Eternal Existence

Chapter 156: The Yellow Bird Behind

"Hehe, don't worry, my invisibility talisman has been refined by a master of the Heaven Realm with magic power. Unless the other party's cultivation is far higher than the senior who helped me refine the invisibility talisman, he will not find any traces of the two of us." Xiao Yin laughed.

"And my invisibility talisman is very advanced, even the sound will not be transmitted." Xiao Yin was even more proud.

"That's good, that's good, let's get closer later, it will be convenient for us to take action." Chen Feng smiled.

"But you have to be fast, otherwise they will catch up behind." Xiao Yin nodded and said.

"This monster has at least the strength of the ninth level of the secret realm. Everyone be careful and don't let the other party's venom splash on your body." The demon princess said, the blood-colored spear in her hand hummed, and the dark red blood on the spear seemed to flow, and a strong bloodthirsty aura continued to emanate.


The demon princess took the lead and stabbed the spear in her hand into the air. The airflow compressed into a thin line even broke the space and stabbed the big demon scorpion from a distance.

Although this demon scorpion has not cultivated to the level of a great demon and transformed into a human form, it has already possessed intelligence no less than that of humans. Knowing that the magic weapon in the hands of the Demon Princess is powerful, it dared not take it head-on, and tried to dodge it with a flick of its body.

But then the demon scorpion found that it was actually firmly locked by an extremely strong breath. It was as if its whole body was bound by layers of invisible silk threads when it wanted to dodge. It was extremely uncomfortable, and its body speed dropped sharply.

Fight hard! It can only fight hard.

The flexible and sharp tail needle swung a little, and it hit the attack made by the Demon Princess.


The ground exploded, and the demon scorpion was almost trapped in the hard rock by the powerful force.

"Good guy, I have already used 80% of my strength just now. Although this blood soul has not stimulated all its power, ordinary Tianren realm cultivators dare not take it head-on." The Demon Princess secretly exclaimed in her heart.

"Everyone, do it together. Don't let this monster run away." Mo Xigui also took action. The sword intent was boundless. The long sword in his hand seemed to be a thousand threads, attacking the scorpion that had not yet stood firm.

"Kill this monster."

Other cultivators came forward to surround the scorpion. Those with weaker cultivation stood at a distance to attack from a distance, and those with stronger cultivation went forward to fight in close combat at a short distance.

Soon, sparks burst out from the scorpion, and the weapons of the crowd could not even break the defense of the monster.

However, the monster was constantly retreating due to the powerful force acting on it, and the pain in the bone was not good.

Swish, swish, swish!

One after another, the command flags flew out continuously, and layers of restrictions were constantly formed. Some people even took out the Five Elements Gold Talisman to make the ground harder than fine steel, in order to prevent the scorpion from burrowing into the ground and escaping.

"Tsk, tsk, it's really wonderful. I didn't expect that these disciples from the immortal sects really have some means. In order to deal with a monster, they cooperated with each other tacitly." Xiao Yin sneered.

"By the way, how much do you know about these young masters?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Humph, there are only two or three of them who are worth looking at. The others are from small sects and have no talent. There is nothing to see." Xiao Yin said disdainfully.

"Is Mo Xigui one?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, this guy is actually very powerful. I heard that he was born in an ordinary family and has no talent in cultivation. However, he can cultivate to this level by practicing hard step by step. He has no talent but relies on a tenacious mind to cultivate to this achievement. Such people are very admirable. However, this guy's cultivation has made great progress after entering the Sword Pavilion. It may be that the cultivation atmosphere of the Sword Pavilion is very suitable for him. There are many perverts in the Sword Pavilion. You should know." Xiao Yin said.

"I have heard a little about it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"In addition to Xiao Yin, there are two people with great potential. One is from Liuyun Pavilion, and the other is a disciple of Jiuxiao Palace. They are the two, one wearing white and the other wearing blue. Although they are very arrogant, they have good cultivation. If they don't use treasures, I'm afraid I'm not their opponent. Now they have only shown part of their strength. These two guys are quite insidious." Xiao Yin said contemptuously.

"You know a lot about these immortal sects?" Chen Feng asked deliberately.

"Hehe, I am from the Demon Sound Sect. In the words of the immortal cultivators, they are the righteous way of immortality, and we are the evil demons. Of course, we are irreconcilable. Although there are few large-scale fights, many disciples of the sect will be killed and injured every year because of fighting. If you don't have some research on these people's information when you go out to make a living, you may not even know how you died in the future." Xiao Yin said with a smile.

"Then how much do you know about Mo Ji?" Chen Feng asked again.

"This woman is powerful." Xiao Yin frowned and said.

"Oh, how powerful is she?" Chen Feng changed his expression to a questioning one.

"All these young masters together are probably not the opponent of this woman." Xiao Yin said in a deep voice.

"Oh, so powerful." Chen Feng was really surprised.

