Eternal Existence

Chapter 1728: Battle against the Ice Dragon

Although they were forced to stop, the two of them felt a little relieved. Although the two attacks of the ice dragon just now were powerful, they were still worse than the first time in the frozen world. Chen Feng and the two knew that they The guess was correct. The first attack was indeed the power accumulated over the years. However, although these two attacks were slightly weaker, they could still pose enough threats to the two of them. If they were not handled properly, they would Fall here.


The divine wings behind Chen Feng burned again, and were mixed with the power of time. At the same time, the space array under his feet also stabilized, but the energy stored in it was quickly consumed.

"You block it again." Chen Feng shouted.

Taichu Zhenjun had been seriously injured in the previous collision. Hearing this, he still gritted his teeth and said: "No problem, but I can only try my best."

However, their plan failed, because the ice dragon chased after them, and at the same time, two huge claws smacked at them with a thick chill.

The simple force blow gave the two of them a feeling of suffocation, not to mention that it also contained the original power of ice. The previous situation of being frozen made Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun have lingering fears. They did not dare to block such an attack, but the ice dragon The speed is extremely fast and the attack is fierce, even if you block it, you can't stop it.

"We can't run away, let's join forces and fight against each other." Chen Feng shouted, a beam of golden light flew out from the disk of time, quickly formed an energy blade, and slashed at the dragon's claws. At the same time, Chen Feng held The Sword of the Abyss also bloomed with a dazzling sword curtain, just like Tianhe Pilian sweeping away.

When Chen Feng took action, Taichu Zhenjun also had the chaotic green lotus above his head guarding his whole body, and the long sword in his hand turned into a misty blue sword curtain.


First there was a loud noise, like thunder, and then the ice dragon's claws exploded, turning into frost that filled the sky, and a cloud of coldness quickly swept around.

Although this ice dragon is powerful, what Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun sacrificed is a top-notch artifact.

However, after smashing the ice dragon's claws, Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun also flew out upside down, and both of them were frozen in the process of flying.


Binglong shouted coldly, and Chen Feng felt that the sea of ​​consciousness began to freeze. The fire of the soul immediately burned, constantly driving away the cold that entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Although very strong."

"But it can be resisted."

Bang! Bang!

The ice sealing the two people exploded one after another. Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun looked at each other, and then took the initiative to rush towards the ice dragon.

After the brief fight just now, the two of them have determined that this ice dragon is indeed powerful, but it is not yet a high-level Taiyi Golden Immortal, but it is stronger than the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal they encountered before.

The pressure is huge, but it is not impossible for the two of them to fight. On the contrary, if they run away blindly and lose their will to fight, they may really die in the hands of this ice dragon. You must know that the two of them had put away the source before. Crystal Spirit Vein, this ice dragon will not let the two of them go. At the same time, Chen Feng and Chen Feng have been stimulated to use all their strength under pressure. Even if they are not opponents of the ice dragon, they will have to fight.

Seeing that the two little bugs dared to attack him, the ice dragon that had just woken up immediately became angry. He opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of frost and cold air that turned into a long river and rushed towards Chen Feng and the two of them. As for the broken dragon claw before, it had already grew again.

Facing the attack of the torrent of cold air, Taichu True Lord moved forward and stabbed with his long sword. The sword light exploded continuously, and the torrent of cold air was also blocked.


Chen Feng suddenly disappeared on the spot, breaking through the space, and the next moment he was in front of the ice dragon. His eyebrows cracked, and a light gray stream of light swept out, leaving a deep scar on the ice dragon's body, almost cutting it into pieces. In half.

"The light of the void beast, you are the void beast, no, you refined the eyes of the void beast." The injured ice dragon immediately exclaimed, but it was just a little surprised, and there was no look of fear. Chen The huge wound opened by Feng was covered with frost, and it healed completely in the blink of an eye. Chen Feng was secretly surprised. The attack just now was the first attack of his pupil technique. The crack on his eyebrows closed with just one stroke. Chen Feng was confident in the attack just now. Even if you encounter an opponent like the Savage Saint Ancestor, you can seriously injure the opponent.


