Originally, the three of them were thinking about fighting, but when they saw Chen Feng actually used two treasures, they knew that they might be in danger today. They shouted and fled in three directions quickly. Especially the cultivator who cultivated the Zhoutian power, he ran even faster. He burned the Zhoutian power directly and reached a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.


One of them was beheaded by Haoran Zhengang Sword, and the soul fire that had been condensed was crushed by the sword energy.


The other one was pierced by Chen Feng's spear and sucked into a dry corpse.

After killing the two men, Chen Feng stepped on Haoran Zhengang Sword and quickly chased the last one. In this delay, the cultivator who cultivated the Zhoutian power had already escaped without a trace.

"If it was in the past, it would definitely take some effort to chase a cultivator who has cultivated the Zhoutian power, but it's different now." Chen Feng said, and the Qianxun mirror appeared in his hand. Suddenly, a red dot appeared in the mirror. This red dot was the trace of the cultivator who escaped. With the Qianxun mirror, Chen Feng naturally didn't worry about the other party escaping.

However, in order to prevent complications, Chen Feng still accelerated his speed and gradually narrowed the distance between him and the other party. No matter how powerful the other party was, he had not cultivated to the heavenly realm. It was impossible for him to escape the pursuit of his treasure.

"I hope no one will appear. If others know that I killed the disciples of Jiuxiao Palace, then even Taiyi Sect may not be able to save me." Chen Feng was also a little worried.

The ten major immortal sects in Beiyuan are also divided into strong and weak, especially Jiuxiao, Zixiao, and Lingxiao Palaces are even more closely related. If a large-scale war really breaks out, these three sects will definitely unite. If the three sects join forces, the most powerful Jian Pavilion will be destroyed.

If others knew that Chen Feng killed a disciple of Jiuxiao Palace and spread the news, Jiuxiao Palace would definitely put pressure on Taiyi Sect. Under the pressure from Jiuxiao Palace, Chen Feng would not believe that Taiyi Sect would confront Jiuxiao Palace for the sake of his little disciple.

Although these ten major sects usually fight and fight, they are all carried out in secret. If they kill in secret, they kill. No one can say anything without evidence. If they kill disciples in the sect openly, it will be a quarrel. Moreover, these four people are not ordinary disciples.

This is the first time that Mo Lie burns the power of Zhou Tian. He only feels that a strong force is constantly tearing the meridians in his body, making the speed of the true qi circulation several times faster than before. He feels that he has never been so fast before.

But Mo Lie also knows that if he can escape this time, he doesn't know how long it will take for his cultivation to recover.

Speaking of which, it hasn't been long since Mo Lie cultivated the power of Zhou Tian. He was sent to find the immortal fate just after he was promoted to the elite disciple of Jiuxiao Palace. At first, Mo Lie was a little unhappy, but suddenly one day he and several fellow disciples were swallowed by a crack that appeared on the fairy mountain. In this way, Mo Lie and a group of disciples of Jiuxiao Palace entered Liuyun Fairy Mountain.

At first, everyone was a little happy, thinking that they really had a chance to become immortals, but soon after, they encountered danger. After several brothers were killed or injured, they realized that this was a dangerous place, and they began to be cautious in their next actions.

In fact, these people had discovered this huge hornet's nest a long time ago, and even one of the disciples died under the golden light emitted by these fire bees.

Although they knew that these fire bees were very dangerous and powerful, Mo Lie and others did not leave, because they knew that there was a treasure in this huge hornet's nest, and a treasure could be regarded as a treasure in the eyes of these disciples.

After waiting for a few days, when Mo Lie and others were a little anxious, Chen Feng appeared, but dispersed these fire bees and collected the huge hornet's nest, so Mo Lie could not help it, and seized the opportunity to make a move, and he was lucky enough to get this treasure.

But who knew that Chen Feng was so perverted, he killed the other three junior brothers without saying anything, and now he was even more so. Mo Lie ran away desperately while sighing in his heart. Although he was chased to the point of burning the power of the Zhoutian, he also got a treasure. If he could escape this disaster, then his move would still be very worthwhile.

Mo Lie's idea was good, but could he escape?

"It's been delayed for a long time." Chen Feng was a little impatient, and the soul fire burned fiercely. The Haoran Zhengang Sword turned into a sword light, and instantly flew hundreds of feet away, and slashed at the fleeing Mo Lie from a distance.


A sword light flashed, and a big tree was cut into two halves from the middle, while Mo Lie fell from the air into the woods, and kept dodging and escaping with the help of the dense woods around him.

"Where can you run to?" Chen Feng quickly landed on the ground, and the magnetic pole point on the bottom of his foot was rapidly moving. Chen Feng's speed did not slow down. He quickly moved through the forest and soon saw Mo Lie's figure.


The sword light flashed quickly and collided with the flame knife swung by Mo Lie. Two large trees around that were several people hugged were cut off in the middle. The Haoran Zhengang Sword made a light sound and fell on Chen Feng's head. Mo Lie also paused, and was caught up by Chen Feng in this delay.

"Which sect are you from? You dare to kill people from our Jiuxiao Palace. Aren't you afraid of being destroyed?" Mo Lie knew that he could not escape, so he turned around and shouted at Chen Feng, holding the long knife burning with flames in his hand more tightly.

Chen Feng ignored the other party, and the blood soul in his hand rotated quickly, stabbing at Mo Lie in a spiral shape. Anyway, he wanted to kill people and rob treasures, so it was a waste of time to say so much.


The blood soul hit the blade in Mo Lie's hand heavily. Under the strong impact, Mo Lie retreated repeatedly. Looking at the blood spear in Chen Feng's hand, he shouted: "Demon weapon, are you from the Demon Sect?"


The blood spear left a residual image in the air again, and hit Mo Lie hard.

"You should be an elite disciple of Jiuxiao Palace. Is this your level?" Chen Feng sneered, stamped his feet, and a strong earth power came from under the ground, hitting Mo Lie again.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and Mo Lie slowly floated over. Mo Lie struggled violently and roared continuously.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the long sword burning with flames fell into his hand. As soon as the sword was in his hand, Chen Feng felt a hot air wave passing through his arm and into his body.

"Such a thick sun true fire." Chen Feng said in surprise, and then threw it into the Longevity Tower, waiting for time to refine it into the acupoints later.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. If you kill me, you will be in trouble." Mo Lie roared.

"I will be in trouble if I don't kill you." Chen Feng sneered, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword was circling above his head, with the sword light flickering, and he was about to kill Mo Lie here.

Just when Chen Feng was about to make a move, a black shadow suddenly pounced on Chen Feng, at such a fast speed that Chen Feng could not see the other party's appearance clearly.

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