Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,730: Seizing Treasures

Just as Chen Feng thought, although the black-armored monk wanted to kill Chen Feng, the divine nail just now threatened his life and almost killed him. The self-destruction just now also caused damage and touched the source. Now it is not a battle at all. At that time, if the other party used the divine nails to hit him again, then he would be seriously injured. In this dangerous environment, the black-armored monk knew what a serious injury meant.

So the black-armored monk just gave Chen Feng a hard look and then became quiet.

"Why bother? After a fight, neither side gained the slightest benefit. Both sides suffered losses, and even less treasures were collected." Chen Feng secretly shook his head, but he also knew that the black-armored monk's plan was correct. If he killed If you kill yourself, you can get the good things from yourself. It's a pity that the black-armored monk miscalculated and didn't know that he had some means.

"Fellow Taoist, are you okay?"

Chen Feng was cursing in his heart when True Lord Taichu and Lord Flame came to Chen Feng. The self-destruction of the black-armored monk just now was so loud that the other monks who were fighting stopped one after another.

Taichu Zhenjun knew Chen Feng's strength, so he didn't feel anything yet, but Zhenjun Flame looked at Chen Feng in surprise. It was incredible to be able to fight with the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he even seriously injured the opponent. This guy Still not a god king.

Not only Flame Lord, but also other monks looked at Chen Feng in shock. Some of them had secretly had Chen Feng's idea before, but now after seeing Chen Feng's power, they secretly felt lucky and secretly said that they were lucky that they didn't. Take the lead.

"With a small injury, it's difficult to deal with an opponent of this level. I'm afraid the opponent will come back to cause trouble when he recovers his energy." Chen Feng said calmly.

"If the other party comes again, I will help you drag him, and you can use three nails to kill him directly." Taichu Zhenjun said with a smile.

"It's not that simple. The realms of the two sides are very different." Chen Feng shook his head and said. In fact, the Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nail is a very good sealing and nail-killing artifact. It's a pity that only a set of nine can exert its full power. In addition, Chen Feng was not strong enough and could only barely activate the three divine nails.

"These intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals are too strong. Two of them were killed just now because they ran slowly, and their good things were also taken away." Taichu Zhenjun shook his head and said.

At this time, Chen Feng also saw the Savage Saint Ancestor using a secret technique to pull out a world from the void. This world was getting smaller and smaller in the palm of the Savage Saint Ancestor. Chen Feng could see at a glance that this world was filled with cultivation resources. It was the special world where the monks were killed before. It was originally very secret, but unexpectedly, it was found by the Savage Saint Ancestor after his death.

"These old guys are really powerful. They can crush other people with their realm. If these people hadn't come, the three of us could get at least half of the treasures here. Now we can't even get half of the half." Chen Feng said lightly.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Lord Flame also sighed with regret.

"We have two choices now. One is to leave, but to stay here." Taichu Zhenjun said.

"There will definitely be another eruption next." Lord Flame said, obviously not wanting to leave.

"Our small group is still a little weak compared to others. Moreover, we have obtained something before and have been targeted by some people. Maybe they will take action against us at some time." Taichu Zhenjun said calmly and looked at it at the same time. Other monks.

"There is indeed danger, especially for me. With so many treasures on my body, the black-armored monks and the Savage Saint Ancestor have been staring at me." Chen Feng said with a smile, but despite saying this, Chen Feng had no intention of leaving. The battle with the black-armored monk made Chen Feng's cultivation improve greatly. Even as he spoke now, Chen Feng's body was changing all the time. If it weren't for the wrong timing, Chen Feng would definitely have to find a place to practice in seclusion.

"Then let's wait and see. The three of us joining forces are actually quite a force and can block an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal." Taichu Zhenjun thought for a while and said, in fact, none of the three wanted to leave. , after all, there are too many treasures that have been erupted before. On the one hand, the most important thing is that every one of them is a top-quality treasure, and most of them are innate divine objects, not to mention chaotic spirits like Chaos Qinglian. Roots, and there are things like Chaos Stone, an extremely rare cornerstone of the universe, and what flew out was not spiritual roots like Chaos Green Lotus. Although the few spiritual plants Chen Feng obtained were not as good as Chaos Green Lotus, they It was similar. Chen Feng even thought of using these chaotic spiritual plants to refine elixirs, which could rapidly improve his strength in a very short period of time.

"In addition to these intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals, these star beasts are also difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the star beasts here are not too powerful." Taichu Zhenjun said.

Chen Feng nodded and understood what Taichu Zhenjun meant. In fact, the star beasts were the strongest force in this area. There was a group of star beasts in front of him, and there were dozens in number. If Chen Feng and Chen Feng had just entered, Taichu Zhenjun must be careful, but after seeing the flame star beast and ice dragon, he felt that these star beasts have become ordinary, and there are several intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals here. These star beasts are not stupid, they just gather together. Together, there is no random attack, and we even have to worry about being massacred by the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"After all, this is the territory of the star beasts. These star beasts in front of us are only temporary, and they will definitely appear again in the future." Chen Feng said.

