Eternal Existence

Chapter 1766: Poison Dragon

Seeing the golden armored monk being pierced through the body by the divine nail, the three people watching the battle and a man and a woman in the distance couldn't help but tremble, as if this stab was piercing their own bodies.

"This guy is dead." Someone said, sighing a little at the same time. Seeing an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal monk die in front of him, he himself felt uncomfortable, and this was also a shock to himself.

At this moment, the monks watching the battle even had the idea of ​​taking action, but then suppressed it.


Some people can't bear to watch it.

In fact, the moment the golden armored monk was pierced by the divine nail, he knew that he was doomed this time. In addition to grief and anger, deep despair arose in his heart, and there was even a trace of regret, but then he gritted his teeth.

"It's not that easy to kill me. You have to have someone on your back before you die." This is what the golden armored monk thought and wanted to do, but the development of things did not change according to his will.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Dozens of black flame threads quickly penetrated the person's body, and one of them directly penetrated the person's sea of ​​consciousness, and the energy that had just been gathered in the body was immediately dispersed.


At this time, Shaoyang and Taiyin's attacks also fell, and the golden armor monk's whole body shook violently. The golden armor on his body exploded into pieces, and then his physical body also exploded.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

At this time, three divine nails pierced through at the same time, blocking the person's energy and spirit and completely destroying the person's vitality.

The four of them joined forces, plus Chen Feng's Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nail, and this man would not be able to escape even if he was twice as powerful.

"Han Yuan Sword, a good long sword." Chen Feng reached out and grabbed a long sword with a green luster in his hand, sealed it and put it away.

"I only want this sword, and you can divide the rest." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Qiu Li Shengjun and the others had no objections to this point, or Taiyin and Shaoyang would not speak out even if they had ideas.


Although they knew that this person was bound to die, some people still sighed again after this person was really reduced to scum.

"So cruel!"

"I don't know if this person has any clones."

"Hey, so what if there are clones? Is it possible that they can still get revenge? Moreover, the attacks of these people are not simple. Even if the opponent has clones, they won't be able to hold on for long. The chance of life will still be cut off, but it will only be delayed for some time. "

"It's miserable! A billion years of hard work have been wiped out in an instant."

"Hey! It's just fate."

Not only were the three bystanders sighing, but the man and woman hiding in the distance also had their eyelids twitching. Seeing the scene where the golden armored monk was killed, a chill arose in his heart.

"Our previous actions were a bit reckless." The male cultivator said in a low voice.

"I regret it." The female cultivator asked expressionlessly.

"I regret it."

"I regret it too. We should have been partners."

"These people are so cruel, it's a good thing they can't be partners."

"Haha, but we have to be careful next. It's best to stay away from them, otherwise we will be surrounded by them accidentally and we won't be able to escape even if we want to."

"Okay, let's get out of here."

The man and the woman left quickly as they spoke. Originally, these two people were not the same person, but now they can only join forces to fight in this space. Even the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal can fall, and his own strength is not safe enough. ah.

"Let's go too."

The three monks who were watching looked at each other and then turned and left.

"Beheaded an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal." The excitement in Taiyin's eyes has not completely disappeared, but Shaoyang looks a little calm. As for Qiuli Shengjun, it is even more dull. Qiuli Shengjun and Chen Feng join forces There were more than one or two intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals killed, and both of them had seen this kind of scene many times.

"The other party is gone, so that's fine." Chen Feng said suddenly. This sounded a little baffling, but Taiyin's expression changed.

"Chen Feng." Holy Lord Qiu Li frowned and stepped forward.

"What do you want to say, fellow Taoist?" A smile appeared on Chen Feng's lips.

"You know what I'm going to say. Tell me what you want. You won't be so stingy." Shengjun Qiu Li said lightly.

"You are right, I am indeed very stingy, and sometimes I will retaliate." Chen Feng said with a faint smile.

Shaoyang and Taiyin's expressions suddenly changed, and their eyes swept towards Chen Feng like torches.

"Give me some face, and I promise that nothing like this will happen in the future." Qiu Li Shengjun said in a deep voice.

Chen Feng smiled: "Okay, since you said so, I won't pursue it."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, Qiu Li Shengjun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In Qiu Li Shengjun's view, Chen Feng's helper is still very important. The combat power that breaks out at the critical moment is more than that of Shaoyang and Taiyin, and Qiu Li Shengjun had a feeling that what Chen Feng showed was only part of his strength, and there must be other methods hidden. Besides, Holy Lord Qiu Li also needs to go to the source of this space. There is still a long way to go. Although he has not known Chen Feng for a long time, Holy Lord Qiu Li has a vague feeling that Chen Feng is Feng is a very suitable partner. If nothing else, he has benefited a lot in the short time since he met Chen Feng.

