Eternal Existence

Chapter 191 Qianxun Mirror

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to take action without hesitation, Zhao Qiang and the two were immediately frightened.

"Wait a minute." They both said at the same time.

"Why, do you have anything else to say?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Don't you want to know why we are following you?" Zhao Qiang said in a breath.

"It's not necessary. There is no one else here. I'll kill you all. No one will know that I killed you. Maybe you were killed after following the bloodthirsty demon." Chen Feng sneered.

"It won't do you any good to kill us. The sect will definitely find out. If you kill a true disciple of a sect, it will be useless even if you run away to the ends of the earth." Ma Wu shouted.

"Let's talk about it then, I don't like to think so much." Chen Feng said that a ball of zhenqi had condensed in his palm, and it crackled and was full of power.

"I am from the Zhao family, you dare to kill me." Zhao Qiang shouted, his face turned pale.

"Zhao family? Do you know Zhao Quan?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"Zhao Quan is my cousin. This time we followed you here because Zhao Qiang said you were a spy, so we followed you. If you kill me, our Zhao family will definitely know about it. If you offend our Zhao family, you will die. Difficult, I advise you to let us go and let this matter go, otherwise you will know the consequences." Zhao Qiang gritted his teeth and said.

"It's Zhao Quan again, so it's like this. No wonder these two guys looked at me wrong from the beginning." Chen Feng understood something in his heart.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. I hate people threatening me the most in my life." Chen Feng stared at the two of them and laughed.

"What do you want to do?" Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang instinctively felt bad.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The purple electric silver light dragon lying on the side raised its head, and its horn fiercely shot out two rays of purple light, directly piercing the foreheads of the two people.

Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu stared at the sky with their eyes wide open. They had practiced for many years, but they did not expect to die here.

The soul was destroyed, and even the fire of the soul was shattered.


Chen Feng sighed. He disappeared for so long without any reason, which might arouse some people's suspicion.

However, when Chen Feng returned to the small town, he did not attract anyone's attention, and there was no big difference. It took more than a long time before a few disciples found Chen Feng in panic.

"Senior Brother Chen, something happened." One of the disciples said nervously.

"What happened? Did those monsters appear again?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"No, the two monsters that were captured disappeared without any reason, and Senior Brother Zhao and Senior Brother Ma also disappeared."

"If there is such a thing, let's go and have a look." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Of course he knew that Zhao Qiang and the two were missing, but when the two bloodthirsty demon beasts that were caught disappeared, Chen Feng was puzzled.

You must know that these two bloodthirsty demon beasts were beaten to death and imprisoned. It was impossible for him to escape. In this way, there was only one possibility, and that was that external forces were at work.

"Could it be that other bloodthirsty demon beasts or phantom beasts came to rescue these two bloodthirsty demon beasts?" Chen Feng speculated in his mind.

Although these disciples of the Taiyi Sect no longer work hard to cut the Starlight Stone, a series of recent events have made these people even more stressed. They gather together in fear every day for fear that such a bloodthirsty monster will appear again.

Especially after the two true disciples disappeared, everyone became even more panicked. Some people even proposed to return to the sect now. Everyone thought that they would be safe only if they returned to Taiyi Immortal Mountain.

"No one can leave without permission. Doing so is against the sect's rules." The true disciple in charge of the small town shouted, trying to shock these disciples who were about to go crazy.

"If you don't leave, are you waiting to die here?" someone shouted.

"Yes, what do you true disciples do for a living? You can even escape after catching two monsters. If you stay here any longer and wait for those monsters to come out again, can you protect our safety?"

"Fart, I think they can't even protect themselves."

Under the shadow of death, these outer disciples started shouting one after another, and their voices became more and more bold. In the end, even the inner disciples began to join in.

"Shut up." The true disciple shouted coldly, and a powerful soul power swept out. Everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and they stopped talking unconsciously.

"Everyone just hold on for a few more days, and masters from the sect will come soon. Then we will find those bloodthirsty monsters and kill them all." After the true disciple finished speaking, he immediately walked away. In any case, he was responsible for If this happens in the local area, the sect will definitely be held responsible.

Two days later, Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu still did not show up, but reinforcements from the sect arrived.

There were only three reinforcements, but the Taiyi Sect disciples staying in the small town breathed a sigh of relief.

"Three elite disciples are here. They will definitely be able to catch those bloodthirsty monsters."

"Only three people came. Isn't that too few?"

"What do you know? These are elite disciples. They are all people above the eighth level of the secret realm. One person can beat hundreds of us."

"The eighth level of the secret realm, isn't it like cultivating to the heavenly realm?"

