Eternal Existence

Chapter 1769 News about Chaos Body

"In that case, let's leave as soon as possible." Chen Feng also agreed with Saint Qiuli's opinion.

"Yes, there are other treasures here. We don't need to fight this kind of poisonous dragon whose origin is unknown." Nightmare spoke first, and Greedy Beast and Qingfeng Niu standing on the side nodded. It was obvious that the pressure brought by the two poisonous dragons was too strong.

"Let's take a detour." Saint Qiuli said.

Then everyone chose to take a detour, and the interesting thing was that the two very powerful poisonous dragons did not stop everyone. They waited until everyone was away from the poisonous dragons before they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Speaking of the fight just now, everyone was always at a disadvantage. Everyone even guessed that if the two poisonous dragons really attacked desperately, someone on their side might die.

"It seems that the two poisonous dragons still have something to protect." It has been a while since they left. Everyone gathered together to move forward, and they were still discussing the previous things from time to time.

"It should be protecting something important, but maybe a more powerful poisonous dragon will come out." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Daoyou, what you said makes sense. After all, the previous events have confirmed this point. By the way, Daoyou should be a chaotic body." Qingfeng Niu seemed to be somewhat interested in Chen Feng, and he got along well with Chen Feng. In addition, Qingfeng Niu's own personality problems made him speak directly and casually.

"Daoyou, you have good eyesight." Chen Feng nodded, and even gave a thumbs up to express his admiration.

Others shook their heads secretly, somewhat disapproving of the two's actions.

"Hahaha, my eyesight is indeed good, of course, the more important point is that I have seen a chaotic body before." Qingfeng Niu said with a smile.

"What!" At this moment, Chen Feng was really a little out of control. He didn't expect to get this news. You know, Chen Feng has not heard of any chaotic body in his years of practice. Even in some ancient records, there are only a few words about the introduction of the chaotic body, and there is no mention of the chaotic body.

But now he has received news that there are other chaotic bodies. Chen Feng naturally feels the truth. It can also be said that Chen Feng has not lost his composure for a long time.

Qingfeng Niu just smiled at Chen Feng's loss of composure, and the others nodded in understanding. If they were in this situation, they would not be much better than Chen Feng. Of course, except for Chen Feng's shock, the others also showed curious expressions. After all, the Chaos Body is a legendary physique. As a cultivator who has practiced for billions of years, it is only the first time to see it. Of course, the first one is Chen Feng. Now Qingfeng Niu said that he had seen it before, which is surprising.

"I really saw it." Qingfeng Niu said with a smile.

"That was a long time ago. I was just a small immortal golden fairy at that time. I never thought that I would practice to this level. I remember that during that period, I was always wandering in the Death Fairyland and accidentally heard about the Chaos Body." Qingfeng Niu said slowly.

"Death Fairyland, are you sure it's the Death Fairyland?" Chen Feng said with some surprise.

"Haha, it's the Death Fairyland, you can come to this space, and the cultivators in our space can naturally go to other places." Qingfeng Niu nodded, indicating that he understood what Chen Feng meant.

"But what you said is just hearsay, how credible is it?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Although I only heard about it, I am sure that this is true. The existence of the Chaos Body is indeed true, and I know that the other party's cultivation was at the level of a Godly Sovereign at that time." Qingfeng Niu said.

"Godly Sovereign!" Chen Feng nodded, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Hehe, that was two billion years ago." Qingfeng Niu said with a smile.

Chen Feng's heart couldn't help but beat after hearing this. If the other party was really a Chaos Body, how far would he have cultivated in two billion years? Even Chen Feng couldn't guess, but Chen Feng still smiled and said: "Daoyou can cultivate to this level in just two billion years. He is a true genius among geniuses."

"Hehe, it's just average, it's acceptable." Although Qingfeng Niu waved his hand casually, he couldn't hide the smug look in his eyes.

Two billion years is a long time. During this process, it is unknown how many lives will evolve and rise and fall. Not to mention life, it is a very long time for planets, galaxies, and even galaxies. However, for cultivators with endless lifespans, these two billion years are only a part of life. It is a process of desperate cultivation. Especially for these intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, practicing for billions of years is actually a very common thing. More cultivators have even gone through 10 billion and 20 billion years and still can't beat this point.

So Chen Feng's words just now were not ironic, and Qingfeng Niu was not deliberately modest. Others did not show any strangeness in their eyes, but took it for granted.

