Eternal Existence

Chapter 157: Snatch

Chen Feng was still not satisfied after cutting off the tail needle of the demon scorpion, and even wanted to take away the magic weapon of the demon princess.

And Chen Feng did succeed. Chen Feng was so fast that no one could react. He grabbed the blood-colored spear stuck in the demon scorpion and pulled it out.

The moment he grabbed the magic weapon, Chen Feng felt a strong and violent bloody aura entering his body, causing his blood, true energy and even soul power to riot.

"Such a strong magic weapon, I can't control it for a while." Chen Feng thought to himself, and then he threw the blood-colored spear into the Longevity Tower with a thought.

"Tower, help me suppress it." Chen Feng said in a voice transmission. Chen Feng knew that the tower was not asleep now and had been observing every move around.

"No problem." The tower said simply and straightforwardly, and then a stone tablet quickly condensed and directly suppressed the magic weapon. Under the restraint of various restrictions, the bloodthirsty aura emitted by the magic weapon was also restrained.

"Looking for death!" Seeing Chen Feng suddenly take away his weapon, Mo Ji was extremely angry. Just as she was about to step forward to attack, someone was faster than her. It was the old man who had been hiding beside Mo Ji and acting as a guard.

The moment Chen Feng took away the blood-colored spear, the old man took action, because in his eyes, the timing of the sudden appearance of the young man was too coincidental, which meant that the other party had been hiding around, but he did not notice it. This made the old man feel a little bad.

Moreover, no matter what, he could not let the other party take away the powerful magic weapon of Blood Soul.

The old man hidden in the air just grabbed Chen Feng from a distance, and Chen Feng immediately felt the air flow around him surging, and strange forces bound him from all directions, making him unable to move.

"This is the power of space. The other party really has a cultivator of the Heavenly Man Realm hiding in the dark." Chen Feng was shocked.

You must know that only cultivators of the Heavenly Man Realm can mobilize the power of heaven and earth and comprehend the mysteries of space. Even if the cultivators of the Secret Realm are against the sky, they must rely on the power of magic weapons.

"Brother Chen, be careful. This is an attack launched by a cultivator in the Heavenly Man Realm." At this time, Xiao Yin's voice also came over.

"I had expected this situation to happen. I must take this magic weapon away. Even a master in the Heavenly Man Realm cannot stop it." Chen Feng sneered, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword flew out of his body quickly, constantly shuttling around himself, cutting the surrounding space power one after another, and Chen Feng immediately regained his freedom.

"It's time to go." Chen Feng shouted, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword was fiercely powerful. It was fiercely aimed at the void, and another dark hole was opened.

It turned out that Chen Feng and Xiao Yin found the forbidden passage when they were hiding.

"It's not that easy to leave."

The Heavenly Man Realm cultivator's move was simply earth-shattering. Seeing that his attack was dispersed by Chen Feng, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, and then he pressed his big hand, and the space around Chen Feng was imprisoned as a whole, just like a cage trapping Chen Feng in the middle.


The Haoran Zhen Gang Sword slashed at the void again, but the old man hidden in the void pointed his finger, and a ball of lightning exploded in the air, causing the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword to roll over and over. Chen Feng felt his mind shaken and almost lost control of the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword.

"The power of heavenly thunder, this guy has already survived the thunder tribulation, hurry up, even if you have two treasures, you are not his opponent." Ta said quickly.

"Of course I won't fight this kind of person head-on, but it's impossible to catch me." Chen Feng sneered.

"Boy, come here." The old man opened his five fingers, condensed a strong suction force, and quickly grabbed Chen Feng.


A powerful roar suddenly came from in front of Chen Feng, and the sound wave that almost condensed into substance swept around with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops.

The hard ground and rocks quickly developed spider-web-like cracks. Some of the weaker cultivators even bled from all seven orifices. The two closest cultivators were even hit by the sound wave and flew out, hitting the stone wall in the distance.

A silver-shining one-horned dragon suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Its powerful roar immediately injured the surrounding cultivators and shattered the confinement space around Chen Feng.

At the same time, a stream of demonic winds rose from the ground and swept towards the old man who was attacking.

"What, another big demon." The old man was surprised, and his movement to grab Chen Feng suddenly slowed down.

"Mad python electric snake!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Two huge pythons formed entirely by the power of purple lightning roared and twisted and separated from the purple lightning silver dragon, entwined with each other and attacked the old man.

This is the ultimate move of the purple lightning silver dragon. Facing such a strong power, the old man's face became extremely solemn, and he no longer had the time to capture Chen Feng, because if he didn't handle it well, even he would be injured. At the same time, because of the strong pressure he faced, the old man could no longer hide, but quickly revealed his figure.

"Black Water Handprint."

