Eternal Existence

Chapter 1796 Pressure

As the Mother Queen and the others took action, Chen Feng felt that the pressure around him began to weaken, but it was still very strong. After testing it several times, Chen Feng knew that it was simply impossible to capture the law like this.

Unless all the death energy here is collected.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng calmed down and stood where he was. A huge black hole appeared again. In this case, let's collect all the death energy here first.

Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!

When the black hole was rotating, nine divine nails flew out one after another, scattered around with Chen Feng as the center. This was a large array of nine top-quality artifacts. Blocked by the power of the divine nails, the boiling and rolling power of death suddenly fell silent. Coming down, this piece of death energy was quickly swallowed up by the black hole.

Then Chen Feng moved his place, and the nine divine nails were scattered out again, continuing to block an area. In this way, Chen Feng gradually encroached, and the million-mile-sized lake gradually shrank by half.

That Da Luo law knew something was wrong at that time, and constantly urged the power of the entire sea of ​​consciousness to attack Chen Feng. Unfortunately, this law was not the will of the owner of the sea of ​​consciousness, and could not exert the true power of this sea of ​​consciousness. In addition, Chen Feng used the Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nail, so it seemed that Chen Feng had the upper hand.

It's just a matter of time to drain away the death energy.


It was in the rush that the large formation outside was attacked again, and the power of this attack was very strong. The three-layered formation arranged by Chen Feng shook under the attack.

"Trouble!" Chen Feng frowned, knowing that the Gila monster was coming without even looking.

"I'll leave the Gila monsters outside to you." The Mother Queen and others who were bombarding the lake received Chen Feng's order, so they turned around and left, entering the formation.

"No, in addition to the poisonous lizards, there are also fire dragons, and there is also the Taiyi Golden Immortal." Bai Yu soon exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down, you don't have to go out to fight, just be defensive." Mother Queen Mo said and actually released some combatants. Teams of combatants appeared carrying energy cannons. It is worth mentioning that there are several energy cannons among them. It is obviously different, bigger, and looks more suffocating. The powerful destructive power contained in it seems to be ready to burst out at any time.

These special energy cannons are the Heavenly Sacrifice Energy Cannon and the Nirvana Energy Cannon imitated by the Queen Mother. They are very powerful and can kill the Immortal Golden Immortal. Hit attacks can also cause certain troubles to the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"I don't know if Young Master can handle the situation below alone." Huanshou said at this time. "Don't worry!" Mother Queen Mo said and waved her hand, and the energy cannon roared. The energy bombs specially made through infinite compression flew out one after another and disappeared. When they reappeared, they were already in front of the Gila Lizard and the Fire Dragon.

Boom! Boom!

The Gila Lizard and Fire Dragon that were bombarding the formation were immediately overwhelmed by the exploding energy bombs. There was chaos for a while, and the attack on the formation was temporarily stopped.

But soon the masters of the Fire Dragon and Gila Monster came out, and with a wave of their hands, they could grab the energy bombs in their hands. Even if the energy bombs exploded, they would not be able to injure the opponent and incinerate them.

"Continue the attack!"

"There is some trouble. Not only are there a lot of Gila monsters and fire dragons outside, but there are also several masters." Mother Queen Mo said calmly.

"Then consume more energy." As the Queen Mother's words fell, rows of energy cannons continued to appear. In the end, tens of thousands of energy cannons were spread out, and even Bai Yu and the fantasy beast took a breath. , couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Mo, is this too exaggerated?" Bai Yu asked in surprise.

"It's not an exaggeration, it's just consuming some energy. The things here are more valuable. Young master can't be disturbed." Mother Queen Mo said that thousands of energy cannons in the first row roared at the same time, and the huge roar once again shocked Bai Yu and Huan Huan. The beast was startled.

"Yes, the young master cannot be disturbed." Bai Yu nodded. You must know that everyone has gained something in the lake just now. Even just a magic weapon fragment is of great value.

Besides, the energy cannon only consumes some energy, which is nothing compared to the treasures here.

"about there!"

When the lake shrank to only 300,000 miles, Chen Feng shouted loudly, and nine divine nails flew out, directly covering the entire lake. In this way, the law could no longer escape. Not only that, Everything in this sea of ​​consciousness will fall into Chen Feng's hands.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The power of the Jiuji Heavenly Locking Divine Nail is so strong that it perfectly blocks the lake.

Of course, one thing is that the Jiuji Heavenly Locking Divine Nail is powerful, but the more important thing is that this fragment of the sea of ​​consciousness has lost its previous power. Otherwise, as long as a complete will sweep over, Chen Feng would be unable to eat and walk around.


The Mother Queen and the others had tried their best, but two Gila monsters and a fire dragon still rushed in. One of the three layers of the formation had been breached, and the remaining two layers were also crumbling.

After the Fire Dragon and Gila Monster rushed in, they immediately rushed towards the large energy cannon. Speaking of which, these tens of thousands of energy cannons still caused a lot of trouble to the Fire Dragon Gila Monster outside, and at least entangled part of the opponent's power.