But Chen Feng was not alone. As soon as Binglong's injuries healed, Taichu Zhenjun was wrapped in sword light and rushed over.


The huge body of the ice dragon did not move, but there was an extremely strong cold shock. Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun's eyes flashed, and they immediately recognized that this was the attack they encountered at the beginning, which almost killed them instantly. , but this time the two of them were on guard, and this time the ice dragon's cold attack was not as good as the previous one.

It's said to be a cold attack, but it's actually a divine soul attack, powerful and hard to guard against.

Almost at the same time, a stream of light exploded in front of Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun, and quickly formed a huge shield to completely block the two people behind.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!

Then the coldness rushed on the shield and burst into dazzling sparks. The shield was shattered by the sparks, and Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun kept retreating.

The huge body of the ice dragon finally moved. With just one forward motion, Chen Feng and True Lord Taichu flew out like meteors.

"What a powerful attack."

The wings of the God of Movement behind Chen Feng kept vibrating, but he still couldn't control his body, which made Taichu Zhenjun not feel good. He was bleeding from all seven orifices, and his body had begun to collapse. The Chaos Green Lotus on his head kept emitting green light, repairing Taichu Zhenjun's broken body.

Two huge dragon claws grabbed Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun at the same time, and cold air gushed out. Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun were still surrounded by ice. If the two couldn't change the situation in front of them, then once they were frozen, and then the dragon claws pinched them, they would be shattered, and they would really die at that time.

"Why don't you use your strongest means?" Taichu Zhenjun shouted at Chen Feng.

"The strongest means?" Chen Feng said lightly.

I have to admit that this ice dragon is too strong, so strong that it can get rid of Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun in a short time. Originally, the two wanted to tangle with the ice dragon for a while, but now it seems that this idea is unrealistic. Now the two are in a critical moment.

Puff! Puff!

Seeing the two people being frozen in the ice, the huge dragon claws were about to pinch down, and two light shadows flashed, and the falling dragon claws were pierced by two divine nails. There was no blood splashing, and the two dragon claws were quickly shrunken.

Bang Bang!

Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun broke the ice, Chen Feng waved his hand to put away the divine nails, and the two quickly fled to the distance.

The ice dragon was seriously injured under the attack of the divine nails, but became more angry, and still chased the two people. In the eyes of the ice dragon, the two humans should have used up all their means, and the pursuit at this time was just right to kill the two in one fell swoop.


Who knew that as soon as the ice dragon moved, another huge divine nail appeared, falling from the sky, and directly pierced the ice dragon's body. This time the ice dragon finally screamed, and the whole body was almost broken under the divine nails.

After successfully seriously injuring the ice dragon, the divine nails quickly shrank and turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

This time the ice dragon was seriously injured and had no time to chase Chen Feng and the others.

The space array carried Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun and flew quickly, and it gradually slowed down after leaving the ice area.

"If you use all nine nails, you should be able to kill the ice dragon." Taichu Zhenjun asked curiously. Although the two were injured in the fight with the ice dragon before, they had gradually recovered in the process of leaving. Although they were shocked by the power of the nails along the way, Taichu Zhenjun did not speak until they were safe.

"That set of nine extreme sky lock nails is a top-grade artifact. It is my limit to be able to activate three of them. In fact, let alone three, even if one nail bursts out with all its power, it can nail the ice dragon to death." Chen Feng said slowly. In the previous fight with the ice dragon, the two also used various means. Chen Feng alone used several top-grade artifacts. Although such a battle can make Chen Feng's strength advance by leaps and bounds, the consumption is also huge.

"What a pity." Taichu Zhenjun shook his head, not knowing whether it was a pity that he could not kill the ice dragon, or a pity that he did not get this set of nails.

