Eternal Existence

Chapter 168: The Man in Green

Even Chen Feng felt a little dizzy after taking a few sips. You know, for these cultivators, no matter how strong the wine is, they will not get drunk, otherwise this cultivation will become a decoration.

However, the situation in front of them was beyond everyone's imagination. The aroma of the wine was tempting, and many cultivators present had begun to swallow their saliva.

"Good wine, brother, let me have a taste." A tall and strong man strode up and stretched out his hand to grab the wine jar in the hands of the man in green.

"This man is a cultivator in the third level of the secret realm, and his body is strong, his muscles are compact, his joints are flexible, his body is tall but his steps are flexible, and he must have rich fighting experience. I wonder how this man in green can deal with it?" Chen Feng quickly analyzed the fighting power of this tall and strong man.

Just when this man was about to grab the wine jar, the man in green waved his hand lightly as if casually, and this tall man screamed and flew out, flying more than 20 meters in a row, and fell heavily to the ground, then his head was straightened and he fainted.


Everyone was shocked. Everyone saw the action of the man in green clearly. It was simple and casual. He didn't even emit any true energy. It was like a drunk ordinary person waving his hand to drive away a fly. However, he easily knocked the cultivator of the third level of the secret realm unconscious.

"This man is a hidden master." This is what everyone present thought.

"Strange, strange, this man in green is obviously only at the third level of the secret realm. When he started, there was not even any power fluctuation in his body. And he waved his hand gently and his movements were slow. Even ordinary people could dodge it, but this big man was hit. It's very strange. Is this man really a master?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Looking for death!"

At this time, three more people rushed towards the man in green at the same time. They were the partners of the big man who was knocked unconscious just now. They were all muscular big men of the same type. They were very fast. Before the shouting fell, the three people had surrounded the man in green and grabbed him with three claws at the same time.

"Hey! I hate being disturbed when I'm drinking." The man in green sighed, and it was the same waving motion as before. If you look closely, it's even slower than before. If you look more carefully, you will find that this waving seems to hit one of them, but it hits the chests of three people at the same time.

This situation immediately gives people an illusion. It's obviously just hitting one person, why is it attacking three people at the same time.

Even Chen Feng didn't see clearly what was going on. If this person was extremely fast, it would be fine, but it was obvious that this person's waving motion was so clear that everyone seemed to be able to see the lines on the palm of his hand.


With just a slight sound, the three big men followed the footsteps of the man just now, all of them were thrown out heavily, fell heavily to the ground, and fainted heavily.

"Awesome, awesome, this is not an illusion, this man in green is already amazing to an unimaginable level." Chen Feng was shocked.

"Tower, have you seen what realm this person is in?" Chen Feng immediately asked secretly.

There was no response. Chen Feng realized at this time that he had lost contact with the Longevity Tower, as if the Longevity Tower had suddenly disappeared from his forehead.

"Could it be?" Chen Feng guessed a result that he didn't want to believe.

"Could it be that this person is so powerful that even the tower is afraid of him? It seems that this is the case." Thinking of this, Chen Feng immediately guarded his mind and stopped thinking about it.

"Why do you want to disturb others to drink? Don't you know that it is very impolite to disturb others to drink?" The man in green said lightly, and his deep voice seemed a little strange in the scene in front of him.

"In fact, I am a very generous person. Sometimes I don't mind sharing my own immortal wine with friends." While the man in green was talking, he had already changed the way of drinking and began to taste it slowly with a wine bowl.

"Immortal wine!"

Although everyone disagreed with what the man in green said, the wine was indeed good, but with the previous experience of the four people just now, no one dared to provoke him.

"By the way, little brother, you haven't told me how you know that becoming an immortal will bring you great freedom?" After a bowl of wine, the man in green suddenly turned to Chen Feng and asked.

"Uh, this question." Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded. To be honest, he couldn't answer this question at all.

What Chen Feng didn't expect was that the man in green was so serious. They were just talking about it. If they went into it, it would be meaningless.

"If what you said satisfies me, I will treat you to a drink today. I haven't shared this immortal wine with others for a hundred years since it was brewed." The man in green stretched out his finger and flicked it. A stream of wine flew out of the wine jar and landed in the wine bowl in front of Chen Feng. A bowl of emerald green wine made people want to drink it in one breath.

"Haha, sir, um, or should I call you senior, senior, you seem to be a little serious. I said that after becoming an immortal, you can break free and be truly free. This is just a metaphor of mine, or a goal and hope on my path of cultivation. If someone tells me now that cultivating to become an immortal cannot lead to transcendence, let alone freedom, and on the contrary there are more constraints, then why should I practice? Who in our cultivation world would still desperately pursue the path to immortality?" Chen Feng began to speak seriously, but in fact he didn't know what nonsense he was talking about.

