Eternal Existence

Chapter 167 News

"Finally out, I was almost suffocated in the tower." Ruta shouted and breathed the fresh air around.

"I didn't expect to be able to come out alive." Tao Lao Da sighed.

"How are your injuries recovering?" Chen Feng asked.

"Almost, sir, where are we going next, do you want to go to our Tao Mountain to take a look, maybe you can meet the immortal fate." Tao Lao Da said respectfully.

"Haha, how can it be so good, you have lived there for so many years and have not met the immortal fate, and I will be the same if I go there. Next, I plan to go to Taiyi Gate." Chen Feng smiled.

"Taiyi Gate, Brother Chen, it seems that you have made up your mind. Well, let's separate for the time being. I will go to Taiyi Gate to find you when I have time." Ye Ziming smiled on the side.

"What are Brother Ye's plans?" Chen Feng asked.

"There are some things to deal with, and I may also travel to other places." Ye Ziming smiled.

"Not going back to Zhongyuan?" Chen Feng asked.

"I will go back when I become stronger." The smile on Ye Ziming's face slowly disappeared.

"How strong?" Chen Feng asked.

"When you are strong enough." Ye Ziming said lightly.

"Brother Ye, if you need any help, you must notify us." Chen Feng said seriously.

"Yes, there is no need to be polite between us." Ruta stepped forward and patted Ye Ziming on the shoulder and smiled.

"Haha, don't worry, I will definitely notify you if there is anything." Ye Ziming was a little moved. Finally, he waved his hand vigorously and disappeared from everyone's sight step by step.

"Young Master, are you going to Taiyi Sect?" said Tao Lao Da.

"Yes, a friend of mine wrote me a letter of recommendation, recommending me to practice in Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng nodded.

"Let us follow the young master, so that we can pack some things for the young master." Tao Lao Da said.

"The future is unpredictable, and I don't know what it will be like to enter Taiyi Sect. You go back to Taoshan first, and I will find you after I settle down in Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Yes, our brothers are waiting for the young master in Taoshan." Tao Lao Da nodded.

"Here are 100,000 magic crystals. Take them and practice. I hope you can all break through next time we meet." Chen Feng waved his hand, and a small mountain of magic crystals appeared on the ground.

"Young Master, we." Tao Lao Da was interrupted by Chen Feng as soon as he started to speak.

"The most important thing for practice is to have resources. I have a lot of magic crystals on me. I don't care about these. Just take them if I ask you to." Chen Feng said lightly.

100,000 magic crystals are equivalent to 10 million Yangdan. For ordinary secret realm cultivators, this is a huge fortune, but for cultivators like Chen Feng who have dug magic crystal mines, it is nothing.

Seeing Chen Feng's firm attitude, the five heroes of Taoshan took out the space bag and went forward to collect all the magic crystals. Finally, they bowed to Chen Feng and turned away.

Only Chen Feng and Ruta were left.

"I also want to enter Taiyi Sect." Ruta spoke before Chen Feng could speak.

"This is perfect. We will be brothers in the same sect in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But I heard that the threshold to enter the top ten immortal sects is very high. I wonder if they will accept me." Ruta was a little worried.

"There is nothing to worry about. You will know after going to see it. Don't you have any confidence at all?" Chen Feng patted Ruta's shoulder.

Ruta is now at the third level of the secret realm. He can dominate a small town and is the target of some small and medium-sized sects. Even if he enters the top ten immortal sects, he can also gain a certain status. Of course, the premise is that he can become a formal disciple of this sect.

There is a strange phenomenon in the cultivation world. High-level casual cultivators disdain to join the immortal sects, and some cultivators with low cultivation or no development prospects will not be easily recruited by these immortal sects.

For example, if a teenager has not yet cultivated to the secret realm period, but has great talent and potential, then these immortal sects will rush to take him.

If a cultivator is obviously at the fourth or fifth level of the secret realm, or even higher, but his life is about to end, and he enters these immortal sects purely to live a few more days, then few large immortal sects are willing to accept him.

Although Taiyi Sect is one of the top ten immortal sects in Beiyuan and has strict rules for recruiting disciples, Chen Feng is not worried. First, Chen Feng is young and has enough cultivation. He has already passed the talent test. Second, he has Bai Ziyan's recommendation letter. Unless the Taiyi Sect recruiters are blind, they will not accept Chen Feng.

But Ruta is different. Although his cultivation is higher than Chen Feng, his talent is only average, and he is nearly 20 years older than Chen Feng. Although it is good to have this cultivation at this age, it is still a bit stressful to enter the top ten immortal sects in Beiyuan.

Chen Feng's location is still hundreds of thousands of miles away from Taiyi Sect. Even if he flies all day long, it will take some time to feel it.

Chen Feng and the others were not in a hurry to hurry, but traveled slowly along the way in the direction of Taiyi Sect. Along the way, the most common topic they heard was about Liuyun Xianshan. However, although a large number of cultivators came from all over the world every day, there were indeed very few cultivators who entered.

There were only a few people, which meant someone had gone in.

"Hey, old man, you said someone had entered the fairy mountain?"

That day, Chen Feng and his companions were resting in a tavern in a small town when they heard people talking about Liuyun Fairy Mountain and went up to ask.