"The danger has been increasing recently." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Yes, it was the flame area before, and now it's the ice area. Although there are some gains, it's more dangerous each time. This time, I almost lost my life. Do you think we won't enter some dangerous places next time?" Taichu Zhenjun and Chen Feng formed a team originally thinking of getting some luck, but they didn't expect to encounter dangers in a short time, and they couldn't help but feel nervous.

"This is deep in the glare zone, the origin of chaos. It's normal to have dangers, and we haven't entered the real origin. At first, I thought there were only star beasts here, but I didn't expect such a powerful ice dragon to appear. Maybe there will be abnormal life next." Chen Feng said. Just now, he fought with the ice dragon. Under pressure, Chen Feng had some breakthroughs in his realm, but he also consumed too much energy. After all, the best artifacts are not so easy to use.

"Two people are still a little too thin. It would be better if our team had two more people." Taichu Zhenjun suddenly said.

"Haven't you contacted the Flame Zhenjun yet?" Chen Feng asked, while secretly communicating with the army of divine insects.

"No, the divine thoughts here are suppressed so strongly that it's hard to meet again once we're separated." Taichu Zhenjun shook his head.

"Maybe I can find it." Chen Feng suddenly said after a while.

"You can find it." Taichu Zhenjun was stunned at first, and looked far away. When he saw a divine insect flying by, he immediately understood what Chen Feng meant.

"Where is he?" Taichu Zhenjun asked hurriedly. Taichu Zhenjun and Huoyan Zhenjun have known each other for a long time, especially in the Thunder Magnetic Realm, they have always worked together. They are good friends.

"Huoyan Zhenjun encountered some troubles." Chen Feng said this with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Troubles, let's get going quickly." Taichu Zhenjun said immediately.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded, and immediately urged the space array to fly in the void.

"What troubles did Huoyan Zhenjun encounter?" Taichu Zhenjun asked on the way.

"Haha, it's troubles for Huoyan Zhenjun, but it's an opportunity for us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Seeing Chen Feng's mysterious smile, Taichu Zhenjun became even more curious, but he knew Chen Feng would not say it, so he resisted the urge to ask.

At first, Chen Feng was very calm, but soon his face changed, and a force of time poured into the space array, and then the space array took the two of them to start space shuttle.

"Something went wrong."

Chen Feng's abnormality immediately let Taichu Zhenjun know that something was going to happen.

Chen Feng did not answer, but pushed the space array forward with all his strength. Seeing this scene, Taichu Zhenjun immediately prepared for battle.


The space array came out of the space, and then the two felt a strong power of chaos.

"Chaos Green Lotus."

Taichu Zhenjun shouted, with ecstasy in his eyes.

Chen Feng's eyes showed a trace of regret. When Chen Feng first got the situation of Flame Zhenjun, he only knew that Flame Zhenjun and others were robbing some good divine objects, and they were also besieged by star beasts. There were benefits and dangers. This was the reason why Chen Feng said that before. However, Chen Feng did not discover the existence of Chaos Green Lotus at the first time, so he moved forward slowly. After all, Flame Zhenjun and Chen Feng had no friendship. In Chen Feng's view, as long as he could save the other party, it would be fine. Later, when Chaos Green Lotus appeared, Chen Feng immediately became excited.

What is the Chaos Azure Lotus? It is a spiritual object that grew out of the chaos at the beginning of the universe. Although it is not a magic weapon, it is the top-notch innate spiritual root. Just like the Chaos Azure Lotus on the body of the Great Lord of the Beginning, it was refined into a life-saving magic weapon. Its potential and value are actually the same as those of a real Chaos Magic Treasure. With this kind of Chaos Innate Spiritual Root, the speed of cultivation is not just as simple as leaps and bounds. Not only will it not produce inner demons, but it can also comprehend the Chaos Avenue. At the starting point, it has surpassed other cultivators of the same realm. After a long time, it will leave its peers behind. Of course, there is another way to use it, that is to take it directly, but there are very few Chaos Spiritual Root clones. It is a great luck to encounter it, and it is even less to get it. As for swallowing it directly, it can only be described as extremely rare.

