Eternal Existence

Chapter 1729 Eruption

"If you want my life, let's see if you have the ability." Chen Feng said coldly. Although the black-armored monk who fought with him was an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal, in Chen Feng's opinion, he was not as good as the Savage Saint. Zu and others, that is to say, this person is only at the bottom among the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals. Just like Haotian and Hongluo, they are also Taiyi Golden Immortals, but together they are no match for other Taiyi Golden Immortals. .

After a brief fight, although Chen Feng was at a disadvantage, he also had some understanding of the black-armored monk's strength. He was indeed no match for this person, but it was impossible for the other party to kill him. If he couldn't defeat him, he could leave at any time.


Chen Feng held the Sword of the Abyss and fought hard with the opponent again. The divine wings on his back suddenly spread out, and with a quick vibration, he quickly changed several locations and broke free from the opponent's restraints.

In fact, Chen Feng was also a little angry in his heart. If this guy hadn't appeared, he would have taken action against others after collecting the Chaos Green Lotus. After all, the value of the Chaos Green Lotus was too great, and Chen Feng would not be soft-hearted. Those monks and monks who grabbed it Star beasts were all targets for Chen Feng to snatch, but now that was no longer possible, Chen Feng himself had become the target of others.

"Hmph, why is this idiot targeting me? I'm not the only one who got the Chaos Green Lotus." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Die to me."

The black-armored monk jumped, and thrust his war spear at Chen Feng again. Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and two void storms swept towards this person. Chen Feng planned to use the divine nail to hit the opponent, although He couldn't kill the opponent, but Chen Feng was sure to seriously injure the opponent.

However, at this time, True Lord Taichu and True Lord Flame came up to kill him. The two of them joined forces to attack the black-armored monk from behind.

With the help of Taichu Zhenjun and the two men, Chen Feng gave up the idea of ​​using the divine nail. This trump card should be used at the most critical moment.

Among the three, although True Lord Flame is slightly weaker in cultivation, True Lord Taichu is very strong, especially the long sword in his hand which is also a top-grade artifact. Therefore, with the three of them joining forces, the black-armored monk retreated continuously and tried to counterattack several times. None were successful.

The intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal who came with the black-armored monk had killed two monks and several star beasts, and grabbed some broken Chaos Green Lotus, which was a small gain. This scene made the black-armored monk even more angry. .

"Hahaha, it looks very lively here." At this time, someone else arrived. Moreover, he was the Savage Saint Ancestor that Chen Feng was familiar with.

"Hey, the breath of the Chaos Spiritual Root, something good appeared here, it seems to be the Chaos Green Lotus." The expression of the Savage Saint Ancestor changed, and his eyes soon became hot.

"Chen Feng, it seems that you must have got something good. Your luck seems to be really good." The Savage Saint Ancestor saw Chen Feng.

With the appearance of the Savage Saint Ancestor, the black-armored monk stopped fighting with Chen Feng and quickly pulled away. However, he soon realized that the visitor had nothing to do with Chen Feng, and he couldn't help but secretly regret it. "Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness, you are a step late. There is indeed a Chaos Green Lotus here, and there is more than one. Many people got it, but they all left here." Chen Feng said straightforwardly.

"There is more than one Chaos Green Lotus." The eyes of the Savage Saint Ancestor suddenly burst into light.

"Haha, I wonder how many plants you got?" The Savage Saint Ancestor suddenly asked.


Chen Feng said lightly.

The Holy Ancestor of the Wilderness pondered for a moment, his eyes moved, and it seemed that he wanted to take action.

"Fellow Taoist Wilderness, we have known each other for a while." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"What's the meaning?"

Originally, the Savage Saint Ancestor wanted to take action, but he was a little surprised to hear Chen Feng say this.

"In order to snatch the treasures from me, we also had several fights. I was even chased by several intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals, but now I am still fine." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that there is nothing you can do about me?" The Savage Saint Ancestor's face darkened.

