Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,779 Heavenly Demon King

"The aura here!"

After arriving, Shaoyang checked around and his eyes suddenly lit up: "It's Chen Feng, this guy also came in, and he just left not long ago."

Shaoyang soon fell silent again. He was still a little wary of Chen Feng, not to mention that he was alone now, and he felt that he was weak and alone. If Chen Feng attacked him, he might not be able to stop him by himself.

But it seemed a bit weak to venture here alone. Shaoyang hesitated for a while and chased in the direction where Chen Feng disappeared.

Chen Feng kept moving forward in the void, and stars and meteorites kept passing by his feet. Occasionally, some turbulent void appeared, but it couldn't hurt Chen Feng at all, so Chen Feng seemed to have a comfortable feeling, just like playing.

But Chen Feng's eyes were always focused on the beam, constantly sweeping around. The disk of time covered Chen Feng's head, and the golden light flowing out was like a curtain protecting Chen Feng. It seemed that Chen Feng was walking casually, but in fact, every step he took was a mysterious pattern blooming. As the pattern bloomed, the surrounding space was immediately compacted and became more stable, so the road Chen Feng walked on almost condensed into substance, and because it contained immortal power, it took some time for this road to dissipate.

"No discovery, it's not a solution to go on like this." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand, and a galaxy composed of broken stars and meteorites in the distance was immediately pulled over by a powerful force, merged into a torrent and finally fell into Chen Feng's hands.

Holding the stars in his hands and controlling the universe, the ultimate goal in the hearts of countless cultivators was easily displayed in Chen Feng's hands.

"Yes, there are still some lives, but they were born not long ago, and the practitioners have just appeared. I wonder if anyone can walk out of this galaxy and comprehend the supreme avenue." After observing for a while, Chen Feng waved his hand, and this torrent of stars flew out again and returned to its original position, without any difference. The lives in it did not sense the changes in the world at all.

Next, Chen Feng collected some stars to explore, and finally changed the direction. The wings of the divine movement behind him spread out and accelerated.

What Chen Feng did not know was that Shaoyang had been tracking him from behind, especially after finding the road left by Chen Feng, he accelerated his speed. Shaoyang thought he could catch up with Chen Feng soon, but who knew that the road would disappear soon. Although he could capture Chen Feng's breath, the induction had disappeared.

"Did you notice that I was behind you?" Shaoyang couldn't help but say.

At this time, Chen Feng had already performed the art of divine movement, and his speed was extremely fast. He kept shuttling through space, and it would be difficult for Shaoyang to catch up with Chen Feng.

"Let's try it. The other party suddenly left. Maybe he found something." Shaoyang was silent for a while and still followed Chen Feng's breath. As for whether he could catch up, it was hard to say.

"The breath of the top-grade artifact should be here!" After Chen Feng accelerated, he advanced several times more than before in a short time. Not long after, he got into a group of fog. With a punch, the fog in front of him exploded, revealing a huge portal.

This kind of portal embedded in the space was not the first time Chen Feng saw it. Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and launched a violent attack directly.

The sword of the abyss fell heavily on it, and the huge portal shook for a while, and then sent out a will impact to sweep towards Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng was prepared and blocked the will attack. He chopped down three swords in a row and finally blasted the portal open. Then Chen Feng seized the opportunity and rushed in quickly.

After Chen Feng entered, the hole on the portal healed, and then the fog grew, covering this huge portal again.

Through the portal, Chen Feng entered a unique space. Chen Feng clearly felt the breath of the artifact and the existence of a powerful life.

"I didn't expect a human to come in."

A vicissitudes of life sounded, and then there was a colorful passage in front of him that extended directly to Chen Feng. Chen Feng thought about it and walked up directly.

The colorful passage swept Chen Feng into a cave, and Chen Feng saw a giant beast lying in front of him, looking at him. Naturally, there was a strong breath of pressure on Chen Feng.

"The bright beast, no, this is a celestial demon, a very powerful celestial demon." Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he quickly guessed at the beast in front of him.

"The strength of this celestial demon should be comparable to the three-tailed poisonous dragon we met before, but it's a pity that what we see now is a wisp of will, no matter how powerful it is, it is limited." After seeing through the opponent's strength, Chen Feng also had a bottom line in his heart, but he was still a little surprised to meet a powerful celestial demon through the portal. He released his divine consciousness and explored other places.

The celestial demon in front of Chen Feng didn't say anything about Chen Feng's blatant release of divine consciousness, but just waited secretly. After Chen Feng's divine consciousness swept through it, he said: "Human with a chaotic body, where are you from?"

"It seems to have no malice!" Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Eternal Heaven!" Chen Feng said with a little respect.