"Even if you can't be free after becoming an immortal, at least for me now, becoming an immortal is my ultimate goal, that is, the realm where I can achieve great freedom."

"That makes sense, go on." The man in green suddenly smiled, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Just now you said that even if you become an immortal, you can't achieve great freedom. Could it be that the senior is an immortal?" Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"Immortal? Hahahaha!" The man in green suddenly laughed, and his laughter was a little arrogant, and there was something indescribable.

"Come on, little brother, I'll treat you to this bowl of wine. How about trying the immortal wine I brewed?" The man in green grabbed the wine jar and poured it into his mouth again.

"Immortal wine?" Chen Feng smiled and picked up the wine bowl and drank it all.

After the cool wine went down, there was still a lingering fragrance in his mouth. A breath of wine steamed out of his body and rushed straight into Chen Feng's head, making Chen Feng feel like he had been enlightened.

"How does it feel?" The man in green asked with a smile.

"Nothing special." Chen Feng said lightly, feeling somewhat disappointed. The wine was very fragrant just now, but it was not as wonderful as he had imagined.

"Nothing special, nothing special, hahahaha, nothing special." The man in green laughed loudly, his long eyebrows shaking constantly.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to say something, he suddenly opened his eyes wide. Not only Chen Feng, but all the other cultivators in the wine shop opened their eyes wide and looked at the position where the man in green was.

The laughter was still there, but the man in green had disappeared without a trace. Just now, he disappeared without a trace under the attention of a group of cultivators around him, and it was not a sudden disappearance, but when everyone came to their senses, they felt that the man in green had disappeared, a feeling of confusion in space and time.

After the laughter disappeared, everyone began to discuss.

"Who was that person just now? How come I have never seen him or heard of him?"

"Although he looks like a drunkard, his cultivation is very profound. I think he should be a cultivator in the Heavenly Man Realm?"

"By the way, brother, how did that bowl of wine taste just now?" Someone approached Chen Feng and asked.

"It's just so-so." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Oh, it turns out it's just a show." Hearing Chen Feng say this, the man immediately turned around and left.

At this time, Chen Feng's mind suddenly moved, and then he secretly asked: "Ta, what happened just now?"

"Huh, it was close, the man just now was a human immortal." Ta said in a deep voice, revealing a taste of disbelief in his voice.

"What, human immortal, immortal, really an immortal, then the wine I drank just now is also immortal wine." Chen Feng jumped up directly, scaring Luta on the side.

"Hey, human immortals are not immortals, there is a difference between them." Ta suddenly laughed.

"What's the difference?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"You will know later. It's useless to tell you now. Hey, no, what's wrong with you? What did you drink just now?" Ta suddenly asked nervously.

"Immortal wine, that is, the wine brewed by the man in green, that is, the human immortal. The other party claims to be immortal wine. Although the taste is good, it can't be called immortal wine." Chen Feng said casually.

"Immortal wine, it's bad." Ta said hurriedly.

"What's bad?" Chen Feng asked curiously, and didn't feel anything wrong in his body.

"I said you really drank immortal wine." Ta said loudly.

"It's really immortal wine, so what, immortal wine is also wine." Chen Feng still didn't care.

"Immortal wine can be drunk casually at your level, you will know later." Ta said dully.

"I don't feel anything, just a little drunk, hey, why am I a little drunk?" Chen Feng only felt a wave of alcohol steaming from his body at this time, constantly rushing to his mind, and he was actually a little dizzy.

"This feeling." Chen Feng felt his eyes began to be a little dazed.

I remember when I was wandering as a kid, I picked up half a bottle of wine on the roadside. I felt the same way when I drank it. Later, after Chen Feng practiced, he became strong and his Qi flowed in his body. How could ordinary wine make him drunk?

But now Chen Feng was drunk, and his drunkenness became stronger and stronger. Later, Chen Feng even felt that Ruta in front of him began to shake.

It seemed that there was a ball of fire in his stomach, constantly burning his internal organs. The smell of alcohol began to hit all parts of his body like a heat wave, and even the sea of ​​consciousness and the acupoints opened up could not stop it.

Chen Feng urged the Qi, and then burned the soul fire. Later, he even used the power of the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword. Not only did he not suppress the drunkenness, but he felt that the fire in his body was burning more and more fiercely. Especially when burning the soul fire, the smell of alcohol that rushed into his mind became more fierce, as if it would burn at any time.

"It's bad, it's really bad." Chen Feng began to shake a little.

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