Eternal Existence

Chapter 155: High-level Monster


The blood-red spear flew out of his hand and turned into a residual image, nailing the scorpion to the ground. A bloodthirsty breath filled the air. The scorpion was sucked dry of blood by the blood-red spear, and lay shriveled on the ground, with its vitality dissipated.

The mouth of the rescued young man was filled with pills, and several people came forward to use their own true essence to heal the wounds, but they still failed to save this person.

"It's a pity. If he had condensed the soul fire, he could have been saved. Now his vitality is completely destroyed by the venom, and even his mind is polluted by the venom." Mo Xigui shook his head and said.

Mo Ji frowned, and soon regained her composure. The dead man came from a medium-sized immortal sect. Although she was not afraid, there would be some small troubles after all.

"I'll take his body back, and it can be regarded as an explanation." Mo Ji thought about it and put the man into the flying warship.

"Be careful."

At this time, Mo Xigui suddenly moved, and a sword aura condensed into substance stabbed at a cultivator.

"You are crazy." The cultivator was shocked.

Who knew that when the sword aura was about to stab this person, it suddenly turned and knocked away a scorpion that crawled out from nowhere next to it.


The hard scorpion was actually blown into pieces by Mo Xigui's sword energy, and the fishy smell spread, suffocating people.

The war began.

Three-foot-long scorpions kept appearing in everyone's sight, with sharp poisonous needles and highly corrosive venom attacking everyone crazily, and several fierce scorpions waved their sharp claws and launched a close combat.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The flying sword's series of attacks only left a bunch of sparks on the scorpion, which further stimulated the ferocity of this monster. The tail was raised and swung violently, and the poison needle with black light came out of the body, breaking through the man's qi and piercing his shoulder.

"Quickly hold the blood." The demon girl waved her hand, and a ball of fire hit the man, burning the poison needle clean, and at the same time, a round hole was burned on the shoulder by the flame.

The pain made the monk grin and sweat all over his body, but he knew that he had saved his life.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

There were no idea how many scorpions there were on the ground, and countless tail needles swept towards everyone like a rain of arrows.


Another person was pierced in the chest, and there was no time to rescue him. The violent poison gas took his life in an instant.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Every time the Demon Princess swung the magic weapon in her hand, a demon scorpion would be nailed to death, and the blood and essence in its body would be absorbed completely.

This magic weapon itself has an innate deterrent effect on these monsters, and coupled with the grade of the treasure, these demon scorpions were killed one by one with almost no resistance.

The four guards around the Demon Princess still did not take action, but just guarded the Demon Princess step by step. Unless a demon scorpion quietly drilled out from the ground, someone would draw a sword and burst out a powerful sword aura to fight the demon scorpion in half.

Some young flower protectors with high cultivation, such as Mo Xigui, also began to use their own tricks, constantly killing the surrounding demon scorpions.

"Flame Palm."

The huge flaming palm swept away three demon scorpions in a row. The three demon scorpions were on fire and soon burned with crackling sounds.

"Hahaha, these demon scorpions are only good at sneak attacks, but their combat effectiveness is not strong at all." The cultivator laughed proudly.


The huge claws closed suddenly, cutting off the monk's left leg. A scorpion with bloodshot eyes emerged from the ground.


The monk screamed, ignoring the poison needles that were stabbing at him.


A flying sword flashed quickly, knocking the scorpion away, and the monk next to him took action.

"You idiot, be careful, I won't save you next time." The man cursed.

"Hey! I didn't expect that these monks from the immortal sects are also good-for-nothings." Mo Ji sneered at this scene.

However, the overall combat effectiveness of these monks is still very strong, especially some of them have cultivation and killing methods that are not inferior to Mo Xigui. After a rush, the crowd killed these scorpions cleanly, leaving only corpses on the ground.

"It's a pity that the level of these scorpions is too low. If they were a little higher, they could practice their poison needles into magic weapons." At this time, a monk shook his head and said.

Generally, after killing powerful monsters, cultivators will use the materials from these monsters to refine magic weapons. The more ferocious the monster is, the higher the grade of the magic weapon refined from its flesh, bones, and claws. When fighting against the enemy, the attribute power of the monster will be stimulated.

Although all these scorpions were killed, the face of the demon princess became more solemn. Mo Xigui and other cultivators with high cultivation also felt an unusual breath spreading out.


The demon princess shouted, and the magic weapon in her hand stabbed the ground fiercely. The powerful force penetrated the hard ground and hit deep.

Rumble! Rumble!

The dull sound continued to come, and the soil and rocks of unknown depth were shattered. The bloodthirsty and soul-devouring breath on the blood-colored spear made the surrounding cultivators avoid it.

"What a powerful magic weapon. I wonder how Mo Ji controls it." Mo Xigui was secretly surprised. If the target of this attack was himself, he would not have taken it. The bloodthirsty breath emitted by this magic weapon alone was enough to affect his mind.

"What's down there? Is there a scorpion?" a cultivator shouted.

"There's another big guy." Mo Ji said in a deep voice, her face extremely solemn.

Without Mo Ji speaking, others began to feel a strong and bloodthirsty breath surging from the ground. The opponent had not come out yet, and this strong breath alone affected everyone's mind.


A dull sound came, and the magic weapon inserted into the ground was actually blown away by the huge force and deeply inserted into the rock on the side.