"Is that so? I think Fellow Daoist should know very well that although I am not your opponent, Fellow Daoist alone may not be able to do anything to me. If you provoke me, it is not impossible for both sides to suffer losses." Chen Feng's voice turned cold. .

The expression of the Holy Ancestor of the Wilderness changed, and he became extremely gloomy. He couldn't do anything even if he was provoked like this by Chen Feng.

"Good boy, do you really think there's nothing I can do?" The Savage Saint Ancestor said, taking out the bone club and looking at Chen Feng with cold eyes.

"Fellow Taoist, wait a minute." Chen Feng smiled and waved his hand.

"What else do you have to say?" The Savage Saint Ancestor said coldly.

True Lord Taichu and True Lord Flame also looked at Chen Feng in surprise, wondering why Chen Feng wanted to provoke the Savage Saint Ancestor. Any intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal is not that easy to deal with. In this situation, it is really It is not easy to provoke opponents.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy for Taoist fellow Taoist to snatch things from me. Why not change your thinking and approach? Since Chaos Qinglian appears here, there must be a reason. This area is not simple. Instead of If you don't fight with me, you might as well search carefully, maybe there is Chaos Green Lotus here," Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hmph, do you think the Chaos Green Lotus is just a cabbage? It's very rare to see one. It's rare to see several appear at once. There aren't many places like this in the entire universe." The Savage Saint Ancestor sneered.

"That's not necessarily true. This is the place where chaos originates. It's normal for anything to appear." Chen Feng shook his head and was about to continue persuading the other party when he suddenly felt the space around him vibrate and distort. Chen Feng immediately thought it was a void. Turbulence.

But then Chen Feng's face changed. A space not far away was constantly twisting, and soon countless cracks appeared in the cracks, and the aura of chaos emanated from the cracks.

"The aura of the Chaos Green Lotus." Taichu Zhenjun whispered beside Chen Feng.

The eyes of the others also lit up. At this time, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness immediately shifted his gaze, as if he didn't see Chen Feng.


Another intermediate Taiyi Jinxian took action and rushed towards the space distortion. The moment this cultivator took action, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness also moved.


However, before the two rushed to the place, a huge explosion occurred in the distortion. The powerful force knocked the two Taichu Zhenjuns out. Then Chen Feng saw a huge black hole appear in the explosion area, and countless things were ejected from it, including the Chaos Green Lotus.

What else can be said at this time? Hurry up. Chen Feng, Taichu Zhenjun, and Huoyan Zhenjun grabbed these things without saying a word. It would be a waste of energy to say more at this time.

The first thing he got was a Fire Source Crystal, which Chen Feng collected without even checking. The second thing he got was a Chaos Stone. This Chaos Thing was not comparable to some Source Crystals, and was even more precious to Chen Feng than the Chaos Green Lotus.

The third thing was a spiritual herb. Although it looked ordinary, Chen Feng thought that it must be extraordinary since it appeared with the Chaos Green Lotus and Chaos Stone. It should also be a good Chaos Spirit Plant, but now was not the time to study it, because there were other good things.

It can be said that in the initial short period of time, everyone was very quiet and hurried to snatch these spiritual objects that spewed out of the black hole, but as the number of spiritual objects decreased, conflicts soon occurred among everyone.

Chen Feng got another Chaos Green Lotus. At the same time, some thoughts flashed through Chen Feng's mind. Did such an eruption happen here before he came? It should be like this. So many good things must have been snatched away by others. Before the Chaos Green Lotus was snatched away, several cultivators and some star beasts left. Needless to say, the other party must have made a great harvest. Thinking of this, Chen Feng was a little depressed. If it weren't for the black-armored cultivator to deal with him, he couldn't say how many people he could have intercepted.

Just when Chen Feng went to collect a strange spiritual flower, a black line attacked Chen Feng silently.


Although everyone was paying attention to these treasures, Taichu Zhenjun, who was not far from Chen Feng, saw this scene and immediately reminded him.

