Eternal Existence

Chapter 192 Suspicion

Killing fellow disciples is a heinous crime no matter which sect it is in. Moreover, the two people killed by Chen Feng are true disciples who have cultivated the Soul Fire. Even in a sect of the level of Taiyi Sect, they are also talents.

"Do I have to kill these three guys?" Chen Feng had this thought in his mind.

"No, many people saw me following these three guys out. If these three people suddenly die, they will definitely find me. Do I have to kill all the disciples in the whole town?"

"However, if I don't kill these three people, the fact that I killed Ma Wu and Zhao Qiang will most likely be exposed. Tsk tsk, trouble, really trouble." Chen Feng's heart was in chaos.

"My junior brother, what are you thinking about?" Liu Yu suddenly asked with a smile.

"Hehe, nothing, I just feel a little panicked when I met several elite seniors not long after entering the sect." Chen Feng smiled, but there was no panic expression on his face.

"Okay, everyone, stop talking nonsense. We know that you are quite strong. If you encounter a bloodthirsty demon beast next time, I hope you will not hold back." Pang Ban looked at Chen Feng and said lightly.

"Hehe, I am just an outer disciple, but if anything happens, I will definitely do my best." Chen Feng smiled lightly.

Chen Feng talked to the two people indifferently, while secretly separating his consciousness and entering the Longevity Tower.

At this time, the phantom beast captured by Chen Feng was still firmly suppressed by a stone tablet.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to beat the phantom beast and then subdue it, but the situation was critical now and there was no time to wait. Chen Feng used the soul shackles technique to plant a soul imprint in the brain of the phantom beast.

Suddenly, all the information in the mind of the phantom beast was exposed to Chen Feng's perception.

"Tsk tsk, no wonder there are so many magic beasts here, there are indeed some interesting things." After checking the sea of ​​consciousness of the phantom beast, Chen Feng suddenly laughed, but now is not the time to investigate carefully. After imprinting the soul of the phantom beast, Chen Feng became the master of the other party. So the phantom beast began to open its mouth and emit strange sound waves under Chen Feng's control. This sound wave was silent, and then after being blessed by the Longevity Tower, the power increased exponentially. Chen Feng deliberately lagged behind a distance and released this strange sound wave.

This kind of sound wave has only one function, that is, to call companions from the demon world.

Soon Pang Ban and the other four came to the place where Chen Feng and the bloodthirsty demon fangs fought that day, and Pang Ban began to urge the Qianxun mirror in his hand to restore the situation here at that time.

Chen Feng was secretly anxious, but he couldn't do anything, so he could only wait nervously.

Sure enough, the influence of Chen Feng began to emerge in the middle of this strange little mirror. The scene of Chen Feng fighting with the phantom beast and the scene of fighting with a group of bloodthirsty demon fangs later were all shown on this Qianxun mirror.

Watching the bloodthirsty demon fangs in the mirror being killed by Chen Feng, Pang Ban and the other two were finally moved. They looked at Chen Feng with shock in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful person among our outer disciples." Pang Ban sneered.

"It's just with the help of magic weapons. As for my own strength, it's not worth mentioning." Chen Feng smiled and didn't take the pressure of the three people's eyes to heart.

"Don't say outer disciples, even among our Taiyi Sect, there are not many true disciples who have treasures. You are really lucky. Not only do you have a flying sword, but also a magic weapon. Magic weapons are not owned by us righteous people. You'd better hand it over to the sect after you go back and let the sect deal with it." Zhao Xiang said coldly.

"Hehe, as for what magic weapon I use, you have no right to control it, but I think this small mirror is pretty good, how about I exchange it with you?" Chen Feng changed the topic and looked at the Qianxun mirror in Pang Ban's hand.

"You're right, I won't exchange it with you even if you bring a third-grade treasure." Pang Ban looked at Chen Feng as if he was looking at an idiot.

However, the three did not continue to ask, but the three had murderous intent in their hearts, and the two treasures were enough to make them tempted.

"Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu disappeared silently, I think it should be related to the bloodthirsty demon fangs here. I have something that Zhao Qiang used in the past, you can search for it." At this time, Zhao Xiang took out a piece of clothing, which turned out to be the clothes that the dead Zhao Qiang had worn before.

"Okay, as long as there is Zhao Qiang's breath, my Qianxun mirror can find Zhao Qiang's location. Let me see if Zhao Qiang was killed by these monsters, or if there were other changes." Pang Ban said coldly, but Chen Feng found that the other party looked at him.

"Could it be that these three people have already suspected me, or have been planning to deal with me from the beginning?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Nonsense, one treasure is enough for these people to fight to the death, not to mention that you have two." Ta sneered.

"Hey, Zhao Qiang seems to have appeared here?" Pang Ban said doubtfully while looking at the Qianxun mirror in his hand.