Although he was relieved, looking at Chen Feng's smile, Qiu Li Shengjun suddenly had a clear idea in his heart. He knew that there was a crack in his team. He was better, but Shaoyang and Taiyin were in danger. Chen Feng will definitely not help.


Saint Qiu Li sighed in his heart, knowing that the request he just made could be regarded as owing Chen Feng a favor.

"What should we do next?" Chen Feng asked with a smile, his eyes were calm and his tone was indifferent, as if he had forgotten what happened just now.

Saint Qiu Li was a little hesitant. Originally, the purpose of coming here was to find the transparent beast, but the sea of ​​consciousness he encountered now caused some waves in Saint Lord Qiu Li's heart.

The sea of ​​consciousness just now was just a fragment. It was part of the entire sea of ​​consciousness, and it had already received so many benefits. What if other fragments of the sea of ​​consciousness could be found.

"Maybe we can try it, but I don't know if other consciousness sea fragments are in this space." Saint Lord Qiu Li said slowly.

Chen Feng nodded. Although everyone divided up the sea of ​​consciousness, the time was too short and nothing could be analyzed yet.

But it was only temporary. After Chen Feng discovered that this sea of ​​consciousness was a fragment, he began to secretly understand and analyze it, and communicated with the Queen Mother and others about the matter here, but it seems that there is no result yet.

"Then it's time to tell what the purpose of Fellow Taoist Qiu Li's coming here is, right?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"Actually, there is nothing to hide." A trace of apology flashed in the eyes of Holy Lord Qiu Li.

"I came here to look for the corpse of a transparent beast, for its crystal core." Holy Lord Qiu Li continued.

"Transparent beast." Chen Feng nodded. This can be regarded as a very top mythical beast. Speaking of which, Chen Feng has heard of it but has never seen it. This shows that its number is very rare in the universe.

"Fellow Taoist Qiu Li is sure that there will be crystal nuclei." Chen Feng said with a smile. After all, everyone encountered the corpses of many strange beasts along the way, but there were no crystal nuclei.

"Definitely, there must be one. I've been there several times before but never succeeded." Holy Lord Qiu Li nodded and said.

"Okay then, let's go look for the transparent beast. We'll talk about the sea of ​​consciousness later." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although the sea of ​​consciousness left by Half-Step Da Luo Jinxian has been divided up by everyone, it is not so easy to absorb. After all, everyone's realm is still far behind the Da Luo realm.

"In that case, let's go." Holy Lord Qiu Li waved his hand and the chariot appeared in front of everyone again.


Everyone entered the chariot and turned into a stream of light that continued to penetrate deeper into the space.


Not long after the chariot left, a giant divine dragon suddenly rushed over and roared from a distance, which actually affected Shengjun Qiu Li and others.

"The master of the Fire Dragon Clan has finally appeared." Holy Lord Qiu Li said in a deep voice.

"Although I really want to fight with the opponent, now is not the time." Chen Feng said with a smile. Although he said this, he still made preparations for the battle.

However, Holy Lord Qiu Li drove the chariot very quickly, and he gradually got rid of the huge fire dragon.

"The opponent's target is not just us." Chen Feng laughed at this. Seeing the fire dragon fighting with other monks from a distance, he knew that he would not pursue him for the time being.

"This is best." Holy Lord Qiu Li nodded, secretly breathing a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he gradually slowed down.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

But at this time, countless poisonous bees swept over from a distance. The sound of their wings vibrating was like thunder, and the vibrating space fluctuated, looking full of momentum.

"Tsk, tsk, what kind of poisonous bee is this? It's even more powerful than the soul-eating bees we encountered before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

There were more than a billion poisonous bees rushing towards them from a distance. They looked scary, but they were not taken seriously by Chen Feng and others.

"This should be an ordinary poisonous bee. I have encountered it before. There should be some poison buried here." Holy Lord Qiu Li said casually.

"Then leave here as soon as possible." Chen Feng said with a smile, without any intention of taking action.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Qiu Li Shengjun was about to speed up, but suddenly he shook his head and slowed down the chariot again.


Chen Feng's eyes flashed and he saw a huge divine dragon winding and circling like a mountain, blocking the path forward of himself and others.

This divine dragon was more than one hundred thousand miles long. It was completely black, but there was a hint of blood in it. It also had two tails. It looked a little weird. Chen Feng and others felt a sense of trouble from a distance. There was a suffocating fishy smell, and the dragon looked up, his eyes full of indifference, killing, and provocation. The most important thing was that Chen Feng and the four of them felt a little bit of pressure in the opponent's eyes.

"What a powerful poisonous dragon, and it's also a two-tailed poisonous dragon. What's even more interesting is that it's a living creature, so how did these poisonous bees appear?" Chen Feng's eyes showed a hint of curiosity.

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