"Humph! What a fool." Chen Feng snorted coldly and dodged quickly. The black line still left a mark on Chen Feng.

It was the black-armored cultivator who made the move. Chen Feng was furious. This person didn't go to snatch the treasure, but actually attacked him, causing the spiritual flower to fall into the hands of others.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Seeing that his attack was dodged by Chen Feng, the black-armored monk attacked Chen Feng with a spear in hand. The shadow of the spear filled the void, and a few black lines shot out, either piercing or entangled and locked Chen Feng.

"In that case, let's fight well." Chen Feng was extremely angry. With such an opponent attacking him, he couldn't grab other treasures at all. So Chen Feng locked on and let go of his hands and feet to fight with the opponent, and at the same time to shock others. After all, he had a lot of good things on him, and he didn't know how many people were targeting him.

A ball of golden light curtain appeared in front of Chen Feng, and the black lines pierced it but only pierced small holes. After the golden light curtain was broken, Chen Feng had already rushed out with the Sword of the Abyss, and at the same time, two thunders of time were thrown at the black-armored monk.

"The Time Disk, the Time Thunder." The black-armored monk was a little surprised at first, but soon became excited again. With a thrust of his spear, the Time Thunder that rushed in front of him exploded immediately. Before the power of time could disperse, it was compressed into a barrier again, and then the barrier quickly flew away and disappeared.

"The Time Thunder is good, but your realm is too low, and you can't exert its true power yet." The black-armored monk said as he had already killed in front of Chen Feng with his spear in hand. He pointed the spear at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was smashed out. A small hole was blown in the longevity armor on his body, and cracks extended to all directions.

"Hey! Such a hard protective armor, is it a top-grade artifact? Is there such a level of armor? I have never seen it." The black-armored monk was a little surprised. He originally thought that this attack could turn Chen Feng into a bloody mist, but he didn't expect that it only broke a layer of armor.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng raised his hand and four dark blue sword qi fell over. The black-armored monk swung his spear and smashed them one after another, but Chen Feng rushed up directly, swinging his long sword with a desperate look.

Although Chen Feng was eager to fight and was holding a top-grade artifact, he was actually a little depressed. After getting the top-grade artifact, Chen Feng wanted to kill everyone. With the top-grade artifact, his opponents were cut down one after another. However, he did not expect that he had encountered some super masters in recent years, and using the top-grade artifact was just to save his life.

Chen Feng fought with the black-armored monk, and the others were naturally happy. Even Taichu Zhenjun and Huoyan Zhenjun were just frantically snatching treasures. In this case, everyone only had treasures and themselves in their eyes.

However, as the treasures decreased, the people present also entered a state of combat. The monks with low cultivation wanted to escape, and the powerful monks wanted to continue to snatch treasures. So not long after Chen Feng and the black-armored monk fought, True Lord Taichu and True Lord Huoyan were also involved in the battle. The two were surrounded by dozens of star beasts, so they had no chance to help Chen Feng at all.

After all the treasures were robbed, the fight started.


A primary Taiyi Jinxian was about to leave the place, but was caught up by the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness and turned into a bloody mist with just one stick. However, the cultivator who was killed had transferred the things to a special space, so the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness could not get them in a short time, which made the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness a little depressed.


The sword light exploded, and several star beasts were killed. This was the action of another intermediate Taiyi Jinxian. However, when this person wanted to continue killing, several powerful star beasts surrounded him and competed with this intermediate Taiyi Jinxian.

"Let's go!"

"Why should we go? There will definitely be good things next. We can't defeat these people together."

"Yes, that's Chaos Green Lotus and Chaos Stone. These things are rarer than the best artifacts. It's a great opportunity to get one. It's worth the risk."

"This is not an adventure, it's a life-threatening situation."

"Coming to this area, you can die at any time. This opportunity is too rare."