"Is there a big demon down there?" someone shouted.


A dark and shiny spike suddenly drilled out from the ground, and then a series of sharp air blades emanated from the spike, which was sharper than a flying sword, and shot towards everyone.

"Be careful, get out of the way."

Everyone was shocked. They had never seen such an attack before. Several people had no time to dodge and were injured by the attack of these energies, with blood holes on their bodies.

These energies made deep pits in the surrounding hard walls. Suddenly, everyone was in a panic, and they were all solemnly alert, waiting for the monsters that would appear below.


A huge deep pit suddenly exploded on the ground, and the earth and rocks flew everywhere. The fierce breath hit the monks around and made them unable to open their eyes.


The huge pincers closed, and a monk was cut off in the middle. Before he could shout, his sea of ​​consciousness was blown up by the bloodthirsty breath, and even the soul fire in the sea of ​​consciousness was dispersed.

"Such a big scorpion." This time, it was Mo Xigui, who had always been very calm, who exclaimed.

I saw a black scorpion about ten feet long drilled out from the ground. As soon as it came out, it used its wide and powerful front feet to clamp a monk who had condensed the soul fire to death.


The sharp poison needle rotated and pierced through Mo Xigui. Before Mo Xigui could react, he felt the hair on his body stand up.

"Get out of the way!"

Mo Xigui had only this thought in his mind, and at the same time, he stimulated his potential. He felt that he had never been so fast before. His speed was actually improved to a higher level at this critical moment.

Mo Xigui dodged.


Silently, the rapidly rotating poison needle sank deeply into the hard rock. The surrounding rocks suddenly became more fragile than tofu. The whole rock turned into fine quicksand. The quicksand fell into the stone wall, and a dark hole with a square size of one foot and a depth of ten feet appeared on the stone wall.

"Good guy, if I get hit this time, I will definitely die." Mo Xigui was scared and sweated.


After a failed attack, the huge scorpion attacked another monk again. The poison needle flashed, as if a black lightning flashed across the sky. The extremely sharp poison needle was in front of another monk again.

This cultivator was also extraordinary. He blocked the flying sword hovering above his head by feeling.

At the same time, Mo Ji and the four sword-carrying guards behind him all took action. The powerful blood-colored magic weapon and four condensed swords slashed at the huge scorpion.


The flying sword exploded and turned into fragments all over the sky.

Feeling the cold rushing into his body, the cultivator sighed: "It's over, I'm definitely dead this time."

Who knew that the poison needle was about to pierce this person and suddenly retracted. After a series of noises, the flexible and hard poison needle collided with the attacks of Mo Ji and others.

"Huh! I saved my life." The cultivator took a deep breath.

"You! You! You!"

When he looked up, the cultivator saw that the people around him looked at him with horrified eyes, and pointed their fingers at him.

"What's wrong, what happened." The cultivator was a little confused, but instinctively felt that something bad had happened to him.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw a black hole on his chest. The blood that flowed out turned black immediately, and thick and smelly blood continued to flow out of the blood hole.

At the same time, the blood hole was still expanding. Before he could figure out what was going on, he felt a bright light in front of his eyes, and the huge blood hole became transparent.


The monk screamed and rolled on the ground, and at the same time a ball of soul fire escaped from his mind.

The fight ended briefly, and the scorpion lay quietly on the ground, looking at everyone indifferently with blood-red eyes, and the flexible poison needle kept swinging, as if it would launch an attack at any time.

The demon girl had a solemn face, holding the blood-red spear tightly in her hand, and four guards lined up beside her, with a strong sword aura emanating from her body.

"The flying sword of that man just now was a seventh-grade magic weapon, which was easily pierced, and he also used poison needles to block the attack of the treasure in my hand. At the same time, there were four sword auras. This demon scorpion is not just hard all over. From the process of the fight just now, it is not difficult to see that this demon scorpion has probably cultivated some combat secrets." Mo Ji looked at the demon scorpion in front of her and kept turning one thought after another in her mind.

"Be careful, although this demon scorpion has not cultivated to the level of a great demon, it is not far away. It is a very powerful demon beast." The old voice sounded in Mo Ji's ears again.

"It turns out it's not a big monster. It's easy to deal with it." Mo Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't be careless. The poisonous needle at the tail of this demon scorpion is a treasure. There is a high probability that it can be refined into a treasure. How about I help you?" The old voice laughed.

"No, if it's not a big monster, I can handle it. I haven't found a treasure, but killing such a monster is also a gain. Besides, the venom in this demon scorpion is also very precious." Mo Ji said nonchalantly.

Not far from the battle site, about a hundred feet away, Chen Feng and Xiao Yin were hiding behind a rock as high as a person, carefully checking the situation ahead.

"It's really lively. I didn't expect such a big demon scorpion to suddenly appear. Tsk tsk, this is a high-level demon beast. If it practices for a while, it is hard to guarantee that it will not evolve into a big monster. But it will die here today. What a pity! What a pity!" Xiao Yin said in a low voice, with a hint of teasing in his voice.

"It's nothing to regret, but they took action, which saved us some effort." Chen Feng laughed, his eyes kept rolling, and it was obvious that he was thinking of something.

"By the way, does your invisibility talisman work? Don't let the other party find out?" Chen Feng stretched his head out to look at the confrontation in front of him and said in a low voice.

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