"From my birth to now, it has been more than one million years. With my cultivation talent, even if the opportunity is average, I can't get so many magic weapons and opportunities. I can enter the immortal realm by practicing honestly. The other party is also a chaotic body. Two billion years ago, he was in the realm of the God. Hehe, after two billion years, what realm can he reach? High-level Taiyi Jinxian, or Daluo Jinxian, if the luck is average, he can also begin to comprehend the Daluo realm." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Is this all the information?" Chen Feng asked. He naturally wanted to know more about the Chaos Body. After all, some special physical bodies, such as some combat bodies, immortal bodies, and holy bodies, are rare but not unique. Sometimes you can encounter several of the same in a place of life. In addition to the guidance of some predecessors in the past, it is possible to learn from them while practicing. The Chaos Body is different. So far, Chen Feng only knows about himself. It is not that Chen Feng is ignorant. On the contrary, Chen Feng wears the Changsheng Zhenjing and Changsheng Tower, has most of the inheritance of the Changsheng clan, and the inheritance of the God Insect Queen. He has also devoured the soul memories of some immortals and Taiyi masters. He knows a lot of things and secrets. It can be said that he can surpass many Taiyi Jinxians, but there is still no record of the Chaos Body. Chen Feng has been practicing until now, relying on the natural inheritance in the Chaos Body. Although Chen Feng does not need to learn from others, he still wants to know if there are other Chaos Bodies. If there are other Chaos Bodies, what realm can the other party cultivate to, how does the other party cultivate, and what is the other party's origin? These are what Chen Feng wants to know, even if there are only a few words.

"I can be sure that the things about the Chaos Body are true, but I don't know much. I just know that the other party is very powerful and can defeat the opponent across levels. At that time, the Chaos Body was still a God Lord and could kill the Taiyi Golden Immortal. And the cultivation speed is very fast, especially the Chaos Golden Body is very powerful, no physique can compare." Qingfeng Niu said.

After Qingfeng Niu finished speaking, everyone looked at Chen Feng. The fast cultivation speed and the ability to kill the opponent across levels are nothing for ordinary cultivators, but it is different for the Immortal Golden Immortal Taiyi Golden Immortal. The higher the cultivation level, the more it means that it is only a dream to kill the opponent across levels, and it is extremely difficult to kill with the help of magic weapons.

Saint Qiu Li was not too surprised because he knew Chen Feng's strength, but the expressions of others were a little fluctuating. They looked at Chen Feng and wondered what he was thinking.

"As the first physique, of course there are some heaven-defying things. It's a pity that although I am also a chaotic body, I was damaged during my growth. I only touched the surface of the development of the chaotic body. It would be great if I could meet that senior." Chen Feng shook his head and sighed.

No one believed what Chen Feng said, but no one said much. Next, Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu chatted. One of them had a complex inheritance, and the other had practiced for a long time and was knowledgeable. In addition, they had similar temperaments. The two chatted to the point of feeling like confidants who had met too late.

"Are you fellow Taoists here specifically to find something?" Qingfeng Niu suddenly asked after a while.

In fact, it was not surprising that Qingfeng Niu asked this, because just now, although Chen Feng and others seemed to be neither fast nor slow, they obviously had a coordinate to move forward. They did not stop when they met some good places on the road. If you say that a few people have no purpose, these strange beasts will not believe it.

"Yes, the place I'm going to is very dangerous?" At this time, Saint Qiuli suddenly said.

"It's very dangerous. Danger sometimes also represents benefits." Mengyan said with a smile.

"The three Taoist friends are also generous people. There are some things that we dare not hide. In fact, we came here to find some things this time. There will be benefits. If we are lucky, it is also natural to get some top-grade artifacts. But we also have opponents and enemies, so the next journey may not be peaceful." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Opponents and enemies, are they the Fire Dragon Clan and the Poison Lizard Clan?" Greedy Beast said.

"You know." Chen Feng nodded.

"Hehe, those who come here are their enemies." Greedy Beast laughed coldly.

Chen Feng nodded, understanding what the other party meant, but still said: "We are different from others."

"Okay, little brother, don't say more. I understand what you mean. In fact, this space is still a little dangerous, especially with the pressure of the Fire Dragon Clan and the Poison Lizard Clan, so joining forces is the best choice. Now that we have so many people, we can solve some troubles even if we encounter them." Qingfeng Niu said indifferently.

"Of course, it's better not to encounter something like the three-tailed poisonous dragon." Greedy Beast continued on the side, and then everyone laughed.

Then Chen Feng didn't say much. Anyway, once he said it, if he encountered any problems next, it would not be his fault. Moreover, these three strange beasts were very powerful, and Chen Feng's side also needed their strength.

In the next period of time, everyone stopped twice. The first time they stopped at a cave paradise with a gentle spiritual energy, and the second time they encountered a fierce place with violent energy. With everyone's strength, they were busy for a while, but the final result was that everyone was satisfied and everyone was happy because everyone got some benefits.