Chen Feng and the black-armored monk fought head-on for several times, and were stabbed by the opponent's spear. The spear in the opponent's hand was not an ordinary item. It actually pierced the longevity armor and caused a certain degree of damage to Chen Feng.

"This guy's overall strength is not as good as the Savage Saint Ancestor, but his attack power is very strong. I want to see how good his defense is." Although he was injured one after another, Chen Feng remained calm because Chen Feng seized the opportunity to counterattack, or Chen Feng was creating opportunities from the beginning.

The black-armored monk stabbed Chen Feng with his spear. His eyes lit up and he was about to take the opportunity to attack. Suddenly, his whole body tensed up, and he saw countless vines extending from behind, two of which even entangled his feet.

"Manluo God Vine."

The black-armored monk was shocked. If it was in the past, the god vine of this level would certainly not be able to do anything to him, but now it was different. He was fighting with his opponent, although this opponent was just a god king.

Bang bang!

The black-armored monk just shook his body, and the two god vines wrapped around his feet immediately turned into pieces, but then more vines entangled with him. Regardless of the grade of this kind of spiritual plant, there is one thing in common, that is, it is difficult to entangle. Unless you can destroy these god vines in one fell swoop, or directly find the main root of the god vine, otherwise these god vines will continue to grow. What's more, Chen Feng had already made preparations and stored a large amount of life force in the Manluo God Vine, which was enough to make the Manluo God Vine grow wildly.


Chen Feng sneered, of course he would not miss this opportunity, the Immortal Light swept out, sweeping across the head of the black-armored monk.

"Hmph! Immortal Light, even if you use the Taiyi Light, you can't hurt me." The black-armored monk sneered, and also sent out the Taiyi Light to sweep over.

Which one is stronger, the Immortal Light or the Taiyi Light? I believe all the monks will think that the monk who asked this question is a fool. Then what about the Immortal Light emitted by a God King and the Taiyi Light emitted by an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal? I am afraid that everyone will think that this fool is crazy.

In fact, when launching this attack, Chen Feng himself had no idea. The golden Immortal Light and the purple Taiyi Light collided with each other.

The Taiyi Light did not appear to be unstoppable, but the two divine lights were in a stalemate, and both sides were constantly eroding.

"How is it possible? This is not the Immortal Light!"

The black-armored monk exclaimed. I am afraid that no Taiyi Golden Immortal thought that his Taiyi Light would be blocked by the Immortal Light.

"It's the real immortal light." Chen Feng laughed, and another beam of golden light flew out, then suddenly opened, turning into a wide light curtain that swept across the black-armored monk.

"I understand, this is the immortal source power, you went to the immortal area." The black-armored monk's eyes suddenly lit up, and he actually punched the light curtain directly.

Chi chi chi! Chi chi chi!

The light curtain and the black-armored monk's fist collided with dazzling sparks, and the immortal light that had existed for countless billions of years was gradually extinguished, and the gloves on the opponent's fists were also ground to pieces.

"This guy's armor is not bad, it can actually block the erosion of the immortal light, but it will definitely not block the next attack." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Papapapa! Papapapa!

Speaking of which, this black-armored monk is worthy of being an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, and his years of cultivation have exceeded one billion years at least. His magic power is incomparable. If he fights Chen Feng head-on, the Manluo Shenteng behind him will be shattered as soon as he approaches.

However, the Manluo God Vine is not simple. At that time, it was guarding the Manluo Hall and could block several Taiyi Golden Immortals. After it came into Chen Feng's hands, its quality has been improving. Although the attacks it launched were all broken, it became more and more crazy, forcing the black-armored monk to divide some of its strength to deal with it.

Finally, Chen Feng seized the opportunity and fought with the black-armored monk for a few times, and then the Manluo God Vine took the opportunity to entangle the opponent.

"Come out."

