Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,798 Not Good

So the divine thunders were thrown out one after another, exploding all the way, and the energy generated almost covered most of the divine beast secret realm.

This was the death divine thunder that Chen Feng condensed with the help of death energy when collecting the lake. Needless to say, its power was powerful. Although it could not hurt the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, it was not a problem to stop it and cause them some trouble.

The noise Chen Feng made along the way was really too big, and the mother queen and the others could naturally see it.

"Go find the Devourer and then leave!"

"Yes, it's time to leave this space. Now that such a big noise has been made, I don't know how many masters will be attracted."

"The situation is very fast now, so let's not separate and act together."

The mother queen and the others quickly discussed the next steps and then took action.

"It's a bit noisy." After killing several dead creatures in a row, Chen Feng realized that it seemed a bit inappropriate to continue like this.

You have to know that this is the secret realm of divine beasts. I don’t know how many powerful beings are buried here. I don’t know how many new lives have been born in so many years. When I first came in, I encountered some powerful beings. Now Chen Feng has made such a big noise, and some creatures that are still sleeping have been alarmed.

"Although it is a bit troublesome, it can also be used on the pursuers." Chen Feng thought so.


The flat land in front of him suddenly rose up, and in the blink of an eye, a mountain of ten thousand feet was formed. Then there was a bang, and the mountain exploded, and a huge head emerged.

It was still a human skull, and it was too big.

Boom! Boom!

The skull was just the beginning. As the earth continued to crack and collapse, the neck and body under the head gradually emerged. At the same time, white flames began to burn, and the thick power of death swept around.

"Such a powerful death force, this should be a giant clan, isn't this the secret realm of divine beasts, how come there are giants?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although the huge skeleton in front of him looked a little scary, it was only at the level of a primary Taiyi Jinxian, and Chen Feng didn't take it seriously.

Even so, Chen Feng didn't want to stay, and wanted to fly over with a flick of his body, don't forget that there are still pursuers behind.


Who knew that Chen Feng wanted to leave, but this huge skeleton didn't want to. His arm stretched out from under the ground, and he held a long bone knife, emitting a dazzling white light, and whistled at Chen Feng.

"Is this guy still asleep?" Chen Feng was a little depressed. He didn't even plan to take action, and he had already started to take a detour. Why are you still looking for death?

Although he said so, Chen Feng still couldn't stop and fight with the other party, so he swung his long sword and cut off the other party's bone knife, and also crushed several bones on the other party's body.

The injured giant was a little angry, and then he saw a fire dragon and a poisonous lizard chasing from a distance. The giant, who had not yet fully woken up, took out a bone knife and vented his anger on the fire dragon and the poisonous lizard.

"Looking for death!"


The breath of the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian emanated, and the huge skeleton trembled all over, and the flames flickering in his eyes almost extinguished, and then he lay directly on the ground, letting the fire dragon and the poisonous lizard rush over his head.

Although it was already far away, Chen Feng still saw this scene, and he couldn't help but get angry, secretly cursing this giant for bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

"In that case."

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and the eyes at the center of his eyebrows opened. This was the pupil of the high-level Taiyi Jinxian Void Beast. Chen Feng did not use it to attack, but just emitted some breath, and it really worked. After feeling this breath, various creatures that wanted to come forward to cause trouble immediately turned around and avoided it, and some timid ones even lay directly on the ground.

This is the breath of a high-level Taiyi Jinxian, which is stronger than the two behind.

This way, Chen Feng reduced a lot of troubles and moved forward much faster, but the fire dragon and the poisonous lizard were still locking onto Chen Feng from behind, and it seemed that they would not give up.

Moreover, Chen Feng felt that there were other masters who were about to appear. Don't forget that this was the opponent's territory. It was already very lucky for him that only two masters appeared now.


The pressure of the Void Pupil did shock most creatures, but it did not represent all of them. At least the fire dragon clan and the poisonous lizard clan had been trying to stand up.

For example, there were two God King-level poisonous lizards urging their flying swords to try to stop Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was never soft on the fire dragon and the poisonous lizard, especially when the opponent was only at the God King level, so Chen Feng stretched out his hand and crushed the flying sword, and then swung the long sword, and the two poisonous lizards who wanted to stop Chen Feng were immediately dismembered.

Chen Feng's flying figure did not even shake.

If only the God King or God Lord appeared, Chen Feng would be happy to keep killing, but the appearance of two primary Taiyi Jinxians made Chen Feng realize that it would be difficult to get rid of the pursuit behind.

With a full-strength burst, the two fire dragons were seriously injured. The opponent's powerful strength slowed Chen Feng's speed, and then a huge flaming claw caught up, shaking the four directions of the world and compressing Chen Feng to the middle.