"Although this is the cemetery of the beasts, there are too many good things. What a pity!" Qingfeng Niu said, shaking his head and sighing.

"It's a pity that these beasts were powerful when they were alive, but even their bones were peeped at afterwards." Chen Feng continued.

"Yes, this is also a strange place for me. It is normal to say that this space is buried with one or two or even ten or eight powerful beasts, but it is a problem to gather so many beasts." Greedy Beast said on the side.

"Oh! I wonder what problem you found?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I didn't see anything, I just felt strange." Greedy Beast shook his head.

"We didn't see it either." Qingfeng Niu and Mengyan also shook their heads.

"In fact, there is no need to think so much. The most practical thing is to get benefits." Saint Qiu Li said as he raised his hand. The black flame silk flew out and turned into a black rainstorm. It kept bombarding. A mountain that was a million feet tall in front of him was immediately pierced with big holes. Rocks flew everywhere, and a large number of plants began to wither and soon turned into ashes. When everyone saw Saint Qiu Li take action, they showed a hint of expectation in their eyes.

After Saint Qiu Li put away the black flame silk, he blew a breath. This breath was 10,000 times stronger than a level 10 hurricane. Some rocks that had not been completely broken turned into nothingness and disappeared.

The huge mountain was shrinking in circles, and finally it was only a hundred feet in size.

From a million feet to a hundred feet, this shrinking speed was too fast. Compared with the previous million feet, the hundred feet in front of them was really inconspicuous, but Chen Feng and others gradually became cautious from curiosity, and looked at a stone statue of a hundred feet in the distance with a solemn look.

After the giant mountain was cleared of its outer surface, the strange beast hidden inside was revealed. Although the surface was still covered by rocks, the obscure energy fluctuations in it still frightened Chen Feng and others.

"It seems a little familiar." Chen Feng said, secretly performing pupil techniques to observe the surroundings, and did not directly observe the stone statue.

Because everyone can feel the special power contained in the stone statue, they are afraid that their peeping will trigger the power to explode.

Although they did not directly peeped in depth, it did not hinder everyone's research, especially after a quick exchange of ideas, they finally nodded and confirmed the origin of the stone statue.

"It should be a four-faced beast, haha, this kind of beast is rare, but it is easy to identify." Qiu Li Shengjun said with a smile.

"Yes, one head, but four faces in front, back, left and right, and it is not transformed by magic power, then it can only be a four-faced beast." Qingfeng Niu said.

"The four-faced beast is also called the four-phase beast. The four different faces represent four different laws and avenues. The four-faced beasts in front of us are human face, wolf face, violent ape, and illusion. I think they should represent gentleness, cunning, tyranny and mystery, but I can't tell what the specific avenues and laws are." Shaoyang said on the side.

"The violent ape represents the avenue of power, the illusion represents the avenue of emptiness, the wolf face shows that it cultivates the power of wind, and the human face is transformed by the avenue of heaven. This kind of life is very strange and powerful. It is also a kind of innate magical power. It is born to surpass most beasts. I am afraid it is more powerful than the poisonous dragon we encountered before." Qiuli Saint said slowly.

"The four sides gathered together, comparable to the four-tailed poisonous dragon. We can't deal with three tails. Isn't the four-faced beast in front of us more powerful?" Qingfeng Niu said.

"This is not necessarily true. It is powerful for sure, but it is hard to say whether it is as powerful as the four-tailed poisonous dragon. After all, we have never seen a four-tailed poisonous dragon." Greedy Beast said.

"Anyway, it's certain that the other party is very powerful, but I don't know what state he is in now." Mengyan said with a gleam in his eyes, and he seemed to want to use the nightmare technique to check the other party's strength.

"Chen Feng, what do you think?" At this time, Saint Qiuli suddenly asked Chen Feng. You should know that when everyone was talking, Chen Feng used the pupil technique to observe secretly without saying a word. Seeing Chen Feng's face change slightly, Saint Qiuli knew that Chen Feng might have discovered something, so he asked, and at the same time he was a little curious and wanted to see what Chen Feng had discovered.

"What you said makes sense, but you said a little less." Chen Feng showed a smile on his face.

"Say less." Everyone present looked at Chen Feng in surprise. At this time, everyone naturally would not doubt that Chen Feng was talking nonsense, and they could not help but check around.

"I don't know what Daoyou saw?" Shaoyang was the first to speak, with a trace of sincerity on his face, and it seemed that he wanted to repair the previous cracks with Chen Feng.

"Daoyou Chen Feng is right, we said a little less." At this time, Saint Qiuli spoke.

