Eternal Existence

Chapter 1768 Three Tails

Of course, this is not a real seal, but a seal method used by Chen Feng. You should know that Chen Feng also has deep attainments in seal methods. The Great Seal of Immortality is the unique skill of the Immortal Clan. Later, he was taught the Three Thousand Great Seals by the Three Thousand Venerables. Later, he gradually obtained several other seal methods during his practice. Chen Feng occasionally had time to comprehend and practice, which was considered a great harvest. The seal he cast at this time was no different from the real seal.


However, Chen Feng's seal was shattered by the opponent's tail before it fell.

Chen Feng's eyes shrank. The attack just now was very interesting. The tail of the two-tailed poisonous dragon just swayed slightly, and the next moment it regarded the space as nothing and fell directly on the seal.

"This poisonous dragon is powerful." This is not the first time Chen Feng has said this, but he is still not too worried. After all, no matter how powerful this poisonous dragon is, it is only at the intermediate Taiyi level. If it really reaches the advanced Taiyi level, Chen Feng and his people will only be able to escape even if there are twice as many of them.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Although the seal was broken, Chen Feng's hands were still changing rapidly, and the speed was so fast that only a shadow could be seen wrapping up Chen Feng's hands, and then seals of different sizes and shapes flew out quickly.

"This guy is not taking the opportunity to practice seals, right?" Saint Qiu Li looked at Chen Feng in surprise. Although Chen Feng's seals were good and looked powerful, it was no problem to deal with the primary Taiyi Jinxian, but it was far from enough to deal with this poisonous dragon.

Although he was a little surprised, Saint Qiu Li was not idle. This time he did not use the black flame silk, but took out the supreme scepter. After coming out of the stone civilization world, this stone scepter was no longer as simple as a key, but really became a top-grade artifact with extremely strong attack power.

Saint Qiu Li waved the scepter, and countless large stones whistled and fell like meteors towards the double-tailed poisonous dragon.

"Huh!" Chen Feng was also a little surprised to see Saint Qiuli's attack, and then a smile appeared on his face. Speaking of which, Saint Qiuli's attack methods were far superior to Chen Feng's.

What's interesting is that Chen Feng and Saint Qiuli used long-range attacks, while Shaoyang and Taiyin joined forces to fight the two-tailed poisonous dragon in close combat. Together with the three strange beasts before, the two-tailed poisonous dragon was gradually suppressed no matter how powerful it was.

Scales flew out, flesh and blood exploded, and the scene looked extremely fierce.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As the two-tailed poisonous dragon gradually fell behind, the seals cast by Chen Feng finally began to fall on the two-tailed poisonous dragon. Although the attack power was not very strong, it was better in number, and it actually looked powerful.

Of course, compared with the large-scale stones sent by Saint Qiuli, it was still a little worse. In Chen Feng's opinion, the stones sent by Saint Qiuli were comparable to planets. Just think about how powerful it would be if thousands or more planets gathered together and fell over.

This two-tailed poisonous dragon was indeed powerful, and it did use some powerful methods. Unfortunately, it faced too many opponents, and they were all at the same level, so it was no surprise that it would lose.

Finally, Nightmare used hypnosis to make the two-tailed poisonous dragon fall for it. It showed confusion in its eyes, and its huge body paused for a moment. Although it recovered quickly, this time was enough for other cultivators.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The powerful attack fell on the two-tailed poisonous dragon, and the two-tailed poisonous dragon let out a shocking scream, and then its huge body was torn apart, and then even one of its tails was broken.

"Good stuff, don't let this guy run away." Seeing this strange beast being severely injured, Chen Feng had this thought in his mind at the first time.

This is a mutant among the divine beasts, much more powerful than the regular divine beasts, and everything on its body is a rare treasure, so Chen Feng's heart immediately became hot, and he planned to use his real skills to snatch it.

However, just when Chen Feng was about to step forward, he suddenly felt a warning sign. He saw that Saint Qiuli, who was not far away from him, also hesitated for a moment, and he knew that his feeling was correct.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then Chen Feng saw a piece of overlapping shadows suddenly exploded, and Shaoyang, Taiyin, and the other three beasts who were in the front were all blown away.


Then a very strong breath conflicted. Feeling this breath, Chen Feng's eyes narrowed immediately, his heart beat violently, and he felt depressed.

"It's not good, it seems that something is going to happen." Chen Feng said.

"Needless to say, I feel the danger." Saint Qiuli nodded, but after the two looked at each other, they rushed up again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As soon as the two rushed up, three huge shadows covering the sky and the earth slammed over them. Although Chen Feng and Saint Qiuli felt strong pressure at this moment, the others were spared from being chased, which was why the two were willing to rush up.

Chen Feng and Saint Qiuli took out their shields at the same time. Chen Feng took out the Heaven-shaking Shield he got from the Stone Age Civilization. Although it was a little broken, it was a top-grade artifact after all, and it was still very reliable in terms of defense.

