Eternal Existence

Chapter 1781 Flash

"Special combat puppet, how special is it?" Chen Feng asked, the wings behind him vibrated slightly, and he quickly changed dozens of positions, dodged the attacks of several combat puppets, and swung his long sword to make a ding-ding-ding sound.

While he was talking, the metal combat puppets had already launched an attack, and Chen Feng and the other two were all caught in the battle.

Chen Feng was using the Immortal Sword at this time. This was a life-long weapon that Chen Feng had forged step by step from scratch. It was connected to Chen Feng's heart and blood, and his soul was fused with his spirit. It was basically a part of Chen Feng's flesh and blood soul. Chen Feng could easily exert the full power of the Immortal Sword, and even exceed it. Moreover, the Immortal Sword was also a top-grade artifact. Although it was not as good as the short-term burst of the Abyss Sword, it was more suitable for Chen Feng to use. After all, the Abyss Sword could not attack continuously, otherwise it would cause Chen Feng's body to collapse.

Moreover, in Chen Feng's view, there was no need to use a top-grade artifact in the current situation.

During this period, Chen Feng got some top-grade bodies, and most of the people he met were masters, which forced Chen Feng to use top-grade artifacts to defend against the enemy. In fact, Chen Feng also knew that this was not good. After all, it was too difficult to use top-grade artifacts at his current level. Every time he used it, he felt overdrawn. It was okay once or twice, but it would definitely come out after a long time. So Chen Feng put away the Sword of the Abyss and began to use the weapons he forged and truly use his own strength.

When this thought came up, Chen Feng was pleasantly surprised to find that his spiritual realm had been sublimated, and the foundation of the avenue seemed to be more rigorous and stable. At the same time, Chen Feng was also surprised to find that some of the dark air accumulated in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly dissipated.

"It turns out that I have been covered in dust." Chen Feng said lightly, his eyes were erratic, and there was an indescribable meaning.

"With my current strength, I can completely survive the tribulation. As for those top-grade artifacts, it's better not to use them until the critical moment." Chen Feng whispered, and the long sword in his hand flashed quickly, sometimes condensed and sometimes floating, sometimes swift as the wind, and sometimes violent as thunder. In an instant, Chen Feng changed several sword techniques, but there was only one sword intent, that is, domineering.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng moved his feet and dodged every attack from the opponent. The Changsheng Sword once again left deep dents on these combat puppets.

Chen Feng was still a little surprised. After all, the lethality he had exploded when he used the Changsheng Sword was already amazing, but he still couldn't solve these combat puppets at one time.

"It's true. I've used top-grade artifacts too many times, and now I feel that my strength is weakening. This is not a good sign." Chen Feng thought.

"You two should be careful. These metal combat puppets are easy to deal with. The most dangerous ones are the hidden beasts hidden in the dark. These guys are elusive and are best at sneak attacks." Greedy Beast said.

At this time, Greedy Beast and Qingfeng Niu were also surrounded by combat puppets. These two beasts were indeed powerful, with high realms and strong bodies. They could knock away these combat puppets that rushed up with every move. They looked much more relaxed than Chen Feng.

"Hidden Beast! Alive." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Chen Feng certainly knew this kind of beast. Although it was not very rare, it was good at stealth and sneak attacks, especially in wars. However, most of the hidden beasts were ordinary beings. It was good enough to enter the immortal realm, and there were even fewer who entered the Taiyi realm. At least Chen Feng had never encountered it, and he had never even heard of it. After all, not all lives are suitable for cultivation, and not all practitioners can enter a high realm. Beasts like hidden beasts are like that. They can cultivate, but it is difficult to enter a very high realm, which is far inferior to other beasts and humans.

"The hidden beasts here are not simple. They are made by post-natal refining and blessed by the will of masters. They are more powerful than these metal combat puppets. Ouch! Not good." Greedy Beast was talking and suddenly screamed. Chen Feng saw from a distance that a ball of blood suddenly burst out from Greedy Beast's body, and a deep scar appeared.

This ball of blood was not caused by the surrounding combat puppets, but appeared suddenly. Chen Feng immediately knew that this should be an attack from the hidden beast hidden in the dark.

"Be careful, it's a hidden beast." At this time, Qingfeng Niu also encountered an attack, but Qingfeng Niu's reaction was a little faster than Greedy Beast, and he actually blocked the attack in the dark, but in this way, he could not block the attacks of the surrounding metal combat puppets. Two combat puppets held war spears and pierced two blood holes in Qingfeng Niu's body.

"That's it, there are hidden beasts making trouble in the dark, and the combat effectiveness of these combat puppets has also become stronger." Greedy Beast shouted.

Greedy Beast originally thought that he had suffered a loss by coming alone, and now with two more helpers, he should be able to succeed. Who knew that he was injured again just after the start, and it seemed that the situation of Qingfeng Niu and Chen Feng was not too good.

