Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,777: Breaking the Formation

Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu joined forces, and it can be said that they exerted all their strength, and even used various secret techniques, just to get to one of the pillars.

The strength of the two was indeed very strong, especially under the cover of danger, they continued to burst out unprecedented strength, and finally Chen Feng's Devouring Avenue extended to the front of the pillar. The two walked step by step, and were about to get close to the pillar.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the dozens of chains on the pillar seemed to be full of spirituality and waved at the two, not only wanting to lock the two, but also wanting to stop the two from moving forward.

Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time, knowing that this step was right.

"You come to cover me." Chen Feng said, putting away the long sword, and began to use all his strength to drive the Devouring Avenue. He saw a black road full of black holes, making a soul-stirring and piercing sound. The road was not broken under the impact of chaotic energy, but became heavier and hit the pillar directly.


Seeing this, Qingfeng Niu nodded and urged the long sword even more powerfully. At the same time, the horns on his head emitted circles of purple ripples, protecting himself and Chen Feng.

Speaking of which, this can be regarded as the innate magical power of the beast. Generally, the horns on this kind of beast have spirituality in themselves. In addition, they are sacrificed every day, so they naturally have great power. It can be said that this is the real life magic weapon. The pair of horns on the top of Qingfeng Niu's head is comparable to a good top-grade artifact.

The purple divine thunder emitted before was also extremely powerful. The purple ripples released now played a defensive role. The attack and defense are integrated, which makes Chen Feng secretly envious.

Papapapapa! Papapapapa!

This is the sound of the energy blade hitting the ripples. Even the chain chain was bounced off when it hit it. Of course, Qingfeng Niu's face was solemn. He must not be able to resist for long, otherwise he would not have been tied up before.

Chen Feng grabbed the two chains with both hands, and then cut the chains with a long sword. Chen Feng took the opportunity to raise his hand, and suddenly a series of divine thunders flew out, emitting a strong destructive aura. Seeing so many divine thunders, even Qingfeng Niu exclaimed directly.

Although this kind of thing is powerful, it is easy to hurt oneself.

Most of the divine thunders that Chen Feng took out before were thunders that tended to destroy, such as the thunder of destruction and the thunder of annihilation, but this time was different. After the divine thunder flew out, it immediately rotated rapidly, and during the rotation, the two sides compressed towards the middle, and soon turned into flying discs, so the speed suddenly increased, and then there was only a series of chaotic collisions, and the chains rushing up from all sides were cut off one after another.

"Wind and thunder!"

Qingfeng Niu exclaimed again, looking at this scene in some shock.

"Yes, it is the divine thunder of wind. Although the power is not very strong, it is very suitable for use in this environment." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Not bad." Qingfengniu said, and the long sword in his hand turned into a gust of wind and dispersed. This gust of wind was composed of countless small swords, and it also cut off some chains wherever it passed.

"Almost done!"

Chen Feng said as his body began to swell, golden light flashed, and turned into a chaotic golden body. He held the sword of the abyss and slashed heavily at the pillar.

"It must succeed!"

Qingfengniu roared and rushed up, and changed into its original form. A huge green bull headed forward and hit the pillar in an extremely ferocious manner.

"Good guy, it's more powerful than me, it's worthy of being a strange beast." Chen Feng couldn't help but admire this scene.


Chen Feng only felt that there was nothing in front of him. The attack he launched seemed to be empty, and it didn't hit the pillar. The power of destruction was released from the long sword, but it didn't touch anything. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable. Although it couldn't hurt Chen Feng, it still touched him mentally.


At this time, the huge blue bull also rushed over, but also missed, and its huge body turned over directly. This momentum was even more fierce. At least Chen Feng felt his eyelids twitching after watching it. This kind of impact force would directly shatter the planet or the world in front of it.

"Hey! What's going on!" Qingfeng Niu also recovered quickly and looked around in surprise.

"I was careless. We should have entered the space in the pillar now." Chen Feng said in a deep voice, his eyes swept around, and at the same time secretly communicated with the nine divine nails. After feeling the nine divine nails, Chen Feng also calmed down secretly.

"I wonder if it will be easier to break through the space in the pillar from the inside." Qingfeng Niu said and took action. The long sword in his hand turned directly into a vast river of sword energy and impacted the space in front of him.

Chen Feng shook his head and did not act immediately. Instead, he observed the situation around him cautiously. In Chen Feng's opinion, this place was nothing more than an independent space. No matter how strong it was, it could not compare to the Heaven and Earth Soul-Suppressing Formation outside. Therefore, breaking it from the inside was the best and only way. If it could be broken, it would be equivalent to destroying the pillar, and the previous goal would be achieved.

