Eternal Existence

Chapter 169: One Hundred Years of Cultivation

"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?" Ruta had already seen that Chen Feng was in a bad state.

"Hurry up and leave here." Chen Feng said quickly, then stood up and flashed out of the wine shop. Next, Chen Feng paused, and flew into the sky with a flash of sword light all over his body. Then he staggered away.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?" After Ruta came out, he could only see a shadow of Chen Feng, and he quickly chased him without saying more.

"Ta, there won't be any problems with the fairy wine I drank?" He said quickly while flying rapidly. At this time, Chen Feng had already left the city and flew to a sparsely populated place based on his impression.

"I'm analyzing it. Since it's wine, there shouldn't be any problems. However, the wine you drank was carefully brewed by the other party, and it was mixed with a lot of spiritual medicine. Of course, the spiritual medicines I'm talking about are not as low-level as those you usually come into contact with. The medicinal power of each spiritual medicine is not something that ordinary people can dissolve. In other words, drinking this bowl of wine is equivalent to swallowing a few heaven-level pills, and they are also the kind of tonic medicine." Ta said quickly.

"What should I do then?" Chen Feng said anxiously.

"If that's the case, I'll burst."

"Hehe, who told you to be so greedy, but fortunately this is wine, the final result, hehehe." As he said that, Ta actually laughed.

"What's the final result?" Chen Feng asked loudly.

"What do you think will happen if you get drunk? Of course, you will get drunk." Ta's tone suddenly became relaxed, as if he had analyzed Chen Feng's current situation clearly.

Chen Feng felt more and more dizzy, looking at the ground below, he actually felt like the world was spinning, and even the sword light around him began to shake, as if it would dissipate at any time.

"Huh, I didn't expect that I would get drunk, and I got drunk with just a bowl of wine. It's really embarrassing to tell others." Chen Feng quickly fell to the ground.

"Hey, you kid, go have fun, when you wake up you will know what benefits you will get." Ta couldn't help but said.

"Benefits, what benefits?" Chen Feng's consciousness was getting less and less clear.


Chen Feng fell heavily to the ground, smashing a deep pit in the ground.

Chen Feng barely opened his eyes and looked at Ruta who was catching up with him from a distance. Then his heavy eyelids finally closed and he fell into a deep sleep the next moment. His breathing began to be long and even, his face gradually became ruddy, and finally his whole body became hot.

"Brother Chen."

Ruta finally caught up and saw Chen Feng lying on the ground sleeping soundly, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

After circling Chen Feng for a few times, Ruta came to a conclusion that made him laugh and cry, that is, Chen Feng was drunk and was in a drunken state at this time.

"Is that bowl of wine so powerful?" Ruta said to himself, then stepped forward and carried Chen Feng up. Not long after, they came to the foot of a mountain and threw Chen Feng on a smooth rock.

Originally, Ruta thought that Chen Feng would wake up soon, but who knew that day after day, Chen Feng still showed no signs of waking up. On the fifth day, a strong wind blew and heavy rain fell.

Ruta had no choice but to find a secret place to dig a cave and put Chen Feng in it.

Heavy rain fell for three days and three nights, but Chen Feng still did not wake up. Although his whole body was hot, his breathing was even and smooth, his heartbeat was strong, and his life breath was stable. Ruta was relieved.

Three days passed, and soon another three days passed. Finally, Ruta could not bear it anymore, so he walked out of the cave, found a big stone to block the cave entrance, and ran to a place a hundred meters away from the cave to practice.

Ruta did not dare to go far, let alone leave, for fear that Chen Feng, who was in a coma, would be in danger.

The days of waiting alone are very boring, especially for a macho man like Ruta who has a carefree personality.

On the twentieth day, Ruta could no longer bear it, carried Chen Feng out, found a more secret place to hide again, and then flew back to the city to go shopping.

It took Ruta a whole day to come back. What made Ruta feel relieved was that Chen Feng was still sleeping soundly, but what Ruta did not know was that the man in green came once, looked at Chen Feng who was sleeping soundly, showed a strange look on his face, and finally sighed and slowly left.

A month passed quickly.

Then came the second month.

After more than three months and a whole day, Chen Feng finally woke up.


The huge rock blocking the entrance of the cave was smashed by Chen Feng's slap, knocking Ruta, who had just returned and wanted to enter the cave, out.

"Oh, it hurts so much." Ruta screamed.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng still looked a little confused.

"What's going on? I was just about to ask you what's going on. How did you wake up?" Ruta said dissatisfiedly while touching a big lump on his head.

"What's the smell?" Chen Feng suddenly smelled a rancid smell that went straight into his nostrils.

"It came from you." Ruta pointed at Chen Feng and quickly retreated a long way.

Only then did Chen Feng feel that his whole body was sticky and smelly, just like an ordinary person who hadn't taken a bath for several years.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, then he took off and flew away quickly.

