Eternal Existence

Chapter 1778 Black Brand

"Looking for treasures!" Qingfeng Niu said in a deep voice.

Chen Feng looked at the other party. It looked like Qingfeng Niu's expression was serious, and he probably didn't look like he was joking.

"Do you have an idea?" Chen Feng asked after thinking for a while.

"No!" Qingfeng Niu shook his head.

"You don't want to find others?" Chen Feng asked again.

"We will meet each other if we are destined." Qingfeng Niu answered simply.

"Okay, in that case let's separate and look for our own opportunities." Chen Feng said and turned to leave.

"Hey! Hey! Fellow Taoist, wait a minute." He was anxious when he saw Chen Feng was about to leave Qingfeng Newton, and immediately stepped forward to stop Chen Feng.

"Oh! Fellow Taoist, there is something else!" Chen Feng said doubtfully.

"Haha, I feel that the situation here is unclear. It would be more appropriate for us to join forces. After all, the dangers encountered before are indeed not easy to deal with." Qingfeng Niu said with a smile.

"No matter what, I feel more comfortable alone, and I also want to find fellow Taoist Qiu Li." Chen Feng said lightly.

"It is indeed more comfortable to be alone, but it is a bit weird here. Besides, Holy Lord Qiu Li and the others have their own plans and plans, and they have not asked their fellow Taoists to act together. Fellow Taoists are constantly encountering dangers here, and maybe they You have already obtained the treasure, but you are not treating your fellow Taoist as a partner at all." Qingfeng Niu looked indignant.

"What you said makes sense." Chen Feng nodded, seemingly moved.

"Although this is my first time here, I am from the Alien Beast Alliance after all, and I know a little bit about the situation here. In addition, Fellow Daoist is my savior. I sincerely want to join forces with Fellow Daoist. There must be no other ideas." Qingfeng Niu saw that Chen Feng hesitated and continued.

Chen Feng nodded, apparently convinced by Qingfeng Niu.

"Okay, let's work together and hope to find some treasures."

"Of course." Seeing Chen Feng agreeing, Qingfeng Niu's eyes flashed with joy, and he continued: "There were top-notch artifacts in the tomb outside before, and there must be treasures in this large tomb."

"I hope so." Chen Feng nodded.

"Come on, I know a place where there might be something good."

"Then let's go. Why are you still hanging around?"

Next, the two of them started to move. It seemed that they were walking side by side, but in fact it was Qingfeng Niu who was leading the way. Chen Feng's gesture of leaving before was intentional. In Chen Feng's opinion, Qingfeng Niu and the others must have some understanding of the situation here. I understand, it is in line with Chen Feng's wishes for Qingfeng Niu to lead the way now. As for Qingfeng Niu being trapped in Chen Feng before, it seems to be more unlucky.

The process of the two people moving forward was a bit strange. Sometimes they were walking on the earth, sometimes they were walking in the clouds, and sometimes they had to tear apart space and crush the turbulence. During the process, they also encountered some bombardments from void energy blades.

However, with the strength of the two of them, although they walked a little slowly, they were able to resolve all these external interferences.

Bang bang bang!

Chen Feng used his pupil technique, and the space in front of him suddenly rippled like water. Then Qingfeng Niu waved his hand and sent out a long wind blade, tearing open the space in front of him.

"This is a fantasy array!"

Qingfengniu said as he waved his hand and flew out several more wind blades, finally opening a path. The two jumped into it and saw two huge whirlpools appearing in the void, just like Chen Feng's Devouring Technique. The high-speed rotating vortex looks extremely powerful, but there is a quiet space in the middle.

"Let's go!" Qingfeng Niu said, calling Chen Feng into one of the whirlpools.

"Wait! You are sure to enter this whirlpool." Chen Feng stepped forward and stopped Qingfeng Niu. After all, there are two whirlpools here, and they are exactly the same. Who knows if they lead to the same place.

Qingfeng Niu hesitated for a moment and then nodded and said, "Sure, this is it."

"Oh well."

Chen Feng nodded. Since there was no way forward, it was more reliable to follow Qingfeng Niu. However, after Chen Feng followed Qingfeng Niu into this vortex, Chen Feng began to regret it.

"You seem to have gone to the wrong place?"

Feeling the powerful tearing force around him, Chen Feng couldn't help but say, even the protective barrier emitted by the Disk of Time was shaking a little.

"I remember it was this whirlpool. I can't be wrong." Qingfeng Niu muttered secretly, with a trace of anxiety flashing in his eyes.


At this time, a turbulent current suddenly rushed over. Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu were unable to resist it, and were actually involved in the turbulent current. They struggled to escape and could only follow the turbulent current.

Chen Feng secretly sighed and thought to himself that he shouldn't have followed Qingfeng Niu if he had known that Qingfeng Niu was unreliable. At this time, Qingfeng Niu's figure had disappeared. In addition to the powerful chaotic void power around him, there was also the power of void. Although he couldn't resist it, But this void turbulence could not hurt Chen Feng. The most important thing was that Chen Feng did not feel the danger, so he did not use any means, thinking to see where this turbulence would sweep him.

