Eternal Existence

Chapter 190 Suppression

Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu were standing in front of Chen Feng. No one knew when they came. They were standing quietly two meters away from Chen Feng, looking at Chen Feng with an indifferent expression.

The raindrops falling from the top of their heads were turned into steam by an invisible energy before they touched the two people, and then dissipated without a trace.

"Did you know we were coming?" Ma Wu looked at Chen Feng with his eyes, as if to see whether Chen Feng was real or fake.

"When I was fighting with the bloodthirsty demon fang, I knew you were hiding and watching, but the invisibility talismans on you two were really powerful. I almost didn't notice you." Chen Feng smiled faintly.

In fact, Chen Feng really didn't notice the existence of Zhao Qiang and the others. All this was due to the reminder of the tower.

"Bloodthirsty demon fang, do you know that kind of monster?" Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu looked at each other, and a strange thought arose in their hearts. They didn't expect Chen Feng to know the creature with demonic energy all over his body.

"The bloodthirsty one is the bloodthirsty demon fang, and the hidden one is the phantom beast, both of them are from the demon world." Chen Feng said indifferently, leaning against the tree with a blank expression, and did not take the opportunity to heal his wounds, which made Zhao Qiang and the others dare not act rashly. Although Chen Feng was injured, he had two treasures on him after all, which were powerful weapons.

"You are indeed a spy who sneaked into the sect." At this time, Zhao Qiang pointed at Chen Feng and suddenly shouted.

"Spy?" Chen Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party was still looking for excuses to deal with him now.

"Hehe, I heard that you are a spy, but I didn't believe it at first, but now the facts are in front of you, what else can you deny?" Zhao Qiang sneered.

"Facts, what facts?" Chen Feng said coldly.

"Your cultivation is comparable to that of a true disciple, but you sneaked into the outer disciples. What else can you do if you are not a spy? Moreover, everyone gathered together tonight, and only one person sneaked out. I think the demon beast that suddenly appeared this time must have been attracted by you." Zhao Qiang said with a righteous face.

"Oh, is that so? Then what are you going to do? Are you going to kill me while I am in danger?" Chen Feng sneered.

"We are just going to capture you and hand you over to the sect. Don't worry, we won't kill you. The sect will come to judge you." Ma Wu said as he took two steps forward, looking aggressive, as if he was about to take action.

"Oh, so you are going to take action against me?" Chen Feng still did not stand up, looking at the two calmly.

"Yes, we are going to capture you, the spy." Zhao Qiang sneered, and a flying sword with a blue glow appeared in the air.

This is a seventh-grade magic weapon, and it is also a very rare water-attributed magic sword. At this time, this flying sword emits a bright luster while absorbing the surrounding rich water vapor. With the help of the surrounding water and marsh gas, the power of this seventh-grade flying sword has increased by two layers. This phenomenon makes Zhao Qiang more confident in his heart.

Seeing Zhao Qiang take action, Ma Wu on the side also took out his magic weapon, which turned out to be a fiery red flying sword, dark red and translucent, as if there was a ball of fire burning in it.

It turned out to be a flying sword with fire attribute. Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang, one with water and one with fire, had been cooperating with each other for a long time. Now, when they were about to start, the two forces of water and fire complemented each other and rushed towards Chen Feng. Strong forces continued to impact all around. Not only the falling raindrops were evaporated, but also the branches and leaves above his head were turned into ashes. It was like a rapidly expanding vacuum cover. As long as there was something that did not enter the vacuum cover, it would be smashed into pieces and turned into flying ashes.

Chen Feng still did not move, but looked at the two coldly, as if he did not take the attack that the locals were about to launch seriously at all.

"Do you really think you can capture me?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Hahaha, kid, don't pretend. We have seen you fighting those bloodthirsty monsters. You are seriously injured now and are not our opponent at all." Zhao Qiang laughed.

"Aren't you afraid of the treasure on my body?" Chen Feng grabbed the blood soul in his hand, and a violent breath kept breaking out. The powerful bloodthirsty demonic energy made Zhao Qiang and the others change their faces.

"Is this a magic weapon?" Ma Wu exclaimed.

"You are quite knowledgeable." Chen Feng sneered.

"What can a magic weapon do? You are injured now and cannot use the power of this magic weapon at all."

Seeing Chen Feng take out the magic weapon, Ma Wu and the others were cautious at first, but soon showed greedy looks.

"Oh! Forget it, I didn't expect that a famous sect like Taiyi Sect would have fools like you. I am too lazy to fight with you." Chen Feng waved his hand, leaned against the tree, closed his eyes, and began to regulate his qi and breath to repair the injuries in his body.

Seeing Chen Feng like this, Zhao Qiang and the others changed their faces again, and then gritted their teeth and attacked Chen Feng at the same time. The two flying swords of water and fire were on the left and right, carrying two water and fire marks, which looked very powerful.

Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu didn't know how many times they had practiced this move together. Even cultivators who had cultivated to the Zhoutian realm of evolution had to be careful to deal with it.