"I want to say that you are just like a crow's mouth." Taichu Zhenjun couldn't help but say.

Because Chen Feng had just finished speaking, more than a dozen star beasts emerged from the void space. Among them, several star beasts were extremely powerful and had already advanced infinitely to the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian. After these star beasts arrived, they did not attack everyone, but joined other star beasts and then waited quietly.

"Hey! Now it's good. I don't know when the next wave will erupt. It will definitely be a big mess. I have to prepare in advance. If the black-armored monk attacks me again, I promise to kill him." Chen Feng said lightly.

Maybe Chen Feng did it on purpose. The black-armored monk heard this, and a trace of murderous intent immediately bloomed in his eyes.

"I think the other party will definitely attack next." Taichu Zhenjun said.

"If I hadn't been reluctant to consume some strength, I would have nailed him to death last time." Chen Feng said lightly.

In fact, Chen Feng also knew that monks like the black-armored monk would not care about his threats and intimidation. Maybe the other party has been thinking about how to kill him in his heart.

"Hahahaha, there are so many people here. Hey, it's that kid."

At this time, another person came and locked onto Chen Feng as soon as he arrived. A strong aura swept over. Chen Feng didn't care. Taichu Zhenjun narrowed his eyes, and Huoyan Zhenjun couldn't help but take a step back. This showed the gap between the three people.

"Swallowing Void Beast!" Chen Feng saw at a glance that the cultivator who looked like a young man was transformed by the Swallowing Void Beast. He thought to himself that this was another master, and he had chased him before, so Chen Feng felt more pressured.

"Not bad, I didn't expect to see you here." The Swallowing Void Beast didn't intend to attack, but looked around, with a cautious look in his eyes. After all, there was more than one intermediate Taiyi Jinxian here.


At this time, the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness came forward and greeted the Swallowing Void Beast, and then the two sides began to communicate. Although they didn't know what they were talking about, it seemed that the atmosphere was very harmonious, and Chen Feng also noticed that the two of them kept looking at him.

"It doesn't look good." Chen Feng thought to himself. There were too many monks targeting him. He could handle one-on-one, but he could only run away if he met two. If there were more, he might die.

"At worst, I can use the power of the water flag at the critical moment." Chen Feng made up his mind.

A few days later, the surrounding space began to become chaotic. An area not far away began to twist. The power of chaos continued to overflow. The monks present immediately became excited, knowing that the eruption was about to begin.


A strong aura burst out from the bodies of the Savage Saint Ancestor and the Devouring Void Beast. A phantom spread all around. The two of them actually occupied a piece of heaven and earth in a domineering way. Wherever the phantom passed was their world. Others could not get close. Even if they could get close, they would be dragged into the other's world. At that time, they would be at the mercy of others.

The black-armored monk and another intermediate Taiyi Jinxian also cast a world domain, and also occupied a piece of void. Another powerful force was a group of star beasts. Hundreds of star beasts formed a torrent, and also occupied a piece of space.

In this way, the space ahead was blocked by these forces. Once something came out, it would be collected by these people. Chen Feng and others could not get close at all.

In addition to the small group of Chen Feng and his two companions, there were three other small groups. These three small groups were composed of five, eight, and two cultivators, respectively. They were all primary Taiyi Jinxians. However, these people who could insist on staying here were not simple characters. Chen Feng had long seen that two or three of them were about the same strength as Taichu Zhenjun, and the aura of another person was very obscure. Chen Feng could not see the other party's strength without using pupil skills.

"Everyone, I suggest that we rush forward together." One of the five people said.

"Yes, yes, although they are intermediate Taiyi Jinxians, we have more people, and we are not afraid of them if we join forces." The two cultivators said hurriedly. The combination of these two people was the weakest.

The eight cultivators did not speak. After all, it was necessary to join forces in this situation, but when it came to snatching, the more people there were, the more chaotic it would be.

"Haha, if you really want to join forces with us, those intermediate Taiyi Jinxian have been staring at me, maybe they will attack me next." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Sure enough, after hearing what Chen Feng said, the faces of the others changed, and they didn't know what to say. What Chen Feng said was true. The two sides had fought a big battle before. Although these people admired Chen Feng's strength, they would only provoke several intermediate Taiyi Jinxians in order to join forces. Unless these people are fools, they would do so.


At this time, the space vibrated more violently, constantly twisting, emitting waves, and the black hole was seen gushing treasures.

Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun looked at each other and nodded, then they both stepped forward at the same time. Chen Feng sacrificed a divine nail, and Taichu Zhenjun sacrificed Chaos Green Lotus. Everyone saw a huge divine nail stabbing forward, and the world domain in front of them was immediately pierced. Then a green light rushed over and quickly occupied an area. The two areas on both sides were created by the black-armored cultivator and another sword cultivator. Relatively speaking, these two people were also the weakest forces in front of them.

The actions of Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun made the two intermediate Taiyi Jinxian furious, especially the black-armored cultivator, who had murderous intent in his eyes: "Do you want to die?"

"Just do it." Chen Feng said lightly, not caring about the other party's threats at all.


Seeing that Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun had occupied a position, Huoyan Zhenjun smiled and followed them, so the other three forces were also ready to move.

"Let's join forces, time is running out."

"Okay, let's fight."

"Let's attack together."

The three forces also rushed up. What surprised Chen Feng was that as soon as the three forces moved, several powerful auras immediately burst out. This was the aura of a top-grade artifact.

"Maybe these people also have top-grade artifacts. Every Taiyi Jinxian should not be underestimated." Chen Feng thought to himself.


The black hole finally appeared, and countless light spots sprayed out from it. Everyone immediately became crazy. At first, several big hands grabbed the light spots, and it seemed that they wanted to collect all the things that were ejected.

The moment the black hole appeared, Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun quickly attacked. In the initial situation, there were more things sprayed out of the black hole. At this time, everyone was only concerned with snatching and had no time to act. This was also an opportunity for some cultivators with relatively low cultivation, so the scene became chaotic.

Chen Feng also condensed a big hand, which was condensed by the power of time. While grabbing out, it also affected the surrounding time and space.

This grab resulted in several treasures falling into his hands, but Chen Feng was not satisfied. They were just some source crystals and ores, far inferior to spiritual roots like Chaos Green Lotus.

So Chen Feng attacked again and grabbed a piece of Chaos Stone. At the same time, threads flew out of Chen Feng's eyes. These threads were condensed by the power of the void. Under Chen Feng's control, each thread entangled a treasure.

There were fewer Chaos Green Lotuses sprayed out this time, only a few, but there were many other spiritual plants, most of which Chen Feng could not recognize, of course, there were also some that Chen Feng could recognize at a glance.

"Chaos Green Jade, this is a good thing, and its value is almost the same as Chaos Green Lotus." Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and a bunch of threads entangled the green jade.

However, a purple stream of light appeared, cutting off Chen Feng's void threads and sweeping away the Chaos Green Jade.

"Looking for death!"

Chen Feng snorted coldly, and then he realized that it was the Savage Saint Ancestor who did it, so Chen Feng's eyebrows cracked, and the void pupil began to work. A void storm swept out, sweeping dozens of treasures in one breath, including the two targets of the Savage Saint Ancestor.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng's heart was beating vigorously, and the chaotic heart fused in his heart burst out with extremely powerful energy, making Chen Feng always in the vanguard state. Although this situation was a bit damaging to his body, Chen Feng could no longer care about it at this time.

You must know that the pupil Chen Feng got was left by the void beast of the high-level Taiyi Jinxian level. If it can exert all its power, it is enough to kill all these intermediate Taiyi Jinxians. At this time, under Chen Feng's full urging, the void storm became more and more fierce, and the scope of influence was also expanding. The treasures collected by Chen Feng have exceeded those of the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian. In the blink of an eye, dozens of treasures entered the void storm.

"Boy, you are looking for death."

The Saint of the Wilderness was furious, swinging his bone stick to hit Chen Feng.

"I don't know who is looking for death yet."

Chen Feng sneered, and two divine nails floated on Chen Feng's head, one on the left and one on the right, emitting a dark luster, as if they could nail him at any time.

"Hmph, I'll settle accounts with you later."

The Saint of the Wilderness put away his bone stick and continued to rush towards other treasures. It was not that the Saint of the Wilderness did not want to take action, but that it was not the right time.

The Saint of the Wilderness had made up his mind that he would definitely deal with this kid after this matter was over.

Although he thought so, Chen Feng's actions became more and more excessive. In the blink of an eye, the void storm doubled again, so that a small half of all the treasures were looted by Chen Feng.

Boom! Boom!

Finally, someone attacked Chen Feng. The black-armored monk and the sword cultivator attacked Chen Feng at the same time. The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness endured and did not attack. The Swallowing Void Beast was using the Swallowing Heaven Divine Power to frantically search for treasures and would not attack Chen Feng at all.

"Come on."

Chen Feng had been on guard against the other party for a long time. When he saw someone attack, the divine nail on his head immediately shot out and blocked the attack of the two people. The energy generated by the fight between the two sides did not know how many treasures were blown away, and even some spiritual plants were shattered in the chaotic energy.

"You idiots, is this the time to attack?" The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness's eyelids twitched and could not help shouting.