In fact, the scene did look like this. Greedy Beast and Qingfeng Niu were attacked, and Chen Feng was not left behind. He was holding the Changsheng Sword and fighting a group of combat puppets when he felt a sharp attack falling on him.

Chen Feng could have counterattacked immediately when he felt the attack, but Chen Feng's mind turned quickly and he actually let the opponent's attack fall on him.

In fact, Chen Feng made the right bet. The opponent's attack did not break Chen Feng's defense, but only made Chen Feng shake. Then the Changsheng Whip suddenly flew out of Chen Feng's body, whipping violently, the space vibrated, and a group of phantoms flashed.

This time was enough. Chen Feng's long sword passed through, and the phantom was cut in half by Chen Feng. However, when Chen Feng seemed to continue to attack, the attack of the metal battle puppet fell on Chen Feng.

The metal battle puppet was famous for its strong defense and power. Chen Feng was directly knocked out. He changed his position several times before he stabilized. Looking at it again, the phantom had disappeared. I don't know if it was killed, but Chen Feng thought it shouldn't be that easy.

"Huh!" Seeing this scene, the greedy beast's eyes lit up. He didn't expect Chen Feng to be able to do this. Not only did he block the attack of the hidden beast, but he also seriously injured the opponent. This was not the first time that the greedy beast came. He knew more about the power of these hidden beasts than Qingfeng Niu.

"Don't be so surprised. In fact, the hidden beast is easy to deal with. As long as you have enough defense to block the opponent's attack, it's fine, just like that kid." At this time, Qingfeng Niu suddenly spoke. Although Qingfeng Niu was a little embarrassed at this time, the rhythm of the battle had not been messed up.

"Blocking the attack, you say it's easy, and I don't have that level of self-defense armor." Greedy Beast said with some dissatisfaction.

"Then just block it with your body. Let's do this. I'll defend and you'll attack." Qingfeng Niu said, holding a long sword and quickly cutting a path to the front of the Greedy Beast.

"That's good enough. Look at my ultimate move." Seeing Qingfeng Niu coming, the Greedy Beast nodded, then gave up defense, roared to the sky, and then a huge ball of light appeared above his head. There was black lightning flashing violently in the light ball, and it was painful to look at it.

"Come on, why do you roar every time? It would be great if you could save some energy." Qingfeng Niu shook his head and said, somewhat unable to bear the Greedy Beast's actions, but still sent out waves of purple ripples to protect the two. The seemingly thin purple ripples could actually bounce the rushing combat puppets away.

From this point, we can see how powerful the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian is. After billions of years of cultivation, the foundation alone is not comparable to the primary Taiyi Jinxian, not to mention these combat puppets without intelligence.

Finally, the big move of the Greedy Beast was launched. The black thunder ball flashed suddenly, and several combat puppets flew backwards. These combat puppets gradually disintegrated and burned in the process of flying backwards.



Then the black thunder ball flashed twice, and dozens of combat puppets surrounding them were all swept away. Because of the disintegration and burning, they disappeared directly. The surrounding space was completely empty, and several hidden beasts hiding in the dark and trying to sneak attack when the thunder ball flashed were also killed directly.

This is the big move that the Greedy Beast said. He named it flashing. After flashing three times, the thunder ball disappeared. The Greedy Beast itself also shook, and most of the powerful power in its body was also extracted. There was a feeling of dryness.

This is the price of playing the big move.

"What a powerful secret technique, very suitable for group battles." At this time, Chen Feng also saw this scene, and was secretly shocked. He was more certain that these old guys who had practiced for a long time had many unique skills.

The Greedy Beast only used a big move, and almost half of the combat puppets on the scene were destroyed, and it was done directly, and the kind that could not be recovered.

"It turns out that the strongest power of this greedy beast is destruction. The thunder ball just now was compressed by a special method, and then released by a special method. There were three waves in a row, and the power was stronger than the previous one. This method is much more advanced than my self-detonation of world fragments. It should be said that the two sides are not at the same level. If I can release the power of the world fragments in this way, how much can the lethality be improved?" Just because he saw the special moves of the greedy beast, some thoughts flashed through Chen Feng's mind in the battle, and he was even calculating whether he could learn the opponent's moves.

In this way, Chen Feng's energy inevitably became a little scattered, and several attacks immediately fell on him, including two hidden beasts hidden in the dark and three metal combat puppets.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

These attacks fell on Chen Feng almost at the same time. Although he was protected by the longevity armor, Chen Feng still felt uncomfortable. Several forces rushed into Chen Feng's body like sharp ones, trying to tear everything apart and destroy Chen Feng's voice.


However, Chen Feng just smiled, and his calm expression did not change because of the attack, as if the opponent did not hit him. Chen Feng did not use the Longevity Sword to counterattack, but a beam of golden light suddenly swept out from his eyebrows. This beam of light looked a little dazzling and there was nothing special about it, but it circled around Chen Feng and cut off all the combat puppets and hidden beasts that attacked Chen Feng.

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