The shield Saint Qiuli took out was bronze, and the whole was simple and vicissitudes. There were some rough patterns engraved on it. It turned out to be a very perfect top-grade artifact, which was almost the same as Chen Feng's Great Desolate Cauldron.

The two shields suddenly grew larger in front of the two people, like two huge portals that divided the entire universe into two halves.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then a huge crash sounded, and the huge shield in front of Chen Feng and Saint Qiuli began to vibrate violently.

Chen Feng's face turned pale, and Saint Qiuli's face was not good either, especially the bronze shield in front of Saint Qiuli actually had cracks.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng and Saint Qiuli retreated step by step with their shields, but the opponent's attack was like a never-ending tide, one wave stronger than the other, and it seemed that they would not stop until the shield was broken.

"You two retreat quickly, it's the three-tailed poisonous dragon!" Qingfeng Niu, who had already fled far away, suddenly shouted.

Nightmare and Greedy Beast were not far from Qingfeng Niu. It was not that these three beasts did not help, but they were seriously injured by the previous attack, and they were even more afraid.

Shaoyang and Taiyin did not look good either. The Yin and Yang Qi wrapped around the two of them and kept flowing, but it did not seem so stable.

"I can't hold on any longer." Chen Feng retreated while quickly forming hand seals. This time, the hand seals were several times more powerful than before, and he attacked directly through the shield. Unfortunately, Chen Feng's tricks were not up to par under the opponent's fierce attack.

"It turned out to be a three-tailed poisonous dragon. The previous two-tailed poisonous dragon should have been protecting the opponent." Saint Qiu Li's hands were already wounded, but his face was still calm.

"It won't reach the advanced Taiyi realm." Chen Feng guessed.

"It shouldn't be, otherwise we can't hold on for so long." Saint Qiu Li shook his head.

"That's possible, but since there are more powerful existences, let's not think about the treasures here, let's leave this place quickly." Chen Feng said, and the divine wings behind him suddenly expanded and vibrated slightly. The wings extended directly into the empty space, and the powerful force was gradually moved out between the vibrations of the wings.

"Good means, good secret techniques, good wings!" Seeing this scene, Qingfeng Niu couldn't help but admire, and then he changed his body and rushed up quickly.

"This guy!" Seeing Qingfengniu's move, the other two strange beasts hesitated for a moment and rushed forward. At this time, Shaoyang and Taiyin were also wrapped in the yin and yang energy and rushed forward to support Chen Feng and Qiuli Shengjun.


The bronze shield in front of Qiuli Sheng finally exploded, and then a torrent rushed towards Qiuli Shengjun.

At this time, Chen Feng already knew that this was not a torrent, but the tail of the poisonous dragon.

Chen Feng shouted loudly, and the shield in front of him suddenly became larger, covering Qiuli Shengjun. In this way, the pressure on Chen Feng increased, so the huge sky-covering shield hit Chen Feng and Qiuli Shengjun, and the two flew backwards quickly.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, the strange beasts and Shaoyang and Taiyin who came to support also launched an attack. Although they were injured before, they were also intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, and the power they burst out was still not to be underestimated.

The violent storm suddenly subsided, and everyone felt the pressure suddenly disappear, becoming empty. Although they didn't know why the other party withdrew their attack, they knew that this was a good opportunity, so they quickly retreated and soon everyone gathered together.

At this time, Chen Feng had already put away the sky-covering shield. Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I didn't expect it to be so embarrassing." Qingfeng Niu said first.

"Yes, it was very embarrassing. I have to thank you for your help just now." Chen Feng said with a smile, but his smile seemed a little bitter and tired.

"I dare not, it was the Taoist friend who helped us first just now." Qingfeng Niu said hurriedly.

"Okay, there's no need to say so much, we originally joined forces." Qiuli Saint Lord spoke.

"Everyone should be prepared. If I'm not mistaken, the three-tailed poisonous dragon that appeared later is not far from the high-level Taiyi Jinxian. If it's one-on-one, we will die one by one, without any suspense." Nightmare spoke, and a trace of fear appeared in his somewhat cunning eyes.

"Don't worry, the fact that the other party didn't pursue the victory just now shows something, otherwise they wouldn't have a two-tailed poisonous dragon guarding them." Chen Feng said.

"You can't say that, what if a four-tailed poisonous dragon really pops out?" Greedy Beast said on the side.

"Then let's run for our lives." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Everyone was talking while quickly recovering their vitality. Of course, more importantly, they were on guard against the attacks of the poisonous dragons. Who knew that after a while, they could only see two huge poisonous dragons hovering in the distance, but they didn't seem to attack. Everyone began to feel a little strange.

"Does the other party really have something to guard?" Taiyin suddenly said.

"Maybe, but whether it is or not, we should leave. One has two tails and the other has three tails. These two poisonous dragons are not something we can deal with." Saint Qiu Li said.

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