Taichu Zhenjun has a Chaos Green Lotus magic weapon to protect him, which makes him a person of great luck. There is also a Chaos Green Lotus in the Chaos Pearl that Chen Feng got before. It can be said that Chen Feng was surprised to encounter two Chaos Green Lotuses in succession, but now several Chaos Green Lotuses have appeared, and these Green Lotuses are more mature. In the process of fighting, even lotus seeds flew out.

Groups of green light and dots of green light danced quickly, constantly falling into the hands of some cultivators, and hundreds of star beasts kept attacking. The appearance of Chaos Green Lotus made the whole scene extremely chaotic.

Chen Feng and Taichu Zhenjun's eyes suddenly turned blood red. At this time, the two of them had no time to say hello. The aura on their bodies was like a volcanic eruption. The next moment, the two turned into two shadows and rushed towards the Chaos Green Lotus.


A star beast blocking Chen Feng was directly knocked out, and then another sword curtain bloomed, and two more star beasts were cut in half.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed a green lotus seed. Before Chen Feng could put it away, another star beast rushed towards Chen Feng.


With just one punch, the star beast was knocked out. After seeing the flame star beast and the ice dragon, these ordinary star beasts became much weaker in Chen Feng's eyes.


Chen Feng used the magic of walking to the extreme. After bypassing several star beasts, he rushed towards a chaotic green lotus.

It was unknown where these green lotuses came from. At this time, they kept flying around in this area. Sometimes, as soon as a cultivator grabbed them, the cultivator was torn into pieces by the star beasts. The star beasts would also grab each other, which was the reason for the more chaotic scene. If these green lotuses were not chaotic spiritual roots, they would be destroyed countless times in this fight.

However, even so, several green lotuses were broken, and leaves, petals, and lotus seeds kept flying around. This is why Chen Feng was able to grab a lotus seed as soon as he came up.

This time, Chen Feng targeted a complete Chaos Green Lotus. However, it was not only Chen Feng who was eyeing this Pearl Green Lotus. There were also two cultivators and several star beasts.

"Get out of here!"

Chen Feng shouted coldly and cast a soul-soothing spell. At the same time, the void pupils at the center of his eyebrows opened, and the faint light beams kept sweeping across. In order to snatch the Chaos Green Lotus, Chen Feng did not mind consuming some energy and paying some price. In Chen Feng's opinion, all this was worth it.

"No, it's Chen Feng."

At this time, the two human cultivators had recognized Chen Feng. Of course, they knew Chen Feng's strength and had already retreated, but Chen Feng's attack was crazy, directly covering the star beasts and human cultivators.

Under the sweep of the void light, the human cultivators and star beasts were all injured and flew backwards. Chen Feng did not kill these people. Chen Feng's target was the Chaos Green Lotus. After repelling the opponent, Chen Feng reached out to grab the Chaos Green Lotus.

Just as he was about to get the Green Lotus, a sword light swept towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he let the sword light fall on him. He grabbed the Chaos Green Lotus with his palm.

Snap, snap, snap!

The sword light kept tearing Chen Feng's body, but it only left traces on the Changsheng Battle Armor. The power of this sword light was extraordinary, but it did not hurt Chen Feng.

Chen Feng swept his eyes and saw a human cultivator looking at him in horror. Chen Feng smiled coldly, just locked the other party with his breath, and then turned to go in other directions. At this time, snatching the Chaos Green Lotus was the most important thing. Chen Feng would not bother with the other party for the time being, but after this matter was over, Chen Feng did not mind dealing with the other party.

Swept by Chen Feng's eyes, the cultivator was even more terrified. The cultivator didn't know Chen Feng. Suddenly, he saw a God King coming to snatch the Azure Lotus, so he wanted to kill him. Who knew that his attack didn't even tear open the opponent's defense? He immediately knew that the God King might be a disguise. You have to know that the long sword in his hand is a top-grade artifact. Even the Taichu Zhenjun didn't dare to take it head-on.

