Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,780 Collection

"The top-grade artifact, the Heavenly Demon Soul Summoning Banner, tut tut, this is a good thing, but I seem to have a premonition of something." Chen Feng's eyes showed a thoughtful look, but he still put away the Heavenly Demon Soul Summoning Banner. This is a complete top-grade artifact, and the quality is higher than the top-grade artifacts he collected before.

"No matter what, I must keep my promise to others and complete it. When the time comes, I will send the Heavenly Demon Pearl to the Heavenly Demon Clan, and my responsibility will be fulfilled." Chen Feng thought so, and the whole person has regained his calm, but I don't know what he is thinking in his heart.

Chen Feng just came out of the portal and met Shaoyang who was chasing him. One came out and the other was going in. The two were a little surprised to see each other, but soon they regained their calm.

Chen Feng guessed that the other party should be tracking him, and Shaoyang secretly thought that he was a step late, and the treasure here should have been obtained by Chen Feng.

"What a coincidence." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hello, fellow Taoist!" Shaoyang said hurriedly.

Chen Feng nodded and turned away without waiting for the other party to continue speaking. His wings trembled slightly and he rushed into a cloud of fog.

Shaoyang wanted to say something, but Chen Feng had already walked away. Shaoyang knew that he could not catch up, so he just shook his head and sighed. After thinking about it, he entered the portal, but soon came out of it. Although he had guessed it, he was still a little disappointed. After a while, he followed and left.


Chen Feng rushed out of the fog and didn't go far before he heard the voice of Qingfeng Niu. At first, Chen Feng thought that Shaoyang had caught up with him and was thinking about how to get rid of him. Who knew it was Qingfeng Niu.

When he met Qingfeng Niu again, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh about his fate with the other party. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to get rid of the other party, but he couldn't avoid it when he met him, so Chen Feng stopped and waited for the other party to catch up.

Although Qingfeng Niu looked intact, Chen Feng could see that the other party must have been injured before. On the surface, he was fine, but the breath inside his body was still a little floating.

"Daoyou, I finally found you." Qingfengniu said as soon as he arrived.

Chen Feng showed a trace of surprise on his face, and then asked with a smile: "Daoyou seems to be in a bad situation."

"Don't mention it, I almost died. I met the clone of Tongming Beast. Fortunately, I ran fast. If I was a step slower, I would not see Daoyou." Qingfengniu said with lingering fear.

When Chen Feng said this, he kept staring at Qingfengniu, and just caught the fear in the depths of Qingfengniu's eyes, so he knew that what Qingfengniu said should be true.

"The clone of Tongming Beast!" Chen Feng asked with some surprise.

"Yes, it is the clone of Tongming Beast. This guy is not dead yet. This is bad. We are now in the opponent's territory. I don't know if we can get out." Qingfengniu said anxiously.

"The Tongming Beast is still alive."

Chen Feng nodded, his thoughts turned quickly, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Things should not be that bad. Even if the Tongming Beast is alive, it is not that easy to kill us, otherwise we would not be alive until now. And since the other party sent out a clone, there must be something wrong with the original body. Maybe the original body has died."

"I have thought of these, but I can tell you for sure that the original body of the Tongming Beast is indeed still alive. Not appearing now does not mean that it will not appear next time, so leaving this space as soon as possible is the most correct choice." Qingfeng Niu said.

"Okay, just like you said, the Tongming Beast is still alive, so what? Should we leave as soon as possible next time? But I think it is not easy to get into this space, and it may be even more difficult to leave." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Find other people and leave together." Qingfeng Niu said.

"Good idea, so what should we do next." Chen Feng asked with a smile. For Chen Feng, whether to stay or leave is not too important. After all, he just got a good magic weapon, which is also a small gain. Chen Feng is already very satisfied.

However, if other people knew that Chen Feng thought so, calling a top-grade artifact a small gain, they would definitely be so depressed that they would curse.

"I contacted the Greedy Beast before, and now let's go find the Greedy Beast." Qingfeng Niu said.

"Okay, you lead the way." Chen Feng nodded and agreed without hesitation. He also wanted to know what other people had gained here.

Qingfeng Niu was also very satisfied to see Chen Feng agree, so the two of them joined forces again to walk. They did not encounter any danger for a while, and soon found the Greedy Beast.

Seeing Qingfeng Niu and Chen Feng appear, the Greedy Beast was even happier, because the Greedy Beast was seriously injured and was hiding to recover. Originally, the Greedy Beast was worried about how to deal with the danger next time. Now that the reinforcements have come, he is relieved.

"It seems that Daoyou has encountered some problems?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Yes, I found a good place. There are top-grade artifacts and some chaotic artifacts there. I didn't expect that there are combat puppets guarding it. I didn't get the treasure and almost died there." Greedy Beast shook his head and said.