"These monsters are not coming yet, I will take action if they don't come again." Chen Feng was a little nervous, and his fists slowly clenched.

"Zhao Qiang really appeared here, look, this is the figure of Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu, the two went in that direction." Pang Ban said in surprise, Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu in the Qianxun mirror took off the invisibility talisman, the two slowly revealed their figures, and quickly chased in the direction where Chen Feng disappeared.

"Chen Feng, Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu are obviously following you. Now they are missing. This matter is obviously related to you. What do you want to say now?" Zhao Qiang looked at Chen Feng coldly, and a murderous intent flashed through his body.

"What a joke. I didn't know that they were following me. As for why they disappeared later, I don't understand even more. Maybe they went to other places to do bad things, or were eaten by the monsters that suddenly appeared. After all, this place is very dangerous." Chen Feng sneered, because Chen Feng had sensed the bloodthirsty breath approaching rapidly not far away.

The summoning sound waves emitted by the phantom beast in the Longevity Tower finally took effect. One by one, the brutal and ferocious bloodthirsty demon fangs quickly surrounded and killed the place where Chen Feng and others were.

"No, it's the bloodthirsty demon fangs. Damn it, there are so many." Pang Ban looked at the increasing number of red dots in the Qianxun mirror and his face suddenly became ugly.

"Why did you attract so many bloodthirsty demon fangs, kid, did you do it?" Zhao Xiang stared at Chen Feng viciously.

"You are crazy, don't you think I have anything to do with these monsters?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. We don't know how many bloodthirsty demons there are here, so it's better to leave here first." Pang Ban's whole body shook when he said this, and waves of air rose from his back. This wave of air was like a volcanic eruption, magma steaming, and it was like the waves of the Yangtze River constantly impacting. This sudden and powerful phenomenon scared Chen Feng immediately, and then he realized that this was the other party's way of evolving the Zhoutian.

A phantom beast fell from mid-air. It had just hidden in the void and launched a sneak attack on Pang Ban. In the end, it failed and knew that this person was powerful. It bounced and wanted to escape.

However, Pang Ban smiled and stretched out his hand. The air wave behind him seemed to be a river hanging upside down and turned into a huge palm to hold down the phantom beast.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The bloodthirsty demons finally came in front of everyone and began to howl and attack.

The bloodthirsty demon fangs that appeared this time were beyond Chen Feng's imagination. The first time he encountered bloodthirsty demon fangs, there were only dozens of them at most, but now he found that there were more than a hundred bloodthirsty demon fangs, and there were strong breaths approaching from a distance.

"How can there be so many bloodthirsty demon fangs?" Chen Feng quickly grabbed the blood soul in his hand. Now is not the time to hide his strength.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

These bloodthirsty demon fangs quickly gathered together, and the thick demonic energy on their bodies connected rapidly, just like water added to the oil pan, violently splashing everywhere, a thick layer of demonic energy pushed towards Chen Feng and his friends like a wall, these bloodthirsty demon fangs actually wanted to join forces to surround and kill Chen Feng and his friends in one fell swoop.

"These bloodthirsty demon fangs actually know how to form a formation." Liu Yu said in surprise.

Although there were many bloodthirsty demons, Chen Feng was not very afraid. After all, no matter how powerful these things were, he could fight them face to face. What Chen Feng cared about were the phantom beasts hiding in the dark and launching attacks at any time. These things were silent but powerful, even more powerful than using the invisibility talisman. If he was attacked by several phantom beasts at the same time, Chen Feng would probably be beaten alive even if he used a treasure, unless he hid in the Longevity Tower.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Zhao Xiang, Pang Ban and Liu Yu all burst out with extremely powerful auras, and each of them had a strange vision. Pang Ban's was a water wave, Zhao Qiang's was a scorching sun, and Liu Yu's was a mountain shield stone. These three people seemed to have opened up a world by themselves, and they lived alone in the center, as if they were gods in this world.

As soon as the bloodthirsty demons approached the three people, they were tightly entangled by the visions displayed by the three people, and disappeared before they could break free. Even Chen Feng did not understand this weird situation.

With just one contact, nine bloodthirsty demon fangs were captured by the three men, and the thick wall of demonic energy immediately became thinner.

"These three are really powerful, worthy of being people who have cultivated to the stage of evolution." Chen Feng did not move, and the blood soul in his hand turned rapidly, stabbing thirteen times like lightning, leaving thirteen tumbling air currents in the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three bloodthirsty demon fangs exploded almost at the same time, and the black blood mist was then enveloped by a powerful suction force, and then sank into the blood soul.

Next, Chen Feng turned and moved, and his body turned into a silk thread, constantly flashing in the air, and the blood soul even drew blood light from time to time.

The purpose of Chen Feng's doing this was naturally to prevent the phantom beasts hiding in the dark from sneaking attacks, but after a fight, a large number of bloodthirsty demon fangs were killed by Chen Feng.

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