Eternal Existence

Chapter 170 Seven Star City

Even after returning to the small town, Ruta still didn't calm down. Seeing Chen Feng's cultivation level skyrocketed by a hundred years just because he drank a bowl of wine, it would be a lie to say that he was not jealous.

"Hey! Your luck is really against the sky, but after all, we are partners, why can't I get some of the credit?" Ruta finally shook his head and said.

"Maybe your luck is not good enough, maybe it will be the same next time. When you meet that green-clothed man again, just go up and curry favor with him." Chen Feng comforted.

"Hey, it's not that easy. That kind of master who is hard to see is not easy to see." Ruta shook his head.

"Wait until you enter Taiyi Sect, there are so many masters inside, maybe someone will take a fancy to you and take you as a disciple." Chen Feng smiled.

For a period of time, Chen Feng and the others played while moving forward, and Chen Feng even bought enough books in a large city. The contents of these books were all about introducing the eternal world or the immortal sects. For example, "Newcomer Ranking", "Stronger Ranking", "World Latest News", "Magic Weapon Types", etc. Chen Feng even spent a high price to buy the two books "Introduction to Refining Equipment" and "Introduction to Alchemy". Although there are only some simple refining methods in them, they are very suitable for Chen Feng's current situation.

These books are different from the books in the secular world. Each one is sky-high, and it is not ordinary gold and silver. The currency used is spirit stones and elixirs. Chen Feng couldn't afford it before, but now he has a lot of magic crystals, so buying these things is naturally nothing. However, Chen Feng secretly felt a little distressed when he saw the magic crystals constantly decreasing.

"I didn't expect that things in the cultivation world are so expensive. A magic robe dares to ask for a thousand magic crystals, which is equivalent to 100,000 Yuanyang Pills. Isn't this simply a rip-off?" Ruta complained with some dissatisfaction.

Last time at the magic crystal mine, not only Chen Feng, but also Ruta and Ye Ziming were also allocated a large number of magic crystals. Ruta also planned to buy some things along the way, but he was a little dumbfounded after seeing the price.

"This is a fifth-grade robe. It is impervious to water and fire, dust and poison, and insect bites. It also has the ability to fly, and can help you resist the opponent's attack. It can even defend against the fifth-grade flying sword. It was made by Master Lu, and the grade is the best in the whole city." Hearing that Lu Ta said it was expensive, the shop owner immediately began to persuade him with his eloquence.

"Five-grade robes." Chen Feng thought about it.

"We want ten pieces. Can you give us a discount? By the way, I also want to buy a few flying swords." Chen Feng said.

"This, if you buy more, we can give you a discount." The shop owner's eyes lit up, and he looked at Chen Feng and the others as if he saw the God of Wealth.

In the end, Chen Feng bought ten fifth-grade robes and ten fifth-grade flying swords, spending a total of 50,000 magic crystals.

"I didn't expect that the flying swords of the same level would be so much more expensive than the robes." Chen Feng was a little surprised after leaving the store.

"Of course, after all types of magic weapons, this kind of offensive treasure is the most expensive. By the way, why do we buy so many robes and flying swords?" Ruta asked.

"Of course it is useful. Besides, after entering Taiyi Sect, can I use treasures every day? Don't forget that I am only a cultivator of the second level of the secret realm. After entering Taiyi Sect, we are newcomers and we have to be low-key in everything." Chen Feng said with a smile.

They found a place where no one was around, and the two of them changed into robes directly, with the flying swords they just bought hanging around their waists. This level of flying sword can change its shape at will.

In this way, Chen Feng and the other person, wearing fifth-grade robes and brand-new flying swords, changed their temperament, like some disciples of the immortal sect who came out to travel, and immediately attracted the attention of many people on the street.

"It turns out that clothes make the man." Chen Feng sighed.

Then the two of them found some shops and bought a batch of pills and some medicinal materials, which ended their journey of spending money.

"Huh, I thought that I would be rich if I attacked a magic crystal mine, but I didn't expect that I was still a local rich man. If we spend at this rate, I'm afraid that the magic crystals on us won't last long, and we still need to absorb the spiritual energy in the magic crystals to cultivate." Chen Feng said.

"Yeah, I feel really distressed watching the magic crystals on my body decrease piece by piece." Ruta also gritted his teeth.

"Hehe, wait for a chance to find a magic crystal mine to rob it in the future." Chen Feng whispered.

"This is a good idea." Ruta agreed.

"Let's go to Qixing City now." Chen Feng smiled and replied.

Qixing City is a city under the command of Xingluomen, one of the ten major immortal sects in Beiyuan. It is a large city, much larger than Baiyun City. Not to mention the scale of hundreds of miles or thousands of miles, there are countless small and medium-sized cities around it.

In fact, after entering the territory of Xingluomen, Chen Feng and the others really felt that the spiritual energy in the space was becoming more and more dense, and it was also mixed with some spiritual energy that was a little unfamiliar to Chen Feng and the others.

Finally, the two of them figured out that the spiritual energy was the power of the stars.