"Hey! No, it's not good."

Just when Chen Feng wanted to find a loophole, he suddenly felt a shift in the sky. Chen Feng was shocked to find that some pillars appeared around him.

After these pillars appeared, they still surrounded Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu in the middle, and still emitted chains to tie them up.

"Heaven and Earth Soul-Suppressing Pillar!"

"Could it be that the pillars outside came in."

Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu both exclaimed, and looked around. Sure enough, there were twelve pillars, exactly the same as the ones outside, equally powerful, and equally suppressed the two people.

"This is a circular formation! We can't get out."

Qingfeng Niu put away the long river of sword energy and came to Chen Feng, with a trace of decadence in his eyes.

"Uh! I said, fellow Taoist, you have practiced for billions of years, and you are an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian. No matter where you are, you are a dominant figure. You must have many means. You won't be discouraged just like that." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"It's because I have practiced for a long time and I am more knowledgeable than you young people. I know the power of this formation in front of me. I'm afraid we really can't escape this time." Qingfeng Niu shook his head and sighed repeatedly.

"You can't say that. This formation must have weaknesses no matter how powerful it is. Even if there are no weaknesses, we can fight it directly together." Chen Feng said with a smile, and he didn't seem to be too worried.

"That's easy to say." Qingfeng Niu shook his head, not as optimistic as Chen Feng.

"You've accepted your fate." Chen Feng frowned.

"Yes! I'm going to give up." Qingfeng Niu nodded.

"Okay, then you just watch here and watch me break through the formation and rush out." Chen Feng said, and the divine wings behind him changed several colors in succession. Layers of runes extended on it. From a distance, it really looked like the wings of a bird. The divine wings vibrated slightly and Chen Feng disappeared on the spot. Then Chen Feng's figure flashed twice in the space and rushed to a pillar, swinging his long sword to cut at the pillar.

"Huh! So fast, this kid hid his strength before." Qingfeng Niu said with surprise in his eyes, and rushed up at the same time. At this time, in addition to the long sword in his hand, Qingfeng Niu also had two flying swords circling around his body, and the quality was not inferior to the long sword in his hand.


A crack appeared on the pillar after a sword strike. Chen Feng nodded, knowing that his attack was effective. Then he struck again. This time, a big hole was directly broken on the pillar. At the same time, a strange force acted on Chen Feng. This force had the power of the void, the power of displacement, and the power of illusion, in order to pull Chen Feng closer to the pillar.

Chen Feng knew that as long as he entered it, he would continue to repeat what he had encountered before, and he would still be blocked by the Heaven and Earth Soul-Calming Formation in the pillar.

The wings of the God of Movement behind him vibrated violently, and flames began to jump on them. This was Chen Feng's performance of the God of Movement to the extreme. However, doing so would also damage Chen Feng's own origin, but the power emanating from the beads was too strong. Acting on Chen Fen, Chen Feng gradually couldn't resist it.

"So strong, could it be that I really need to mobilize the power of the God of Movement?" Chen Feng thought in his heart.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, three long rivers of sword energy suddenly rushed over, hitting the pillar with a loud roar. The pillar began to shake under the impact, and cracks appeared from time to time. The force acting on Chen Feng was weakening.

"Good opportunity!"

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he rushed up with a long sword in hand.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the addition of the blue-black sword energy, the cracks on the pillar finally collapsed after reaching a certain extent. At the moment the pillar collapsed, Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu tore open a space crack and rushed in quickly.

"Is it out?"

"It should be out."

Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu floated in the mist, their eyes kept sweeping, as if they were on guard against something.

"It seems to be out."

Chen Feng nodded, because he had seen a pillar in the distance slowly disappearing, but the environment here was too psychedelic, with so much mist, maybe he would fall into a new trap in the next moment.

"Finally out, it was a close call just now." Qingfeng Niu said with some lingering fear.

"Didn't Daoyou give up just now?" Chen Feng asked lightly, but the smile in his eyes could not be hidden.

"Ahem, I'm just talking, I haven't given up in my heart." Qingfeng Niu said a little embarrassed, but after all, he was an old monster who had practiced for billions of years, so he was naturally thick-skinned and quickly returned to normal.

"Of course, if it weren't for Daoyou, I wouldn't have succeeded." Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"That's right, hehe, it's all thanks to our cooperation, but speaking of that set of formations, it's really powerful. It would be great if we could put away those pillars. What a pity." Qingfeng Niu said with a smile.

"Being able to escape is already the best result, so what should we do next?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

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