"Yes, since the birth of Liuyun Immortal Mountain, those immortal sects finally couldn't bear it anymore. Just last month, our top ten immortal sects in Beiyuan united together and used many magic weapons and sets of formations. Finally, A point was suddenly opened, and a dozen monks entered it. "A thin monk said it vividly, as if he was seeing it with his own eyes.

"Then did you come out?" Ruta asked again.

"How is that possible? This is an immortal mountain. I don't know how many years it has existed. I heard that even immortals were trapped in it before. In short, none of the monks who went in could come out."

"Yes, yes, I have also heard that not only people from these immortal sects have entered, but also many casual cultivators have also entered the immortal mountain."

"Hey, casual cultivators can also enter. Are they very powerful casual cultivators?" Chen Feng couldn't help but ask.

"No, speaking of the casual cultivators who enter it, there are many who are not as good as me in cultivation. Hey, all the cultivators in the heaven and human realm will die if they go in. Why do these people go in to join in the fun? They really think they can get immortality. They are really crazy. Dreaming." The speaker was a stout middle-aged man.

Chen Feng took a look and found that this sturdy man only had the cultivation level of the second level of the secret realm, and the Qi he cultivated was also very mixed. He was a very ordinary secret realm monk.

"Strange, how could these casual cultivators get in?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I know about this, and I don't know if it is the result of the daily bombardment by those immortal sects. In recent times, there have been changes in this Flowing Cloud Immortal Mountain." A loud voice interrupted.

"What change? What change?" Someone next to him asked anxiously.

Hearing someone ask, the loud voice felt a little proud. He drank the strong wine in his hand in one breath and then said: "There is Liuyun Immortal Light guarding the outside of Liuyun Immortal Mountain. Do you know this?"

"Nonsense, of course we know. Please tell me quickly what changes have taken place?" someone asked loudly.

"Since more than ten days ago, there will be a gap in the Liuyun Immortal Light guarding the outside of the Immortal Mountain every day, and the cultivators attacking outside will take the opportunity to get in. Speaking of which, some casual cultivators first discovered this situation?" said in a loud voice.

"Do gaps appear every day?" Someone asked immediately.

"Of course, it has been more than ten days now, and some monks will take the opportunity to get in every day." Dasangmen said proudly.

"Then why don't you go in?" someone asked.

"I haven't lived enough yet. You've seen so many people go in, but not one of them comes out alive. Even if there is real destiny inside, I won't die." He said with a loud voice and picked up the strong liquor next to him and started drinking. .

"Maybe it leads to the fairy world?"

"I didn't expect that the fairy mountain can be entered. Brothers, let's set off now to have a chance to have a chance at fairyland."

"Hey, it's not that easy. You'll definitely die if you go in. But it's not bad to go and see the excitement. Maybe there's some bargains to be found."

"Hey! My lifespan will be exhausted in ten years. Now I can take a gamble by entering the Immortal Mountain. Death there will not be the same." An old monk sighed and walked away.

Chen Feng saw that this was an old monk on the fourth level of the secret realm. However, his vitality had begun to decline, giving people a feeling of being old-fashioned. Maybe his vitality would be exhausted in less than ten years, unless this In ten years, the soul fire can be cultivated and the power of life can be rekindled, but this can only extend the time by about ten years, and then the soul fire will slowly extinguish. However, the chance of this old monk condensing the soul fire in just ten years is almost zero. Unless he can take a heaven-defying elixir or have a great destiny, there is no other way. All you can do is wait for your life to run out and turn into ashes.

"Hey, although we monks are much better than ordinary people, we still can't transcend or truly be free until we become immortals." Chen Feng sighed with emotion.

"Hahaha, what this little brother said is really interesting. Even if you become an immortal, can you really transcend yourself and become truly free?" At this time, a hearty voice came from the table next to you.

This man looks to be in his thirties, dressed in Tsing Yi, his face is a little thin, and a little white. The most striking thing is that this man has eyebrows that are longer than others, evenly drooping at the corners of his eyes. , it is this pair of long eyebrows that gives people a strange feeling.

At this time, the man seemed to be drunk. There was a wine jar and a wine bowl on the table in front of him, but he was holding a wine gourd in his hand. When he saw Chen Feng feeding him, the man immediately turned his head and faced Chen Feng. He smiled, then raised the gourd in his hand and poured it into his mouth. The aroma of wine soon filled the entire wine shop, and even Chen Feng couldn't help but take a few deep breaths.

"Damn it, boss, why don't you bring out some good wine?" At this time, someone slapped the table in dissatisfaction and shouted.

"Yes, why don't you sell such good wine to us? Will we still have no money to pay the bill?"

"Haha, please calm down. The wine this gentleman drank was brought by himself. Our small shop cannot make such good wine." The shop owner came out and said with a smile.

"How come this gentleman knows that becoming an immortal can't make him feel at ease?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Then how do you know you will be at ease when you become an immortal?" The man in Tsing Yi laughed, slapping the wine jar on the table open, opening his mouth and taking a sip, and a stream of green wine shot out from the wine jar, one drop at a time. Everything that was not leaked fell into Qing Yi's mouth.

The aroma of wine in the entire wine shop became stronger, and some of the guests who were closer even felt a little dizzy.

"What a powerful wine." A monk with insufficient cultivation took a few deep breaths and fell to the ground. The aroma of the wine alone made him faint.

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