Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,797 Obtained


Chen Feng was a little anxious at first, but soon calmed down and did not chase the other party. This was not a simple lake, but a fragment of the sea of ​​consciousness left by a super master. Taiyi Jinxian would be bound if he entered it. These two poisonous lizards were only in the realm of God. What would happen if they entered? Could it be possible that they could obtain the Daluo Law? Besides, this lake had been blocked by the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail, which was also Chen Feng's territory. It would be easier to kill the other party.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, and the black hole under his feet suddenly doubled in size. The lake had shrunk from 100,000 miles to 80,000 miles.

This means that the area where the Daluo Law can move is getting smaller and smaller, until there is no place to escape.

Swish! Swish!

Chen Feng used the Immortal Light, and the golden light flashed. The two poisonous lizards that besieged the Queen Mother were pierced. After the Immortal Light, there was the dark light of annihilation, and half of the body of a fire dragon was cut off.

Then the Devouring Light, the Light of Void, the Light of Light, and the Light of Fire swept in turn, resulting in more than a dozen fire dragons and poisonous lizards being seriously injured or killed.

The pressure on the Queen Mother and the others suddenly eased.

This sweep of divine light consumed a lot of Chen Feng's energy, and it would take some time to accumulate energy to explode again.

Then Chen Feng felt a strong pressure because two Taiyi Golden Immortals locked Chen Feng.

The fire dragon and the poisonous lizard pressed towards Chen Feng from the left and right, with flames rising and poisonous smoke rolling. The power of the two sides continued to increase under the joint efforts.

"It's just a junior Taiyi Golden Immortal, and you dare to come and die." Chen Feng said lightly, and the blue-black sword curtain swept out directly.


The long river of flames and the long river of poisonous gas actually blocked the blue-black sword curtain, and it seemed that the blue-black sword curtain was also eroded.

"It's just the right time." Chen Feng said lightly, and saw two divine nails flash by, and two blood holes appeared on the fire dragon and the poisonous lizard at the same time.

However, it did not die, but became even more violent, rushing towards Chen Feng regardless of life and death.

Chen Feng frowned secretly. Because of maintaining the swallowing black hole, Chen Feng could only exert half of his strength, otherwise the blue-black sword curtain just now would have killed the opponent.

Moreover, the two clones had been taken back, and the three times combat power could not be exploded, so it was really a bit unpleasant for Chen Feng to suppress the battle like this.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The divine nails kept stabbing out, and big holes kept appearing on the fire dragons and poisonous lizards that rushed over. When they were only a dozen feet away from Chen Feng, they suddenly exploded, and the blood mist in the sky was burned by the flames before it could spread.

Chen Feng shook, and the entire lake shook violently. At this time, the lake was still 60,000 miles in size.

The poisonous lizard that entered it before did not make many waves and then stopped moving.

Chen Feng's face looked a little bad, because Chen Feng felt a stronger breath rising from afar, sweeping over in the blink of an eye, covering the surrounding world, and the powerful pressure made Bai Yu and the phantom beast who were fighting tremble involuntarily.

The fire dragon and the poisonous lizard shouted in surprise.

"Intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal!" Chen Feng said lightly.

"And there are two of them."

"You find a way to leave here first." Chen Feng said lightly. It was too dangerous for the Queen Mother and others to participate in this level of battle. If they were killed by mistake, Chen Feng would regret it.

Chen Feng couldn't let the Queen Mother die for this Daluo law.

The Queen Mother and others just hesitated for a moment and then joined forces to rush out. It was quite interesting to say that at the beginning, the Queen Mother and others tried their best to stop these fire dragons and poisonous lizards, but now they rushed out desperately, but caught the fire dragons and poisonous lizards off guard. After a fierce collision, the Queen Mother and others actually rushed out.

Of course, the reason why the Queen Mother and the others were able to rush out was because the Fire Dragon and the Poison Lizard did not try their best to stop them. After all, their target was Chen Feng and the lake under Chen Feng's feet.

As for the Queen Mother and the others, what would happen if they killed her?

At this time, the lake was still 50,000 miles in size, and the Daluo Law was still hiding in a corner of the lake.

"This guy!" Chen Feng couldn't help cursing. If this law cooperated a little and let him take it away, he would have left long ago and would not have encountered this situation.

Now that the entire lake was about to be taken away, a real master came again. Chen Feng was so depressed that he just wanted to shout.

"You are a cultivator who came with Saint Qiu Li. Where is Saint Qiu Li?" Chen Feng, who was ready for battle, heard a dull sound from a fire dragon.

What's interesting is that the powerful fire dragon and poisonous lizard that just arrived appeared in human form, but there was a phantom of the original body swaying faintly behind them, which also brought Chen Feng greater pressure.

But the other party did not choose to attack at the beginning, but asked, which bought time for Chen Feng. Chen Feng was secretly happy in his heart. This was the situation he wanted to see the most.

"I came in with Saint Qiuli." Chen Feng nodded, showing a smile, trying to talk to the other party in a friendly manner. It would be better if the other party did not attack him.

