Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,767 Joining forces again

Not only Chen Feng was surprised, but also Saint Qiuli and his companions were secretly guessing whether this poisonous dragon was a native beast of this space or from the Fire Dragon Clan. And whether those poisonous bees were related to this poisonous dragon.

"It seems to be a native beast, but such a powerful native beast is still rare." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Rare? Maybe we will encounter a stronger one next time." Saint Qiuli said lightly.

"Stronger?" Chen Feng nodded, and at the same time, he also understood why Saint Qiuli and his companions had not succeeded before.

"Fellow Daoist Qiuli, you have been here before, but you didn't encounter the fragments of the sea of ​​consciousness?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"No." Saint Qiuli shook his head.

"It's a bit strange to say. Although I have gained a little from coming here several times before, it is far less than this time." Saint Qiuli continued, with a special look in his eyes.

"Really? Maybe it's because of my joining. My luck has always been good." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Maybe." Saint Qiuli said without comment. As for Shaoyang and Taiyin, they did not speak. After the previous bed, Taiyin no longer provoked Chen Feng, or she was a little afraid of Chen Feng, fearing that she would be attacked by Chen Feng if she spoke carelessly.

Although she said so, she still dared not be careless in the face of the double-tailed poisonous dragon. The four of them were ready to fight at any time.

"This poisonous dragon is not simple, everyone should be careful." Chen Feng said with a smile, and at the same time took out a pill and swallowed it. This is not a simple pill, but a poison-repelling pill carefully refined by Chen Feng. Of course, Chen Feng is not without confidence in his own strength, but thinking about reducing some troubles in the next battle.

The other three did not despise Chen Feng's behavior. They also used some means. After secretly taking the poison-repelling pill, they also used some barriers to protect themselves.

"It's a bit strange. This poisonous dragon is indeed fierce and powerful, but why doesn't it attack?" Chen Feng said with some surprise.

"Could it be that it just wants to block our way." Saint Qiuli continued Chen Feng's words.

"If that's the case, things will be interesting. Fellow Daoist Qiuli, if we leave now, will the other party launch an attack?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It's hard to say, but these poisonous bees will definitely not let us go." Saint Qiuli said as a water ball appeared in his palm.

"These poisonous bees are easy to deal with." Saint Qiuli said as the water ball in his hand flew out and rushed directly into the poisonous bee group, and then exploded with a bang, just like a huge spring gushing out, and the water swept out covered the surrounding area.

"Water mines, or the water mines of Jiuyou Heavy Water, this move is powerful, it seems that Saint Qiuli has many tricks." Chen Feng thought so. Just now, Saint Qiuli's water mines at least solved tens of millions of poisonous bees.

Of course, although it is powerful, it can't clear all the poisonous bees in one fell swoop, not to mention that the poisonous bees have been pouring out continuously, who knows how many there are.

However, Saint Qiuli stretched out his hand and moved his fingers quickly, and the exploding water quickly gathered, condensed into a water ball again, and then exploded again.

"Secondary detonation." Chen Feng was also a little surprised, but then he was relieved. It would be a joke if Saint Qiuli couldn't do this with his strength.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Then Saint Qiuli sent out three more mines, and finally wiped out the billions of poisonous bees.

During this process, the two-tailed poisonous dragon in front had been watching coldly, and had no intention of taking action. This made Chen Feng and others confirm their guess.

"What should we do? Should we go around it?" Shaoyang suggested on the side.

"I can't go around it. Besides, even if I can go around it, I won't do it." Saint Qiuli said in a deep voice.

"Why is this?" Taiyin said in surprise.

"Think about why this poisonous dragon is blocking here, but not attacking us." Saint Qiuli asked.

"What is the other party guarding? There is a treasure here," Taiyin exclaimed.

"Maybe, fellow Daoist Chen Feng, what do you think?" Saint Qiuli looked at Chen Feng with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

"Although this poisonous dragon is powerful, it is not impossible to deal with it. I am just afraid that someone will rush up to take advantage of us after we have exerted our strength." Chen Feng said lightly.

Qiuli Saint Lord nodded, his eyes swept across fiercely, and then a murderous look appeared in his eyes.

"Do these people really think we are fools? They think we can't find them hiding in the dark, and they want us to take the lead, and the other party will come behind." Qiuli Saint Lord sneered.

"That's unavoidable. I'm afraid we would do the same if we were in his place." Chen Feng said lightly.

"In that case." Qiuli Saint Lord paused for a moment, and then said: "Aren't you guys coming out yet? Do you really want to take advantage of us behind?"

After Qiuli Saint Lord finished speaking, the space in all directions was somewhat still, and then three cultivators came out from the dark one after another.

"Huh!" Chen Feng was also a little surprised to see the three people coming out. Although Chen Feng felt that someone was hiding in the dark, he thought it was the few people before, but who knew that they were unfamiliar faces, and more importantly, these three were actually strange beasts.