"Top-grade artifact!" Qingfeng Niu was immediately excited, and Chen Feng's eyes also lit up. It seemed that the place that Tanshou mentioned was not simple, and there were many good things.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go quickly." Qingfeng Niu shouted.

"My injuries are not healed yet." Tanshou smiled bitterly.

"Then heal your wounds quickly, I'll help you." Qingfeng Niu said and stepped forward to perform the rejuvenation technique. Sure enough, Tanshou's injuries began to heal quickly.

Chen Feng did not make a move, but secretly wondered whether what the Greedy Beast said was true. In the end, he decided to follow up and see whether it was true or not. No matter how many good things there were, it was not too much. Moreover, in addition to the top-grade artifacts, there were also Chaos artifacts. How could the things that could be stored together with the top-grade artifacts be ordinary?

Because he was thinking about the treasure, Qingfeng Niu worked very hard. It didn't take long for the Greedy Beast's injuries to recover completely. Chen Feng laughed secretly when he saw this scene. You know, Qingfeng Niu himself was injured, but now he is helping others heal.

In any case, the Greedy Beast set off immediately after his injuries recovered. It seems that he also has a deep desire for some treasures.

Under the leadership of the Greedy Beast, the three quickly entered a vast continent. This continent is composed of large and small life lands, which is hundreds of times larger than the life lands that Chen Feng had encountered before. It's a pity that there is no life here, but the scale and terrain here are also a good life land.

"These things should have been moved in from outside, or they were originally refined into the inner world by the Tongming Beast." Chen Feng guessed in his heart, but his eyes extended out, constantly observing the situation of this land.

"Follow me, this land of life has no life, there are some spiritual plants, but they have not produced spiritual intelligence." Greedy Beast said and rushed directly to a group of mountains that looked a bit sinister.

"There is indeed no life, there are quite a few spiritual trees, and they seem to have a long time, but they are bound by the law and can only grow, and it is difficult to transform." Qingfeng Niu said.

"None of these are important, what I care about is what treasures are here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What you said makes sense, I think so too, I hope you don't disappoint me." Qingfeng Niu followed.

"It's here, the reason why I came here is also a coincidence, I was swept by a turbulent flow of the void and sent directly to this land. As for how I found this place, you will know soon." Greedy Beast said a little mysteriously.

Qingfeng Niu and Chen Feng looked at each other, as if they had guessed something.


A wave of energy suddenly came from a mountain, and then the three of them laughed at the same time.

"Sure enough!"

"It's the wave of the top-grade artifact."

"Daoyou are so lucky."

"Haha, I can't do it alone, I need everyone to join forces. There are many treasures here, and everyone will definitely be satisfied." Greedy Beast said with some pride.

At this time, there was no need for Greedy Beast to lead the way, and the three of them soon arrived in front of the mountain.

There are at least 100,000 mountains of different sizes in the area. The mountain in front of the three people is not big or small, and it looks very ordinary. If it weren't for the breath of the artifact, no one would have thought that there would be treasures in such an ordinary mountain.

"Most of the restrictions here have been removed by me, and you can go in directly. You just need to deal with the battle puppets inside." Greedy Beast said.

"Daoyou, how many battle puppets are there in it, and what level are they." Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Uh, this, the battle puppets inside are not too strong, but there are quite a lot of them, and it is a bit difficult to deal with." Greedy Beast thought for a while and said.

"What, there are a lot of battle puppets inside." Qingfeng Niu suddenly raised his voice.

"You'll know when you enter." Greedy Beast didn't want to say more. He waved his hand and threw a big seal to smash the mountain.

The space rippled like water, and the barrier protecting the mountain was clearly revealed. Qingfeng Niu quickly stepped forward and slashed with a sword. With a bang, this layer of barrier was broken.

"It's a bit weak." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"This should be a new barrier. The previous barrier was blasted open by me once. These barriers are not important, and the things inside are important." Greedy Beast pointed forward with some pride. Chen Feng saw several caves on the mountainside, but there were combat puppets flying out of these caves. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of combat puppets blocked the three people.

"Metal combat puppets!" Chen Feng frowned secretly. This type of combat puppet is still very difficult to deal with. Apart from other things, the opponent's super strong defense gave Chen Feng a headache. However, what made Chen Feng feel a little relieved was that although these combat puppets were numerous, they were not too strong. Most of them were at the level of some primary Taiyi Jinxian. However, Chen Feng thought that the injury of the Greedy Beast should not be so simple.

"I entered a cave before, and it was considered a small gain. However, I was surrounded by these combat puppets because of my carelessness. By the way, you have to be careful. Although these combat puppets are numerous, they are not impossible to deal with. In addition, there are some special combat puppets hidden here. This is the reason why I was injured." Greedy Beast said.

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