However, looking at the large number of corpses of the Fire Dragon Clan and the Poison Lizard Clan in the distance, Chen Feng knew that this situation would not happen.

"Two Taoist friends, I just came here to play. I have no grudges or hatred with you. Otherwise, let's stop fighting and go our separate ways." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, where are Saint Lord Qiu Li and the others?" Fire Dragon smiled faintly and then asked. His eyes were calm and there was no sign of any attitude. However, it was in line with Chen Feng's wishes not to take action immediately. At this time, there was not much death energy left. , as long as Da Luofu shows up, he will step forward to collect it and leave.

This is Chen Feng's plan, but the premise is that the other party gives him time.

"I wonder if these two fellow Taoists know about the transparent beast?" Chen Feng said suddenly, and then looked at each other closely. Sure enough, when they heard the word transparent beast, the eyes of the fire dragon and the poisonous lizard fluctuated.

"It seems that the two fellow Taoists know it. Yes, Holy Lord Qiu Li and the others are in the tomb of the transparent beast, and the transparent beast is not dead." Chen Feng said to himself. At this time, the fire dragon and the poisonous lizard had calmed down. , Chen Feng couldn't see what the other party was thinking.

"By the way, I've been in there too, but it's too dangerous inside. When I came out, Holy Lord Qiu Li and the others seemed to be accepting the inheritance, and there were a lot of treasures inside. I encountered some top-notch artifacts, but it's a pity that there were none. Got it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But you are getting a lot of benefits now. Let's do this. For the sake of your cooperation, hand over what you got here, and then you can leave." The fire dragon said lightly.

"Wow, I'm so excited for such magnanimity." Chen Feng couldn't help but say, while cursing in his heart, saying that he didn't want to be beaten in the end.

"It's just some death energy. The two fellow Taoists should look down on it." Chen Feng said with a smile, it's almost done, it only takes a little time.

"Is it death energy? I don't think so. When I came here, I felt the fluctuations of the best artifacts here, and there were more than one. If you can collect the best artifacts, you are considered capable, but you are not lucky to meet us. "Master, as long as you hand over the things, the killing of our kindred people will be forgotten. How about that, are we being reasonable?" said the fire dragon.

"It does make sense." Chen Feng nodded. The black hole under his feet disappeared, along with the lake. All the death energy was swallowed up by Chen Feng. The harvest this time was too great.


A cyan light belt wanted to escape, but was blocked by criss-crossing divine nails. Then Chen Feng successfully captured the opponent as soon as he caught it. As soon as the Daluo Law was obtained, Chen Feng felt like a lightning strike. He felt a powerful impact different from the past. Various rules and regulations... Laws and various thoughts were constantly acting on Chen Feng, making Chen Feng almost lost at this moment.

It was not until Chen Feng put away this Daluo Law that he gradually regained his composure. At the same time, he felt that his spiritual power and spiritual realm had been greatly improved. Even if he had been in seclusion for ten thousand years, he would not have such a result.

"As expected of Daluo's Law, if I can completely refine and understand it and turn it into my own power, then my strength will increase tenfold or even a hundredfold in a short period of time." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

"Da Luo's Law!"

"Da Luo's Law!"

At this time, the fire dragon and the poisonous lizard roared almost at the same time, and the powerful aura suddenly exploded. The degree of violence shocked Chen Feng.

"Are these two guys crazy?" Chen Feng saw that the other party had rushed over, and the shadow of the body behind him gradually became solid.

"If I had seen such a rule, I would have rushed forward desperately, but since I have obtained the items, there is no need to fight with them." At this time, Chen Feng felt relaxed, but even more excited.

"Hand over your stuff."

The huge dragon claws and the long poison gas whip swept towards Chen Feng. The explosion of the two intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals was no joke. At least with Chen Feng's current strength, he was not an opponent. If Qiu Li had If a partner like Shengjun cooperates, it's almost the same.

Of course, it was impossible to fight head-on, but Chen Feng was still very confident about leaving without any scruples. He saw Chen Feng stretch out his finger, and the nine divine nails that had previously blocked the lake became a little larger again, and were arranged in the nine palaces to face the fire dragon and poisonous lizard. Kill it.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The dragon's claws were nailed through and the Gila monster whip was cut off. Then the fire dragon and the Gila monster retreated one after another. As for the divine wings behind Chen Feng, they had already spread out. He swung the long sword and slashed, and the space was directly shattered. Chen Feng's body The shape swayed for a moment before getting in, and at the same time, Nine Points of Starlight followed.

"Where to go!"

Seeing Chen Feng leave, the injured fire dragon and poisonous lizard finally transformed into their true bodies. The huge artifact, fierce arrogance, and rolling pressure made other fire dragons and poisonous lizards lie down.

Then the space shattered again, and the fire dragon and the poisonous lizard began to chase Chen Feng.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Chen Feng used the art of divine movement to the extreme and did not care about the opponent's pursuit, but Chen Feng also knew that if he wanted to get rid of the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal, this method alone would not be enough.

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