The wings of the God of Walking vibrated slightly, and Chen Feng accelerated suddenly, shattering the solidified space, avoiding the attack of the dragon claw, but not avoiding the Taiyi light emitted by the poisonous lizard.

Different from the Taiyi Light cultivated by others, the Taiyi Light of the poisonous lizard is gray-black, but there are bright spots flashing occasionally. This is a phenomenon that occurs only when the way of poison reaches a very high level.

When this Taiyi Light containing toxins falls on a person, it is most common to cut the body, and the most difficult to deal with is the toxin that corrodes the body.

Chen Feng did not dare to take it hard. It is not that Chen Feng cannot deal with this kind of toxin, but it is extremely troublesome to stick to the body. If it enters the body, it will definitely require a lot of power to deal with it. In this case, Chen Feng does not want to take risks.

But in the current situation, Chen Feng has just pushed the magic to the extreme, and the opponent's attack has arrived before he has time to catch his breath.

He can't dodge it at all.

So a stream of energy flew out from the vibrating wings of the magic, turning into a huge shield to block it.

However, under the attack of the Taiyi Light, this energy shield is too fragile, and it is directly broken into pieces in the Taiyi Light.

Then the Taiyi Light fell on Chen Feng.


A strong wave of power suddenly exploded on Chen Feng's body. The Taiyi Light did not hurt Chen Feng, but instead made Chen Feng speed up his flight.

"In addition to the energy shield, I also have a real longevity shield, which is a top-grade artifact." Chen Feng said lightly, and the longevity shield slowly disappeared.

However, Chen Feng was also secretly shocked, because the attack just now caused a big hole in the longevity shield, and there were still toxins on it that had not completely dissipated. It would take time to repair the longevity shield.

This is a top-grade artifact-level defense shield, which could not block the opponent's Taiyi Light. Chen Feng began to feel a little heavy.

"Little humans dare to come to our territory and be arrogant. They really don't know whether to live or die." A powerful voice suddenly exploded in Chen Feng's ears, and then Chen Feng saw a huge fire dragon that seemed to tear open the space from the depths of chaos and came in front of him. The strong oppression made Chen Feng's soul tremble.

"Hey! No, it's an illusion, not an illusion, it's a will shock." After figuring this out, the empty pupil at the center of the eyebrows emitted a bright light, and the giant dragon in front of him disappeared.

But in this way, Chen Feng was finally disturbed. The fire dragon and the poisonous lizard behind caught up with Chen Feng. Chen Feng knew that he would not only face these two intermediate Taiyi Jinxians, but also a person who might be more powerful.

"Maybe there will be more." This thought came to Chen Feng's mind again.

"Two Taoist friends, aren't you looking for Saint Qiuli?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Saint Qiuli can't run away, and you can't run away either." The fire dragon said as its huge body rushed directly towards Chen Feng, and during the collision, dense runes appeared on its burning body. These runes gathered on the dragon horns like flowing water. Although he didn't know what this trick was, Chen Feng felt a chill in his heart as he watched the increasingly bright dragon horns.

Although the poisonous lizard on the other side did not use a big move, it came forward and entangled Chen Feng tightly, making it impossible for Chen Feng to escape from here.

Chen Feng would not feel worried when surrounded by dozens of primary Taiyi Jinxians, because Chen Feng could fight his way out. But now Chen Feng also had to fight his way out, but it was hard to say whether he could fight his way out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng fought more and more fiercely with the long sword in his hand. After fusing a section of the sword body, the Sword of the Abyss became much stronger, especially when Chen Feng burst out with all his strength, he actually suppressed the poisonous lizard.

But it was still useless, because Chen Feng still couldn't get away. The most important thing was that the fire dragon's big move was finally ready.


There were sparks flashing violently on the dragon's horns, and mysterious runes were still flowing on the surface of the huge body.

A thin fiery red line shot out from the dragon's horns, silently, without any power fluctuations, just like a very ordinary silk thread.

But Chen Feng felt a strong sense of crisis coming down, and his heart beat vigorously, as if it was about to explode.

The speed of the fiery red silk thread was too fast, and it arrived in front of Chen Feng before Chen Feng struggled out of the danger warning.

Chen Feng wanted to dodge, but the poisonous lizard on the other side exploded again. Chen Feng had no choice but to summon the longevity shield that he had put away before.

At this time, the big hole on the longevity shield had not disappeared, and then a small hole appeared again under the attack of the fiery red silk thread, which was as fragile as tofu pierced by a sharp knife.

Chen Feng's body shook violently, and the longevity armor, which was as strong as the best artifact, was also pierced. From front to back, Chen Feng had a transparent hole on his body.

If it was just a simple injury, it would be fine. With Chen Feng's strength, he could instantly reshape his body even if it was broken, but now there was a fiery energy rising in Chen Feng's body, and it was getting more and more intense, burning flesh, internal organs, blood, soul, and everything.

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