"The opponent is eyeing me, but don't worry. As long as I can grab a Chaos Azure Lotus, I will leave immediately." The cultivator made up his mind.

Bang! Bang!

Two star beasts hit Chen Feng. Chen Feng turned over to avoid the two star beasts and quickly grabbed them. He collected another lotus seed and a leaf. In Chen Feng's opinion, even if he took a hard hit, he would not fight with the opponent. If he didn't delay for a while, the Azure Lotus would fall into the hands of others.


Chen Feng raised his hand and threw out several time thunders. The time force generated by the explosion of the divine thunder made the surrounding space still, and all the star beasts and cultivators in this area stopped.

Chen Feng quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed, and two more lotus seeds, two leaves, and a broken lotus fell into his hand.


Chen Feng snorted coldly. Although these things are extremely precious, they are broken after all. Chen Feng needs a complete Chaos Green Lotus.

So Chen Feng's eyes kept sweeping, and soon locked onto another Chaos Green Lotus, and then sent out a mighty void turbulence, entangled other star beasts and star beasts, and Chen Feng rushed towards the Chaos Green Lotus.

"Chaos Green Lotus!"

At this time, a surprised voice came, and Chen Feng suddenly jumped. The person who came was an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal. This was not good. Chen Feng did not pause at all, and rushed forward quickly. Intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals began to appear. The next thing would definitely be more tragic, so Chen Feng had to get this green lotus in the shortest time.


A torrent of flames suddenly rushed towards Chen Feng, and at the same time, a big hand grabbed the Chaos Green Lotus.

"Another intermediate master."

Chen Feng's eyes shrank. The big hand and the torrent of flames appeared silently, and he knew that another master had arrived, and the opponent locked onto the Chaos Green Lotus right away. Chen Feng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the light of the void flew out, shooting towards the big hand, while Chen Feng waved the sword of the abyss, and the blue-black sword curtain blocked the torrent of flames.

The light of the void hit the big hand and produced a bunch of sparks, blocking the big hand from falling. Then a void chain suddenly appeared and directly entangled the Chaos Green Lotus. After putting away the green lotus, Chen Feng's pupils on his brows also closed.

"Looking for death!"

Chen Feng collected a complete Chaos Green Lotus and immediately attracted the lock of the two intermediate Taiyi Jinxians, especially the one who was blocked by Chen Feng, who directly attacked Chen Feng.


Chen Feng sneered. It takes each person's own skills to snatch the Chaos Azure Lotus. This is not the time for a big fight. However, Chen Feng would not evade the opponent's attack. The Sword of the Abyss slashed at the huge palm.


The two fought quickly for several rounds. Some of the nearby star beasts were bounced away. During the battle, Chen Feng saw that two lotus seeds were obtained by a star beast. He couldn't help but get angry. At the same time, he also understood the opponent's mind. Now there is no complete Chaos Azure Lotus in this area. This intermediate Taiyi Jinxian came late. It is more convenient to kill the cultivator who has the Chaos Azure Lotus directly than to snatch it.

It's a pity that Chen Feng is not an ordinary cultivator. This intermediate Taiyi Jinxian made a wrong idea.


Another intermediate Taiyi Jinxian had killed a cultivator and snatched half of the Chaos Green Lotus, while Chen Feng was still fighting. A cultivator in black armor was holding a spear and constantly attacking Chen Feng. Chen Feng, holding the Sword of the Abyss, was at a disadvantage, but this person could not defeat Chen Feng in a short time.

"Hand over the Chaos Green Lotus." The black-armored cultivator said coldly, and the spear in his hand stabbed at Chen Feng's forehead.

The sword curtain bloomed in front of Chen Feng, blocking the opponent's attack. Chen Feng retreated repeatedly, but laughed: "Are you an idiot? How can I give you my things? If you want it, exchange it with your life."

"Okay, I want your life." The black-armored cultivator's murderous intent continued to soar, but his face became calmer.

At this time, the flying Chaos Green Lotus had been snatched away, and these latecomers could only get it back from the former.

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