"Not bad, not bad. We were careless and only focused on the four-faced beast. We didn't expect that there would be such a pattern around. Fellow Daoist really has a sharp eye." Qingfeng Niu said in admiration.

"It's also my luck. Didn't you all discover it?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Even so, it was still Fellow Daoist who discovered it first. Please tell me." Greedy Beast said on the side.

"Gentle, cunning, tyrannical, mysterious, what the fellow Daoists said is all right, but in addition to these, this four-faced beast has also secretly cultivated a great way. This great way is hidden on the opponent's tail, or the opponent's tail exists as a natural magical power." Chen Feng said slowly.

"There is also a side of plunder, which is the fifth great way cultivated by this four-faced beast. It can also be called the Devouring Great Way." Chen Feng continued. You know, Chen Feng also cultivated the Devouring Great Way, so he had this feeling as soon as he came here. He waited until Saint Qiuli took action to break the defense and reveal the stone statue before Chen Feng gradually confirmed it. Just now, Chen Feng used the pupil technique to confirm it again, and at the same time he also saw the hidden things around him clearly.

"Wow, there are actually eighteen intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal-level exotic beasts around for this four-faced divine beast to devour. How powerful is this four-faced divine beast?" The greedy beast couldn't help but exclaimed. With the strength of these people, as long as they wanted to investigate, there was nothing around that could hide from everyone's eyes.

"These 18 beasts have been carefully selected, and the power in their bodies is completely in line with this four-faced beast. Haha, I think we should leave here quickly." Mengyan suddenly laughed bitterly.

"Yes, it is obvious that these 18 beasts were killed by the four-faced beast, and in fact there must be more beasts who died. Tsk tsk, they are all intermediate Taiyi Jinxian. I am afraid that we can't stop them even if we join forces, and we can only be slaughtered." Greedy Beast said.

"Yes, not to mention that the four-faced beast has absorbed the power of other beasts, so it must be stronger, so let's leave quickly while the other party has not woken up." Qingfeng Niu also said this, and the three beasts have begun to restrain their breath and slowly retreat.

Compared to the three strange beasts, Chen Feng and the other four did not seem so excited. In fact, it was normal to think about it. With their strength, they could certainly sense the power of the four beasts. However, as strange beasts, Qingfeng Niu and the other two could not only deeply feel the power of other strange beasts, but also feel a little pressure on the soul. No matter how powerful the strange beasts were, even if they were called divine beasts, they could not change the beast nature of the heavenly way. Among the fierce beasts, spirit beasts, strange beasts, and divine beasts, the spiritual oppression of the powerful superiors on the inferiors was extremely important.

"What do you think, fellow Daoist?" Saint Qiu Li looked at Chen Feng with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

"It is indeed very powerful. Logically, we should leave, but don't you feel strange?" Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"What's so strange? Did you see anything?" Qingfeng Niu asked immediately after hearing Chen Feng say this, and also felt a little ashamed for his actions just now, but he recovered quickly.

"It's very obvious, can't you see it? I admit that this four-faced beast is very powerful, but its current state is a little wrong." Chen Feng shook his head and said helplessly. These people are all intermediate Taiyi Jinxian after all. They have practiced for countless billions of years. Don't they understand such simple things? They still need to remind themselves.


As expected, when Chen Feng said this, everyone felt a little emotional.

"I understand what you mean, but so what? Maybe this four-faced beast is practicing a secret technique, maybe it fell into a deep sleep, or maybe it was injured. No matter what the reason is, the opponent's strength is unquestionable. Besides, what are we doing here? Can we rob the corpses of these beasts, or kill the four-faced beast? I don't think we can do it." Nightmare said, Qingfeng Niu and Tanshou nodded on the side.

"That makes sense." Chen Feng nodded. If everyone worked together, Chen Feng also wanted to use this four-sided beast. In Chen Feng's opinion, no matter how strong the opponent was, he was only a mid-level Taiyi Jinxian. If he was not a match, he would leave. If he did not take action and left because the opponent was strong, it would have some impact on his adventurous and fighting spirit. Of course, from another perspective, this was also a harmonious way.

"So what do you think?" Chen Feng asked, looking at everyone.

"Of course I have to leave. If the opponent was a little weaker, I would choose to take action, but the opponent is too strong, so there is no need for us to take risks." Greedy Beast said first, Qingfeng Niu and Mengyan pondered for a while and nodded.

"Yes, it is indeed not advisable to take risks." Shaoyang and Taiyin also nodded.

"Well, even if I have the same idea as you, I am afraid it won't work." Qiuli Saint Lord shook his head and said. Everyone understood Chen Feng's thoughts. Qiuli Saint Lord was also a little tempted, but after thinking about it, he could only give up helplessly.

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