After Chen Feng cried out in surprise, he immediately used his pupil technique to investigate the three people. Chen Feng saw that the other party was a strange beast, but he didn't know what its true form was.

Feeling Chen Feng's spying, the three people snorted coldly at the same time, and their powerful will swept towards Chen Feng.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Both sides fought against each other, and a series of explosions appeared in the space, and there were also continuous explosions of sparks and lightning. It seemed that the range was not large, but if a primary Taiyi Jinxian walked into it, his soul would be annihilated immediately, and his life would be cut off.

Chen Feng shook his body, his face was a little solemn. Both sides did not exert their full strength just now, otherwise Chen Feng would definitely lose, but now he has suffered a little loss.

"Nightmare, Greedy Beast, Qingfeng Bull." Although he suffered a little loss, Chen Feng still saw the opponent's true and false, and immediately became alert in his heart. Although these three beasts are not simply stronger than Shaoyang and Taiyin in terms of realm, their combat power is definitely higher than these two.

The innate strong physical body of the beast is not comparable to that of human cultivators.

"You three should be from the Beast Alliance?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The boy has a good eye." The speaker was a middle-aged man in black who looked a little thin. His eyes flashed from time to time. He looked like a scheming and cunning person. This person was Nightmare.

"The Alien Beast Alliance is an ally of the Fire Dragon Clan and the Poison Lizard Clan. Can they also cooperate with us?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Haha, although we are allies, we are equals. We don't need to care about other people's feelings when we want to do anything." Nightmare laughed.

"Well, anyway, your previous idea can't be achieved, so now we can only work together to deal with this two-tailed poisonous dragon." Chen Feng said lightly.

"No problem." The three alien beasts agreed very happily.

Chen Feng and Saint Qiu Li looked at each other, nodded slightly, and discussed it quickly in secret.

"Then let's do it together." Chen Feng said.

"Of course." The three alien beasts agreed.


Sensing the intentions of Chen Feng and others, the two-tailed poisonous dragon hovering in front of him suddenly became angry. With just a dragon roar, a black air wave spread out, directly covering the entire sky, and the light in the surrounding space was completely absorbed, leaving only a depressing darkness.

"It's a highly toxic attack!" Chen Feng said, then stretched out his hand and a tornado quickly swept over.

Saint Qiuli and others also took action and easily dispersed these black air waves.

"Although this poisonous dragon is powerful, it is not a match for so many of us, but it has been guarding this place. I think either the things here are very important, or the other party has other means." Chen Feng said.

"Do you need to say it? This is very obvious." Taiyin couldn't help but say.

"Hehe!" Chen Feng laughed, and then his eyes swept across. Taiyin immediately felt dizzy, and then a warm current hit him. He recovered and saw Shaoyang holding his palm. The yin and yang energy of the two people kept flowing, and the last trace of abnormality was also driven away.

"You!" Taiyin looked at Chen Feng fiercely, with murderous intent and a trace of fear in his eyes. In a short period of time, the other party just looked at him, and he was hit. If there was no Shaoyang, the other party wanted to kill me. Thinking of this, Taiyin's heart trembled again, and his fear of Chen Feng rose to a higher level.

You should know that Taiyin himself has also practiced the art of illusion, but it is a long way behind Chen Feng's pupil technique. Although there is a component of carelessness, it is not a good thing for an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian to be suddenly hit.

"This kind of person can no longer be a friend. We must find a way to kill him, and we must kill him with one strike. I just don't know what the relationship between Saint Qiuli and him is. If Saint Qiuli is willing to take action, it will be fine. Shaoyang and I can't do this. If we can find a few helpers, it will be fine. But even if we find helpers, we need to arrange it well if we want to kill him. The Nine Extremes Sky Locking God Nail on this guy is too terrifying." Taiyin kept thinking about how to deal with Chen Feng.

And Chen Feng seemed to feel something and smiled at Taiyin, but Chen Feng's eyes were cold, and everyone around him felt the strong murderous intent that Chen Feng suddenly exuded.

Saint Qiuli frowned, but in the end he said nothing.

At this time, the three powerful beasts, Nightmare, Greedy Beast and Qingfeng Niu, had already rushed to the front line and started fighting with the two-tailed poisonous dragon.

When the two sides fought, their powerful strength was truly revealed. The three beasts were powerful, but the performance of the two-tailed poisonous dragon once again surprised Chen Feng and others.

One against three, the two-tailed poisonous dragon did not lose the upper hand.

"It seems to be much more powerful than we imagined. It is worthy of being a mutant species among the beasts. With an extra tail, it is several times more powerful than its kind. Tsk tsk, interesting." Chen Feng said with a smile, and quickly formed a hand seal with both hands. Suddenly, a large seal flew out from between Chen Feng's palms, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a size of a hundred miles, tearing through the darkness and smashing towards the two-tailed poisonous dragon.

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