"The whole body of these three people is cold, but their cultivation is really powerful. I can't sense the reality of these three people. It seems that I have to be careful not to be noticed by these three people." Chen Feng secretly observed these three people. There were three people, but Chen Feng didn't dare to investigate too much, otherwise he would definitely be noticed by the other party.

"I wonder what these three people will do?" Chen Feng guessed.

However, what happened next was beyond Chen Feng's expectations. After learning about the other party's methods and measures, Chen Feng immediately felt a sense of crisis looming over him.

After the three elite disciples circled the small town for a few times, they came to the place where everyone fought with the bloodthirsty demon fangs. Although it had been cleaned up, there were still some bloodstains.

One of the elite disciples took out a small round mirror the size of a palm. This small round mirror was made of unknown materials. It contained rich spiritual energy. Under the urging of this disciple's magic power, it continued to bloom with misty and soft eyes.

This kind of spiritual thing is obviously not an ordinary magic weapon.

Sure enough, this elite disciple muttered something in his mouth, and at the same time, his other hand quickly played a series of magic formulas, so the luster emitted by this small round mirror immediately covered the ground and scanned the former battle site.

As the disciple's magic power was activated, pictures began to jump in the small round mirror in his hand. A closer look revealed that it was the scene of Chen Feng and others fighting against the bloodthirsty demon fangs.

This small mirror, which looked full of spiritual energy, actually restored the natural scene.

"It turned out to be the bloodthirsty demon fangs. Hey, there is also a phantom beast. How could such a monster appear here? Is there something here?" The elite disciple was surprised.

"Look at this disciple."

At this time, the three of them quickly noticed a person in the mirror. This person was safe and sound in the face of the phantom beast's sneak attack, and finally blasted the phantom beast into the ground.

The three elite disciples were paying attention to Chen Feng.

"This person looks unfamiliar. Is he also a true disciple?" Pang Ban held the mirror and looked at a true disciple next to him.

"To answer my senior brother, this person is called Chen Feng, and he is an outer disciple." The true disciple replied respectfully. The elite disciples did not come out that this person was the boss, but now they could only answer honestly.

"Call him." Pang Ban said lightly.


"Have you ever seen such a powerful outer disciple?" Pang Ban sneered.

"The phantom beast's sneak attack just now could have killed a true disciple directly. Even if we were attacked like this, we would still be in a mess. This little outer disciple looks fine, and it is obvious that the other party did not use all his strength in the fight." The elite disciple who spoke was Liu Yu, who was also a very powerful guy.

"When he comes, just capture him directly. This kid is most likely a spy from other sects." The voice was a little rude and was called Zhao Xiang, who was also a disciple of the Zhao Quan family.

"Don't worry, he may not be a spy. Let's talk about it after the other party comes." Pang Ban smiled.

Soon Chen Feng was brought by the true disciple. Looking at the three people in front of him, he felt a little strange and didn't understand why he was called here.

"Did these three people find out something?" Chen Feng thought to himself.


The small mirror turned into a stream of light and fell into Chen Feng's hand. It was the picture of Chen Feng facing the phantom beast's sneak attack.

Looking at the picture in the mirror, Chen Feng's heart was shocked, but he did not react on the surface, and even his expression did not change.

"What is this thing that can restore the scene at that time?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"This is Qianxun Mirror, a tracking magic weapon." Tower said.

"What do you have to say." Pang Ban waved his hand to take back Qianxun Mirror, then stared at Chen Feng and asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Bold, you, a little outer disciple, dare to speak to us like this." Zhao Qiang scolded.

"Okay, no matter what your identity is, you will work for the sect. Besides, this junior brother looks good. I hope he can help again next time." Pang Ban said lightly.

Then Pang Ban urged his magic power again, and the Qianxun Mirror in his hand kept changing, and finally red dots appeared on it.

"Okay, we found those bloodthirsty demon fangs." Pang Ban waved his hand and took off.

"Let's go, let's go hunt those monsters together." Zhao Xiang looked at Chen Feng and said coldly.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded and followed the three people to fly high in the sky.

Chen Feng was thinking secretly in his heart while flying.

"I didn't expect the other party to have such a magic weapon. This is really troublesome." Chen Feng secretly complained in his heart.

This Qianxun Mirror can reproduce the past scenes and search for the traces of the bloodthirsty demon fangs. In this way, the three people will soon find themselves fighting with a group of bloodthirsty demon fangs. These are not the most troublesome things. At most, the three people will find that they have treasures on them. The most troublesome thing is that if the three people find out that Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang were killed by themselves, then their status as outer disciples of Taiyi Sect will be lost, and they will also face the pursuit of this super big sect.

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