After Chen Feng urged the divine nail to fight the other party, the mighty void storm swept violently and collected dozens of treasures. Then Chen Feng jumped, and the divine wings behind him vibrated, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Daoyou, go ahead, see you later." The voice of Chen Feng came to the ears of the True Lord of Taichu.

The reason why Chen Feng left was because these intermediate Taiyi Jinxians had locked onto him and would attack him at any time. Treasures were important, but life was more important. Besides, Chen Feng had collected enough spiritual objects by using his skills just now.

It can be said that the treasures collected in this area were more than those collected in other places combined. The Chaos Azure Lotus and Chaos Stone alone were not comparable to other things.

"Let's go too." Taichu Zhenjun said.

"Okay, the harvest is enough anyway." Huoyan Zhenjun hesitated and nodded. At this time, staying would not be a harvest, but a life.

"Let's go!"

The two were also very straightforward. They left as soon as they said they would leave, and left in the blink of an eye.

As Taichu Zhenjun and the other two left, the other cultivators hesitated and left one after another. Everyone was not a fool. They knew that those intermediate masters would definitely attack them after the matter was over.

When Chen Feng left, the black-armored monks hesitated for a moment and gave up the pursuit. Now the treasures have not been completely collected, it is not the time to leave. Besides, several intermediate masters of the black-armored monks have left marks on Chen Feng and others, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Finally, the black hole disappeared, and the treasures ejected in this wave have been robbed cleanly. Except for several intermediate Taiyi Jinxians, only the group of star beasts are left.

Both sides know that the other side is not easy to mess with, and there is no conflict. The star beasts gradually leave, and the surrounding space becomes stable. Only then do everyone know that it was the last ejection.

"The black hole will not appear again next time. How did that kid know in advance?" The black-armored monk said coldly.


The Savage Saint sneered a few times, then turned and left, without saying hello to the Devouring Void Beast.


The Devouring Void Beast snorted coldly and left directly.

"Let's go."

The black-armored monk hesitated for a moment and left quickly. In the blink of an eye, this very lively area became quiet.

"Hmph! If it were anywhere else, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to escape, but this place of origin is different. Even if they left a mark on me, can they really find me?" Chen Feng kept moving forward in the void on the array plate, and soon entered a chaotic group of meteorites. Chen Feng's body was raging with flames, and from a distance he looked like a group of meteors. This was Chen Feng using true fire to expel the marks on his body, but the effect was not very good. Although Chen Feng found several marks, he couldn't get rid of them in a short time, so he could only use flames to burn them slowly.

Chen Feng knew that those cultivators would definitely track him down. Although he was not worried, he had also made some precautions, so his speed did not decrease after leaving, and he was still constantly changing his position. In the end, even Chen Feng himself lost his sense of direction, and just saw a dense meteorite area and rushed in.

"I hope that Master Taichu and the others will not be stupid. If they stay, they will definitely be attacked." After a few days, Chen Feng finally stopped and drilled directly into a large meteorite, which should be said to be a broken planet fragment. This planet fragment has a radius of ten miles and is not noticeable in the meteorite group. It is covered with pits and some smooth marks. It is known that this meteorite is hard enough and has been here for a long time.

Entering the center of the meteorite, Chen Feng casually arranged some restrictions to block all the breath. Chen Feng calmed down and adjusted his state for several days. Chen Feng began to fiddle with the previous harvest.

After a round of inventory and research, the surprise on Chen Feng's face became more and more intense. As Chen Feng recognized the treasures one by one, Chen Feng knew that this harvest was really too big.

Chen Feng got eight Chaos Green Lotuses alone. Together with his original ones, Chen Feng now has a total of nine Chaos Green Lotuses. If this news is released, I don’t know how many cultivators will be chased.

However, Chen Feng was not worried about these things at all. Since being hunted by several intermediate Taiyi Jinxians, Chen Feng was under a high level of pressure all the time. After a long time, he got used to it. Especially after a battle that injured the black-armored monk, the pressure suddenly dissipated, causing Chen Feng's realm to advance by leaps and bounds, and his overall strength increased by a large margin.

In addition to the Chaos Green Lotus, there are also several Chaos Stones. This kind of thing is also a top treasure among the Chaos Things. Think about it, although Chen Feng entered the glare zone to find the divine light, it was precisely because he found the Chaos Stone at the edge of the glare zone that Chen Feng made up his mind to enter this place.

In addition to these two things, the most are some spiritual plants and source crystals. In comparison, although source crystals and spiritual plants are also top treasures, they are more than one level lower than the Chaos Green Lotus and Chaos Stone. Of course, there are also some good spiritual plants among these spiritual plants, such as the five-color flower, Tongtian grass, and Hunyuan root. This kind of spiritual plant is second only to the Chaos Green Lotus.

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