"Hey! Something is wrong." Chen Feng felt something abnormal in his body in mid-air.

"Ta, what happened?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"Hahahahaha, you'll understand if you think about it carefully." Tower laughed.


Chen Feng plunged into a small river, and the waves were everywhere. When Chen Feng came out again, the sour smell on his body had disappeared completely.

After changing into clean clothes, Chen Feng carefully checked the situation in his body.

For half an hour, Chen Feng did not move, and Ruta, who caught up with him, did not make a sound to disturb him.

"How could this happen?" Chen Feng suddenly shouted.

"What happened?" Ruta asked curiously.

Chen Feng stretched out his right hand, and a green long sword condensed from his palm, which was the Longevity Sword.

The Longevity Sword grew bigger and bigger in Chen Feng's hand, and it stopped when it grew to a size of ten feet.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his left hand again, and a larger Longevity Sword quickly condensed. Feeling the power in the sword, Chen Feng himself was a little frightened.

Buzz! Buzz!

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Longevity Sword and the Longevity Sword slammed into the ground at the same time.


There was a dull sound, and the soil flew everywhere. Two trenches one zhang wide, one hundred zhang long, and one zhang deep appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Ah, am I dazzled?" Ruta looked at the trench in front of him and raised it three zhang high.

"I also wonder if I am dazzled." Chen Feng said excitedly.

Just now, Chen Feng was familiar with his physical condition in half an hour, and the result was that he became stronger, and very strong.

The meridians were nearly doubled compared to before, and the true qi was more than ten times more abundant than before. More importantly, the quality of the longevity true qi that Chen Feng cultivated had been qualitatively improved. The true qi seemed to be alive, constantly flowing throughout the body, as clear as the river of life that had existed for ten thousand years.

The internal organs and bones of the whole body seemed to be washed. Chen Feng looked inward with his consciousness and felt that there was a faint luster flowing out of the bones of the whole body, as if jade was full of spirituality.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and the pores of his whole body opened wide, and a faint turbid air sprayed out from the pores.

Not only that, even the space in the Tianyuan acupoint and the magnetic pole acupoint was opened up to be wider. The Haoran Zhengang Sword was suppressed in the Tianyuan acupoint, and it immediately rang when it sensed Chen Feng's consciousness.

More importantly, Chen Feng faintly felt that some secret places in his body and some strange acupoints were constantly beating. Chen Feng knew that this was a precursor to the opening of some acupoints.

In addition to these, Chen Feng also felt that there seemed to be no changes in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power of the soul was not too much enhanced, but even so Chen Feng was shocked to the extreme.

"My strength has risen by several levels. Although the power of the soul has not been enhanced, the strength of the physical body and the cultivation of true qi have made a qualitative leap. Is this all because of the bowl of wine just now?" Chen Feng was shocked.

"Do you know that you have increased your cultivation by a hundred years after sleeping? Tsk tsk, your cultivation is improved by one day and one year. You are really lucky." Ta said with a smile.

"What, a hundred years of cultivation?" Chen Feng said in a lost voice, but thinking about it carefully, it was true. It was hard to say for himself, but for ordinary cultivators, if they wanted to cultivate their bodies to Chen Feng's state, they might not be able to do it in a hundred years.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng suddenly asked: "Brother Lu, how long did I sleep?"

"A full hundred days, hey! Fortunately you woke up, I was really suffocated during this period." Lu Ta was relieved to see that Chen Feng was fine.

"One hundred days, one hundred days, a hundred years of cultivation, one day a year." Chen Feng seemed to be stupid.

"A bowl of wine has improved my cultivation by a hundred years, who is that man in green?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

"It's a human immortal, strange, strange, how could the other party improve your strength for no reason, if it was because of your previous nonsense, I wouldn't believe it, there must be a reason, and the other party came to see you once when you were asleep, but I don't know if he noticed my existence?" Even the tower didn't understand this matter at all.

"Who cares? If you can't figure it out, forget it. Anyway, the power is real. At most, I will return the favor to him when I meet him in the future." Since Chen Feng couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it anymore. After all, it was a good thing to increase his strength.

"Brother Chen, what did you do just now?" Ruta hadn't recovered from the surprise just now.

"Hahaha." Chen Feng suddenly laughed, and then stepped forward and hugged Ruta's shoulders.

"I say, Lao Lu, you are a big loss." Chen Feng laughed.

"How did I lose a lot?" Ruta was a little curious.

"Do you know that the bowl of wine I drank has improved my cultivation by a hundred years, hahaha, you should have asked for some at that time, or I should have given you half a bowl." Chen Feng laughed proudly.

"What? A hundred years of cultivation, you didn't lie to me?" Ruta howled.

"Didn't you see the attack I launched just now?"

"Oh, it's a big loss, why didn't you leave me half a bowl, even a mouthful, no, a drop is fine." Ruta was extremely regretful, and the muscles on his face twisted.

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