In fact, it is very simple to resolve the situation at hand, as long as Chen Feng uses Void Pupil.

"This situation is like wandering in the starry sky of the universe." Chen Feng said with a smile. Even though the power of the void continued to wrap around his body, even Chen Feng's immortal armor could not be broken.

I don't know how much time passed, but this turbulent flow of void finally exhausted its energy and gradually dispersed. Chen Feng waved his hand and strode out, his eyes swept across, locking in one direction and moving forward quickly.

One step forward, the stars shifted, time and space flowed, and soon Chen Feng entered a seemingly quiet land of life, and found a place to land at random.

This land of life looked a little shabby, and there was a dusty atmosphere. It seemed that it had been ruined for a long time. From Chen Feng's eyes, the whole land of life was uneven, and there were some faults.

"Strange, I felt a little power fluctuation before, but why is it gone now?" Chen Feng's eyes swept across, checking the situation here again and again.

Along the way, Chen Feng encountered countless stars, and there was certainly a reason why he chose to land here.

"Sure enough, I lost contact with Qingfeng Niu. This tomb is not only a cave, but also a universe." Chen Feng couldn't help but say, and his mind was still sweeping around like water and tide.

Soon, this land of life was completely in Chen Feng's perception.

"I didn't find it. Could it be that the previous perception was an illusion?" Chen Feng showed doubts, but soon shook his head. At his level, generally speaking, the perception would not be wrong.

"Could it be hidden very deeply!" Thinking of this, Chen Feng's divine thoughts suddenly burned, and the entire land of life was covered by golden flames.

This is not the fire of destruction, but the fire of the soul branched from the fire of the soul that Chen Feng used, which contains the power of immortality. Under the burning of this flame, the earth will not be destroyed, but some things can no longer be hidden.

"Found it!"

Not long after, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and the golden flames covering the entire land of life suddenly converged and gathered into a giant long sword, flashing with golden light, and slashed towards an area on the earth.


This sword directly penetrated the land of life, and a little starlight was seen mixed in the golden light and quickly fled to the distance. If Chen Feng hadn't been paying attention to this space, it would probably be difficult to find it.

"Since it's now exposed, don't leave." Chen Feng said that the golden giant sword exploded with a bang, turning into a golden hand that grabbed this bit of starry sky in his hand.

Chen Feng waved his hand, the golden hand disappeared, and the starlight also fell into his hand.

"What is this!" After getting the thing, Chen Feng showed a strange look.

It was a little different from what Chen Feng thought. This starlight was not a divine crystal or a gem, nor was it any other divine object, nor was it the dance of life. It was a palm-sized black plate. The black had a sense of simplicity, but it flashed with stars from time to time.

Chen Feng observed it confidently. The plate was diamond-shaped, not gold, wood, or stone. It was unknown what material it was made of. Both sides were very smooth, without even a trace of pattern, and there was no power fluctuation. It looked like an ordinary sticker.

Chen Feng's divine thoughts surged, and he easily penetrated the plate, but it looked very ordinary.

However, this made Chen Feng even more interested. The more ordinary the plates found in such places were, the more problematic they were. The reason why he could not find any clues could only mean that Chen Feng's strength was not enough.

"Isn't it this plate that I felt before?" Chen Feng said with some doubts. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a very weak power fluctuation emanating from the plate.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he used his divine sense to enter it again, but unfortunately he still didn't find anything. Chen Feng thought about it and exerted force with his palm. Chen Feng would crush a metal planet with this blow, but this black plate didn't move at all.

This time Chen Feng was more certain of the extraordinaryness of this plate, so Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he continued to exert force. The power in his body rolled and made a loud rumbling sound. However, even though Chen Feng's power continued to rise, the plate remained intact.

Next, Chen Feng used divine sense again, and then used pupil skills after divine sense. Finally, he used the void pupil and even used the power of time to illuminate it. As a result, Chen Feng used various means but still couldn't do anything to this plate.

"What on earth is this? Even the chaos magic weapon will reveal clues." Finally, Chen Feng shook his head, a little disappointed and a little expectant. Since nothing could be found, it can only show the mystery and extraordinaryness of this plate.

"Anyway, this should be a good thing. I'm probably not strong enough, so I'll put it away and study it slowly later." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand and threw the sign into the Chaos Stone.

The Chaos Stone was refined by Chen Feng and hidden deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, so it was the safest.

"Look for it again!" After putting away the sign, Chen Feng released his divine consciousness again and swept this land of life a hundred times. He planned to leave after finding nothing.

Not long after Chen Feng left, a cultivator landed on this land of life. This person was a male cultivator with an ordinary face, ordinary figure, and restrained aura. He looked like a very popular cultivator. If Chen Feng was here, he would definitely recognize him, because this person was Shaoyang who was with Saint Lord Qiuli. Interestingly, Taiyin did not appear. It seemed that he had separated from Chen Feng and the others because of something.

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