"So it's from the Twenty-Four Heavens, but it's good to be here." Tian Yao said in a deep voice. Although the voice was a bit flat, Chen Feng still felt the roar of his will, causing his sea of ​​consciousness to tremble slightly.

"What's your name, senior?" Chen Feng asked in a deep voice. He was not curious about the fact that the other party could see his chaotic physique. As for the fact that the other party knew the twenty-four heavens, Chen Feng felt it was normal. Such an existence had lived for many years. Even if the other party was told that he had been to other universes, Chen Feng would not doubt it.

"Just call me Heavenly Demon King." Tian Yao said lightly.

"Hello, Senior Heavenly Demon King." Chen Feng bowed respectfully. In Chen Feng's opinion, it was right to have some fear and respect for powerful beings. It was not shameful at all.

"Okay, it's fate to be here. I can give you the things here, but you have to do something for me." said.

"Uh! I don't know what I need you to do? If I can do it, I will definitely agree." Chen Feng thought about it and said.

"Whether it is within my ability is hard to say for the time being." After that, there was a little silence, and then a bead flew in front of Chen Feng.

"This is the Heavenly Demon Pearl!" Chen Feng's heart moved when he saw the fist-sized black bead in front of him. He knew that this was the essence of the other party, including the origin imprint, cultivation perception and experience. At the same time, Chen Feng was also sure that this Heavenly Demon had really fallen. Thinking that even such a powerful life had fallen, Chen Feng felt uncomfortable.

However, Chen Feng also knew that this Heavenly Demon Pearl should not be given to him.

"What I need you to do for me is to send this bead to the Heavenly Demon Clan." said.

"The Heavenly Demon Clan, the Heavenly Demon Clan not far from the Blood Eye Clan?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Yes, since you know it, there is no problem." said.

"Of course I know, the distance is a bit far, but I just happened to be going to the end of the chaotic space, and I passed by there, so it can be regarded as a piece of cake." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand to collect the Heavenly Demon Pearl.

In Chen Feng's view, this was not a very troublesome thing. Anyway, he had to pass by there, and then he would find a Heavenly Demon and give the bead to the other party. Although this Heavenly Demon Pearl was extremely precious, it was nothing to Chen Feng.

"Very good, since you are willing to help me, then the things here are yours." He opened his mouth and blew a breath, and saw a group of air began to roll, and the surrounding space was pulled to appear silk threads. Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he understood the meaning of this Heavenly Demon King.

The rolling airflow became stronger and stronger, and the airflow smoke in this space gathered into the air mass. The power generated in the end made Chen Feng feel numb. He thought to himself that if this Heavenly Demon King attacked him in this way, it would be difficult for him to deal with it.

The airflow rolled and turned into an air mass, and almost all the spiritual energy in this space was swallowed up. Finally, the air mass reached a certain degree and began to rotate faster. Finally, it condensed into a substantial bead. Then the bead flashed and disappeared. Then Chen Feng felt that the surrounding space was slightly vibrating, and a crack flashed in the distant space. Then the crack began to twist, and soon a black hole appeared in Chen Feng's eyes.

Chen Feng's heart moved, knowing that this black hole was blown out by the previous bead, and the exploded black hole was naturally the passage to the treasure.

The black hole expanded again, and finally formed a portal. When the portal appeared, the surrounding space gradually stabilized.

Chen Feng helped the Heavenly Demon King to return the Heavenly Demon Pearl, and the Heavenly Demon King helped Chen Feng to obtain the treasure here. Although Chen Feng could break the ban with his strength, it would take some time and effort. Now that the Heavenly Demon King has taken action, Chen Feng can directly get the benefits.

As if the last energy was exhausted, the Heavenly Demon King's body began to become illusory, and it seemed that it would disappear at any time.

"There are not many treasures in it, only one. I don't know if it can satisfy you. I hope you can keep your promise and help me deliver the things." After saying this, the body has completely disappeared.

"I will." Chen Feng said lightly, and after a short pause, Chen Feng walked into the portal.

"Sure enough, there is only one treasure." Looking at the giant round mountain in front of him, Chen Feng laughed, and then threw a punch. The mountain in front of him, which was a million feet in size, exploded directly. Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a small black flag fell into his hand.

Compared with Chen Feng's water flag, this small flag is slightly more gorgeous. Although it is as black as ink, there are mysterious and beautiful patterns on it that appear from time to time. Moreover, the flag handle is made of unknown crystal stone. Holding it in your hand, you can feel the constant flow of wonderful breath.

Overall, Chen Feng feels very good and wonderful holding this small flag. The most important thing is that he did not receive resistance like other magic weapons.

"Heavenly Demon Soul Summoning Flag!" Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he slowly read out these words.

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