But Chen Feng still didn't move, and looked like he was asleep.

"Get out of here."

At this time, a strong spiritual fluctuation sounded in the ears of the two people like a thunder, and at the same time, a majestic silver dragon appeared in front of Chen Feng.


With two light sounds, Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang's two flying swords were all knocked away. Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang were shocked and felt that their spiritual consciousness attached to the flying swords was dispersed.

Chen Feng, who seemed to be asleep, waved his hand and collected the flying swords of the two people.


The two of them opened their mouths at the same time and spat out a mouthful of blood. They had been refining these two water and fire swords for many years. They didn't know how much effort they spent on them, but they didn't expect that they would be taken away by the other party.

But this was not the most distressing thing for the two of them, because the following scene made them even more desperate.


Two huge dragon claw phantoms grabbed hold of the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao. As soon as they grabbed one, they easily caught the two of them, and then pressed them heavily to the ground. Despite Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang's constant struggle, they pressed them down. The dragon claws on both of them were motionless.

"I can finally come out and get some air."

The purple electric silver light dragon looked at Chen Feng carefully and found that Chen Feng had no reaction. Then he smiled at Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang, and his huge body suddenly rushed into the rain. The long silver-white dragon kept coming. Meandering around in the heavy rain, not caring about the thunder and lightning in the sky, constantly turning over the clouds to absorb water, moving up and down, having a great time.

Once a snake is transformed into a dragon, it has the means to control the rain and clouds. Although this purple lightning silver dragon has not officially passed through the thunder tribulation, its naturally strong bloodline can still control the changes in the rain in the sky and the earth. As for the thunder and lightning in the sky, this The big demon is naturally not worried, because this is not a real thunder.

Looking at this mighty dragon making waves in the heavy rain, turning the clouds and rain, and then looking at Chen Feng with his eyes slightly closed and slowly adjusting his breath, Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang kept struggling until their faces turned red from exhaustion. After coming down, although the dragon claws left by the purple lightning silver dragon were just shadows, they were not something that Ma and Wu could break away from.

"Senior Brother Chen, we know we were wrong. You have a lot of people. Let us go. We swear we will not tell this matter." Ma Wu was the first to shout.

"Yes, senior brother, it is our fault today. We are also thinking about the sect. We have no bad intentions." Zhao Qiang also shouted.

"You can't kill us, otherwise the sect will definitely find out."

"As long as you let us go, we will be rewarded generously in the future."

It's a pity that no matter what the two of them said, Chen Feng didn't respond. In the end, the two of them talked until their mouths were dry and then they stopped. They looked at Chen Feng for a while, looked at the dragon in the distance, and then secretly looked at Chen Feng for a while. Trying to find a way to struggle.

At this time, Chen Feng didn't pay attention to the outside world at all, because Chen Feng was concentrating on repairing the injuries on his body.

During the battle, Chen Feng was almost overwhelmed by the few attacks he received from the phantom beast. It could be said that his muscles and bones were truly broken, and the bones in one of his shoulders had even been shattered into pieces. This is because the acupuncture points in the body absorbed most of the power. Otherwise, all the power would act on Chen Feng, and Chen Feng would definitely be beaten to pieces.

"Si! These guys from the demon world are really powerful, they are so cruel."

Chen Feng clearly saw where he was injured. The tiniest particles in his body were all under Chen Feng's induction. The human body is composed of these countless particles. While observing this strange scene, Chen Feng mobilized his strength to repair it. Broken pellets.

See the subtle, recognize the subtle, and pay attention to the subtle.

At this time, Chen Feng has entered a subtle state.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Blockages everywhere in Chen Feng's body were opened one after another, and some broken particles were quickly repaired. These tiny existences continued to breed and reorganize. The shattered bones in Chen Feng's body began to be quickly connected, and then were connected by waves of magical power. Wrapped up, the bones are continuously fused and restored to their original state, and the repaired bones are stronger than before.

In the process of Chen Feng's healing, the energy that was initially absorbed into the major acupoints began to be continuously released, and then was brewed, refined, and absorbed by Chen Feng.

During the training process, Chen Feng swallowed five red blood pills in a row, and billowing energy continued to spread out of his body. Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang were shocked and speechless.

"It seems like we are not having a good day today." The two exchanged words quickly, trying to think of a way to escape today's disaster.

This heavy rainstorm lasted all night, and some depressions on the ground were filled with rainwater, and the air was filled with a rich smell of water.


Chen Feng finally woke up, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of faint blood, while the purple electric silver light dragon lay quietly not far away from Chen Feng.

Click! Click! Click!

As soon as Chen Feng stood up, his whole body erupted with crisp sounds. Feeling the surging power in his body, Chen Feng suddenly smiled.

"Aren't you two going to kill me? Why don't you do it?" Chen Feng sneered as he looked at Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang who were suppressed by the dragon claws.

"We admit our defeat, and it's up to you whether you want to kill or cut them into pieces." Zhao Qiang said fiercely.

"Okay, since you asked for it, I won't be polite." Chen Feng said and raised his palm.

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