The closer they got to the Seven Star City, the more cultivators there were on the road, and the majority of them were cultivators who practiced the power of the stars. Occasionally, some disciples of the Xingluo Sect walked by or flew over, and the pedestrians on the road would have respectful expressions on their faces, and even a few people would bow slightly.

This situation surprised Chen Feng and the others.

"It seems that the Xingluo Sect's rule is in place." Chen Feng said with emotion.

Among the ten great sects of the Northern Plains, Xingluo Sect is considered to be in the middle of the pack. It has a vast territory and a large population. Although its disciples are not as arrogant and aggressive as Jiange, they are also talented and their overall strength is comparable to that of Taiyi Sect.

"It's really strange. Why is the power of the stars so strong in the territory of Xingluo Sect? I can't feel it in other places." Luta said with some curiosity.

"Maybe it's caused by the terrain, or maybe someone has used great magic power to communicate with the stars in the sky." Chen Feng smiled.

"You're right. Someone has indeed used great magic power to communicate with the stars in the sky, especially the moon and the sun. These two star powers are the strongest." Ta suddenly spoke.

"The moon and the sun." Chen Feng naturally understood that these were two huge and ancient stars, containing the two most wonderful powers in the universe, the extreme yang and the extreme yin.

"I don't know if I can absorb this power." Chen Feng said and began to try to absorb the surrounding star power.

At first, only a trace of star power melted into Chen Feng's body, but soon, as Chen Feng's skills were running faster and faster, the star power around him began to drill into Chen Feng's body. After running for several cycles in his body, it turned into a trace of true essence and slowly flowed along Chen Feng's meridians.

"Can it be absorbed?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"What's so strange? Practicing the Changsheng Zhenjing can even absorb demonic energy, not to mention that this is the star power that is originally the purest energy in the universe." Ta said as a matter of course.

"The purest energy in the universe, isn't it very powerful to say that the cultivators who practice star arts are very powerful." Chen Feng said.

"Of course, but although the formula is important, the most important thing is people." Ta said.

After entering the Seven Star City, the star power around him became more concentrated, and even Chen Feng was surprised by the concentration.

"What a pity, such a concentrated star power, I can't refine it. I finally absorbed it and it quickly dispersed." Lu Ta sighed on the side.

"It's very simple. If you join Xingluomen and practice the art of stars, you will naturally be able to absorb the star power here." Chen Feng said with a smile.

There are seven peculiar peaks in Qixing City, which are arranged in a certain direction. Moreover, these seven peaks can continuously absorb a large amount of star power from the stars. After the operation and transformation of the magic array, these star power are spread throughout the city, making the star power of the entire Qixing City several times more concentrated than other places.

Of course, these news were all read by Chen Feng from the newly bought books. As for what other functions these seven peaks have, it is not for Chen Feng to know.

Although the star power of Qixing City is rich, and the buildings are also unusually tall, and the monks come and go, it is very prosperous, but Chen Feng and the others did not stay too long.

After just wandering around in Qixing City for two days, Chen Feng and Ruta came to a very peculiar place in Qixing City on the third day.

Teleportation array.

This is not the kind of space array formed casually by using command flags, but a real large-scale space shuttle teleportation array.

In the center of the wide square, there is a circular platform with a radius of ten feet. It is engraved with dense micro-arrays and various strange runes. In specific positions, there are rare spiritual stones embedded on it. In addition, there are heavy soldiers guarding the surroundings. These people are all formal disciples of Xingluomen.

At this time, not far from the teleportation array, there are already teams of monks waiting. These people come to use the other distant locations in front of the teleportation array.

When Chen Feng and the others arrived, they saw a group of dozens of people walking into the circular platform. After a dazzling flash of light, these people disappeared, leaving only waves of space power vibrating around.

After an incense stick.

"The next batch." A sergeant leader in heavy armor shouted.

Along with the sergeant leader's shout, another team of monks walked in. The light flashed, and these monks disappeared again.

Chen Feng looked at it strangely. This sergeant leader was actually the seventh level of the secret realm, and he had condensed the soul fire. The soldiers wearing heavy armor around were all at the third or fourth level of the secret realm.

Every time a stick of incense was burned, a group of cultivators would enter the teleportation array and teleport to the destination they wanted to go to.

Chen Feng and the others looked around, and then walked to a house not far away. This house was very ordinary, with only one window, but it was full of cultivators outside.

It turned out that this was the place to pay the teleportation fee.

Finally, Chen Feng and the others arrived. An old man with a white beard in the house asked without raising his head: "Where?"

"One Yuan City." Chen Feng said.

"One thousand magic crystals per person." The old man looked up at the two of them.

"What, one thousand magic crystals, that's 100,000 yuan of Yang Dan, and two people are 200,000 yuan of Yang Dan." Before Chen Feng spoke, Ruta started shouting.

"That's right, but we don't accept Yuan Yang Dan, we only accept magic crystals." The old man smiled.

"This is simply cannibalism." Ruta muttered.

"Of course, you have another way, that is to fly over slowly." The old man was not angry, but smiled, obviously he was used to this situation.

"What are you dawdling about in front of you? If you don't have money, get out of my way." An arrogant voice sounded from behind Chen Feng and the others.

Along with the voice, there was a strong gust of wind pushing towards Chen Feng and the others.

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