Whoosh whoosh!

Goshawk, Bai Yu, and Huan Beast rushed forward and started fighting with each other. Those who came in were only in the realm of the Divine Lord and were quickly killed. However, two Taiyi Golden Immortals rushed in next. This put pressure on them. Big.

Even the Queen Mother has no extra time to activate the energy cannon.

At this time, it is no longer easy to prevent the other party from disturbing Chen Feng.

However, because Chen Feng used the Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nail Formation, the speed of devouring the energy of death slowed down.

So far, in addition to the death energy, there are two complete top-quality artifacts, several magic weapon fragments, and a Da Luo law that Chen Feng has been capturing.

So Chen Feng still needs some time.

And it seems that the Queen Mother and the others cannot insist on Chen Feng collecting this lake.

"Two magic weapons, a long banner full of the aura of death, and a fan with no calendar. These two magic weapons are a bit strange." Chen Feng said slowly.

Then Chen Feng strode forward. With every step he took, a large amount of death energy rolled around, directly opening a path.

Then he walked to the long flag.

This long banner is somewhat similar to the Heavenly Demon Soul Calling Banner that Chen Feng obtained, but the aura is different, but it is equally powerful. As a top-notch artifact, Chen Feng does not dare to be careless about each one.

"come on."

Chen Feng directly stretched out his hand to grab the long flag, and with Chen Feng's movements, the disk of time that had been guarding Chen Feng bloomed with dazzling power of time, and the phantoms of nine divine nails rushed over. This is Chen Feng's confidence and ultimate move.

The reason for using the power of the divine nail is of course to put away these two magic weapons as soon as possible.

In fact, the process went smoothly. Although Chang Ban struggled a little and exuded powerful power of the artifact, he still fell into Chen Feng's hands honestly under the suppression of the nine divine nails.

Next, Chen Feng collected the fan again. Once he got the fan, Chen Feng put it away without studying it. Instinctively, Chen Feng had a feeling that this fan should be somewhat different from other top-quality artifacts.

Because there are so few high-level magic weapons like fans, this is the first time Chen Feng has seen one.

At this time, a poisonous lizard finally rushed towards Chen Feng. Mother Queen and the others were completely surrounded, and their own situation was very critical, let alone blocking them.

And Chen Feng still has 100,000 miles of lakes that he has not collected, and there is still a Da Luo Law that has been hiding.

In a hurry, the murderous intention became more and more intense. With a wave of his hand, the Sword of the Abyss flew out. The poisonous lizard that rushed up immediately turned into blood mist. Then it circled, and a fire dragon that just rushed up was cut in half. The power of the soul He was defeated by the sword before he could escape.

"You are lucky to die under the Sword of the Abyss." Chen Feng said lightly, reaching out and grabbing the Sword of the Abyss in his hand.

There will be a battle next. No matter how many enemies come, Chen Feng will not leave. The remaining death energy does not matter, but Chen Feng is determined to win the Great Law.

Poof! Poof!

The two poisonous lizards that rushed up were killed by the Divine Nails, and then exploded with a bang. The existence of the God King level was instantly killed in front of the Divine Nails. It was a pity that Chen Feng had to block the lake and could not use all his power. .

At this time, Chen Feng had already used the three-headed and six-armed technique, because Chen Feng was quite busy now, sealing off the lake, collecting the power of death, and killing the invading enemies. Chen Feng felt strong pressure from multitasking.


Another god-level fire dragon was chopped down by Chen Feng's sword, but the opponent did not die, but retreated injured.

This scene made Chen Feng frown, and the Queen Mother and the others were constantly injured under the siege. This situation made Chen Feng even more anxious.

"Human, hand over the treasure, maybe we can let you live." At this time, an even bigger fire dragon suddenly rushed over, floating in the sky, opening its mouth and hitting Chen Feng with several fireballs.

"Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he knew that the opponent's master had finally appeared, and the magic circle he had arranged was completely shattered. He saw a large number of fire dragons and poisonous lizards rushing over, with strong pressure as if a war was about to break out.

Facing the attack of the fireball, Chen Feng just waved the Sword of the Abyss. The sword light flickered, the fireballs shattered one by one, and the scattered fire power was directly annihilated. Then Chen Feng's clone stabbed the fire dragon with a war spear.


The fire dragon blocked the attack of the war spear, and at the same time, another poisonous lizard rushed up from nowhere, and its sharp claws landed on Chen Feng.

A harsh sound sounded, and Chen Feng stabbed out with a spear, flying the poisonous lizard away, and saw several scratches on the immortal armor.

"The claws are very sharp, comparable to high-grade artifacts, but they are still useless." Chen Feng said lightly, then rushed forward, three times the combat power exploded, swung the sword, war spear, and spear at the same time, and then screamed. In the sound, the huge fire dragon was torn into pieces.

thump! thump!

Just after killing a Taiyi Golden Immortal, Chen Feng saw two poisonous lizards rushing into the lake and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

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