The old man's hands kept changing, and in the blink of an eye, he formed hundreds of handprints. Two huge black handprints suddenly appeared in the air. These two handprints seemed to be condensed from flowing water, and a large amount of water elemental power flowed in them.

Facing the attack of two huge electric snakes, these two huge handprints grabbed the two attacks in their hands, and no matter how the two thick electric snakes twisted continuously, they could not break free from the grasp of the palm.

"Go quickly." Chen Feng shouted to Xiao Yin in the distance.

"I'm here."

The space in front of Chen Feng twisted, and Xiao Yin slowly emerged from the void.

"Where are you going?"

At this time, the Demon Princess also came up, but she didn't know when she had a long sword emitting thick black energy in her hand, which was also a treasure.

The long black sword energy accompanied the Demon Princess's cry and slashed straight at Chen Feng. Wherever it passed, even the space was cut open, and the ground was neatly blown into a long gully, which was even more powerful than the blood-colored spear just now.

"Good guy, this woman has a lot of good things." Chen Feng said in his heart.

The Haoran Zhen Gang Sword kept turning above Chen Feng's head. Every time it turned, it would shoot out a condensed sword energy, attacking the surrounding cultivators like a string of arrows.

All the cultivators, including Mo Xigui, were in a panic due to the attack, and even a few were injured and fell to the ground.

At this time, seeing the Demon Princess suddenly coming with a treasure, Chen Feng knew that he would definitely not be able to stop this attack with the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword. As long as he was stopped, he would not be able to get away next.

"Purple Lightning, it's up to you." Chen Feng whispered.


The Purple Lightning Silver Lightning Dragon seemed a little dissatisfied, but could not resist Chen Feng's order. After a roar, the horn on its head shot out three lightning bolts in a row, one of which blocked the attack of the Demon Princess, and the other two struck the old man in the Heaven Realm.

Crackling! Crackling!

A large amount of purple lightning shot out from Chen Feng's brow, followed by dozens of Fire God Crows, and then several Earth Demon Beasts.

Although these things did not pose much threat to the Demon Princess and others, Chen Feng suddenly released them now, making the scene in front of him even more chaotic.

"Mo Ji, this time you lied to us first, this spear is just a little bit of interest, you have to remember that you still owe me a treasure, I will ask you for it later, you have more people today, fight here first." Chen Feng laughed.

"No, they want to escape, old man, stop them." The Demon Princess couldn't help shouting.

"I'm afraid we can't stop them." After the old man dispersed all the attacks in front of him, he found that Chen Feng and Xiao Yin had disappeared, leaving only a messy scene. Even the black passage opened by Chen Feng had closed.

Then everyone attacked together and cleared all the thunder, fire crows, and earth monsters.

"Where did these two people come from?" An injured monk couldn't help shouting.

"I remember those two people came with us. Let's catch up with them. I want to teach these two bastards a lesson."

The attack methods displayed by Chen Feng and Xiao Yin just now hurt these people more or less. Although no one died, they were all covered in dust and their self-esteem was severely hit. Their faces were extremely ugly.

Even Mo Xigui and several powerful monks looked a little ugly. Just now, everyone was in a mess because they didn't fight back and were hit by the sudden attack.

"It's suicide to chase them. They have at least two treasures and a big demon as a thug. If we didn't have a master of the Heaven Realm, they could easily slaughter us." Mo Xigui regained his composure and looked at the furious Mo Ji not far away.

At this time, Mo Ji had already lost her calm expression. She walked back and forth in front of the old man, stomping her feet constantly, but she had no way to do anything.

"I want to catch these two guys." Finally, Mo Ji calmed down, but still gritted her teeth and said.

"Don't talk about whether we can find them. Even if we catch up, it's a bit difficult to capture them." The old man said calmly.

"Old man, you are a master who has survived the thunder tribulation. Can't you deal with those two little cultivators in the secret realm?" Mo Ji was a little dissatisfied.

"I just survived a thunder tribulation. The big monster just now was a purple lightning silver light dragon, born with thunder and lightning magic. If we really fight, I may not win. Moreover, they have high-level invisibility talismans on them, even I was deceived. If I guess correctly, the other boy should have the treasure of the Demon Sound Sect, the Cave Soul Flute." The old man said slowly.

"Is the other party from the Demon Sound Sect?" Mo Ji asked doubtfully.

"At least one of them is. Although the boy who tried to rob your blood soul is not very skilled, he has also integrated a treasure. However, it would be fine if the other party just robbed the tail needle of the demon scorpion, but they also robbed your blood soul. It is still easy for us to find them." The old man suddenly laughed.

"Yes, how could I forget that there is a connection between me and the blood soul. Humph! You dare to rob my things. You really don't know whether you live or die. Next, I will let you see my methods." Mo Ji's cold face was full of murderous intent.

With a fierce swing of the Demon Sword in her hand, the space in front of her was cut open, and the black passage appeared again.

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