"I can't tell the cultivation level of this woman, but I just feel that this is very dangerous. If I take action, I will definitely not be her opponent. This is an intuition, and my intuition has always been very accurate." Xiao Yin said.

"Since you are so powerful, why do you bring so many cultivators with you? Don't you find it troublesome?" Chen Feng sneered.

"I don't know. Maybe she has her own ideas. Besides, these four guards are also very powerful. Each of them has condensed into the soul fire, and the whole body is condensed with sword energy. This is the result of real practice. Don't deal with them. Brother Chen, if you really decide to take action, you have to want it. This woman is not easy to deal with." Xiao Yin laughed.

"Haha, this woman tricked us here and set us up. Not to mention that she still owes me a lot of Yuanyang Pills, I also want this poisonous thorn in front of me." Chen Feng laughed.

"This poisonous thorn is not bad. It may be refined into a treasure. Let's make a deal, Brother Chen, I will help you get this poisonous thorn. If there is another treasure next time, it will be mine." Xiao Yin said.

"Your calculation is quite good. Although this poisonous thorn is good, it is not as valuable as a treasure. However, I am somewhat interested in the magic weapon in the hands of the magic girl." Chen Feng's eyes were a little bright.

"This is a bit difficult. Let's see how things develop. Since we have cooperated, let's get the things first and then talk about how to divide them. Look, this big monster is almost dead." Xiao Yin said excitedly.

This fierce scorpion kept retreating under the siege of the crowd, and was finally beaten to roll over and over again. The hard shell had been broken, and the defense began to weaken continuously. Especially after the demon girl launched several attacks in succession from a distance, the monster finally began to fear.

"Maybe I will really be killed by these humans."

Feeling the wounds on my body and the continuous loss of power, this monster had this thought in my mind.

The venom in my body was almost sprayed out, and I didn't kill many people. The flexible tail sting also slowed down a little. Under the high-intensity siege, the combat effectiveness of this monster has declined.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

The four sword qi that condensed into substance formed a series of light and shadows, which heavily chopped the scorpion.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four explosions followed, and four more deep cuts appeared on the scorpion's body, with dark blood gushing out continuously.

"No, it's time to run away." The scorpion began to retreat.

But how could the monks around give up? Seeing the scorpion's momentum weaken, the fighting power of these people became more vigorous, and they howled and launched more powerful attacks.

The long sword in Mo Xigui's hand exploded violently, turning into a rain of swords all over the sky. When approaching the scorpion, he suddenly closed his sword, and the sword light swept across, cutting off a sharp foot close to the scorpion's foot pincer.


The fiery red streamer drew an arc in the air, and a violent breath emanated, as if the blood was burning.

Puff! Ding!

The blood-red spear heavily nailed the scorpion to the ground. It was the demon girl who seized the opportunity to attack.

Chi chi chi chi!

The last venom in the scorpion's body was all sprayed out, avoiding all the surrounding monks. It kept roaring and exerting force, but it couldn't break free from the power of the blood-colored spear on itself.

At the same time, a suction force emanated from the blood-colored spear, and the blood that was originally flowing out contracted sharply and was sucked into the spear.

"What kind of weapon is this?" Feeling the rapid loss of power in the body, this ferocious monster was extremely frightened.

Seeing that this huge scorpion was about to be killed by the demon girl, Chen Feng and Xiao Yin finally took action.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Invisible waves suddenly fell from the sky and rushed around in a fan shape. It was Xiao Yin who used the power of the treasure cave soul flute.

This sound wave was silent and did not have much killing power, but it directly acted on the depths of people's souls, giving people a strong hypnotic effect. Even masters of the level of the demon girl felt a trance.

"Wake up quickly." The old voice exploded directly in the mind of the demon girl, making the demon girl wake up immediately.

At this time, a vague figure quickly appeared in front of the scorpion. A flash of sword light passed by, and the scorpion's high tail needle was neatly cut off, and then disappeared.

"Looking for death!"

Seeing the action of the person coming, Mo Ji was immediately angry. She and others worked hard to fight monsters, and they were about to succeed, but they were blocked and killed by someone. For the arrogant Mo Ji, this was an unbearable thing.

Mo Ji waved her hand and was about to collect the blood-colored spear to kill the other party, but suddenly found that the other party did a move that she could never have imagined.

This somewhat vague figure was Chen Feng who quickly escaped from the invisibility talisman. It was because he was contaminated with the breath of the invisibility talisman just now that his figure was still a little blurry in the eyes of others.

Just now, the scorpion sprayed venom with all its strength to force everyone away, which gave Chen Feng a chance, so Xiao Yin used the treasure to stop others, and Chen Feng attacked directly, and cut off the scorpion's tail stinger with a thunderbolt.

Excited Chen Feng then did something that almost made the Demon Girl explode. He quickly stretched out his big hand and grabbed the blood-red spear that was still stuck in the Demon Scorpion.

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