Chen Feng said lightly, and at the same time, the Abyss Sword in his hand also burst out with unprecedented power. Feeling the breath emitted by the Abyss Sword, the black-armored monk thought that Chen Feng was going to fight desperately, so he also became cautious and swung his spear to stab out. In this way, the power divided to deal with the Manluo God Vine was weakened a lot, so more Manluo God Vine was entangled.


Chen Feng's sword and the opponent's spear fought hard, and the powerful force made Chen Feng retreat continuously. Even with the protection of the longevity armor, his arms still began to crack, and it was still spreading to his body.

Compared to Chen Feng, the black-armored monk was much better. He just shook his body. Under the impact of the powerful force, the Manluo God Vine on his body was constantly broken. This saved the black-armored monk a lot of trouble, but a strong sense of crisis suddenly descended on the black-armored monk. It was too late to react.

In fact, when Chen Feng and the black-armored monk were fighting hard, the divine nail had already appeared. With a puff, a ten-foot-long divine nail pierced the black-armored monk's body. Even a hard black battle armor could not stop the attack of the divine nail.


After the success, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing. This was the result of his own efforts. For Chen Feng, it was a symbol and a gain. At the moment of injuring the opponent, Chen Feng felt that something in his body was untied. The sea of ​​consciousness vibrated slightly, and the whole person's spiritual realm began to improve. Chen Feng felt that he was one step closer to the realm of the God.

"Top-grade divine nail!"

After being pierced by the divine nail, the black-armored monk knew that it was not good. If he did not handle it properly, he might be killed. You know, a set of nine divine nails can block giant planets and suppress chaos magic weapons. If Chen Feng was strong enough, one divine nail could kill this person, but now the divine power emitted by the divine nail after piercing the opponent's body is also rapidly destroying this person's body.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng and Manluo Divine Vine would certainly not miss this opportunity. Chen Feng laughed and encouraged all his strength to rush up again. For Chen Feng, if he could kill this black-armored monk, he would be willing to pay some price.


Unfortunately, before Chen Feng rushed over, the black-armored monk suddenly exploded, and a ball of extremely powerful destructive force swept around, and the vines in the sky were shattered. Chen Feng was also like being struck by lightning, retreating repeatedly, his body swaying constantly, his face a little pale, and the power that he had finally mobilized began to gradually dissipate under the attack of such powerful energy.

The Manluo God Vine turned into a stream of light and wrapped around Chen Feng's wrist again. The previous self-explosion had already hurt the source of power of the Manluo God Vine.


The powerful force roared in his body. Chen Feng stood firm again and saw a ball of black flames burning in the chaotic energy. In the blink of an eye, a monk walked out of the flames, and the flames drilled into this person's body.

This person was the black-armored monk. At this time, the black-armored monk waved his hand, and streams of light fell on him. In the blink of an eye, a gorgeous black armor covered his whole body again, and the war spear was also nested in his hand.

That's not all. The black-armored monk actually stretched out his hand and grabbed the chaotic energy, grabbing the divine nail in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was stunned at first, then smiled and quickly formed a hand seal with both hands, and the divine nail began to struggle violently. However, the black-armored monk snorted coldly, and black air gushed out of his body. It was obvious that he wanted to suppress the divine nail with his own strength. Moreover, the black-armored monk had an idea that if he could collect this divine nail, the injury he had just suffered would be worth it.

However, after seeing another divine nail appear above Chen Feng's head, the black-armored monk couldn't help but tremble, and the divine nail in his hand broke free. The black-armored monk held the war spear and prepared for battle.

"As expected of an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, not only is he powerful, but he is also cruel enough to use self-detonation to get rid of the divine nail. Unfortunately, the opponent is now on guard and it is difficult to succeed again." Chen Feng sighed secretly, waved his hand, and the two divine nails disappeared at the same time.

Chen Feng was not worried that the black-armored monk would attack him again. He believed that the previous attack was enough to shock the other party. Besides, the self-explosion just now also hurt the black-armored monk's origin, so he would not be able to recover to his peak state in a short time.

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